You know what makes me laugh? In US and western Europe almost all despise Polish sauerkraut or fermented pickles but they all love kimchi and Korean fermented pickles.
Dla mnie dużym plusem tego filmiku jest to, że to były bardzo tradycyjne, znane i tak popularne dania z Polski, że wszyscy je kojarzą. Do tego miejsca, które odwiedzili są w starych klimatach, z wyraźnym podkreśleniem nawiązywania do tradycji - serwowane tam jedzenie po prostu odpowiadało tym lokalizacjom. Jedzenie po które sięgnęli jest jednymi z najbardziej typowych polskich posiłków, jakie można zamówić. Wśród zalewu na rynku różnych wariantów jedzeniowych, trendy dodatków i inspiracji z różnych stron świata w lokalach w Polsce - to wydaje się być ładnym ukłonem w stronę polskiej rodzimej kuchni. Polska kuchnia oparta bywa z jednej strony na stosunkowo prostych składnikach, ale to jedzenie smakuje dobrze i w tej prostocie tkwi właśnie urok. Polskie jedzenie smakuje generalnie lepiej niż jedzenie w USA - wydaje mi się, że nawet jak ktoś jest przyzwyczajony do amerykańskich smaków od razu wyczuje tę różnice. Dlatego właśnie chyba tradycyjnych dań polskich nie trzeba niczym podkręcać, bo one się bronią same. Tak naprawdę bardzo wielu Polaków kocha schabowego i uważa, że to jest ich ulubione danie polskie. To mówi samo za siebie. Zamówili chyba najbardziej typową wersję zapiekanki (osobiście najczęściej sama taką w życiu jadam od dziecka - bo jest przepyszna).
Have you been there? What is your favorite dish at Zapiekanka’s? Or what is another favourite Polish dish, you could eat every day? Greetings from Germany. :)
@@andreadee1567No i haven't. But You can find zapiekanki's in every polish city. My favourite polish dishes are pierogi and żurek, and i can eat those 24/7.
@@grzegorzbukowski4372 I have a Polish friend and she cooked pierogi for me. It was absolutely delicious. I didn’t know zurek, but I found a recipe on google. It sounds interesting. I hope, I can try it one day.
@@andreadee1567 I'm from Poland, and my fav is mushroom and cheese but, i also love versions with ham or other meats its changing from day to day, today i have craving for only chesse and garlick.
Polish pork knuckle is not fatty - what resembles fat is natural gelatin - very healthy - great for knees and other joints PS. but... you have to be careful with grated horseradish (and some mustards) - they are spicy - the "spiciness" can fly away from your nose xD PS. there is another version of traditional Polish pork knuckle - cooked with beer ;)
We had huge snowstorm 10-15 years ago, but I guess global warming happened and now if we exclude mountains we almost have no snow during winter Winter temperatures are much higher too, average temp when I was a kid those 15 years ago was negative 5 degrees, now it's 5 degrees
I'll try to explain this movie to you. I lived in New York some time ago and I compare xo to food. First of all, in the USA, cucumber, tomato or carrot taste the same to Poles. In Poland, these vegetables have a more intense taste and smell. The same applies to mustard, sauces and mayonnaise. It tastes strange in your case and is not particularly good. It's either spicy or sweet or salty. Our products have natural flavors. There are also groups that argue about who is better. You can't make a vegetable salad if you don't have Kielce mayonnaise. As for mushrooms, it was a casserole with mushrooms, we are talking about forest mushrooms. But you need to understand one thing. There are hundreds of types of dishes and ways of preparing them. There is no single recipe. The flavors also depend on which part of Poland you eat in. This cucumber was pickled on site, it is not bought from a jar in a store. You have to try because you won't really have a clue what it's all about. There is a video on RUclips of an American visiting a Polish restaurant in the United States. Take a look.
Today in Poland winter is more in name than in reality . As a teenager, I remember winters in Poland in the late 70s and 80s where snowfall of 10-20 inches and frosts of -4°F to -22°C were the norm. The last normal winter in my area was in 2000. There was 20 inches of snow and a temperature of -4 degrees F. 30:37 for 2 pounds of meat 25 dollars is not much. The whole shank weighed 1 kilogram and 200 grams. 200 grams were the bones and 1 kg = 2 pounds is the meat
Ta kobieta pół godziny gadała i zaczęła jeść zimną zapiekankę😂 się ję na gorąco 🤩 Ten bar po tej zapiekance to był BAR MLECZNY , bardzo tani i jest zazwyczaj w stylu komunistycznym ponieważ te bary za czasów komunizmu w Polsce były najpopularniejsze.
TO ne styl PRLu . Widze ze mimo ze jestes Polakiem tez nie rozumiesz samej idei BARU MLECZNEGO , Tanie jedenie domowej roboty jest wynikiem dofinansowywania panstwa i CIENCIEM KOSZTOW OBSLUGI I WYSTROJU , Taki styl jest wymuszony obcinaniem zbędnych kosztów , TANIE MEBLE ,TANIE OBRUSY .sztuczne kwiatki i brak kelnerow ,To styl PRLu czy raczej mninimalistyczny .Bar mleczny to NIE wynalazek komunistow !
for the baguette I ate it like that of course with other ingredients but it was a surprise that it is a dish from a Polish town it was a shock to learn that 🤣
Milk bars in Poland have been very popular among foreign tourists in recent years, but foreigners do not understand the idea of milk bars. A milk bar is VERY CHEAP food with good quality and home-made taste. Food in milk bars is cheap because it is SUBSIDIZED by the state. In order for the meals to be cheap and of good quality, additional savings are made on the service and decoration of the interior of such a bar, which is why the furniture there is usually cheap, tablecloths made of oilcloth or cheap material, and you have to bring the food to the table yourself and after eating, take the empty dishes to a special window yourself. Milk bars are mostly used by pensioners, students and sometimes the homeless (who do not want to use the state or CARITAS help). We Poles understand what a MILK BAR is and we do not require any luxury or beautiful interiors there, unlike someone from the outside who is criticizing it. It is a MILK BAR and not a RESTAURANT. In restaurants, the bill for similar food, only beautifully served in beautiful interiors, has to be paid several times more. COMPOTE is cooked fresh seasonal fruit (fruit changes with the season) with added sugar. Known in Poland for centuries. Most often it is served with fruit on which it is cooked ... unless someone does not like cooked fruit. For example, apart from cooked strawberries I do not like any other so I drink pure compote. In the times of the Polish People's Republic (during communism) I sometimes went to the milk bar for "Łowickie dumplings" with mushroom sauce, for "pampuchy" (steamed yeast dumplings) with mushroom or champignon sauce, for "kopytka" with ribs and "lazy" with butter, sugar and cinnamon and for mushroom soup or pea soup.And by the way, it seems to me that Poland has the most variety of soups in its national cuisine. I live in Austria and here there are several soups, most of them are beef or chicken broth (broth) whit vegetables with different inserts, i.e. dumplings, puff pastry peas, with sliced pancakes and although it is always the same broth, only the insert changes, the soup already exists under a completely different name. In Poland, it would be one soup, i.e. broth, regardless of whether it was with pasta, potatoes, pancakes or puff pastry peas.. Greetings to you
We invite you to Poland! Try zapiekanka and you will understand what is special about it. Polish bread, Polish cheese, Polish ketchup is a combination that you will not find in the USA. Mushrooms are the same everywhere. Try first, then rate. Pozdrawiam!
Zapiekanka to nie tylko grzyby,cebula i ser, to wersja podstawowa , baza na chrupiacej bułce, ktora nie jest napompowana spulchniaczami 😊na to wszystko kladziesz co lubisz , pelno warzyw lub wedliny, ale bez polskiego pieczywa to nie jest to samo. Kapusta kiszona czy ogorki kiszone kupone w sklepie maja inny smak niż domowe. W ogole nie kupisz w sklepie ogórków czesciowo ukiszonych tak po 2 dniach sa pycha😊. Sok z kiszonek używany jest jak lek na choroby jelitowe czy pasożyty i nie tylko. Babcine sposoby najlepsze i najzdrowsze, bez dodatkow E . W ogóle pieczywo i mięso ma inny smak niż w USA czy Europie Zachodniej. Nawet ziemniaki sa inne i mamy mnostwo gatunkow ziemniakow inne do zup , inne na sucho, inne do klusek ziemniaczanych jak kluski śląskie, ktore wymagaja suchych , mączystych ziemniakow żeby nie dodawać za dużo mąki bo beda jak guma😊. Przyjeżdżając dobrze jest zatrzymac sie w polecanym gospodarstwie agroturystycznym chociaz na kilka dni zeby poznać kuchnię tradycyjną. Golonka ma dużo żelatyny na stawy a dodatek chrzanu pomaga trawić tłuszcz. Tajemnica w łączeniu produktów i przypraw
Zapiekanka is a Polish pizza from the times of communism. A breath of west in these gray times. But even today, a crispy roll with deliciously seasoned mushrooms and cheese can really surprise you.
there are diffrent kinds of ketchup in Poland. Worst ones are awful, but the better ones are very more essential. My fav is made of 161g tomatoes per 100g of ketchup and: bit of selery and onion, sugar, vinegar, salt and spices. Bit of starch to thicken and that's all. No preservatives or any other "chemistry". Yummy.
Like everywhere else, the climate is changing. -25 in Krakow used to be entirely possible now maybe -9 max. And your right, they are lying about zapiekanki tasting that good.
zapiekanki can be really good, but i don't think that this one on the video was. It looks to be made of raw mashrooms and cheese don't look so good. It would be "flat taste" I think. On the other hand fry pieczarki on butter with some onion, add some spices, use good kind of cheese and.... muala, if you know, what i mean ;)
I really doubt that it was "the original" zapiekanka shop or that they've invented it there. Wiki says that it came around '70 and this shop is from 1980. It was more likely some random dude that thought to put his sandwitch in the oven. They just hyped it up for the video. They are also pretty obnoxious about it
19:15 Milk Bars are still partially government founded thats where super low prices come from. May be a relic of 'old times' but they still serve a good purpose: as you can see in the background it's a great place for old people who maybe live alone- its cheaper and more sociable than cooking just for yourself everyday, or for students who are on a budget and want an actual meal etc. And don't diss zapiekanka till you try it 😜mushrooms do taste meatlike there (communism was a tough time, so people learned how to prepare ingredients they could get to taste as what they craved 😎) The name zapiekanka means 'baked' (and we use it to describe casserole as well), nowadays you can get them with different toppings hence the 'original recipe'. Great video!
5:31 dont compare the ketchup you have in usa with what we have here. but the one she used is one of the cheaper ones. the best one is Włocławek (which is also a name of the city it came from) as for the zapiekanaka you neeeeeeed to eat it with ketchup. also there are variansts of it with meat.
As you see "zapiekanki" I always seen USA "mac&chesse" nothihng special, I even made some atteps to do it myself, but no do,when I go to USA i will try (btw there is some mc&cheese in Poland but its a different dish) In the milk bar they should take diffrent vegies not only cooked souerkreaut, there are other types of wegies; We are going enganing to planet earth by pullings eags of alliens at compot- be aware to eat at Poland;P And soups are the best here!(you have know where are the best) Knueckle part that is made of skinn and "fat"(I wouldent call it that) is always the best, trust me -if the knuckle was done well, If it's no true... polish people are diffrent:P(its cold here you know, we need fat?:))
Snow... naaah, climate change is really visible. We don`t have winters anymore its mostly grey and mud when it should be white snow chill, most of the time is about 0 celcius, might go to -10/+10 or so for short periods. Extremes u can discover for a while would be like -30/+38 celcius. You don`t understand that that in Europe we have products such as cheese or bread, seriously the difference is so big that some people think that in America there is almost no cheese or bread. Cheese = milk + salt, and bread = flour, water, salt. In your case these products have about 10 different chemical additives. Put a mix of onions and mushrooms in a pan, reduce in oil with salt and pepper, then add butter and garlic at the end, you will see that it is delicious. "Zapiekanka" is fast food, easy pizza. Butter, the above-described spread on a baguette, cheese (Throw bacon on top or whatever u want), to the oven, ketchup (or whatever you want), that's it. Milk bar - traditionally there would be a greater variety of additives in the style of salads, cucumbers, mushrooms, lettuce etc.. The most popular will be a pork chop with potatoes. The cutlet is beaten with a hammer beforehand to make it tender and marinated in milk, then put in beaten egg as glue and coat in breadcrumbs and throw in a hot pan. Mashed potatoes with butter and cream, some vegetables, simple. Hehe, it's funny to watch the reactions from the milk bar. I don't understand the reactions. Homemade fast food at an affordable price. I would be a master of taste if I made the basics of Polish cuisine in the USA. Dude, marinate your pork knuckle in beer and that's it ; ) Polish or German recipie will be, a good idea. I think that Americans are so used to chemistry in food and in the USA what we call normal food is so expensive, that returning to these normal tastes causes such reactions. I watch the reactions of different people and talk to Americans. The cuisine in Italy or France or Spain or India would kill you ; ) Yeah is just good, but we`re used to it. Ok, I`ll find something.видео.html&ab_channel=DeanaandPhil
No, we don't have snow now because of climate change. It snowed when I was a kid - the 1980s. Now if a little snow falls and lasts for a week or two it's a big success. It's funny that in the US or countries in Western Europe, they think it's still winter in our country. After all, we have the same weather as in NY - four seasons, but we have much less humidity.
Here you go man!видео.html Pretty good list in my opinion, but I would also add "gołąbki" to it. Also they made a mistake, because pierogi are not from russia
I'm not a fan of zapiekanka. Knysza is better 🤷. When it snows it is few inches. Sometimes a feet but those times are so rare nowadays 😓. And meat- during communist times you got meat if your family was living in the countryside and was hiding animals from the party members visiting and seizing your flock or you bribed butchershop lady 😵... And I bet that compote was made with gooseberries and black- and red- currants.
When my Ass has WAAAAY less things to do here in the states....sigh, its very very very busy right now A LOT going on, two jobs, RUclips, Daughter in College, possible medical issues coming up with family members....LOTS going on, cant go ANYWHERE yet unfortunately :(
10:11 It's not a pretty graffiti, but the inscription says it all: good food. ;) I don't know about you, but in Poland you can get different types of mustard from mild to spicy. The color indicated that we were dealing with mild mustard (my favorite). I think they're not exaggerating with the reaction. You'd have to try real Polish food.
Try zapiekanka , some of places making with salads ( special made one ) or ham ... is depending where you go ... but if didn't try zapiekanka you will never understand
I see you never eat Polisch food, seriously go to my country and try , than you start understand. You can't eat the same flavour anywhere on this planet. It's made different than I try in UK or other places, it's just different is fuck . Best
We polish love mushrooms:) Zapiekanka has specific taste memories from communism time 😭 where food was hard to get
You know what makes me laugh? In US and western Europe almost all despise Polish sauerkraut or fermented pickles but they all love kimchi and Korean fermented pickles.
USA loves sauerkraut on Hotdogs
W Niemczech kapusta kiszona z marchewka jest uwielbiana, takze ogorki, rowniez dostane golonke, wiec nie przesadzaj
It depends...
KAPUŚNIAK is veeeeeeeery healthy. It contains lot of vegetables and vitamins so during winter is the best soup. It gives you energy and warms you up.
Dla mnie dużym plusem tego filmiku jest to, że to były bardzo tradycyjne, znane i tak popularne dania z Polski, że wszyscy je kojarzą. Do tego miejsca, które odwiedzili są w starych klimatach, z wyraźnym podkreśleniem nawiązywania do tradycji - serwowane tam jedzenie po prostu odpowiadało tym lokalizacjom. Jedzenie po które sięgnęli jest jednymi z najbardziej typowych polskich posiłków, jakie można zamówić. Wśród zalewu na rynku różnych wariantów jedzeniowych, trendy dodatków i inspiracji z różnych stron świata w lokalach w Polsce - to wydaje się być ładnym ukłonem w stronę polskiej rodzimej kuchni. Polska kuchnia oparta bywa z jednej strony na stosunkowo prostych składnikach, ale to jedzenie smakuje dobrze i w tej prostocie tkwi właśnie urok. Polskie jedzenie smakuje generalnie lepiej niż jedzenie w USA - wydaje mi się, że nawet jak ktoś jest przyzwyczajony do amerykańskich smaków od razu wyczuje tę różnice. Dlatego właśnie chyba tradycyjnych dań polskich nie trzeba niczym podkręcać, bo one się bronią same. Tak naprawdę bardzo wielu Polaków kocha schabowego i uważa, że to jest ich ulubione danie polskie. To mówi samo za siebie. Zamówili chyba najbardziej typową wersję zapiekanki (osobiście najczęściej sama taką w życiu jadam od dziecka - bo jest przepyszna).
My dad always said champignons aren't mushrooms - real mushrooms grow in the forest, champignons grow on horse poop!
About zapiekanka's. There is many options, with beef or other sort of meat also. Greetings from my lovely Poland!❤
Have you been there? What is your favorite dish at Zapiekanka’s? Or what is another favourite Polish dish, you could eat every day? Greetings from Germany. :)
@@andreadee1567No i haven't. But You can find zapiekanki's in every polish city. My favourite polish dishes are pierogi and żurek, and i can eat those 24/7.
Greetings from Poland!💟@@andreadee1567
@@grzegorzbukowski4372 I have a Polish friend and she cooked pierogi for me. It was absolutely delicious. I didn’t know zurek, but I found a recipe on google. It sounds interesting. I hope, I can try it one day.
@@andreadee1567 I'm from Poland, and my fav is mushroom and cheese but, i also love versions with ham or other meats its changing from day to day, today i have craving for only chesse and garlick.
Bułka, pieczarki, ser i keczup to naprawdę smaczne połączenie. A kapuśniak jest najlepszy, kiedy jest zimno na dworze.
Polskie jedzenie jest tak dobre, że nie trzeba zmywać naczyń, ponieważ są wylizywane do czysta.
10:19 The inscriptions on the wall reads: "Good food"
Nawet nie wyobrażasz sobie jak dobrze to smakuje
Polish pork knuckle is not fatty - what resembles fat is natural gelatin - very healthy - great for knees and other joints PS. but... you have to be careful with grated horseradish (and some mustards) - they are spicy - the "spiciness" can fly away from your nose xD PS. there is another version of traditional Polish pork knuckle - cooked with beer ;)
We had huge snowstorm 10-15 years ago, but I guess global warming happened and now if we exclude mountains we almost have no snow during winter
Winter temperatures are much higher too, average temp when I was a kid those 15 years ago was negative 5 degrees, now it's 5 degrees
mushroom picking which starts in autumn is a kind of Polish national sport. My mom is an expert in mushrooms she knows them all
you can eat zapiekanka - here even with majoneez (every slaw knows that everything is better with majonez) or even salads (i like this option xD)
I'll try to explain this movie to you. I lived in New York some time ago and I compare xo to food. First of all, in the USA, cucumber, tomato or carrot taste the same to Poles. In Poland, these vegetables have a more intense taste and smell. The same applies to mustard, sauces and mayonnaise. It tastes strange in your case and is not particularly good. It's either spicy or sweet or salty. Our products have natural flavors. There are also groups that argue about who is better. You can't make a vegetable salad if you don't have Kielce mayonnaise. As for mushrooms, it was a casserole with mushrooms, we are talking about forest mushrooms. But you need to understand one thing. There are hundreds of types of dishes and ways of preparing them. There is no single recipe. The flavors also depend on which part of Poland you eat in. This cucumber was pickled on site, it is not bought from a jar in a store. You have to try because you won't really have a clue what it's all about. There is a video on RUclips of an American visiting a Polish restaurant in the United States. Take a look.
This one?видео.html&ab_channel=JoelHansen
Simply delicious = zapiekanka. Little spicy onion, mushrooms, cheese and ketchup.
that was typical zapiekanka, but there are variations. believe me, it's good. great snack after alcohol 😄
last snow and extremely temprature -30 was 10 years ago. Now it;s rain or sometimes snow, remember when my father went for muszrooms 31.12
Today in Poland winter is more in name than in reality . As a teenager, I remember winters in Poland in the late 70s and 80s where snowfall of 10-20 inches and frosts of -4°F to -22°C were the norm. The last normal winter in my area was in 2000. There was 20 inches of snow and a temperature of -4 degrees F. 30:37 for 2 pounds of meat 25 dollars is not much. The whole shank weighed 1 kilogram and 200 grams. 200 grams were the bones and 1 kg = 2 pounds is the meat
Marsz do samolotu. I witamy w Krakowie.
Ta kobieta pół godziny gadała i zaczęła jeść zimną zapiekankę😂 się ję na gorąco 🤩 Ten bar po tej zapiekance to był BAR MLECZNY , bardzo tani i jest zazwyczaj w stylu komunistycznym ponieważ te bary za czasów komunizmu w Polsce były najpopularniejsze.
TO ne styl PRLu . Widze ze mimo ze jestes Polakiem tez nie rozumiesz samej idei BARU MLECZNEGO , Tanie jedenie domowej roboty jest wynikiem dofinansowywania panstwa i CIENCIEM KOSZTOW OBSLUGI I WYSTROJU , Taki styl jest wymuszony obcinaniem zbędnych kosztów , TANIE MEBLE ,TANIE OBRUSY .sztuczne kwiatki i brak kelnerow ,To styl PRLu czy raczej mninimalistyczny .Bar mleczny to NIE wynalazek komunistow !
for the baguette I ate it like that of course with other ingredients but it was a surprise that it is a dish from a Polish town it was a shock to learn that 🤣
I like the way you're talking a piss though 😂😂😂
I can't get over the fact that you don't get the zapiekanka idea,it is delicious,cheap,huge portion.
we used to get a couple of feet in thr 90's, now there barly any snow
man it really tastes so good. gathering and eatin mushrooms @,@ is much part of our culture :)
this forest kind - more than 10 eateble warieties (2 only once) are really good.
Milk bars in Poland have been very popular among foreign tourists in recent years, but foreigners do not understand the idea of milk bars. A milk bar is VERY CHEAP food with good quality and home-made taste. Food in milk bars is cheap because it is SUBSIDIZED by the state. In order for the meals to be cheap and of good quality, additional savings are made on the service and decoration of the interior of such a bar, which is why the furniture there is usually cheap, tablecloths made of oilcloth or cheap material, and you have to bring the food to the table yourself and after eating, take the empty dishes to a special window yourself. Milk bars are mostly used by pensioners, students and sometimes the homeless (who do not want to use the state or CARITAS help). We Poles understand what a MILK BAR is and we do not require any luxury or beautiful interiors there, unlike someone from the outside who is criticizing it. It is a MILK BAR and not a RESTAURANT. In restaurants, the bill for similar food, only beautifully served in beautiful interiors, has to be paid several times more. COMPOTE is cooked fresh seasonal fruit (fruit changes with the season) with added sugar. Known in Poland for centuries. Most often it is served with fruit on which it is cooked ... unless someone does not like cooked fruit. For example, apart from cooked strawberries I do not like any other so I drink pure compote. In the times of the Polish People's Republic (during communism) I sometimes went to the milk bar for "Łowickie dumplings" with mushroom sauce, for "pampuchy" (steamed yeast dumplings) with mushroom or champignon sauce, for "kopytka" with ribs and "lazy" with butter, sugar and cinnamon and for mushroom soup or pea soup.And by the way, it seems to me that Poland has the most variety of soups in its national cuisine. I live in Austria and here there are several soups, most of them are beef or chicken broth (broth) whit vegetables with different inserts, i.e. dumplings, puff pastry peas, with sliced pancakes and although it is always the same broth, only the insert changes, the soup already exists under a completely different name. In Poland, it would be one soup, i.e. broth, regardless of whether it was with pasta, potatoes, pancakes or puff pastry peas.. Greetings to you
We invite you to Poland! Try zapiekanka and you will understand what is special about it. Polish bread, Polish cheese, Polish ketchup is a combination that you will not find in the USA. Mushrooms are the same everywhere. Try first, then rate. Pozdrawiam!
Zapiekanka to nie tylko grzyby,cebula i ser, to wersja podstawowa , baza na chrupiacej bułce, ktora nie jest napompowana spulchniaczami 😊na to wszystko kladziesz co lubisz , pelno warzyw lub wedliny, ale bez polskiego pieczywa to nie jest to samo. Kapusta kiszona czy ogorki kiszone kupone w sklepie maja inny smak niż domowe. W ogole nie kupisz w sklepie ogórków czesciowo ukiszonych tak po 2 dniach sa pycha😊. Sok z kiszonek używany jest jak lek na choroby jelitowe czy pasożyty i nie tylko. Babcine sposoby najlepsze i najzdrowsze, bez dodatkow E . W ogóle pieczywo i mięso ma inny smak niż w USA czy Europie Zachodniej. Nawet ziemniaki sa inne i mamy mnostwo gatunkow ziemniakow inne do zup , inne na sucho, inne do klusek ziemniaczanych jak kluski śląskie, ktore wymagaja suchych , mączystych ziemniakow żeby nie dodawać za dużo mąki bo beda jak guma😊. Przyjeżdżając dobrze jest zatrzymac sie w polecanym gospodarstwie agroturystycznym chociaz na kilka dni zeby poznać kuchnię tradycyjną. Golonka ma dużo żelatyny na stawy a dodatek chrzanu pomaga trawić tłuszcz. Tajemnica w łączeniu produktów i przypraw
Golonka with beer is realy amzing.
Zapiekanka is a Polish pizza from the times of communism. A breath of west in these gray times. But even today, a crispy roll with deliciously seasoned mushrooms and cheese can really surprise you.
są zapiekanki z kurczakiem przepyszne i z mięsem wołowym .... to trzeba spróbować ,,,, pozdrawiam z polski
You'd love zapiekanka with salt and black pepper (+ a bit of red pepper) without ketchup! ;-) That's the way I like it.
D try mushrooms with ketchup u say dont hate before try ...try polish zapiekanka .... its tasty like crazy trust milions of polish peoples
The price for one of those dishes so the meat + potatos + sauerkraut would be something like 3$. The soup would be probably around 1,5 $ - 2$
I'm so hungry because of You, you... Should stay home but i'm going to the restaurant right now! Taking my Friends with me!
in Poland pieczarki is a pieczarki not a mushroom. Mushrooms can be forest mushrooms.
Pieczarki are for people who don't like mushrooms.
Usually in sauerkraut soup we have sausage and piece of pork ribs
kebab u rudego is mam favorite food
The pork knuckle is basically German Eisbein. Very tasty
The bottum looks like Eisbein, the top looks closer to Haxe. Bet it's good stuff.
9.70 and no tip we dont tip in Poland ;)
More Polish video!
Be openminded
there ketchup is not like ours in the us. I don't use it myself but when we were there i tried it and it is much better than USA ketchup
there are diffrent kinds of ketchup in Poland. Worst ones are awful, but the better ones are very more essential. My fav is made of 161g tomatoes per 100g of ketchup and: bit of selery and onion, sugar, vinegar, salt and spices. Bit of starch to thicken and that's all. No preservatives or any other "chemistry". Yummy.
mielony not looking like milony but looks like KFC xD
Sukiennice building is not medieval, it’s reinessance. The gothic one has burned…
This is very healthy fat in golonka,there is gelatine in the skin that is great for your bones.
Like everywhere else, the climate is changing. -25 in Krakow used to be entirely possible now maybe -9 max. And your right, they are lying about zapiekanki tasting that good.
zapiekanki can be really good, but i don't think that this one on the video was. It looks to be made of raw mashrooms and cheese don't look so good. It would be "flat taste" I think. On the other hand fry pieczarki on butter with some onion, add some spices, use good kind of cheese and.... muala, if you know, what i mean ;)
I really doubt that it was "the original" zapiekanka shop or that they've invented it there. Wiki says that it came around '70 and this shop is from 1980. It was more likely some random dude that thought to put his sandwitch in the oven. They just hyped it up for the video. They are also pretty obnoxious about it
i dont like moshrooms as well but on zapiekanka its different
You'll be surprised, but for some people, the fat and skin is the best part of the portion. with beer of course😂
bruh the graffiti on the wall says "good food" so 😭
19:15 Milk Bars are still partially government founded thats where super low prices come from. May be a relic of 'old times' but they still serve a good purpose: as you can see in the background it's a great place for old people who maybe live alone- its cheaper and more sociable than cooking just for yourself everyday, or for students who are on a budget and want an actual meal etc. And don't diss zapiekanka till you try it 😜mushrooms do taste meatlike there (communism was a tough time, so people learned how to prepare ingredients they could get to taste as what they craved 😎) The name zapiekanka means 'baked' (and we use it to describe casserole as well), nowadays you can get them with different toppings hence the 'original recipe'. Great video!
5:31 dont compare the ketchup you have in usa with what we have here. but the one she used is one of the cheaper ones. the best one is Włocławek (which is also a name of the city it came from)
as for the zapiekanaka you neeeeeeed to eat it with ketchup. also there are variansts of it with meat.
Yaeh, ketchup Włocławek, now we're talking! Spicy one for sure:D
The best food is in Upper Silesia
calling our schabowy "sznycel" offended me /hj
As you see "zapiekanki" I always seen USA "mac&chesse" nothihng special, I even made some atteps to do it myself, but no do,when I go to USA i will try (btw there is some mc&cheese in Poland but its a different dish)
In the milk bar they should take diffrent vegies not only cooked souerkreaut, there are other types of wegies;
We are going enganing to planet earth by pullings eags of alliens at compot- be aware to eat at Poland;P And soups are the best here!(you have know where are the best)
Knueckle part that is made of skinn and "fat"(I wouldent call it that) is always the best, trust me -if the knuckle was done well,
If it's no true... polish people are diffrent:P(its cold here you know, we need fat?:))
Snow... naaah, climate change is really visible. We don`t have winters anymore its mostly grey and mud when it should be white snow chill, most of the time is about 0 celcius, might go to -10/+10 or so for short periods. Extremes u can discover for a while would be like -30/+38 celcius.
You don`t understand that that in Europe we have products such as cheese or bread, seriously the difference is so big that some people think that in America there is almost no cheese or bread. Cheese = milk + salt, and bread = flour, water, salt. In your case these products have about 10 different chemical additives.
Put a mix of onions and mushrooms in a pan, reduce in oil with salt and pepper, then add butter and garlic at the end, you will see that it is delicious. "Zapiekanka" is fast food, easy pizza. Butter, the above-described spread on a baguette, cheese (Throw bacon on top or whatever u want), to the oven, ketchup (or whatever you want), that's it.
Milk bar - traditionally there would be a greater variety of additives in the style of salads, cucumbers, mushrooms, lettuce etc.. The most popular will be a pork chop with potatoes. The cutlet is beaten with a hammer beforehand to make it tender and marinated in milk, then put in beaten egg as glue and coat in breadcrumbs and throw in a hot pan. Mashed potatoes with butter and cream, some vegetables, simple.
Hehe, it's funny to watch the reactions from the milk bar. I don't understand the reactions. Homemade fast food at an affordable price. I would be a master of taste if I made the basics of Polish cuisine in the USA.
Dude, marinate your pork knuckle in beer and that's it ; ) Polish or German recipie will be, a good idea.
I think that Americans are so used to chemistry in food and in the USA what we call normal food is so expensive, that returning to these normal tastes causes such reactions.
I watch the reactions of different people and talk to Americans. The cuisine in Italy or France or Spain or India would kill you ; ) Yeah is just good, but we`re used to it. Ok, I`ll find something.видео.html&ab_channel=DeanaandPhil
Whenever you see "ó" or "u" it's always like "oo" in "roof" or "proof". Polish pronunciuation is simple.
No, we don't have snow now because of climate change. It snowed when I was a kid - the 1980s. Now if a little snow falls and lasts for a week or two it's a big success. It's funny that in the US or countries in Western Europe, they think it's still winter in our country. After all, we have the same weather as in NY - four seasons, but we have much less humidity.
Looks like the cucambers are not pickled they are cucambers in brine .....
Here you go man!видео.html Pretty good list in my opinion, but I would also add "gołąbki" to it. Also they made a mistake, because pierogi are not from russia
Just 4 d sake of curiosity; how can you react to food video without tasting actual food , let me understand please
Po c....j ja to oglądam tylko głodny się robię .
D try .... golonka dont have too much fat its have enough... just try then say
Just remember when you eat in Poland always take a hat off your head. It is disrespect to eat with your hat on
golonka z chrzanem i musztardą petarda do tego piwo POLSKIE NIE JAKIEŚ WASZE SIKI I BYŁBYŚ CHŁOPIE W 7 NIEBIE
this is us fed looser would only eat sugar mixed with transfats and MOM
I'm not a fan of zapiekanka. Knysza is better 🤷.
When it snows it is few inches. Sometimes a feet but those times are so rare nowadays 😓.
And meat- during communist times you got meat if your family was living in the countryside and was hiding animals from the party members visiting and seizing your flock or you bribed butchershop lady 😵...
And I bet that compote was made with gooseberries and black- and red- currants.
So when you gonna move your ass and vist Poland?!
When my Ass has WAAAAY less things to do here in the states....sigh, its very very very busy right now A LOT going on, two jobs, RUclips, Daughter in College, possible medical issues coming up with family members....LOTS going on, cant go ANYWHERE yet unfortunately :(
"Zapiekanka" is like a pizza on which you can put anything you want..
POLISH cheese KROLEWSKI try if you got Polisch shop near by ... the best one on this planet
13:25 it's a dill not fennel
10:11 It's not a pretty graffiti, but the inscription says it all: good food. ;)
I don't know about you, but in Poland you can get different types of mustard from mild to spicy. The color indicated that we were dealing with mild mustard (my favorite).
I think they're not exaggerating with the reaction. You'd have to try real Polish food.
Try zapiekanka , some of places making with salads ( special made one ) or ham ... is depending where you go ... but if didn't try zapiekanka you will never understand
Przyjec do polski to zapoznasz sie z dobrym zarciem i posluchasz szalonej muzyki polskich wykonawcow na koncertach
Przyjacielu mówisz że nie lubisz grzybów nie jadłeś schabowego z kani ( leśny grzyb) lub opieńki (grzyb leśny) mięso się chowa
Golonka the best one
28:00 in Poland have many taste mustard. i think is 14 diferent taste
I see you never eat Polisch food, seriously go to my country and try , than you start understand. You can't eat the same flavour anywhere on this planet. It's made different than I try in UK or other places, it's just different is fuck . Best
Hahaha, I laughed... Two people and an orgasm...😂😂🫨🌭