Skill Based Match Making in FGC vs FPS

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Ive been noticing top level FPS content creators slamming skill based match making and wondering why and I realized why.

Комментарии • 56

  • @KeyJOSH8
    @KeyJOSH8 Год назад +30

    As an FGC guy who recently got back into COD after dropping off post MW2 (2009), I'll give my most charitable defense of the COD community.
    In the FGC, we get enjoyment from fighting tough opponents because they challenge us to see what we're doing wrong, learn from their impressive show of skill, and adapt and improve. In games like COD, you're given almost no pointers as to why you lost a gunfight, and it's almost impossible to tell whether your improving. A dude kills you and you don't know what their gun build was, you can barely make out their shot accuracy on the out-of-sync killcams, and you're given no indication of what their skill level is so it's hard to tell whether you were outplayed or just got unlucky. We probably all have a memory of either us or someone we know being frustrated after getting absolutely destroyed in a fighting game that we don't yet understand very well and having no idea how we're getting beaten or what we're doing wrong. Worse yet, once you improve, the game will quietly put you in a higher skilled lobby without any indication or reward showing that "hey, you just leveled up", so when you're getting better, it actually feels like you're getting worse as you're dying more often.
    I think three things need to happen:
    1. FPS games need actual visible skill rankings so people can track their improvement and replace that shitty feeling of "wow I'm suddenly getting destroyed by everyone!" with the good feeling of "wow, I just ranked up to Platinum!". There should probably also be casual queues with more lenient sbmm for those who want to chill for a bit and not worry about ranking down.
    2. The FPS community needs to drop the mindset of a 'good game' only being one where you get 7 k/d. In the era of SBMM, k/d is not the measure of skill that it used to be. The player who goes 10 and 8 in a high skill lobby is more impressive than the player who goes 10 and 0 in a low skill lobby. Visible rankings might help the community adjust to this way of thinking.
    3. Would be nice to have tools which make it easier to reflect on lost gunfights and figure out how to improve, such as replay editors with shot damage and accuracy stat tools, or tutorial modes which explain higher level concepts like map knowledge, positioning, and advanced movement techniques. In other words, take a look at what fighting games do.

    • @Pikastation28
      @Pikastation28 Год назад +1


    • @pimpmasterfuture9400
      @pimpmasterfuture9400 3 месяца назад

      Bro there is a ranked mode in cod where you can see the difference in skill level between you and the enemy. The problem is that you often times face the same calibre of player ranked or not.

    • @D_Jilla
      @D_Jilla 26 дней назад

      I appreciate this analysis, but I think cod is not a good example, as someone who just started playing cod again after years. MW3 has gone so much into the casual aspect that it's not a game you should take any competitive seriousness in. At level one on new account they put me with other other low levels- At least, that's what I would say if matchmaking made sense. I was matched with level 1000, 500's, 300's, etc. Only thing I have is decent aim on M&Kb, but these people have crazy mobility builds where they slide, and jump around like a ninja. Not to mention their guns and upgrades on their guns. The game is ultra casual and I treat is as such and have fun accordingly.

  • @morganagod
    @morganagod Год назад +12

    Thumbnail is the most accurate thing ever.

  • @jlobsteroll
    @jlobsteroll Год назад +7

    Imagine big streamers who have a massive sub base are thinking when they play games that they aren’t superior at? They probably would be super worried that it would affect their pockets over anything. Folks who sub to them sub because of their superiority and the smashing. Most would probably stop subbing if they are not the top dog. You are right kenny

  • @TForgery
    @TForgery Год назад +15

    This is why I'm so anti-smurfing/anti-tanking. "I wanna see someone crush their opponents" yeah okay but that guy hopping on doesn't deserve that. They deserve a good play experience as well! They have the same buy-in.

    • @TForgery
      @TForgery Год назад +8

      And like lmao "I'm playing against all these sweats" buddy *you're* just as sweaty as they are. That's how this works.

    • @jonteguy
      @jonteguy Год назад +6

      @@TForgery It's so funny they don't realize this. They literally do this for a living and they think people play more than they do, they don't. They might actually just be better.

    • @vaderwalks
      @vaderwalks Год назад +4

      @Forge you're absolutely right, but a lot of successful streamers don't see it that way. It's easy for them to become entitled and convince themselves that the game exists for their benefit, and that Average Joes are just fuel for their clips and compilations.

  • @luckandcharisma1144
    @luckandcharisma1144 Год назад +5

    My personal gripe with SBMM in FPS casual modes and not Fighting games is I can’t experiment with new guns or joke builds without having a generally bad time cause of getting into matches with nothing but insane meta builds. Back in BO2 I would run around with nothing but a riot shield and double c4 and loving just dicking around cause I could still do ok cause everyone on the enemy team wasn’t playing quick play like an pro team tryout. So in games where casual mode has SBMM, you’ll end up being forced to meta strats and having to play way more serious cause otherwise you’ll just get stomped. So maybe not speaking from a streaming perspective, but I think most people like myself with a k/d between 1 and 2, they just wish casual mode was just open and ranked had SBMM

    • @93msimpson
      @93msimpson Год назад +2

      Isn't that kind of similar to learning a new character in fighting games? When I try learning a new character in Guilty Gear I usually go on a losing streak until I get demoted to like floor 8 or something because eveyone is playing their mains at the top floors.

    • @93msimpson
      @93msimpson Год назад +1

      I guess it really depends on how SBMM works for shooters. If you go on a loss streak you should eventually be put in a more casual lobby if the SBMM is working right.

    • @luckandcharisma1144
      @luckandcharisma1144 Год назад

      @@93msimpson Yeah it is similar, but I think it comes from a different place. I can’t speak for everyone against SBMM, but most people I know from a COD perspective is simply cause they don’t wanna stress about having “equal skilled opponents” when all they wanna do is ninja defuse in Search and Destroy or do sniper trick shots. COD appeals to a way more casual audience than any fighting game and most people don’t play to win, but that doesn’t mean they wanna lose 10 times in a row til the point you get paired with people bad enough that even without trying you can absolutely destroy them. A majority of FPS players in general just don’t wanna get good, they wanna dick around and have fun. However in fighting games the entire appeal is to train and get stronger and become as good as you can. Even if I’m learning a new character, I don’t wanna play against bad players cause you don’t learn anything or worse can enforce bad habits that actually won’t work against anyone actually good.

    • @playrax
      @playrax Месяц назад +1

      Black ops 2 had sbmm btw

  • @greenin5537
    @greenin5537 Год назад +4

    Yeah idk why that guy generalized sbmm being bad on all games, if he just wanted to own people in deatmatch or battle Royale FPS. It wouldn't make sense in actual competitive tactical shooters like csgo, Valorant, rainbow six, etc. You would just be mad all day because you got 4 bronzes in your team against 5 diamond+ players... Oh wait

  • @gerardesc7221
    @gerardesc7221 6 месяцев назад +1

    Man as an FG player I think it´s really fun to hear the FPS perspective on this subject, but I think we really come from different backgrounds. I remember that the first time someone taught how to made a special move on KOF 98 I was baffled and that hooked me up, I really wanted to be good at the game. But on games like COD I never understood how people can use Aim Assist and feel proud of their aim, isn´t the porpuse of the game to actually aim? how can you feel proud of something you didn´t do a 100%? how can you talk trash? It´s really a different community with a different mindset.

  • @triq5047
    @triq5047 Год назад +9

    I think the issue isn't so much that people want to pub stomp but that SBMM doesn't work as intended. I've played FPS's for a while and would love to play with friends that want to learn but based off SBMM that fact that we partied up and one of us has a decent K/D means we are playing in lobbies with top players which just isn't a welcoming environment to new comers.

  • @Griever49
    @Griever49 Год назад +12

    they want to make content that is all "I dominate this lobby" or stuff like that without actually trying

    • @jonteguy
      @jonteguy Год назад +4

      Make the experience less fun for 9 people but 1 person have more fun. Their takes are so shit it's crazy.
      Imagine if these guys were actually game developers. As a game dev in Sweden I can't stop laughing at these guys making these statements but at the same time be sad.

    • @TheCrystalBlood
      @TheCrystalBlood 26 дней назад

      You can still have good games with SBMM. You just need to put in some actual work and earn it. Having this victim mindset of "oh, playing people on my skill-level is so hard, they are so sweaty and tryhard. It's so unfair wah wah wah". How about you just get actually good and improve enough, that you can drop 30 bombs on people that are around your skill-level. If even someone like I can do it, anyone can do it. Not saying I dominate every lobby, but once in a while, I can pop off. As can anyone.

  • @wildcard7075
    @wildcard7075 Год назад +1

    this is great content. keep up the good work, kenny.

  • @catpirate9583
    @catpirate9583 Год назад +5

    I don't think SBMM is a bad thing I just think it's implemented badly. In my case with CoD my matches never feel consistent one lobby I will do okay then the next lobby it throws me into I get destroyed and it will be like that the entire time I play, your idea of actually giving players a choice would be fantastic but I doubt they will implement anything like that.

    • @jonteguy
      @jonteguy Год назад

      It's not even implemented badly, he's talking about this from a streamers perspective, he's saying he don't want shitty viewers to call him trash, that's a minority. Most people don't have a big ass chat telling them they suck.
      Until you have a decent amount of games skill-based matchmaking won't be accurate, it needs data and the more you play the more accurate it will get.

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL Месяц назад

      It's implemented extremely poorly, one game I'm getting 30+ kills, next game I'm getting stomped by a 6-stack of Koreans, I rarely fight people on my level and it's very annoying

    • @lampad4549
      @lampad4549 4 дня назад

      ​@@ultimateDOOMPOOL so then why are people complaining if it is just like regular matchmaking?

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

      @@lampad4549 people stopped complaining about it because they stopped playing entirely. Example: ME

  • @YourDevastator
    @YourDevastator Год назад +2

    Thanks for having me on the Twitter space, brosef!
    I only watch streamers around my age. As in, you, Max, DrDisrespect, TimTheTatman, Dr.Lupo, etc. Zlaner being the exception, with him being in his 20's.
    The big thing they really are pissed at regarding SBMM is that it is in every lobby. There isn't a causal / wild Playlist were it just MM off of best connection.
    They feel it should only be in ranked league / playlists. Where there is a viewable rank and rewards to be earned exclusive to it. Doc and Timmy, for example, definitely like playing ranked games. Doc plays ranked Apex, grinding for rank.
    Timmy loves ranked Overwatch.
    They like / want the option. And I would agree with that. I like the option to jump into sweaty sweaty ranked playlists OR just causal.
    Now I can't speak to what younger content creators want regarding SBMM cuz I don't engage with their content at all. They could very well just want to slaughter noobs and call it their content lol.
    But at least for me, DrDisrespect and TimTheTatman, I know they prefer to have the option.

  • @jonteguy
    @jonteguy Год назад +2

    They want to play versus people worse than them and make them not have fun, what a shit take to have as a streamer honestly. How are you supposed to know you are even good at the game if you match up against people at random?
    I really hope game-devs are not listening to this. I'm sure they realize that it's a very toxic take. "Yeah I just want to kill people and not be killed as much because I'm facing people who are worse than me." Oh yeah? Isn't it more fun to kill people that you know are good?
    I'm glad these idiots are not game developers, we would have the worst games.
    Also saying that it's killing video games is such a lie, they are more popular than ever, Valorant and CS:GO both have skill-based matchmaking as well and those two are 2 of the biggest FPS games out there along with Fortnite which also has it.

  • @connormclerren3052
    @connormclerren3052 Год назад +1

    I will never understand the entertainment value of watching a game where one player just crubstomp a bunch of guys. It’s not exciting. I wanna see skilled players duke it out, and it’s more beneficial to see how legit players play and learn from them.

  • @DDGLK92
    @DDGLK92 Год назад +1

    For me especially in Apex is more like I just want to fight people in my skill level and not 2-3 ranks above mine. SBMM is fine it implemented well.

  • @HighTierMike
    @HighTierMike Год назад +4

    when you play in the FGC you are just yourself playing against just one person at a time.
    FPS is almost all team based. team death match 6v6, your other 5 teammates can be literally BOTS thanks to SBMM and the other team can all have high K.D.s because SBMM’s logic sees that to be fair

  • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
    @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

    23:35 EXACTLY, why not have both?

  • @wallstbet
    @wallstbet 8 месяцев назад

    The last word in Destiny 2 is pretty good per my last video - another steam sale - requires forsaken dlc - obviously I do lightfall dlc as a hunter to get the threadrunner class then witch queen dlc to level then Trials of osiris bounties with crucible double counting and season of wish stuff like wish keeper bow week 4
    Final shape comes out June

  • @punishedfist
    @punishedfist Год назад +1

    I think it would be banter to have options available where have skill based matched making but you also have a mode where everyone is put together but if your ranking is higher in comparison to others on that session, you have less health etc. Then you would still feel like a boss if you did win, and likewise newer players have a better crack at you.

  • @greatestgamer00
    @greatestgamer00 Год назад +2

    the chad FGC versus the virgin cod player

  • @1wayroad935
    @1wayroad935 Год назад

    Meanwhile on the Brood War/StarCraft 2 Ladder...

  • @tonio1193
    @tonio1193 Год назад +1

    Sounds like Call of Duty isn't fun at higher levels

  • @foehammerTrance
    @foehammerTrance Год назад +2

    I have two words for these CoD content creators. Git gud. Don't want to get stomped on? Get better. Want to dominate a lobby? Earn it.

  • @evilleader1991
    @evilleader1991 Месяц назад +1

    Damn you must be really intelligent because you see right through the BS and copium from these streamers 😅.

  • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
    @ultimateDOOMPOOL Месяц назад

    SBMM isn't inherently bad, the problem is how it's implemented. Imagine in SF6 after winning 2 games in gold rank, you get matched w/ master ranked players from Japan and get blown up, that's what happens in COD and that's the problem. Are there high ranked players who just want to pub stomp, yes and that's a problem but players who are in the upper 50%-75% have the worst time because we never get matched with our own rank in COD. We either get matched with brain dead players or top tier streamers, this doesn't happen in SF6.

    • @lampad4549
      @lampad4549 4 дня назад

      That just sounds like regular match making then.

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

      @lampad4549 No it doesn't. If you beat gold players you should fight platinum players, not people 3-5 tiers better than you to make you lose.(attempting to ENFORCE a 50% winrate)
      When the upper-mid tier level of players leave because they're tired of the absolute yo-yoing/ rubberbanding of SBMM it will the lower tier players who suffer the most. At least players at my level don't dashboard constantly, that's the problem with bottom tier players. They put zero effort into TRYING to learn the game and quit when they run into the *slightest* obstacle.

  • @emreekcreative6073
    @emreekcreative6073 26 дней назад

    1v1 ≠ 1v11

  • @sureillbite
    @sureillbite Год назад

    Think about it in terms of culture. You wouldn't go to a different country and start saying "you're doing this wrong." COD doesn't see SBMM the same way as other games.

  • @2MuchMoneyOutHere
    @2MuchMoneyOutHere 3 месяца назад +1

    SBMM takes its toll on the game as a causal player. It also turns away new players. In MK1 for example you see the same teams over and over. Then you start to play the same people over and over because the casual fan has left the game.

  • @ALEX19960609
    @ALEX19960609 Год назад

    Skill based matchmaking in COD sucks because they are doing it wrong. Sometimes streamers get their team filled with less skilled players and they play against entire team of people of their skill and they are like "Shit, I can't win and carry those losers, SBMM sucks, I want losers on enemy team and my team equal to me"

    • @lampad4549
      @lampad4549 4 дня назад

      Sounds like regular matchmaking then

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

      ​@lampad4549 Why defend poorly optimized SBMM? Again, SBMM isn't *inherently* bad. The problem is HOW it's implemented in games like Cod. The Fgc does it better.

  • @edwinstrikedown4454
    @edwinstrikedown4454 Год назад

    Both sides are to blame for the lack of "FUN" in video games shit is not fun anymore....

  • @onehandstance
    @onehandstance 7 месяцев назад

    There's fighting games that don't have this. Ur low rank. Play a high rank

  • @JustChillinOnThe5thFloor
    @JustChillinOnThe5thFloor Год назад

    In defense of the fps community. Cod, LoL, OW and Apex take all your data and set the odds against you just to make you have a rough time not a fun hard time.
    Like if I get one of the good stomp a lobby games in Apex I'll get a harder lobby yes but I'll also get players worse then me on my squad....
    OW wanted to keep you at 50-60%
    They take a lot of our game data from first input to the end to accuracy but you keep handing me a squad/group that doesn't gel with me. Your recording my voice to improve the exp but damn why am I paired with ricest ppl that have open mics
    If it felt more like a natural MMR and not just handing me heavy ass backpacks and asking me to carry that up hill in the snow both ways. And worst of all im not even that good.
    Last non-MMR or felt natural was Halo 3 and maybe Halo Reach after that i started to feel sus.
    Also its weird that in FGC you have a rematch button and its supposed to be pressed the live and learn from giving or getting that ass whooping. In FPS its start game end game then wash and rinse most if not whole lobby.

    • @lampad4549
      @lampad4549 4 дня назад

      How does that make sense if everyone is having a rough time? Somebody must be having easy time for somebody having a rough time?

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

      ​@@lampad4549Cod will notice that you're on a winstreak and manufacture the next game for you to lose. General example say you're a player in plat about to hit diamond, in Cod *unranked* play the game will match with gold or silver players against mid-diamond players enforcing(heavily influencing) a loss. Doing that makes it harder for you to ACTUALLY climb and "git good".

    • @ultimateDOOMPOOL
      @ultimateDOOMPOOL 3 дня назад

      ​@@lampad4549 The way you make it sound every Cod match is perfectly balanced every game, and that is *DEFINITELY* not true.