When The Download Is Complete #2

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @sirstaccsalot4164
    @sirstaccsalot4164  2 дня назад +11

    Happy Holidays ❗️🎄

    • @Skillaryclinton
      @Skillaryclinton 2 дня назад

      Thanks! You too!

    • @Skillaryclinton
      @Skillaryclinton 2 дня назад

      Thanks to you i've gotten alot better at playing Kazuya and tekken overall so thanks for that :)

    • @ScreenPeekCity05
      @ScreenPeekCity05 2 дня назад

      Happy holidays ☃️

  • @ScreenPeekCity05
    @ScreenPeekCity05 2 дня назад +2

    Amazing plays man, you're so good at adapting to all kinds of playstyles, I'm gonna start using your advice you give in your other vids, it's so satisfying to see you figure players out and just completely shut them down

  • @chaosvii4605
    @chaosvii4605 2 дня назад +3

    Sick combos. Watching you body that zafina was satisfying as hell. And those Bryan combos. I’m a pretty mid kazuya main but those Bryan clips made me wanna learn him too

  • @aabananqar7463
    @aabananqar7463 2 дня назад

    Yo staccs how do u maintain pressure at the wall as a kazuya player but they keep sidewalking and sidestepping out of my pressure. Happy Holidays

  • @gungaginga-zr2cz
    @gungaginga-zr2cz 2 дня назад +1

    Crazy adaptation but the awareness is just as good

  • @ruikiri
    @ruikiri День назад

    That mid prominence electric was kinda crazy xb

  • @toonzy2180
    @toonzy2180 2 дня назад +1

    Yessir that's my glorious Kazuya Chad!!!

  • @sosavgaming2438
    @sosavgaming2438 2 дня назад

    Happy Holidays Staccs 🎄🎄We need updated oki and combo vids 🪄🪄

  • @Itsrollsroyce_
    @Itsrollsroyce_ 2 дня назад

    Imma need a ft10 with you staccs. I’m a Kazuya main and need your input on my gameplay 🙏🏾

  • @Asdfghjkli2093
    @Asdfghjkli2093 2 дня назад

    Lesgo staccs. Hype for the next Mishima dojo

  • @KingDeelan
    @KingDeelan 2 дня назад

    I fkin hate fighting this Clive guy, so little counterplay

  • @streetfighte6
    @streetfighte6 День назад

    I got bullied by lots Clives from purple to blue rank

  • @muz8543
    @muz8543 2 дня назад

    Peak kaz gameplay 🙌

  • @rexwest4532
    @rexwest4532 2 дня назад

    Didn’t know you fw dark souls 3

  • @Randomguy-ok6xb
    @Randomguy-ok6xb 2 дня назад

    Damn son this gameplay is giving me a bonerah

  • @alibahali3671
    @alibahali3671 2 дня назад

    Nothin Special

  • @NYG5
    @NYG5 2 дня назад

    Cant stand these tekken 7 weapon characters with their bullshit moves that all look alike

    • @Hypanoz
      @Hypanoz 2 дня назад

      Terrible take, cause they do look different if your actively playing or watching intently. Very different. It's quite easy to see the difference on all of clives moves. The only exception being his heat mode string, but that one's straight up not a mix up and visually unique compared to the rest of his kit so like yeah.
      (Victor is actually kinda hard to tell the difference on a lot of his faster moves though I agree there)

    • @ft-Shadow
      @ft-Shadow День назад
