TD BRICKS I would really love an in depth tutorial of the piano, it could basically make cool addition to your band MOCs! I would also love to see if you could a make a concert on the band Queen for a tribute on November this or next year? Thanks for responding!
@@TDBRICKS oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (if this comet gets 1000 likes i will comet 🤣👶gugu gaga👶🤣)
As a girl I will tell you that dealing with really long hair is a pain ... takes 5-10 minutes depending on how I sleep. thank you now it will only take 3-6 minutes
TD BRICKS Ive been making my own lego videos and working hard on them. It would mean alot if you check one of them out. If you gave me some tips that would help out.
Challange - Make Coronavirus Technique ! A Snot Brick with a Stud on the Top , Bottom , Front , Back , Left side , Right side ! Cool Idea right ? BTW i love your Videos , i am Indian Boy 13years old and i Started watching your Videos 3 months ago and now i am Addicted.
I have a suggestion... it would be really cool if you did a step by step tutorial for a 16 by 16 house, because I’m kinda trash at architecture, and I’m sure that i ain’t the only one😂
That bunk bed with only one bed is a real thing, atleast in Sweden i have one and it is uncomfterble, the bed part is just a mattress on a bunch of metall bars
in dutch its called a stapelbed. meaning pilebed. like, a pile of beds. so "bunk bed" wasnt a wrong thing to say, just diffrent then your way to say it
5:22 the building technique is half illegal and half legal. The clip on the left with a plate in between is legal, that type of brick was updated to make this type of technique legal. the older piece on the right with a plate in between is a illegal building technique. the right piece has stress on its pieces, the left has not stress
Love your designs! Really helps me add to my shelf of LEGO in my room. I’m a big music guy, and I play piano, and this piano design is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. If you ever can in a vid, please make an organ out of LEGO. It would be incredible.
Just so you know, those tabletop video games are made to be eaten on. They used to have em in pizza places in the dining room with chairs so you could spend more money while eating.
What top 10s or other ideas do you want to see in the future?
top ten most spicy and drippy lego drip
TD BRICKS Maybe some top 10 ideas for like grassland techniques!
Top ten arcade machine designs?
How do you have a avatar aneg minfigure the sets he comes in super expensive like 700 or $800 you said you were broke
This Isn't a furniture idea but why not try building a car dealership
Cool ideas sir!
Hi Tiago
You got followers everywhere(I’m one of them!)
Hi Tiago
Omg I love u
Good video, never thought of some of these creations 😂
Glad I could provide some inspiration!
@My Guy what is good😏
@@TDBRICKS i have a chair like the first build
@@TDBRICKS what’s the song at the piano part
As a girl, I appreciate your efforts to build things for the girls haha I love the piano design and the loft bed! Great video :)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!
TD BRICKS I would really love an in depth tutorial of the piano, it could basically make cool addition to your band MOCs! I would also love to see if you could a make a concert on the band Queen for a tribute on November this or next year? Thanks for responding!
😄 Glad you did that for the girls although I’m a boy XD
If you broke then how do you get so much Lego?
Here i am with the boys… but im a girl:/
Dude cereal and Travis scott, 👌!
Noice buuuuiilds bro
Cereal and Travis Scott are the essentials! Thanks man!
1:54 my man just failed no simp october
He’s not really simping.
I had to do it for the content 😔
Here's a fun game, take a shot every time Ty says "the boys."
Ummm im a 13 year old girl
Kacii Summer-leigh umm no one asked so NO THANKS
@@kaciisummer-leigh7846 use water
@@kaciisummer-leigh7846 use mouthwash
When he said “I’m Asian so I study a lot” killed me 🤣
It true tho lol
This dudes hilarious man.
@@TDBRICKS yes, in China, in 3rd grade you learn some 10th grade math, and in China your parents are like: simple math
When he said that i said HES ASIAN! HES ASIAN
@@TDBRICKS really??
Ty:- "Candles are Pretty lit"
ME :- Admiring his humor and wit.
While Laughing like a crazy person alone in a room.
i love the way you posed your minifigure on the chair. He looks so relaxed.
5:29 that technic was used in the LEGO creator 3 in 1 pet shop and café from last year. It was used in the roof of the modern house.
Didn't know. Thanks for the info!
Well, you are correct, but what he did is that he used the old clip and the new clip(it's legal with the new clip) so it's more like 50% illegal.
That is so much cooler than your others videos
You know it’s gonna be a good video when it has the yellow background and top ten in the title lol. These are great
Haha thanks man!
Love your vids man
Thank you!
I am a massive fan
2:43 "Candles are pretty LIT." Good one!
I like your video 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Awesome creations😍
I just wish you also make step by step tutorials for beginners and amateurs
Fr3aking 🔥🔥
Why is this the top comment
Congrats on 60k broooo!!
Thank you!
198k now
@@coldrockbabe hahah 203k now what a change
Td got da drip!😎
Wow, love that piano looks amazing!!! 🔥
Thank you man!
Inspired in the first 20 seconds
That swing is gorgeous and would fit perfectly in a modern design. Killed it, as usual.
Thank you!
@@TDBRICKS oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (if this comet gets 1000 likes i will comet 🤣👶gugu gaga👶🤣)
As a girl I will tell you that dealing with really long hair is a pain ... takes 5-10 minutes depending on how I sleep. thank you now it will only take 3-6 minutes
I do not care :D
Why don' t you cut it?
@@lesamuraiblan0469 even tho you took the time to say I dont care
@Ashley Tucker imagen even being called ashley and the last name tucker ha
Ok “Johnathan”
The visuals in this video are insane. Great builds as well!
Thanks Cowie!
Your videos are so good I binge watch them 😆
Haha thanks man!
TD BRICKS Ive been making my own lego videos and working hard on them. It would mean alot if you check one of them out. If you gave me some tips that would help out.
4:22 “So this is not for eating boys and girls” well yeah Ty, I’d hope you’re not eating boys and girls 😳 im not a cannibalism guy myself lol
LOL Peter XD
@@Dinothedinosaur-dv8ix what
Td bricks is illegal building techniques real?
Awesome! I like that piano and the plant design! Keep it up! Hehe I was laughing when he karate chopped the table. Great vid Ty
Hey thanks man!
Hi WexBrix!
I loved the piano build. I'm no piano guy but that looks AWESOME !!!!
Thank you brother!
@@TDBRICKSUr welcome
Thx td bricks awesome 😎
No problem
"Candles are lit." Get it? They are lit like with a lighter.
No way 😱
my house is lit, get it? Because it’s burning down
@@commenterbob9601 lol
That is good
Yes more Like this! Please
As a girl, I hate hairdressers but I’m so happy that you added a thing to represent us so thank you! Also can you do another house one of this days?
Thanks for the video Ty! Love you!
Love you too brotha!
I love these videos keep up the great MOCs!
Thanks brotha!
TD BRICKS also, are you doing another MOC contest this year? If so I would love to enter
4:27 if you were wondering it’s called a loft bed
4:48 illegal buliding ladder
“That would suck because you would be dead”
10/10 narration
I really love how you express yourself through Lego, keep it up!
Super useful I subed and liked
4:26 some sweaty gaming lol 😂, Phenomenal video, I love the piano design , keep it up man 😁👊
Challange - Make Coronavirus Technique !
A Snot Brick with a Stud on the Top , Bottom , Front , Back , Left side , Right side !
Cool Idea right ?
BTW i love your Videos , i am Indian Boy 13years old and i Started watching your Videos 3 months ago and now i am Addicted.
Hey TD, isn't it dangerous to have a lit candle underneath a bed?
It's kinda a bad idea
Amazin 👏🏽👏🏽‼️
Thanks cuz!
Not only do you have great builds but you editing and music skills are great
Your video evolved so much from 5 years ago...much to learn from me!
Super useful! I don’t do very many MOCs anymore, but these are great for stop motion sets!
I agree
I also agree
Awesome video!! I'll try some of them
"I'm asian so I study a lot" 😂 lol that line bro
Positive vibes has been despenced
I love the piano, really nice build. And even though I'm one of the boys, the hairdressing table for girls is very good looking as well :-)
Hallo TD Bricks, nice builds, # 9 can be a Drawing table, tilteble :), Thank you Carola
The piano!! 😍 🎹 Pls do a full tutorial 🥺
Man joker was vibin on that piano
That piano was fire!!! 🔥🔥🔥👍 And your illegal hacks are freakin Genius!! Def building today.
I have a suggestion... it would be really cool if you did a step by step tutorial for a 16 by 16 house, because I’m kinda trash at architecture, and I’m sure that i ain’t the only one😂
Check a channel: smallbrick city
This video gave me some really good vibes Ty! You used some great building techniques to make these! Thanks for sharing 👍!
I really like the loft bed design
You said bunk bed without the bottom bunk lol!
Okay, this is why you’re the spice master.
Indeed lol. Thanks!
This is so awesome thanks dude.
The amount of times td bricks said the boys
3 yes
This comment would be better if there were like 1k likes let’s achieve that!
*amAWng us with the boys*
I have to idmit that you have made my lego ideas come to life. I MEAN IT! Big shout out to TD BRICKS.
Now this is epic
I really like it when everything is connected, sooooo
The piano would have been all connected for me.
I really loved the grand piano that's the best lego piano I have ever seen
That bunk bed with only one bed is a real thing, atleast in Sweden i have one and it is uncomfterble, the bed part is just a mattress on a bunch of metall bars
That "bunk bed" is actually called a loft bed. I own one my self
in dutch its called a stapelbed. meaning pilebed. like, a pile of beds. so "bunk bed" wasnt a wrong thing to say, just diffrent then your way to say it
Cool ideas for silple LEGO idea 💡👍❤😊
At 4:40
TD BRICKS : I'm Asian.
Nice video my special chicken
Thank you special chicken
2:58 Grand Piano on a budget.
(let’s be honest im never buying that LEGO set.)
earlyest ive ever been for a td bricks video!
Good job being early!
@@TDBRICKS thanks im a huge fan!
hey TD whats the name of that song when your showing the piano build?
Yo Ukulelekid
Love Mode by Joakim Karud
4:28 i actually have that! i thought many people haven't heard of anything like that lmao, love your ideas by the way!
3:40 says the man who buys all the lego
Holy smokes! That piano is beautiful!
1:21 that shoe looks like the classic noob in roblox
Yo these builds are sick!!
7:00 i have the pieces for 🥲
5:22 the building technique is half illegal and half legal.
The clip on the left with a plate in between is legal, that type of brick was updated to make this type of technique legal. the older piece on the right with a plate in between is a illegal building technique.
the right piece has stress on its pieces, the left has not stress
Thanks! Im bad on furniture and this helped
Glad I could help!
Your commentary is terrific! I’m in!!!
You td brick are the best you give the best ideas I am a fan
Love your designs! Really helps me add to my shelf of LEGO in my room. I’m a big music guy, and I play piano, and this piano design is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. If you ever can in a vid, please make an organ out of LEGO. It would be incredible.
Great builds. My Favourite was the piano. 👍
0:41 Apple commercial but it’s LEGO furniture....🤟🤣🤙
This is my favorite channel mate! Makes me giggle everytime, made me fall back in love with the bricks! 🙌 Cool ideas!
Cool Ideas this deserves more subscribers
Nice I subbed
Da boyz gonna love this video
I love how Ty pretty much always puts Yoda in his videos
Just so you know, those tabletop video games are made to be eaten on. They used to have em in pizza places in the dining room with chairs so you could spend more money while eating.
I love your channel, you were one of the first RUclipsrs I ever watched
Lego Joker with the Luke Skywalker hair in green looks LIT
Good job 👍👍👍👍👍
i used to own one of those bunk bed desk thingys. Noice vid boi
Nice, not doing my LEGO channel anymore, but it’s lit brotha
So simple but so spicy