I had the same problem with the exact Hogg Tumbler. It bothered me enough that I ended up sanding all the way down with my electric nail file, using the pointed metal tip. It was such a pain! Once I got it all sanded down and attached the handle, you could see a small area of the sanded area. I then had to go back and touch that area up with the matching glitter with glitter glue, then filled the drilled area with fast set epoxy with the matching glitter mixed in it, and immediately attaching the handle on. All that helped it look better, but I don't think I'll attempt it again with that same tumbler. I hope that all makes sense. I've used other brands and had no problem.
Yes! I have used other tumbler brands like these and not as many issues with the handles. These are a bit tougher but the other one with the handle on turned out so cute that it definitely won’t deter me for doing more of them just maybe with the handles on lol
I wish I had seen this last week 😂 I did not tape off where the handle goes and that was a nightmare!! It was my 1st tumbler and I had to have one with a handle 😵💫 I can never do simple
I love this tutorial, I truly hate taping off the handle but from experience I think covering the handle is better just cause the little prongs that’s attach the handle to the cup is more secure. I’ve broken two handles off my personal cups cause I hold the handle and twist on the tops.
I've had the same debate. I worry about epoxy cracking if i epoxy over it, but a pain to keep epoxy out of area to get handle back on if you don't. I use a hot knife to take off extra epoxy under handle, then usually put it vack on and tape it iff before final coat so epoxy fills in the gap. But really think of using strong glue epoxy under handle and on screws to really secure it and just leave it on.
That’s a great idea honestly! I always see posts where others people say their handles came off after time and I guess that could be rough handling but that is always my worry when I don’t epoxy over it
@@lyshabcreative2659 so is it the welds breaking? I've had that happen to one cup I was trying to put the handle on the first time. I don't like the Hogg just used an L shape weld vs other cups I've gotten that has the metal welded above and below the tab where the handle screws in. Now I'm worried about that! Lol! A reason I don't do the glass snow globe tumblers ...too many stories about them breaking!
@@lyshabcreative2659 well, I might need to start epoxying handles! Lol. I did do 60 30 oz tumblers last summer that I put the handles on after they were done, and so far so good 🤞
Oooooo those turned out gorgeous 😍 I honestly loved them both ☺️ you did an outstanding job on both doing them and explaining it. I wonder if leaving the handle and just taping it so that way you can epoxy the gap?? 🤷🏽♀️ I’m just thinking 😂 Thanks love 😊 stay blessed love 🥰
Are there any spinners you can recommend? I tried making a 40 oz for the first time (handle on) but the handle Kept scraping and then getting stuck and stopping the turner😢
Beautiful cups!!! 😍
Thank you! 🤗
Im glad you had this bc i debated on whether to epoxy the handle and i liked the look better epoxied!
So glad this helped!!! It was the same thought I had trying to decide so why not try both
I have taped off handles and it worked okay. I also prefer patterning the handle to match the cup though.
I do to! I like when it all matches
I had the same problem with the exact Hogg Tumbler. It bothered me enough that I ended up sanding all the way down with my electric nail file, using the pointed metal tip. It was such a pain! Once I got it all sanded down and attached the handle, you could see a small area of the sanded area. I then had to go back and touch that area up with the matching glitter with glitter glue, then filled the drilled area with fast set epoxy with the matching glitter mixed in it, and immediately attaching the handle on. All that helped it look better, but I don't think I'll attempt it again with that same tumbler. I hope that all makes sense. I've used other brands and had no problem.
Yes! I have used other tumbler brands like these and not as many issues with the handles. These are a bit tougher but the other one with the handle on turned out so cute that it definitely won’t deter me for doing more of them just maybe with the handles on lol
Love these cups😍Did you make your mat? I absolutely love it!!
Thank you! And yes it’s an acrylic sheet I made for my business to use at vendor events
@@lyshabcreative2659 It's beautiful!! I would love to make one with my logo🥰
I wish I had seen this last week 😂
I did not tape off where the handle goes and that was a nightmare!!
It was my 1st tumbler and I had to have one with a handle 😵💫
I can never do simple
Haha I totally get that I feel like sometimes I can never remember to do simple either
I love this tutorial, I truly hate taping off the handle but from experience I think covering the handle is better just cause the little prongs that’s attach the handle to the cup is more secure. I’ve broken two handles off my personal cups cause I hold the handle and twist on the tops.
Yes that part! I definitely think my preference is to glitter it or try one with just taping off the handle for sure.
I've had the same debate. I worry about epoxy cracking if i epoxy over it, but a pain to keep epoxy out of area to get handle back on if you don't. I use a hot knife to take off extra epoxy under handle, then usually put it vack on and tape it iff before final coat so epoxy fills in the gap. But really think of using strong glue epoxy under handle and on screws to really secure it and just leave it on.
That’s a great idea honestly! I always see posts where others people say their handles came off after time and I guess that could be rough handling but that is always my worry when I don’t epoxy over it
@@lyshabcreative2659 so is it the welds breaking? I've had that happen to one cup I was trying to put the handle on the first time. I don't like the Hogg just used an L shape weld vs other cups I've gotten that has the metal welded above and below the tab where the handle screws in. Now I'm worried about that! Lol! A reason I don't do the glass snow globe tumblers ...too many stories about them breaking!
@@rikichef yes! The welds some peoples snap off over time which always worried me when doing these large cups
@@lyshabcreative2659 well, I might need to start epoxying handles! Lol. I did do 60 30 oz tumblers last summer that I put the handles on after they were done, and so far so good 🤞
Oooooo those turned out gorgeous 😍 I honestly loved them both ☺️ you did an outstanding job on both doing them and explaining it. I wonder if leaving the handle and just taping it so that way you can epoxy the gap?? 🤷🏽♀️ I’m just thinking 😂 Thanks love 😊 stay blessed love 🥰
Yes! That is something I’m going to try since I’ll be keeping this one to see if I can cover up the little gap there
Are there any spinners you can recommend? I tried making a 40 oz for the first time (handle on) but the handle
Kept scraping and then getting stuck and stopping the turner😢
I have a denos tumbler turner which I LOVE! The handle doesn’t scrape and that baby has been running perfectly for 4 years!