This is THE MOST kerbal thing I have *EVER* seen. Boosters flying like airplanes? Christ, I didn't even realize that's possible, especially with 7.5m fuel tanks.
Actuallly this is a much better concept than starship (i would make the final stage expendable though).... i´ve always found the starship design to be dumb (many points of failure, cant actually lift that much and its not that pretty)
I used the mod FMRS to separately control each vehicle, then just edited in post to get them to play together. Did my best to get the framerates to match real time for each.
That mod is called “Trajectories” in CKAN if I’m remembering right (if not it’s a variation on the spelling). I have a video up on how to toggle the indicator in-game once that mod is installed.
SpaceX looking for you bro 👌🏽💪🏾. They need upgrade the Starship and Super Heavy in a Hyper Heavy with your idea. Three Super Heavy in a single launch 👌🏽
I think it’s a mix between autostrut, kerbal joint reinforcement (mod, not 100% sure if that’s the right name) and the tanks themselves (I think that’s the near future mods). It wasn’t anything I tried specifically to do. And like with the rss/ro mods this vehicle is nearly impossible to flip (you have to be going under 150 m/s to survive lol). The key thing though is if you’re ever trying to do it and having trouble, either wait longer so you’re in the thicker parts of the atmosphere or add more air brakes. Ultimately the slower you’re going the more likely you’ll be able to do it.
It's a mod called "Trajectories". It's available in the CKAN app, it will install the mod for you. With exception to the clouds I get all my mods through there.
@@O5-3-site-17 I forgot that was hard to find for me, it's over on the righthand panel in the trajectories icon. I think right-clicking it opens a menu and I think it's one of the four radio buttons that toggles it on and off. I'll work on a short video to show how to do it since it's kind of hidden. I'll try to have that up soon.
There when I was first starting to try recover anything I wasn't using FMRS or anything, either I'd make a SSTO and land the booster from orbit (which limited the payload to nearly nothing) or I'd shoot for a trajectory that had a really high apogee (give myself enough time to get the upper stage to orbit that I could swap to the booster and land it before it crashed). FMRS oughtta be built into the game by default haha. I just focus on getting to orbit first, then use FMRS to go back and land the boosters afterwards. This here I put the recordings side by side so it'd feel more like an actual flight.
I’ve actually been thinking about making a series where I attempt this. I’ve done it once with a really small vehicle but it wasn’t fully successful haha. Docking is by far the hardest part weirdly.
Great vid, thanks. The atmo reentries look very daring. Are overheating explosions turned off? Are returns and landings automated, or manually controlled?
All overheating is on, but this particular iteration of the vehicle can’t survive much more than LKO reentry. I have a version now that can survive full interplanetary entry from Jool without having to resort to multiple airbrake passes either. Landing and returns are all manual. No mecjeb or kOS.
It’s in the trajectories mod in ckan. On the right side of the screen there’s a menu that can toggle it on and off, I put up a video that shows how to do it.
Pretty much quicksaves. I use the mod FMRS which lets you do that kind of thing easier, catch being it actually marks the pieces recovered whereas the quicksaves strategy wouldn’t be able.
I used the mod FMRS which lets you “go back in time” and fly each piece separately. I put it all in an editor in post and tried to sync them up to real time best I could.
I used the mod FMRS which lets you “go back in time” and fly each piece separately. I put it all in an editor in post and tried to sync them up to real time best I could.
About 1,500 tons is a rough estimate (about 35% mass to orbit vs the whole stack). Whole vehicle is about 4,300 tons and the twr is about 1.3 so the boosters are putting out about 5,600 tons at liftoff. These are just rough numbers.
It took a few tries, but I found these cool square heat shield panels from a mod that did the job really good. Only problem is this specific iteration of the vehicle is only able to survive deorbits from LKO. If you want something really good I found a mod called procedural parts that has custom resizable heat shields that work wonders. Survives the worst of stress tests I’ve thrown at it.
My entire modlist:
Ablative-Airbrake (AblativeAirbrake 1.0.3)
Action Groups Extended (AGExt 1:
AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads (ModularLaunchPads 2.7.0)
Alternate Resource Panel (AlternateResourcePanel 1:v2.11.0.0)
Animated Decouplers (AnimatedDecouplers v1.5.0)
ASET Consolidated Agency (ASETAgency v2.0.2)
ASET Consolidated Props Pack (ASETProps v2.0.7)
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0)
Benjee10 sharedAssets (Benjee10-SharedAssets v0.2.2)
BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13)
Bluedog Design Bureau (BluedogDB v1.14.0)
Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Camera Tools continued (CameraTools v1.35.0)
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1)
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.5)
Conformal Decals (ConformalDecals 0.2.14)
Cryo Tanks (CryoTanks 1.6.6)
Cryo Tanks Core (CryoTanks-Core 1.6.6)
Cryogenic Engines (CryoEngines 1:2.0.7)
Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
Custom Pre Launch Checks (CustomPreLaunchChecks
DE_IVAExtension (DE-IVAExtension v1.2.0)
Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1)
Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.2.0.2)
Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.2.0.2)
DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric (DMagicScienceAnimate v0.23)
Dock Rotate (DockRotate v1.12.1.56)
Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:
Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3)
Editor Extensions Redux (EditorExtensionsRedux 3.4.5)
Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:
Far Future Technologies (FarFutureTechnologies 1.4.2)
Filter Extensions - Default Configuration (FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 3.2.9)
Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions 3.2.9)
Firespitter (Firespitter v7.17)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)
Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.17)
Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS) Continued (FMRSContinued
Fossil's Mechazilla (FossilsMechazilla 1:1.41)
FreeIva (FreeIva
Fuel Tanks Plus (FuelTanksPlus 2.0.2)
Hab Tech Props (HabTechProps v0.2.0)
Hangar Extender (HangerExtenderExtended
Harmony 2 (Harmony2
Heat Control (HeatControl 0.6.2)
HUD Replacer (HUDReplacer 1.2.12-beta)
HullcamVDS Continued (HullcamVDSContinued
Kcalbeloh System (KcalbelohSystem v1.1.8)
Kcalbeloh System 8k Textures (KcalbelohSystem-Textures-8k v1.1.8)
Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.9.0)
Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29)
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued (KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.8.3.0)
Kerbal Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs v1.8.10.0)
Kerbal Reusability Expansion (SpaceXLegs 2.9.3)
Kerbal Simpit (KerbalSimpit v2.3.1)
Kerbal Stats (KerbalStats 3.1.0)
Konstruction (Konstruction v112.0.1)
Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er (KopernicusExpansionContinueder Beta9.1.1)
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-214)
kOS: Scriptable Autopilot System (kOS 1:
KSC Extended (KSCExtended 3.0.2)
KSC Switcher (KSCSwitcher v2.2.0.0)
KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.36.1)
KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.5.0.2)
KSPBurst (KSPBurst v1.5.5.1)
KW Rocketry Rebalanced (KWRocketryRebalanced
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
Mark IV Spaceplane System (MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem 3.2.1)
MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
Mk-33 (Mk-33 v1.3.2)
Moar Filter Extension Configs (MoarFEConfigs
ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3)
Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.2)
Near Future Construction (NearFutureConstruction 1.3.3)
Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 2.0.1)
Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 2.0.1)
Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.1.3)
Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.2)
Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 2.2.1)
Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.3.6)
Near Future Rovers (NFR) by V2 Industries by MichaelV2.0 (RoverPack
Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.3.3)
Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.3.3)
Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.4.5)
Neptune Camera (NeptuneCamera v4.3)
Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required (StockalikeStructures 0.0.12)
Parallax (Parallax 2.0.8)
Parallax - Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2.0.8)
Parallax - Stock Scatter Textures (Parallax-StockScatterTextures 2.0.8)
Persistent Thrust (PersistentThrust 1:1.7.5)
PlanetShine (PlanetShine
PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default
Planetside Exploration Technologies (PlanetsideExplorationTechnologies 1.0.2)
Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings 1:v6.6.2.0)
Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.6.0.0)
Procedural Parts - Hazard Tanks Textures (HazardTanksTextures 1.0)
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Complete Texture Pack (MainSailorTextures-Complete
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Essential Textures and Flag (MainSailorTextures-Essentials
Procedural Parts - Saturn / Nova Texture Pack (ProceduralParts-Textures-SaturnNova 1.2)
Procedural Parts - Ven's Revamp Style Textures (VensStylePPTextures 1.1)
RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v1.0.2)
RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v1.0.2)
RCS Build Aid (RCSBuildAid v1.0.6)
Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2)
Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.8)
RecoveryController (RecoveryController
Reentry Particle Effect Renewed (ReentryParticleEffect
ReStock (ReStock 1.5.1)
Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 3.1.1)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.5.1)
Retractable Lifting Surface Module (RetractableLiftingSurface
Reviva (Reviva 1.0.0)
RSMP (SRBWaterfallEffects 2:4.0.1)
Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0878)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0878)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0878)
Shabby (Shabby 0.4.0)
Shuttle Lifting Body (ShuttleLiftingBodyCormorantAeronology 1.12.5b)
Simple Adjustable Fairings - KW Rocketry Pack (SimpleAdjustableFairings-KWRocketry v1.4.0)
Simple Adjustable Fairings - Plugin (SimpleAdjustableFairings v1.12.0)
Singularity (Singularity 0.991)
SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen
Solver Engines plugin (SolverEngines v3.14.0)
Space Dust (SpaceDust 0.5.5)
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
SpaceY Corporation (SYC) (SpaceY-Corp
SpaceY Expanded (SYX) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Expanded
SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Lifters 1:
Staged Animation (StagedAnimation v2.0)
Starship Expansion Project (StarshipExpansionProject v.2.2.0)
Starship Expansion Project IVA (StarshipExpansionProjectIVA v.2.2.0)
Starship Landing Legs (StarshipLandingLegs V1.0)
Starship Launch Expansion (StarshipLaunchExpansion 1:Beta_v0.5)
System Heat (SystemHeat 0.7.5)
Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited
The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.9)
Through The Eyes of a Kerbal (ThroughTheEyesOfaKerbal
Toolbar (Toolbar 1:
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.5.3)
TUFX (TUFX 1.1.0)
Tundra Exploration - Stockalike Dragon V2 and Falcon 9 (TundraExploration 7.0.0)
Tundra Techonologies (TundraTechnologies 7.0.0)
Tundra's Space Center (TundraSpaceCenter 2.0.2)
TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.8.6)
TweakScale Companion (the "UberPaket") (TweakScaleCompanion 2024.10.9.1)
TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.8.6)
Tweakscale Unlimited (TweakscaleUnlimited 1.0)
USI Core (USI-Core v112.0.1)
USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (UKS 1:v112.0.1)
USI Tools (USITools v112.0.1)
VaporVent (VaporVent 1.1.12)
Vertex Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap (VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap 0.3)
VertexColorMapEmissive (VertexColorMapEmissive 1.0.0)
Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3)
Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.10.3)
Waterfall Extensions (WaterfallExtensions 0.4.0)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
ZTheme (ZTheme v1.1.3)
lord almighty your ksp install must be heavier than an AAA game
Takes almost 10 minutes to load the game lol
This is THE MOST kerbal thing I have *EVER* seen.
Boosters flying like airplanes? Christ, I didn't even realize that's possible, especially with 7.5m fuel tanks.
bro built flying syper heavy boosters
i was like damn they are Planes Now XD
I considered putting landing gears on them and landing on the runway but powered landings are cooler lol
@@RocketMan159 starship heavy
@war_fish what is that profile 💀💀
@@CleoVR543 WAR
The design, the realism, and specially the intro where the kerbal looks at the engines is INSANE. got a new sub!
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Bro got falcon super heavy
I was gonna make that joke
@@joyhoward6105 damn maybe next time my man
Not Falcon Super Heavy, Falcon Super Ultra Heavy
Actuallly this is a much better concept than starship (i would make the final stage expendable though).... i´ve always found the starship design to be dumb (many points of failure, cant actually lift that much and its not that pretty)
The sound of the space music
❌ Central Core returns to the launch site
✅ Central Core heads into nearby forest
Considering how to put a landing pad out there haha
If real 300tonnes cargo to orbit was a thing in ksp
This will be the monster 💀💀
Reminds me of the first few concepts for what would eventually become Starship.
Watching you fly the boosters back horizontally was a treat
That thing has more wing than most airliners
starship + falcon heavy = this
Bro's Super heavy pulled a High-G turn, the rocket scientists yearn for the F-16 Fighting Falcon
How do you control the rentry of the two boosters and the main rocket at the same time?
they were separatly controlled using quicksaves and all
I used the mod FMRS to separately control each vehicle, then just edited in post to get them to play together. Did my best to get the framerates to match real time for each.
@@RocketMan159 Thank you, can i ask to you also the mod you used to show the trajectory and the predicted point of landing for the boosters?
That mod is called “Trajectories” in CKAN if I’m remembering right (if not it’s a variation on the spelling). I have a video up on how to toggle the indicator in-game once that mod is installed.
super duper heavy.
If Big Falcon Rocket had a Heavy version (Falcon Heavy-ish):
SpaceX looking for you bro 👌🏽💪🏾.
They need upgrade the Starship and Super Heavy in a Hyper Heavy with your idea. Three Super Heavy in a single launch 👌🏽
Lol looks like the Superheavy Booster in the Falcon Heavy configuration 😅
great job! This was really fun to watch!
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
“Impressive, most impressive”
How did you make it so the second stage could handle that High G maneuver with its flip? If I tried that it would have flung itself to pieces.
I think it’s a mix between autostrut, kerbal joint reinforcement (mod, not 100% sure if that’s the right name) and the tanks themselves (I think that’s the near future mods). It wasn’t anything I tried specifically to do. And like with the rss/ro mods this vehicle is nearly impossible to flip (you have to be going under 150 m/s to survive lol). The key thing though is if you’re ever trying to do it and having trouble, either wait longer so you’re in the thicker parts of the atmosphere or add more air brakes. Ultimately the slower you’re going the more likely you’ll be able to do it.
That’s what it would look like if Elon Musk made starship superheavy.
That would be a sight to see if was made real haha
This is the kind of craft that would turn my computer into a sad stuttering paperweight. About 1 frame per hour.😂
Insert Kerbal hyperventilation
Ultra heavy launch rocket
What mod shows the trajectory?
It's a mod called "Trajectories". It's available in the CKAN app, it will install the mod for you. With exception to the clouds I get all my mods through there.
@RocketMan159 yes ik but it doesn't show me other than in the map view
How did u make it show you in the normal view
@@O5-3-site-17 I forgot that was hard to find for me, it's over on the righthand panel in the trajectories icon. I think right-clicking it opens a menu and I think it's one of the four radio buttons that toggles it on and off. I'll work on a short video to show how to do it since it's kind of hidden. I'll try to have that up soon.
I uploaded a short video to show how I got it to appear in normal view. Hope it helps!видео.html
Whats your PC’s specs? Mine would have a rapid unscheduled disassembly if I’d try that
I’ve got a rtx 3080 and an i9, mine is still going seconds per frame though before I sped the footage up lol
How do you control all of them like that. When I try this it’s so hard to even get into orbit while landing the booster
There when I was first starting to try recover anything I wasn't using FMRS or anything, either I'd make a SSTO and land the booster from orbit (which limited the payload to nearly nothing) or I'd shoot for a trajectory that had a really high apogee (give myself enough time to get the upper stage to orbit that I could swap to the booster and land it before it crashed). FMRS oughtta be built into the game by default haha. I just focus on getting to orbit first, then use FMRS to go back and land the boosters afterwards. This here I put the recordings side by side so it'd feel more like an actual flight.
Would be cool if you made it so the boosters etc can be picked up, driven back to the launch site and re attached / refueled for the next launch
I’ve actually been thinking about making a series where I attempt this. I’ve done it once with a really small vehicle but it wasn’t fully successful haha. Docking is by far the hardest part weirdly.
cool launcher
Great vid, thanks. The atmo reentries look very daring. Are overheating explosions turned off? Are returns and landings automated, or manually controlled?
All overheating is on, but this particular iteration of the vehicle can’t survive much more than LKO reentry. I have a version now that can survive full interplanetary entry from Jool without having to resort to multiple airbrake passes either. Landing and returns are all manual. No mecjeb or kOS.
Literally Falcon XX Heavy
btw what mod gives u that landing mark?
That is a mod I downloaded in CKAN called Trajectories. I have a video up on how to toggle that mark on and off.
@@RocketMan159 thanks!
Super cool
How do i get the impact indicator in the live view?
It’s in the trajectories mod in ckan. On the right side of the screen there’s a menu that can toggle it on and off, I put up a video that shows how to do it.
sigh, I guess I'll download KSP again
Can you show your mods list in the description. I wanna see how you make the game look so good.
I'll get that on there. Going to put it here as well:
Ablative-Airbrake (AblativeAirbrake 1.0.3)
Animated Decouplers (AnimatedDecouplers v1.5.0)
B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork (B9-PWings-Fork 3:0.45.1)
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.20.0)
Benjee10 sharedAssets (Benjee10-SharedAssets v0.2.2)
BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13)
Bluedog Design Bureau (BluedogDB v1.13.0)
Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1)
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)
Conformal Decals (ConformalDecals 0.2.14)
Cryo Tanks (CryoTanks 1.6.5)
Cryo Tanks Core (CryoTanks-Core 1.6.5)
Cryogenic Engines (CryoEngines 1:2.0.6)
Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
Custom Pre Launch Checks (CustomPreLaunchChecks
Deployable Engines Plugin (DeployableEngines 1.3.1)
Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.16)
Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.16)
DMModuleScienceAnimateGeneric (DMagicScienceAnimate v0.23)
Dock Rotate (DockRotate v1.12.1.56)
Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator
Dynamic Battery Storage (DynamicBatteryStorage 2:
Editor Extensions Redux (EditorExtensionsRedux 3.4.5)
Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:
Firespitter (Firespitter v7.17)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)
Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.17)
Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS) Continued (FMRSContinued
Fossil's Mechazilla (FossilsMechazilla 1:1.41)
FreeIva (FreeIva
Hab Tech Props (HabTechProps v0.2.0)
Hangar Extender (HangerExtenderExtended
Harmony 2 (Harmony2
HullcamVDS Continued (HullcamVDSContinued
Kerbal Actuators (KerbalActuators v1.9.0)
Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29)
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued (KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.7.5.0)
Kerbal Konstructs (KerbalKonstructs v1.8.7.0)
Kerbal Reusability Expansion (SpaceXLegs 2.9.3)
Konstruction (Konstruction v112.0.1)
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-206)
KSC Switcher (KSCSwitcher v2.1.0.0)
KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.35.2)
KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.5.0.2)
KSPBurst (KSPBurst v1.5.5.1)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
Mk 33 (Mk-33 v1.3.2)
ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3)
Near Future Aeronautics (NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.1)
Near Future Electrical (NearFutureElectrical 1.2.3)
Near Future Electrical Core (NearFutureElectrical-Core 1.2.3)
Near Future Exploration (NearFutureExploration 1.1.2)
Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.7.1)
Near Future Launch Vehicles (NearFutureLaunchVehicles 2.2.0)
Near Future Propulsion (NearFuturePropulsion 1.3.5)
Near Future Rovers (NFR) by V2 Industries by MichaelV2.0 (RoverPack
Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.3.2)
Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.3.2)
Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.4.3)
Omega's Stockalike Structures: No Textures Required (StockalikeStructures 0.0.12)
Parallax (Parallax 2.0.8)
Parallax - Stock Planet Textures (Parallax-StockTextures 2.0.8)
Parallax - Stock Scatter Textures (Parallax-StockScatterTextures 2.0.8)
PlanetShine (PlanetShine
PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default
Planetside Exploration Technologies (PlanetsideExplorationTechnologies 1.0.2)
Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings 1:v6.6.0.0)
Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.5.9.0)
Procedural Parts - Hazard Tanks Textures (HazardTanksTextures 1.0)
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Complete Texture Pack (MainSailorTextures-Complete
Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Procedural Textures - Essential Textures and Flag (MainSailorTextures-Essentials
Procedural Parts - Saturn / Nova Texture Pack (ProceduralParts-Textures-SaturnNova 1.2)
Procedural Parts - Ven's Revamp Style Textures (VensStylePPTextures 1.1)
RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.13.4)
RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.13.4)
RCS Build Aid (RCSBuildAid v1.0.6)
Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2)
Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.8)
RecoveryController (RecoveryController
Reentry Particle Effect Renewed (ReentryParticleEffect
RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.9.12)
ReStock (ReStock 1.4.5)
Restock Waterfall Expansion (RestockWaterfallExpansion 3.1.0)
ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.5)
Retractable Lifting Surface Module (RetractableLiftingSurface
Reviva (Reviva 1.0.0)
RSMP (SRBWaterfallEffects 2:4.0.1)
Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0876)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0876)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0876)
Shabby (Shabby
SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Lifters 1:
Staged Animation (StagedAnimation v2.0)
Starship Expansion Project (StarshipExpansionProject v.2.2.0)
Starship Expansion Project IVA (StarshipExpansionProjectIVA v.2.2.0)
Starship Landing Legs (StarshipLandingLegs V1.0)
Starship Launch Expansion (StarshipLaunchExpansion 1:Beta_v0.5)
System Heat (SystemHeat 0.6.0)
Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited
The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.8)
Through The Eyes of a Kerbal (ThroughTheEyesOfaKerbal
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
Trajectories (Trajectories v2.4.5.3)
Tundra Exploration - Stockalike Dragon V2 and Falcon 9 (TundraExploration 7.0.0)
Tundra Techonologies (TundraTechnologies 7.0.0)
Tundra's Space Center (TundraSpaceCenter 2.0.2)
TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.8.3)
TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.8.3)
Tweakscale Unlimited (TweakscaleUnlimited 1.0)
USI Core (USI-Core v112.0.1)
USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (UKS 1:v112.0.1)
USI Tools (USITools v112.0.1)
VaporVent (VaporVent 1.1.12)
Waterfall - Restock (WaterfallRestock 0.2.3)
Waterfall Core (Waterfall 0.9.0)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
The amount of modification needed to achieve such an effect is frightening. Do you use ckan?
Yeah with exception to the clouds I use ckan exclusively.
how do you control the boosters? is it a quicksave?
Pretty much quicksaves. I use the mod FMRS which lets you do that kind of thing easier, catch being it actually marks the pieces recovered whereas the quicksaves strategy wouldn’t be able.
Uber Heavy
Great video! You should have more subs. I’m your newest. Keep up the good work
very underrated video
Bro, how do you manage all the stages at once? Or is it automatic? Except for the landing.
I used the mod FMRS which lets you “go back in time” and fly each piece separately. I put it all in an editor in post and tried to sync them up to real time best I could.
@@RocketMan159 Nice
Starship Heavy
Wtf? How do you control and land 2 at the same time
I used the mod FMRS which lets you “go back in time” and fly each piece separately. I put it all in an editor in post and tried to sync them up to real time best I could.
payload capacity?
About 1,500 tons is a rough estimate (about 35% mass to orbit vs the whole stack). Whole vehicle is about 4,300 tons and the twr is about 1.3 so the boosters are putting out about 5,600 tons at liftoff. These are just rough numbers.
How did you survived the reentry?
It took a few tries, but I found these cool square heat shield panels from a mod that did the job really good. Only problem is this specific iteration of the vehicle is only able to survive deorbits from LKO. If you want something really good I found a mod called procedural parts that has custom resizable heat shields that work wonders. Survives the worst of stress tests I’ve thrown at it.
oh, that’s not- 😀
cloud mod name please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
It’s volumetric clouds by Blackrack. 5$ a month but totally worth it in my opinion.
thanks you 🤝 @@RocketMan159
Starship Heavy Super Heavy
with ALL THOSE MODS, how big is your ksp folder LOL
24 GB haha
thats..uhm.. a lot of mods. i only have 84
I'm honestly shocked my game still runs lol
@@RocketMan159 whats your specs?
I have an rtx 3080 and 64 GB RAM. My game is fairly stable until I get to the big vehicles, like 60+ engines and the game goes to its knees.