Under The Shadow Of The Almighty - Part 2 (Romans 11:7-18)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 178

  • @christinak981
    @christinak981 6 дней назад +12

    Please pray for David and Bridgette and myself. GOD knows all.

  • @MaryKBarnhart
    @MaryKBarnhart 7 дней назад +71

    I agree .. we have become a Godless nation. Full of pride, selfishness, hate. People are so empty and scared but still refuse to come to God. It 's a scary and sad time, but the worst is yet to come. Be in your Bible friends, and spend time with Jesus daily. He will walk us through this storm.

    • @ecox8358
      @ecox8358 7 дней назад +3

      The Truth will set you free. Praise God!

    • @Wanio-so9kc
      @Wanio-so9kc 6 дней назад +3

      People are afraid to obey God, instead they fear and obey the evil people in government.

    • @Zee-zj2uh
      @Zee-zj2uh 6 дней назад +4

      ​@@Wanio-so9kcFoolish and perishing for willful ignorance. Let's pray for them 🙏 to seek Jesus.

    • @KimberlyMorrisonMcClintock
      @KimberlyMorrisonMcClintock 6 дней назад +1


    • @The_Lord_has_it
      @The_Lord_has_it 5 дней назад +2

      2 Chronicles 7 14
      "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

  • @favoritethings5035
    @favoritethings5035 6 дней назад

    Were the Israelites really wandering lost in the desert? Or God just didnt allow them to move on to the promised land.. I thought they were being led by the Lord, following a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day? It seems a small area of land to actually be lost in.

    • @tinadehart3526
      @tinadehart3526 17 часов назад +1

      Who said they were wandering lost? It says they were wandering.
      Numbers 32:13 (LSB)
      “So Yahweh’s anger burned against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the entire generation of those who had done evil in the sight of Yahweh was brought to an end.

  • @Tonibolognaaintnophony
    @Tonibolognaaintnophony 4 дня назад

    Clearly, the Tanach in Hebrew has not been read by this pastor or he'd see why the Jewish people don't believe Jesus is God. Nor are we to eat God's flesh or drink His blood. Anything written by Paul should be taken with a grain of salt. Jesus is not, nor has ever been in the Torah. Study the Hebrew Bible before approaching a Jewish person, please 🙏. Work out why the Christian Bible changed texts & meanings before telling a Jew what the church did or wars will continue. To tell a Jew they're going to hell without Jesus as their savior, is going against the word of God. Do you want to see where the Christian Bible is wrong? Study Hebrew. Scripture says we are to grab a hold of a Jew to learn Torah, not bash it. They are the chosen ones to be a light to the nations. If Gentiles want to join in, so be it. Being told my people killed Jesus HAS to stop! Please 🙏

  • @leeshivers9187
    @leeshivers9187 6 дней назад +16

    Hello from Pucallpa Perú in the Amazon Jungle God bless you all 🙏❤️

    • @hunterrick4
      @hunterrick4 6 дней назад +2

      Yall got internet there! That's amazing

    • @leeshivers9187
      @leeshivers9187 6 дней назад

      @@hunterrick4 they have internet but I don't, no money for it

  • @jillandres71
    @jillandres71 6 дней назад +20

    God bless you & all who find Jesus ❤

  • @judithhickey4533
    @judithhickey4533 7 дней назад +15

    I want the rapture

  • @qqwadddamage367
    @qqwadddamage367 7 дней назад +26

    I was there today from Canada. Thank you Pastor Jack for this powerful message.

  • @margaretpuyang2531
    @margaretpuyang2531 5 дней назад +9

    Thank you Pastor Jack for the Word 🙌🙏🙏🙏

  • @Linda-lo4oy
    @Linda-lo4oy 7 дней назад +14

    Thank you Pastor Jack,
    Study of the Word is wonderful to my spirit.
    I appreciate your way of teaching. May the Lord continue to use you in the most delightful ways.
    Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and salvation of Israel. Praying for the IDF and Netanyahu. Praying for Amir and the precious people.
    Praying for repentance and salvation to come to our country.

  • @bernadettesimmons6403
    @bernadettesimmons6403 6 дней назад +9


  • @eddyswiderczuk7340
    @eddyswiderczuk7340 6 дней назад +7

    Thank you Pastor Jack.
    This is what the Sovereign Lord says!
    Many are invited But Few are Chosen !
    Matthew 22: 1-14;
    Come to the Banquet!
    ISA 25: 6-9
    To the Glory of God,
    In Christ Jesus Name Amen.

  • @leoniegraafmans5300
    @leoniegraafmans5300 6 дней назад +7

    Het was weer heel interessant.
    Groetjes van Leonie . Uit Nederland.❤

    • @Mdw65
      @Mdw65 23 часа назад

      Wat een verrassing om jouw Nederlandse tekst te lezen en te weten dat er nog meer Nederlands taligen zijn ( in uw geval van Holland) die Jack Hibbs’ teaching volgen. Ikzelf ben Nederlands-talige Belg in Ierland. Tussen haakjes ‘t was uw Corrie Ten Boom’s verhaal en boek, die mij een hart gaf voor het Joodse volk.

  • @seemabharat7481
    @seemabharat7481 6 дней назад +8

    Amen to the word of God

  • @DodyVdwaldt
    @DodyVdwaldt 6 дней назад +8

    Thank you Pastor Jack you are a blessing...I need prayers for stop smoking God will deliver..me I hate this sin in my life

    • @tonyleeannesmith9762
      @tonyleeannesmith9762 6 дней назад

      God bless you and may you be free from smoking. Amen 🙏

    • @shonnamay8331
      @shonnamay8331 6 дней назад

      Smoking's a sin? I didn't know this.
      Are wearing the patches to wean off sin ?
      That's what I have

    • @tonyleeannesmith9762
      @tonyleeannesmith9762 6 дней назад

      @@shonnamay8331 I think more of a destructive habit. I understand why one would want to be free of it. I think the patches would simple be tools to help and no problem.

    • @bibleversebrand
      @bibleversebrand 5 дней назад

      @@shonnamay8331 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and smoking is destroying Gods temple. Furthermore, God has called us to a live a sober life.
      Hebrews 10:26-31
      For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
      Romans 6
      What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
      For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts. And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

  • @czar89031
    @czar89031 6 дней назад +8

    I love listening to your Gospel & Bible prophesy & what is going to happen in the latter days, it's all eye opening, I am considered as a Christian grew up in the Roman Catholic in the Philippines retired from US as a Chef now i am here in Buddhist Country Thailand listening to you every night, it is hard for me to convert my wife as Christ follower

    • @tonyleeannesmith9762
      @tonyleeannesmith9762 6 дней назад +1

      Your prayers are powerful. May the Lord Jesus Christ reveal Himself to her and may she know His peace.

  • @Ravenskywalker777
    @Ravenskywalker777 7 дней назад +40

    Please pray for my family and I we are being terrorized by our neighbors 24/7 with no end in sight!!!!!

    • @mbcmag1
      @mbcmag1 7 дней назад +15

      Praying for your peace, safety from evil, wicked people.
      Every time, they harass you pray for them fervently to come to salvation through our Messiah. Let’s see if Satan can still use them to afflict you. God bless you and your entire family.

    • @annep.1905
      @annep.1905 7 дней назад +8

      Praying for you. I had an idea, maybe it's impossible, but maybe you could get a 24/7 prayer service going at your house.

    • @carolkauer1647
      @carolkauer1647 7 дней назад +4

      @@mbcmag1you are so right! Amen!

    • @Wanio-so9kc
      @Wanio-so9kc 6 дней назад +1

      @@mbcmag1 Thats not biblical, show some spine

    • @mbcmag1
      @mbcmag1 6 дней назад +1

      @@Wanio-so9kc Clearly, you know the Bible well. I assume you’ve read Genesis 1:1 to end of Revelation 22. So, pls educate me as to the proper response. Show me what you believe to be the best advice, then I will tell you what kind of “Bible” you’ve been reading.

  • @donnylastella9441
    @donnylastella9441 6 дней назад +4

    Hey Jack I can't help hearing Kamala Harris when you use the word unburdened. Of course you're using it in the correct context. Love you brother 🙏✝️🤟❤️

  • @phyllisthomas5229
    @phyllisthomas5229 6 дней назад +5

    May God keep revealing His will to you and expanding your trust in Him.

  • @ohbear3466
    @ohbear3466 6 дней назад +4

    Love Pastor Jack. His congregation is listening so attentive. He wonders if the are awake. Awesome.😎😎😎

  • @Amen4truth
    @Amen4truth 7 дней назад +352

    I am a Jewish Israeli who found Yeshua messiah on October 8th 2023. I was broken and grieving and screaming to God for my people pain and loss. I wanted answers or denounce God forever. I definitely got my answers in dreams and thoughts. I felt that the world is closing on all of us and that I needed to drastically change my life and we, as a family baptized in the pacific and despite all the doubts that I keep having on the way, I get even more answers and it’s breathtaking.

    • @BradleyFoote-wg7fn
      @BradleyFoote-wg7fn 7 дней назад +43

      The same thing happened to me while in jail and prison 6 years ago and I’ve been clean and sober since then.

    • @deolindamillendez9188
      @deolindamillendez9188 7 дней назад +16


    • @haivanho1
      @haivanho1 7 дней назад

      Numbers 6:24-26 ❤️✝️❤️

    • @Binderbird4X4Firebird
      @Binderbird4X4Firebird 7 дней назад +16

      Awesome brother, your new assignment is to introduce as many of your people as you possibly can to our true Father Jesus. Time of his coming is soon, so soon. We as Christians do not even one of your Israeli family of God to be left behind at the rapture. But they are still protected during the 7 years,,,,,

    • @JonathanWilson-m7g
      @JonathanWilson-m7g 7 дней назад +24

      Welcome back child of Abraham...we of the grafted in follow you as you follow Yeshua and his Father Yahweh🔯🇺🇸

  • @elisamorris9943
    @elisamorris9943 6 дней назад +6

    Praise our Lord forever ✨🙏⭐️✨🙏⭐️✨🙏⭐️❤️

  • @monabo1
    @monabo1 6 дней назад +6

    Thankyou pastor jack

  • @debbevasquez9945
    @debbevasquez9945 6 дней назад +4

    🙏 AMEN 🙏 Blessing to the Church ❤

  • @mintieu
    @mintieu 6 дней назад +3

    Preach! 😁🔥

  • @KathyHunt-y8r
    @KathyHunt-y8r 6 дней назад +2


  • @bethannhunt4695
    @bethannhunt4695 6 дней назад +2

    Please pray for my dad. He's 86 snd in failing health. He does not know Jesus and i need help to speak to him. He doesn't really listen to me. Thank you all in advance. BTW God knows his nsme, I like to pray with a name. His name is Mike. 😢🙏🙏

    • @tonyleeannesmith9762
      @tonyleeannesmith9762 6 дней назад +1

      Your prayers for your father are powerful. May the Lord Jesus Christ reveal Himself to your father and may he know His peace.

    • @ShannaNorton-b9w
      @ShannaNorton-b9w 5 дней назад +1

      Father God I call out Mike and his daughter! Give him the ears to listen to his loving daughter. Father give her the words of wisdom as she speaks to her father. We claim his salvation in Your Holy Name.
      Keep taking to him, let him know that you love him and care about his soul.

  • @motown7542
    @motown7542 7 дней назад +1

    Psalm 90 is the first of Book IV of Psalms with the heading “a prayer of Moses, the man of God.” Psalm 91 does not have a different heading, so I assume it’s also a psalm of Moses. It’s not until Psalms 101 that states “a Psalm of David.” Of course King David knew the Scriptures and would likely quote Moses in his Psalms. Any comments, elaborations, corrections are welcome!!

  • @tammyfranklin1067
    @tammyfranklin1067 4 дня назад +1

    Jack God Bless you 🙏 ❤️ You have changed my life along with Jesus and the word but the way you speak the word has changed my prayer life and way of going to Jesus.. I have to Thank you deeply with all my heart..

  • @terraloft
    @terraloft 5 дней назад +1

    So delightful that you have taken back the word "unburdened" from the political rhetoric of the current coup!
    Hallelujah, what a Savior

  • @dwightjennings2541
    @dwightjennings2541 6 дней назад +1

    When Jesus recited the words of the scriptures to the disciples on the road, He was the Word! Amen

  • @patriciadolinsky3884
    @patriciadolinsky3884 5 дней назад +1

    What a fabulous message!!! Thank you, Pastor Jack.

  • @jayv9286
    @jayv9286 5 дней назад +1

    Mike Johnston betrayed us again with the save act.

  • @renr1878
    @renr1878 6 дней назад +1

    The root that saved France's wine industry was from Thomas V Munson of Denison, TX 😊

  • @papajoefortner1817
    @papajoefortner1817 6 дней назад

    Friends of pastor Jack. A high rapture watch date is on Oct 2-4. I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the End Times. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the End Times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless you 🙏

  • @dianelucas888
    @dianelucas888 17 часов назад

    I am in Michigan and love listening and learning from Jack Gibbs! The Lord is good!!!❤🙏✝️💟🙏

  • @mrscp04
    @mrscp04 День назад

    Thank you Pastor Hibbs. When the Lord revealed himself to me as El Shaddai, in his Word, I was still a long ways away from Him in my rebellion. I wasted many precious years that I could’ve spent serving Him. Nevertheless, He has blessed me abundantly. If you’re reading this, He hasn’t given up on you and He will not, until your last breath on this earth. Just surrender and let Him make all the wrongs in your life, whether of your own choices or at the hand of others, right. Let Him make you a new creation and taste and see that He is good and His love endures FOREVER. 🙏🏼❤️

  • @Mdw65
    @Mdw65 23 часа назад

    Listening from West Cork Ireland. I need to hear this and act upon your message “for such a time as this”

  • @cdweber4547
    @cdweber4547 5 дней назад

    Patara you live within a few hundred miles of Springfield OH … you can question ANYTHING you want!!
    My dad was born in the Appalachian region of OH & my relatives still live there. So I can have ANY opinion I want about this situation!!
    Screw all the haters … WE’RE AMERICANS.. we can SAY what we want!! WE are NOT GOING BACK (to being silenced)!!! 😂😂
    ALL Social media sites .. are FULL of fakes!! 😔🤬🤯

  • @debbielemons1576
    @debbielemons1576 5 дней назад +1


    • @tinadehart3526
      @tinadehart3526 17 часов назад

      Exactly. I help my neighbors and those I can before I do any tithe.

  • @nitdiver5
    @nitdiver5 6 дней назад

    For anyone interested the Daniel 9:27 covenant is the two state solution and the Jews will get the right to build their temple. It will take 220 days to build most likely opening on a Passover.

  • @dholder820
    @dholder820 5 дней назад

    One of the strongest messages The Holy Spirit has delivered through you. God blesses you and me!❤️✝️

  • @3333falcon
    @3333falcon 5 дней назад

    Jack you are a blessing from God! So thankful that he gave us you to help teach us his word! May God continue to bless you.

  • @raquelcastellini4572
    @raquelcastellini4572 5 дней назад

    Thank you So much for all your explanation with out I wouldn't understand everything, its totally an eye opening! Blessings to you and your family 🙏💞

  • @alidafotakia1209
    @alidafotakia1209 4 дня назад

    Thanks pastor Jack from South Africa.
    Alida Fotakis

  • @terraloft
    @terraloft 5 дней назад

    And the elder brother was envious, could not rejoice with Father in the returned prodigal.
    Oh america, how jealousy has corrupted your heart and left you emptied of the knowing Father's love.

  • @PauloDiaz-x4r
    @PauloDiaz-x4r 6 дней назад

    Romans 2:28-29
    King James Version
    28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
    29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
    Jack you are not a Jew yet you are still a hypocrite, Paul is saying he was a hypocrite when he was Saul and only after did he become a real Jew and ended his hypocrisy

  • @judithhickey4533
    @judithhickey4533 7 дней назад +1

    Jack if we ask the lord into our lives again for repentance and into our hearts do we need to be baptised again,

    • @Benaiah2279
      @Benaiah2279 6 дней назад +1

      Friend I encourage you to study scripture and seek Christ to know what God says on such topic. But to answer your question in short the answer is No. There is no salvation derived from Baptism. Baptism is an external proclamation of the internal change the Holy Spirit has performed. It is a testament of faith in Christ and his transformation in you. Can you get baptized a second time, sure if you feel led to do so but there is no such requirement. If one believes salvation come from baptism then they no longer believe in salvation through grace but believe in a “works” oriented religion which is unbiblical.
      Study the scriptures friend, grow deep roots

    • @user-ps3or8xe6k
      @user-ps3or8xe6k 6 дней назад

      ​@@Benaiah2279 true howver you will be rewarded by your works.
      Marhew 16;27

  • @G-dq2zr
    @G-dq2zr 5 дней назад

    "Give to everyone who asks of you." That includes bums.

  • @leighannneal2064
    @leighannneal2064 5 дней назад

    Thank you so much pastor jack! I know I'm all the way from Missouri but I still consider you my pastor and if I had the money would go to California every week to go to church, you are the one who brought me back to christ so I thank the Lord everyday and pray for you 🙏❤ I have a question that has been on my mind and this sermon brought it even more to my attention. No one in my family believes, well they say they believe in a higher power but that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and my mom gets so angry and mad if I even mention the good things that Jesus has done in my life or even mention Jesus or God. And we fight almost everytime we talk. I have already told her I love her and will do anything for her but I can't let someone tell me to shut up about jesus. I'm having a hard time because I know we are supposed to honor our mother and father but how am I supposed I
    to Honor her when I can't even talk to her because I make her mad with the best news ever? I feel like her heart is hardened but my dad died when I was only 11 months old and I had a baby brother die and I feel she's mad at God, so I feel so sad for her but I wish she would understand that we don't blame God for these things.

  • @MrArifmahmud
    @MrArifmahmud 4 дня назад

    A fairy tale should not to be follwed. It's seem like a childish act.

  • @Jesus_King_of_the_Universe
    @Jesus_King_of_the_Universe 5 дней назад

    Love You Father, love You Jesus, love You Holy Spirit ❤

  • @judithhickey4533
    @judithhickey4533 7 дней назад +4

    I know the Lord hears me ive had prayers answered, just before i asked him back i to my life,

  • @JenniferJohnson-o6u
    @JenniferJohnson-o6u 20 часов назад

    Kira Port

  • @EmmanuelPew-v7s
    @EmmanuelPew-v7s День назад

    McClure Divide

  • @julieb3833
    @julieb3833 6 дней назад

    What was he talking about when he said your touchdown may only 11 days away.

    • @Mrs.C-6721
      @Mrs.C-6721 6 дней назад

      He meant, do not give up!
      You maybe 11 days away from the blessing and/or answered prayer, in a big way.

  • @TimmyFineberg-y6d
    @TimmyFineberg-y6d 2 дня назад

    Shanie Groves

  • @MrArifmahmud
    @MrArifmahmud 4 дня назад

    Idea of a God is an imagination of helpless ancient people.
    God is a brainchild of human.
    God only exist in humans brain.

    • @jacquelinerothschild1992
      @jacquelinerothschild1992 2 дня назад

      It also exists in human souls in order to prove that there is a God.
      Why do atheists at the point of death or severe trouble cry out to God if He doesn’t exist?
      Soften your heart and listen. He is reaching out to you because He loves you.

  • @WilliamWhite-m8n
    @WilliamWhite-m8n День назад

    Jaeden Island

  • @IrvingSiebens-q7d
    @IrvingSiebens-q7d 4 дня назад

    Feil Parkway

  • @failforwardfast8609
    @failforwardfast8609 6 дней назад


  • @AddisonSebastian-n9p
    @AddisonSebastian-n9p 3 дня назад

    Heloise Skyway

  • @KirbyKascak-q8s
    @KirbyKascak-q8s День назад

    Wolff Way

  • @soniamarsh6931
    @soniamarsh6931 6 дней назад

    2 cor.3: 14-20

  • @judithhickey4533
    @judithhickey4533 7 дней назад

    Oh the hierarchy are still throwing there people under the bus

  • @HarteDominic-l1g
    @HarteDominic-l1g 3 дня назад

    Senger Forest

  • @FelixShingleton-l4k
    @FelixShingleton-l4k 3 дня назад

    Crooks Wells

  • @EugeneYoumans-r4i
    @EugeneYoumans-r4i 4 дня назад

    Sasha Isle

  • @nitdiver5
    @nitdiver5 6 дней назад

    Pastor Jack, you miss the point of menstrual rags. God isn’t trying to be gross. He is saying our deeds are ceremonially unclean.

    • @tbmprodutionsjason5585
      @tbmprodutionsjason5585 5 дней назад

      Well ceremonially unclean means dirty.. So

    • @nitdiver5
      @nitdiver5 5 дней назад

      @@tbmprodutionsjason5585 It’s fun to watch the cult of personality around Pastor Jack. Seems like most of his online followers are waiting for his ascension. Contrary to popular myth he does make mistakes.

  • @corinnenygren428
    @corinnenygren428 6 дней назад

    Pastor Jack’s teaching is so amazing! I always learn so much from his messages. Bless you pastor Jack, I’m so thankful for your calling and your obedient heart for God.

  • @Kaitlin24247
    @Kaitlin24247 7 дней назад +2

    Can you please do a video on if we are under the law or grace because there are 1,000 commandments in the NT. So if I break one I break them all

    • @Watchingonthewall24
      @Watchingonthewall24 7 дней назад +11

      If you have to keep commandments to be saved then that is works. You cannot earn your salvation. That's why Jesus came. His death burial and resurrection covers you if you accept it by faith. You are saved by faith alone. Then you walk out your salvation by learning to be obedient to Christ.

    • @a.n.9767
      @a.n.9767 7 дней назад +7

      Matthew 22:37-40 KJV
      Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [38] This is the first and great commandment. [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    • @a.n.9767
      @a.n.9767 7 дней назад +3

      Matthew 22:37-40 KJV
      Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. [38] This is the first and great commandment. [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [40] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    • @user-ps3or8xe6k
      @user-ps3or8xe6k 7 дней назад +1


    • @deolindamillendez9188
      @deolindamillendez9188 7 дней назад +2

      Please read the book of Hebrews,pray that the Holy Spirit open your understanding.God bless you!

  • @Lilyzoe28
    @Lilyzoe28 7 дней назад

    Glory!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $85K every month God has kept to his words, my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place. God bless America.🇺🇸