Комментарии •

  • @wytwabit
    @wytwabit 3 года назад +16

    I beg to differ on a point or two. MTHFR can cause difficulty in vitamin B absorption. Taking a good B complex with methylated B's can help tremendously. My dad and two kids are bipolar I with MTHFR. My daughter wears B patches for better absorption. Not getting enough B's can lead to not handling stress well. Knowing about this and being proactive can help avoid problems.
    Another point is high homocysteine levels that may contribute to stickier platelets. This has affected me, and I've had three DVTs. I'm watching my diet better, hydrating, and will stay on warfarin.
    Research is key. We're all different; one size doesn't fit all. Knowing about what COULD be a problem with my DNA helps me avoid possible problems.

    • @jimmyg3855
      @jimmyg3855 5 месяцев назад

      What is the b patch for kids?

  • @neilwheel
    @neilwheel 3 года назад +42

    Had to look twice - read MTHFKR 1st. time!

  • @rdance3
    @rdance3 3 года назад +18

    I guess I'm one of the 50 because it's what caused me to retire at the age of 53 and once I started the correct protocol, I not only am cured but I'm 55 and in the best health of my life. I've been athletic my entire life. I was a wrestler, surfer, Navy Diver, etc. I have been lifting weights since 1975. 6 months after I retired, I quit the gym, even though I had all the time work out. Now, at 55, I'm the most fit person in the gym! I've never had abs until now. So, I guess I can tell my wife she has a better than "One in a Million" man. ;) BTW. As someone who has suffered with related symptoms his whole life, I am now able to recognize them in other people. Although, not as severe as I am/was, I see it in more people than you would think.

    • @vivarkroeger
      @vivarkroeger 3 года назад +5

      Me too!!
      I'm so happy for you,

    • @SM-iv9hd
      @SM-iv9hd 3 года назад +5

      This guy doesn’t have his facts straight. This is genetic...2 of my 6 kids have it and so do I... we are the ones that are sick and feel bad are whole lives, then my doctor tested us and put us on METHOLATED B and Folate (folic is toxic for us), and once we switched to right vitamins, we felt better. My son at 6 was crippling in pain and had migraines daily and missed school... he was on supplements and omegas but they did not work... we switched to Methylated and now he’s better. This guy seriously does not know what he’s talking about... He refuses to do his homework. I have a holistic health coach certification and did not know what this was till my doctors tested me. I did my homework... and I research anything I question. This mutation is real! I spent hundreds of dollars on vitamins, supplements, massages, chiropractic care, doctors, etc and could NOT get out of bed due to the pain... all it took was switching to methylated supplements and avoiding anything that had folic acid as it’s a toxic form of folate ( that involves reading food labels). My life has changed, I’m active, I enjoy life now.

  • @Frewtsalad
    @Frewtsalad 3 года назад +12

    How do you know how rare it is when there is no protocol for reporting? I had high homocysteine, I have multiple MTHFR mutations, but that information hasn’t gone beyond my local doctor.

  • @SM-iv9hd
    @SM-iv9hd 3 года назад +8

    I’m a health coach... and disagree. 2 of my 6 kids and myself have MTHFR. We have been sick are entire life. All three of us had crippling pain. I couldn’t even get out of bed and was about to go on disability. I spent hundred of dollar’s a month on doctors, chiropractic care, massages, vitamins, supplements, cleanses, organic clean food... you name it. We were still sick. Then we were tested for MTHFR, and we had it. I had never heard of it at the time and didn’t believe it existed. But I made the switch to Mentholated B vitamins and avoided folic acid ( reading labels) as folic is toxic for us and folate is not.
    Those simple changes changed our life. Even my sons neurologist said that these supplements he couldn’t properly absorb is often the reason that children have chronic migraines... and his kept him out of school.
    This mutation is REAL. This guy needs to do his homework. I would hate for people to suffer in pain like we did, when all that is needed is a few simple changes.

    • @ChrisMcCrone
      @ChrisMcCrone 3 года назад +2

      Thank you. He’s pushing hard on the snake oil but very little on how real it really is for many. I experienced what you wrote for my whole life. I’m 35 years old now. I got tested last year I have found that avoiding folic acid and taking $9/mo methylated B pills made me feel human again. Both of the main MTHFR genes are mutated/off. You don’t need to spend tons on “snake oil” but the condition is very real.

  • @jimmyg3855
    @jimmyg3855 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you comment section for eliminating more confusion

  • @vivarkroeger
    @vivarkroeger 3 года назад +24

    It's my understanding that the mthfr gene defect is, simply put, the lack of your body methylating folic acid into folate.
    I have this defect therefore I just don't eat processed foods that have added folic acid.
    Since I follow this diet I am doing much better. I have seen lots of symptoms that are claimed through the lack of knowledge of this defect that i wish i knew sooner that could have just been changed through my diet.
    I always wondered why I get sick so easy with certain foods and others can go down on them and be fine. I know there's other factors. But I really believe this was a huge problem causing me fibromyalgia, pmdd, gall bladder problems, hypoglycemia, thyroid cancer etc.
    I now only take medicine for my lack of thyroid and BHRT
    I'M 53 and feel better than I have since I was a kid. Even then I didn't feel great. I had to figure this out on my own.
    I believe there is validity to the claim and that 40 percent if people have it and don't realize it. I'm glad I got checked for it and changed my diet.

    • @K_F_fox
      @K_F_fox 3 года назад +4

      My understanding is that not only is folic acid a bad vitamin, it also crowds out the methylfolate. It's like a key that fits into a lock, doesn't turn, and more or less gets stuck.

    • @Wavesurfa
      @Wavesurfa 3 года назад +2

      My understanding is that the body needs a certain amount of methyl groups to perform basic cellular functions. If you don’t create enough of these because of a genetic deficiency (which is more often the case than too much methylation) then everything can be affected. I don’t detox well, that’s my low methylation burden, I simply cannot eat or drink certain things (coffee 😫). Like you I have felt like 💩 since I was a kid, the only times I’ve felt okay is if I don’t eat at all or I’m supremely strict with my diet... but I still feel somewhat 💩 even then.
      My doc doesn’t want to sell me anything, she’s a GP whose recently done a course on MTHFR, she advised I visit iHerb and get some supplements, zinc, SAMe, vitamin C.., detox support stuff basically.
      I did raw carnivore (mostly organ meats) for many months, it didn’t help that much, so I believe for some people there are more pieces to the puzzle than just diet/lifestyle alone.
      I think it’s foolish to discount the fact that this gene mutation might be a real problem for many people.

  • @idogtv
    @idogtv 3 года назад +10

    Never even heard of MTHFR until this video.

    • @barnesCh430
      @barnesCh430 3 года назад +1

      If it is something you're interested in, Dan Purser MD, has some stuff on his RUclips on MTHFR.

  • @MG-iq6lr
    @MG-iq6lr 3 года назад +7

    What about relationship between the inability to methylate folic acid and miscarriages?

  • @vieiracoracao
    @vieiracoracao 3 года назад +12

    Just for the records, I have the homozigotic form of the MTHFR mutation and I take methylfolate everyday. Lots of benefits, including memory improvement.

    • @saratonnan
      @saratonnan Месяц назад

      Me, too!
      I have had major depression since childhood. I was diagnosed just 2 yrs ago as being on the Autism spectrum. Aside from that, a full mental health assessment also revealed PTSD and anxiety. I also have chronic insomnia. Now I find out I have the homozygous MTHR mutation. I have started talking methyl folate and methyl B12.
      I'm a new woman, and sleep issues have resolved.
      When patients present with anything that COULD be related to MTHFR, especially if there is more than 1 issue, I've come to believe that to not screen for the mutation is malpractice. Or at the very least, do full lab panels to screen for any vitamin deficiencies.
      Oh, and I read just today that up to 30-40% of Americans carry the gene. And no one was selling anything.
      So much for the snake oil theory, doc.

  • @Matthew-fc2vy
    @Matthew-fc2vy 3 года назад +6

    I take trace minerals regularly to keep histamine under control and I feel better. The over/undermethylation paradigm has never made sense to me so I’m glad to see this video.

  • @shawnshawn7477
    @shawnshawn7477 3 года назад +4

    You provided no proposed solution in this video.

  • @barbarataychert4910
    @barbarataychert4910 3 года назад +9

    Oh! I thought you were abbreviating a dirty word in the headline!

  • @sungal42003
    @sungal42003 3 года назад +7

    I’m so pleased you made this video - I get bombarded with advertisements for dna tests and multi-level marketing trying to sell their “magic pills”

  • @dencollie
    @dencollie 27 дней назад

    Learning sooo much from you ty!

  • @elizabethlavet3043
    @elizabethlavet3043 3 года назад +5

    I usually agree with or don't question Dr. Cywes. I think there might be a lot more to the homocysteine issue and nutrients so holding the information from this video lightly as interesting & to be continued.

  • @sharosmith
    @sharosmith 3 года назад +2

    Very interesting subject, I’d never heard of it!

  • @valalyn1385
    @valalyn1385 Месяц назад +1

    Well let’s look at the bioengineering of our food in the USA. I was never sick until I moved back to the USA in 1996. In 1999 I was so sick and nearly died spending 8 months in a hospital and ending up with fibromyalgia. I had two children and one is autistic and the other has schizophrenia type issues. I have poly MTHFR. My doctors ignored it for years. Now I don’t spend a lot as I’m fully disabled on a fixed income. Yet I’m tired of big pharma. I will be doing exactly what I need to detox my body of toxins and every time I’ve had a doctor visit I then go to my natural doctor and take things to keep my HBP low as beta blockers make my pressure higher. I beg to differ with you.

    • @shitzUnotz
      @shitzUnotz Месяц назад

      Couldn't agree more. I only go to a regular Dr as a tool to get labs and a prescription for Thyroid meds. Otherwise, they do more harm than good pushing big Pharma drugs. Sadly, it takes many years to figure out the root causes and the biggest ROOT CAUSE is western medicine. Insurance should be paying for functional medicine, and you should have to pay cash to go to a quack like this guy. How much business do you think he would get? lol

  • @melissaphillis7247
    @melissaphillis7247 3 года назад +3

    My youngest daughter has the MTHFR mutation, she's now 18, but I have only had one doctor who even knows what it is (the biomedical Dr who found our Pyrrole Disorder) but always told us that we shouldn't worry about it and watch the synthetic folate/folic acid in bread. She's always had fuzzy headedness and stomach disorders.....but having found you, we know her diet needed less carbs and more healthy fats. And she's usually well. Now.
    Thanks Doc.

    • @SM-iv9hd
      @SM-iv9hd 3 года назад

      Most carbs have added folic... look at the labels. Bread, cereal, crackers, snacks... folic is toxic.

  • @maryzotz
    @maryzotz 3 года назад +6

    My mutation of the mthfr tells me I don't make or absorb folate correctly. It explained my 3 miscarriages. I don't take any vitamins for it though. Also, it flat out told me leafy greens are not what I should be eating. Exactly!! 😂

    • @elizabethlavet3043
      @elizabethlavet3043 3 года назад +1

      Mary, did they say why you should not be eating leafy greens? What did they recommend you eat? I am guessing they suggested you take a metabolite form of folate. Did they promote their brand? Are you still trying to carry a baby? Do you think you have more over all anxiety than most people? Why did you decide against supplementing? Thanks for sharing, I have never seen one of those reports, interesting. I have asked a lot of questions-fine if you don't want to answer. I am just a lay person interested in nutrition.

    • @vieiracoracao
      @vieiracoracao 3 года назад +4

      ​@@elizabethlavet3043 Just for the records, I have the homozigotic form of the MTHFR mutation and I take methylfolate everyday. Lots of benefits, including memory improvement.

  • @danroberson2074
    @danroberson2074 4 месяца назад

    Hello Dr. Cywes
    My Folate (Folic Acid), Serum was 2.9 and now 2.7
    Also my white blood count is low at 2.8
    Doctor gave me 1 mg folic acid.
    Is 1 mg of methyl folate a better option for raising my folate level?
    Thanks Dan

  • @arwenhardy1995
    @arwenhardy1995 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the info/warning. I trust u, implicitly. P.S. I have an autistic son.

    • @robertcywes2966
      @robertcywes2966 3 года назад +4

      Tough. But if u can, a low carb diet makes a huge behavioral difference

  • @richardwalsh6100
    @richardwalsh6100 3 года назад

    @robert cywes Great videos and look forward to more!
    Have you seen any corolation between mthfr gene and the "sugar bug" seen in babies; prominent blue vein on bridge of nose?

  • @aprilek6003
    @aprilek6003 3 года назад +3

    Dr. C have you thought of doing a patreon level where you would do live interactive videos? I would be interested depending on the monthly price

  • @marcosgermano4737
    @marcosgermano4737 3 года назад

    As a medical student, I must say, I've learnt something new today.
    Thx :-)

  • @BarbaraJ1111
    @BarbaraJ1111 3 года назад +4

    123&me is usually used to find your ancestry..... my 93 yo father insisted he was 100% German and found out he was only 1/4 German. So 123&me was a good investment and we have found long lost relatives. I don't know about the gene stuff...but the ancestry information is interesting and a fun family activity.

  • @GMAlisa
    @GMAlisa 3 года назад +5

    I want to see your sweet baby and sweet wife and hope they are doing well!💜

  • @stevespringer8385
    @stevespringer8385 3 года назад +3

    I also am unable to convert folic acid to folate and my homocysteine has been out or range high for a long time. My doc prescribed "Methyl CpG" which contains folate, and after several months, my homocysteine is now within normal range. But I also upped my intake of beef and fat, so too many variables to assign efficacy of the Methyl CpG. Dr. Cywes, do you feel this supplement is appropriate/necessary? thanks

    • @robertcywes2966
      @robertcywes2966 3 года назад +2

      Nope. Snake oil

    • @johnross646
      @johnross646 3 года назад +2

      @@robertcywes2966 So Merck’s DEPLIN, which contains their registered Metafolin product, has been widely studied in over 25 clinical trials with indications for improving depression + the effectiveness of SSRI/SNRI’s. The API is L-5-methyltetrahydofolate 15mg.
      Do you dismiss this?

  • @munch92
    @munch92 3 года назад +2

    There is a meta-analysis look at to what extent the MTHFR gene polymorphism affects serum & red blood cell (RBC) folate concentration. The result is not so overwhelming: the greatest folate level difference is 13% in serum and 16% in RBC, when comparing the TT type to the CC type gene.
    "Assessing the association between the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C>T polymorphism and blood folate concentrations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of trials and observational studies ", Becky L Tsang et al., The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 101, Issue 6, June 2015, Pages 1286-1294.

  • @Aura-us7jl
    @Aura-us7jl 3 года назад

    Do we get enough Folate on a carnivore diet, or should we take a supplement?

  • @SandraOK510
    @SandraOK510 3 года назад +1

    Ive always understood knowing your MTHFR status and other things that come up in Gene Biome testing as a way to be proactive in your health. Having a gene or predisposition to something doesn't mean that gene will be activated. But by knowing, you can do things like know your homocystine levels and be proactive for the future.

  • @charlescottrell8377
    @charlescottrell8377 3 года назад +9

    This is your only video that I have disliked. Anyone who has gone to the trouble to get their DNA results and then taken actions based on those results is so far ahead of the average person, that you should encourage more people to do that. I have really struggled to get my friends and family to do their testing. Personally, I found out that I am homozygous ApoE4, homozygous MTHFR C677T, and I have a glutamate decarboxylase mutation which may all together or separately explain my extreme sensitivity to MSG and other high glutamate foods (e.g. mushrooms, soups, bouillon, hydrolyzed proteins, etc.) since I turned 30. I buy a slightly more expensive version of the B vitamins, I do a keto diet, and I avoid as much processed foods as possible. My health has never been better, so why wouldn't you want to know this information?

    • @saratonnan
      @saratonnan Месяц назад

      Well said!

    • @shitzUnotz
      @shitzUnotz Месяц назад

      He is one of those doctors that make fun of his Google Dr patients but doesn't realize they need help and he has nothing to offer them but a magical big Pharma pill that only makes them sicker in the long run by masking the symptom of the root cause.

  • @ready2roo24
    @ready2roo24 3 года назад +1

    Another one you could do a video on is the PPAR-Alpha mutation (C,G). A certain nutritional expert gives you a report based on your raw data, and this mutation is said to be "abnormal saturated fat metabolism". Links to several studies, with an ultimate bottom line given that "Since this gene is activated by PUFAs and plays a major role in lipid metabolism including fat oxidation, a ketogenic diet that is high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fats may be detrimental to health. It may be best to make sure that the majority of dietary fat intake has a higher polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio." You can imagine my consternation upon reading this since I have been doing keto for 2 plus years with very limited weight loss results. Makes me wonder if she is right with this mutation

  • @MariCandy96
    @MariCandy96 3 года назад

    Do you have a book?

  • @dailydoseofmedicinee
    @dailydoseofmedicinee 3 года назад +2

    For centuries snake oil has been a folk remedy in Chinese medicine, used primarily to treat joint pain such as arthritis and bursitis👏

    • @MeganBennettBurks
      @MeganBennettBurks 3 года назад +2

      Right, it was a legit thing, but bad knock offs of it that did nothing or even caused harm became super common... kinda like knock off Rolex watches or Gucci purses.
      So, because the fake stuff became so prevalent it got a reputation for being a completely phony thing.

  • @urtyp6596
    @urtyp6596 3 года назад +2

    Thx for another super video. What's your take on covid and the measures of the governments eg lockdowns? Greetings

  • @YourFavoriteMom77
    @YourFavoriteMom77 5 месяцев назад

    My sister has this gene. She is about 57 years old and has been having episodes of short term memory loss. Then there was one episode where it happened and she had some sort of seizure. They can’t figure out what the issue is. Trying to figure out what is the issue.

  • @TebTengri
    @TebTengri 3 года назад +1

    Methylfolate is so cheap I don't see any reason not to take it if you were gonna supplement folate anyway

  • @BellaRosa55
    @BellaRosa55 3 года назад +3

    Thoughts on hair mineral testing and Thyrve stool samples? My GI doc says probiotics do not work on everyone and can be a waste of money! 🦁🔥🦁🔥

  • @MsLoveLaughLive84
    @MsLoveLaughLive84 3 года назад

    My homocysteine level is 20, I have always had low folic acid levels, a dr just recently told me to start taking a few B vitamins and the methylated version of folate. Been doing keto and IF for 12 months and have lost 62kgs, so I don’t understand why my homocysteine is so high

  • @sheahensley7435
    @sheahensley7435 Месяц назад

    I will be testing your theory in the comming months. Do you work for big pharma or AHA? Do you recommend the SAD?
    Most everything the typical physician has told me over the years has been wrong.

  • @Sandy.Squirrel
    @Sandy.Squirrel 3 года назад

    Lol I seen MTHFR and thought you cussing in abbreviation.😁😂😁

  • @michelesteward5170
    @michelesteward5170 3 года назад

    I have persist high triglycerides, despite being keto 2+ years and Carnivore last 6 months. Cac score of 450 in 2019. Someone told me to look into this mutation and give up COFFEE~what??? 😬😬😬

  • @MsMsmak
    @MsMsmak 3 года назад +2

    MTHFR. I thought that stood for mutherfucker. But that's just me.

  • @fritz2259
    @fritz2259 7 месяцев назад +1

    Im one of the 50 then

  • @lesliedeadmond6087
    @lesliedeadmond6087 3 года назад +3

    Confession....I thought it was a word eyebrows went up to my that I watched it..I'm laughing at my stupidity

    • @GMAlisa
      @GMAlisa 3 года назад

      Ditto! Thot he had a potty mouth too! Hee hee

    • @IDance4joy2
      @IDance4joy2 3 года назад

      Great minds think alike, lol. I thought it was an abbreviation too.

  • @user-ct7ln4qp5p
    @user-ct7ln4qp5p 7 месяцев назад

    Usrda hasn't been established either?

  • @amandas-fave-food
    @amandas-fave-food 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for explaining it so beautifully doc. I have this mutation and I'm glad to learn the truth.

  • @drharveylang3555
    @drharveylang3555 3 года назад +1

    I like 23andMe very much and I recommend them to my patients quite frequently. They look for $ but so do 99% of physicians that really want to help their patients.

    • @T-aka-T
      @T-aka-T 3 года назад

      And they store your name and data in their database. Check out long-term privacy and monetization before risks you blithely get cheap tests. Other companies have even fewer safeguards and longer term privacy risks. People have been very slack about their data because they are keen for cheap tests. One day they may get an insurance company shock or other unwanted call based on their DNA.

  • @karenlatham4053
    @karenlatham4053 3 года назад +2

    I wish I could get someone to talk about Xanthelasma.. Apparently most people have no clue what it is and by people I mean doctors.. I can't get any help answering the question, is it actually caused by saturated fat or eating sugar with saturated fat that turns into gunk.. Which showed up on my eyelids. I have two very large almost an inch on each eyelid, Xanthelasmas.. Because they're rare only 1% of the population. I can't find any information. What little information that is out there says that it's caused by saturated fat. But yet I watch all these videos on RUclips saying that our body needs saturated fat...

    • @robertcywes2966
      @robertcywes2966 3 года назад +2

      Great topic. Ectopic cholesterol deposition. Sign of insulin resistance often precursor to gallstones and DM

    • @karenlatham4053
      @karenlatham4053 3 года назад

      @@robertcywes2966 I've had them for over 10 years. I don't think I have gallbladder problems but I don't know either.
      Sadly I've just recently decided to cut out sugar and carbs.. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse.. I don't know that it'll ever get any better either.. I hate to think what the inside of my arteries look like...

    • @karenlatham4053
      @karenlatham4053 3 года назад

      By "sadly" I've recently cut out sugar... I mean it took me this long... I should have cut it out many years ago.

    • @vivarkroeger
      @vivarkroeger 3 года назад +1

      If it were me I would eat a very healthy strict ketogenic diet. Cut out all vegetable oils. If you need help your welcome to message ne.

    • @karenlatham4053
      @karenlatham4053 3 года назад

      @@vivarkroeger thank you.
      This is what I've started for the past 3 months. I'm very very strict about it. I know it's the long game. I'm going to have to eat this way the rest of my life. I'm okay with that. I just hope that I'm doing the right thing.
      One thing I am a little confused on is coconut oil because on keto they say to eat coconut oil but it's high in saturated fat. So I need to do more research on that. Mainly I'm just using butter and olive oil at the moment. I also eat dairy, but only high fat dairy. Which is a pretty high source of saturated fat there you go again... For everyone else this is okay.. but is it okay for me because of my apparent problem with saturated fat.. It's very confusing.
      Which leads us back to the problem of, just because Mayo clinic says they're caused by saturated fat are they really!?
      Sorry I got bit carried away there.
      Thank you for answering. You're one of the only RUclips channels that even took the time.

  • @cookingketowithlee5001
    @cookingketowithlee5001 3 года назад


  • @grace683
    @grace683 3 месяца назад

    Maybe its rare cause drs dont test their patients

  • @Jean-yn6ef
    @Jean-yn6ef 3 года назад


  • @lauriehester2402
    @lauriehester2402 3 года назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @DxCKnew
    @DxCKnew 3 года назад +7

    Isn't Snake Oil Keto?

    • @robertcywes2966
      @robertcywes2966 3 года назад +1


    • @pittsburgh-gal
      @pittsburgh-gal 3 года назад +2

      I believe you meant veganism

    • @ready2roo24
      @ready2roo24 3 года назад

      no, it comes from an animal. It's carnivore. lol

    • @pittsburgh-gal
      @pittsburgh-gal 3 года назад

      I think we're all confused🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @justineanonymous2986
    @justineanonymous2986 3 года назад +4

    For the first time i must disagree.. Many many of my patients especially children are seeing tremendous results when given folate... Most patients will not eat appropriately... Bye bye unsubscribing now nor
    sending patients this way

  • @sendlazarus430
    @sendlazarus430 5 месяцев назад

    You are wrong, sir. You talk of snake oil. Your video makes me wonder what industry is paying you.