UPDATE: 1. I forgot to mention counterpinning, you can charge and collide with thor and wolverines charges to stun them onto the ground, this is best to be done in your team so they can kill the target you stunned, make sure to not be in their team when you get stunned or else youll be the one dying. 2. Also another note this video bout to be outdated as hell so you can check here for any of the numbers for his abilities marvelrivals.fandom.com/wiki/Winter_Soldier
One thing I have noticed is that Bucky is really good against flankers if he has the uppercut saved, especially Spiderman, the lad cant even pull off a single combo. For reference: I am speaking from GM lobbies and Not Eternity/OAA lobbies
7:01 In the same vein, twice now I’ve used Trooper’s Fist to kill Wanda out of her ult. It was the most disrespectful (and funniest) use of that ability I’ve ever done.
Thanks for the guide, I didn’t even think to use the hook to disable ults. I was also curious what sensitivity you use when playing Bucky on console? I’ve been using different sens depending on the character but haven’t found a good one for Bucky.
nice guide...can we get your controller settings? looks like you have snappy but good aim and i've been having trouble finding something i like consistently.
def not unless shes perma damage buff, I would completely avoid it unless you got iron man ult or magneto ult to get a reset off of, which is relying on your team a little too much
1. I forgot to mention counterpinning, you can charge and collide with thor and wolverines charges to stun them onto the ground, this is best to be done in your team so they can kill the target you stunned, make sure to not be in their team when you get stunned or else youll be the one dying.
2. Also another note this video bout to be outdated as hell so you can check here for any of the numbers for his abilities marvelrivals.fandom.com/wiki/Winter_Soldier
Off that intro alone of actually showing his matchups I’m subbing. Very few people in any guide actually do that
One thing I have noticed is that Bucky is really good against flankers if he has the uppercut saved, especially Spiderman, the lad cant even pull off a single combo. For reference: I am speaking from GM lobbies and Not Eternity/OAA lobbies
Something to note is being careful if they have a decent mantis player. Her sleep can counter Bucky's ult if given the chance.
In the same vein, twice now I’ve used Trooper’s Fist to kill Wanda out of her ult. It was the most disrespectful (and funniest) use of that ability I’ve ever done.
finally a good character guide telling me where to position myself
Thanks for the guide, I didn’t even think to use the hook to disable ults. I was also curious what sensitivity you use when playing Bucky on console? I’ve been using different sens depending on the character but haven’t found a good one for Bucky.
ive been running 300 300 linear and I havent really been playing with it since I feel comfy on it now
@ thanks! I’m gonna try these out
I use to cancel scarlet UTs and use the voltage to mess up iron man ults and I use the uppercut to block strange ult
Thanks for the guide!
Thanks man this is really helpful
I agree with adding yondu bruh hell yeah
w guide, settings vid next?
Great guide! My ulta have been “cooking” lately!
What is your tracer binds (I recently watched your tracer guide from a year ago and I am also a console player)
hi :) , winter soldier controller settings ?
nice guide...can we get your controller settings? looks like you have snappy but good aim and i've been having trouble finding something i like consistently.
I run 300 300 linear and default everything I havent really played around with the settings but I'm comfortable with what I got rn
can u help with some controller settings ??
300 300 linear havent really played with much else
@@DemigodsonWhat about your aim assist settings?
Does hook still cc thor?
not anymore 😔
Yo that’s funny cuz I play with that guy from the first clip😭
Little Info: „Roter Stern“ is german and means translatet „Red Star“
Thank me later
wolverine guide is otw
Thor guide next!
Demifraudson back at it again fooling the masses saying to play Bucky into jeff
Can Bucky one shot Luna out of her ult with his ?
def not unless shes perma damage buff, I would completely avoid it unless you got iron man ult or magneto ult to get a reset off of, which is relying on your team a little too much
control settings
Marvel add gambit to rivals and my life is yours
I remember when they were called supports 😒
true but this game you’re meant to do more than just heal
or give debuffs/buffs