Taurus TX22 Compact OPTIC READY | Features

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • СпортСпорт

Комментарии • 27

  • @crazyhorse705
    @crazyhorse705 Год назад +10

    Its smart they did it optics cut and its suppressor ready but also the barrel is under 4 inches keeps almost all 22 ammo subsonic. my TX22 Comp is going to have a baby brother soon.

    • @m.watson708
      @m.watson708 Год назад +2

      Are you saying you Can only use subsonic ammo?

    • @crazyhorse705
      @crazyhorse705 Год назад +5

      @@m.watson708 no but usually when you havea barrel under 4 inches it keeps the ammo subsonic when running a suppressor. which is an excellent thing Taurus did with the compact .

    • @JWard2
      @JWard2 Год назад +2

      Dang I didn't know that! Good to know. Wish the non safety version was available now to buy. Interesting that the non safety version isn't even showing on Taurus' on website

  • @tulsavol6653
    @tulsavol6653 Год назад +3

    Ordered mine from Bass Pro today for $330 plus tax. Already have the full size TX. Expect it to be on par with my SW MP 22 Compact which is really nice goes locally for $399.

  • @markedman3990
    @markedman3990 Год назад +1

    Looks outstanding!

  • @toddparsons2980
    @toddparsons2980 Год назад +3

    Awesome. Also a model without manual safety 👍

  • @susanlang1630
    @susanlang1630 Год назад +7

    I will stay with the KelTec P17 that comes with three mags.

    • @peacefulwarrior4078
      @peacefulwarrior4078 7 месяцев назад

      Just because of one more magazine included 🤔 😆

  • @justarepublicandog2505
    @justarepublicandog2505 3 месяца назад

    Is the Viridian e series laser sight interchangeable with the tx22 standard and the tx22 compact?

  • @HKBuilderDIY
    @HKBuilderDIY 8 месяцев назад

    Is the barrel fixed or browning style?

  • @peacefulwarrior4078
    @peacefulwarrior4078 7 месяцев назад

    I wish that Taurus would've made the trigger gaurd on the compact the same as the G-2 C /G-3C that way all 3 can use the very same holsters

  • @gmcjetpilot
    @gmcjetpilot Год назад

    Hope they offer optic ready slide for standard TX22 (at a reasonable price).

  • @jersey1470
    @jersey1470 Год назад +1

    The original Tx 16 round mags work also look at 22 plinksters video

    • @SportsmansOSS
      @SportsmansOSS  Год назад

      Absolutely! We mention this in our video at the 2:30 mark, too.

  • @joeflowers9084
    @joeflowers9084 Год назад

    Did he say whether the barrel is threaded?

    • @SportsmansOSS
      @SportsmansOSS  Год назад +1

      The TX22 Compact comes standard with a threaded barrel.

    • @waranda6068
      @waranda6068 10 месяцев назад

      I wish they'd say if it comes with a non threaded barrel as well. Commie states have outlawed threaded barrel handguns.

    • @joeflowers9084
      @joeflowers9084 10 месяцев назад

      @@waranda6068 it is threaded btw…I’ve owned two. It has the sleeve that’s removable. But I wonder if they make a non-threaded one for ban states (many of the 22s have the sleeve for switching to a threads).

  • @darielvargas395
    @darielvargas395 Год назад

    What Is the price? It looks like Good quality

    • @tulsavol6653
      @tulsavol6653 Год назад

      $330 Bass Pro on-line.

    • @pistolgrip44mag
      @pistolgrip44mag Год назад +1

      $299 currently from RK + shipping and tax. (Don't forget your FFL fees if you have any). Ordered mine already.

    • @semlohde1
      @semlohde1 Год назад

      $330 Academy today then 5% discount using their credit card. Got mine, now to clean and range time.

  • @nathanpierceyoung
    @nathanpierceyoung 5 месяцев назад

    My gun came with a none centered barrel (sits very low) so any suppressor added cause drag on the slide (wear marks and malfunctions). Sent back to Taurus, they put 26 round through it none suppressed (knowing already that it functioned with no suppressor, and that it only had issues when suppressed). I called after receiving the pistol back and was told that if it functions without a suppressor, they don’t care
    and will not be fixing anything. I had high hopes that Taurus was starting to turn around from the terrible company they’ve known to be in the past, unfortunately they are still the same company.

  • @jeremiah7855
    @jeremiah7855 Год назад +1

    Can't wait to get my hands on this firearms have md gets it on the handgun roster which btw is bs amd unconstitutional

  • @Sheppard2030
    @Sheppard2030 Год назад +1

    [throwing money at computer screen]

  • @whodat70003
    @whodat70003 Год назад

    KYGUNCO for 311$ total