Hope some conscientious people in Tamil Nadu would carry out contempt of court proceedings against these DMK elements who have defied court orders. IN case of victimisation of innocent people by police abuse of power, malicious prosecution proceedings ought to be initiated.
Hope some conscientious people in Tamil Nadu would carry out contempt of court proceedings against these DMK elements who have defied court orders. IN case of victimisation of innocent people by police abuse of power, malicious prosecution proceedings ought to be initiated.
400 temples income வருகிறது
பெயின்ட்அடிப்பவனெல்லாம் கோயிலை இடிப்பா னா என்னடா அனியாயம் அக்கிறமம் இதுஎங்குகொண்டுவிடுமோதெரியல