At 3:47 he took AD as √3a which is wrong because just a step earlier he wrote AD^2 = 4a^2 - a^2 which ultimately is = 3a^2 , now considering the last step AD= a√3 not √3a because a here is in square !
Hello Shahla Here we have to find AD and not AD^2 that is why we had taken under root on both sides. The square root of 3a^2 is √3a or a√3 both of which are same.
Sir I salute you vvvvvery best mathod with great speaker love your voice.
Why you are taking BD value as 2a but not any other like 4a or a ??? Can you please clarify it ...
very nice explanation.I just want to suggest you to have bit more confidence
Thank u Sir for helping me 🙋
Yeah man you explained very well 👍 keep it up
Can we take ab=a and bd=a/2 and then apply Pythagoras theorem
Nope because it is complicated
really very thankful to uu
Thnq u sooo mch sir 😊
Thank uhhh so much sir
Thank you Sir
Hii sir mast video
Thanks sir Jo mjh confusion thi vo door ho gai
Super sir
At 3:47 he took AD as √3a which is wrong because just a step earlier he wrote AD^2 = 4a^2 - a^2 which ultimately is = 3a^2 , now considering the last step AD= a√3 not √3a because a here is in square !
Hello Shahla
Here we have to find AD and not AD^2 that is why we had taken under root on both sides.
The square root of 3a^2 is √3a or a√3 both of which are same.
@@PrepOngo at 3:39 have you not taken AD^2 = 4 a^2 - a^2 which gives AD^2 = 3 a^2 which on moving further gives AD = a√3 ?
On precisely stressing the last step at 3:39 is written wrong !!
@@PrepOngo and secondly here you are using Pythagoras theorem ! Which states that (h)^2 = (p)^2 + (b)^2.
shahla Taufeeque
Hello what's wrong in that????
Yyyyyy thats realy good
Bruh 45 degree angle can be easily seen in isosceles triangle ???? wut??
Trigonometric ratio of 30° & 60° :видео.html
Hope it helps
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Seriously 😐
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