Day 15 Marriage Restoration: The Great Physician - Give Thanks for Your Prodigal Prayer

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • We come before You armed with Your word today. Thank You God for Isaiah 53:5 says Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, wickedness, sins, injustices and wrongdoings. Through His wounds and the Blood He shed on the cross, by His stripes we are healed.
    Today we have made an appointment to see the Great Physician. Lord, we thank You for Your prescription, Your word in Mark 2:17 and Exodus 15:26. Thank You that our spouses have been called to repentance. Repentance which has led to living a life according to Your commandments and they have kept Your statues, no disease will be upon them because You are the Lord that heals them.
    Isaiah 53:5, AMP
    But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; the punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.
    Mark 2:17, KJV
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
    Exodus 15:26, KJV
    And said, if thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.
    Psalm 103:3, the Voice
    Despite all your many offenses, He forgives and releases you. More than any doctor, He heals your diseases.
    Jeremiah 17:14, AMP
    Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are my praise.
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