My eldest Brother married a Christian woman in UK. She has not reverted to Islam, but everytime they are in the Aircraft, she asks my Brother to recite AYAT UL KURSI FOR SAFETY.
@@Nuclear_Weopon I'm not promoting it. I just want to tell that they somehow believe in the duas, but still won't convert. These are the ones who are Blind and I detest this kind of behaviour.
Quran 5:54 "O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers, struggling in the Way of Allah; fearing no blame from anyone. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing." alhamdulillah for your guidance brother, may Allah increase the number of true Muslims.
Abdullah b. 'Abbas reported that 'Umar b. Khattab sat on the pulpit of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Verily Allah sent Muhammad (may peace be upon him) with truth and He sent down the Book upon him, and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him. We recited it, retained it in our memory and understood it. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) awarded the punishment of stoning to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and, after him, we also awarded the punishment of stoning, I am afraid that with the lapse of time, the people (may forget it) and may say: We do not find the punishment of stoning in the Book of Allah, and thus go astray by abandoning this duty prescribed by Allah. stoning is a duty laid down in Allah's Book for married men and women who commit adultery when proof is established, or it there is pregnancy, or a confession. Sahih Muslim 17:4194 It was narrated that 'Aishah said: “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.” (Hasan) Sunan Ibn Majah 3:9:1944
As a Muslim in an European country ( France ), I really feel and understand him and what he went through, his way of thinking and the atmosphere he is living in. He described it perfectly. Thank you for your work and those very interesting interviews.
May Allah make things easy for you. Especially in a country like France. 😢😢 And btw sis just a reminder! It's not permissible to share anyone's pictures (or your pictures) online without a correct hijab. 💓
@@lydialove7702 really sis. My uncle with his whole family shifted from Paris to London after living so many years in France as in his job they didn’t let him pray even during break time and he is very religious person. May Allah make the life of muslims in those countries easier.
May Allah grant you a strong emman and keep you firm on the Deen. Emman fluctuate. Sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down. So brother don’t lose hope and know that with the obedience of Allah Emman goes up.
@@just.nobody I disagree. Everyone has the idea that it is too slow/ineffective or even idealistic to say that one should change themselves before trying to change the world. I completely disagree. The reason the world is in shambles today is precisely the lack of self awareness and self control, and completely deviation God at INDVIDUAL LEVEL. You can't fix the world by a hero who would come revolutionize the world and whip people into discipline when everyone is busy chasing pleasure and vice.
@@jonaswesley2658 That's the change I am talking about. Not about a hero or such. I was talking about people need to stop themselves from always chasing after pleasure and luxury.
Being completely alone in your faith is one of the hardest things in the world - according to Prophet (s.a.w.s)! This man is incredibly strong, yet pure hearted! MashaaAllah 🙌❤
He gave very good insights about the Western/European mind about Islam. It’s true. Lots of Europeans live by the day and like to enjoy. When the rules of Islam comes, it’s a barrier that most of them can’t get over. That’s why new reverts should get to learn, train and apply the Islamic lifestyle slowly. Just like you can’t run fast like Usain Bolt within an instant. Training and adapting is a must. Especially after being convinced that Islam is the truth, most barriers disappear. A must have advice for new reverts. Don’t overstress yourself. Allah is the most merciful and all wise. Forgiving a servant is nothing to him. Just try to get on the right path and stay on the right path.
ALLAH CREATED us. ALLAH KNOWS WHAT IS is better for us. Many non Muslims accept that alcohol, drugs, dressing inappropriately, etc has a lot of harm Even many non Muslims appreciate the 5 daily Salawaat. الحَمدُ لله Every child is born upon the Fitrah (Islam). الحَمدُ لله
@@rosalia2940 God is The King. Malik Al-Mulk. He is not like His creations and He does not need to personally go to the cross for a human. He can send His angels to help us or convey His message. God does not need to go down to a human level, nor does He dies. He doesn’t even need to degrade Himself to a mere human. Nothing in this world can compare to the Almighty, beyond any words.
All religions presented themselves as Llies when they denied Jesus his sacrifice! God is holy and therefore inevitably always righteous. So God can never be merciful, gracious, because grace is not justice and therefore is wrong! A holy God can only be holy if he Never does wrong !! So Fact is without Jesus his SACRIFICE out of love for us we would all be lost! Only YHWH is not lying when he says he is HOLY and merciful! Who is YHWH equal? Exactly no one!! JESUS gave himself as a sin offering !! A pure life for a life !! Because we have to be holy = without guilt otherwise God will judge us fair and just !! Jesus is YHWH and thus the Creator of everything and thus has the weight to wash the whole creation clean with these pure lives (Blood) !! God bless you
@@rosalia2940 : Please, use your intellect, your thinking, to understand why God Almighty is One and Only One. He is Eternal and Absolute. He begets not nor is he begotten. And there is none comparable to Him. Prophet Jesus is son of Virgin Mother Mary, peace be upon both of them. Jesus is not son of God. Astagfirullah. Please check what "begotten" means. Its demeaning meaning cannot be applied to the Holy God Almighty, nor to His noble prophet Jesus. God Almighty Saved Jesus the humiliation of being crucified on the cross. Both Jesus and Mary are most beloved to Muslims. When you read the story of Virgin Mary and Newborn Baby Jesus in the Noble Qur'an, you will connect the dots that are missing in Christianity. Islam considers the role of Jesus as very noble and very crucial in the history of the world. Do your research on the impact of the Roman Empire and their persecution of Jesus. You will again get to connect many dots that would just amaze you. I am not here to convince you. I am here to just convey the info to you. It is up to you to do your research. But without knowing anything about Jesus in the Qur'an, you cannot claim to know everything about Jesus, peace be upon him.
Subhana Allah when Allah want to guide someone will do without any human help. He just decided to become Muslim from the first time he read the Quran Mashaa Allah and Subhana Allah. That shows how young children are in pure Fitrah.
This guy is so blessed...I don't know the exact words of Quran but Allah has said in Quran that it's upto Allah who he guides and shows the right path....May Allah Almighty help and guide us to right path.Amen
00:00 Intro 00:28 Who is Gregory Van Damme? 01:17 Were you trained in a Christian curriculum? 01:59 What were you believing in those years? 02:48 What was your perception of Islam before you became Muslim? 04:20 What was the reason that you felt the attraction to Islam? 06:55 How did your family or your friends reacted? 07:54 Was it hard for you to perform five times a day? 08:41 Did you preach the message of Islam to people around you? 10:23 Do you think there's an increasing Islamophobia in Belgium? 11:23 What was your purpose before Islam?
Very inspiring interview. For me, I find the stories of Muslim converts coming from secular backgrounds more interesting and inspiring than those coming from other backgrounds, because these ones are rare.
@@muhammetemre33 Dear Brother! Our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has said that every child born upon fitra, means on Islam but His/her parents teachers etc make them Jews, Christian,Hindu etc etc if whatever the person is not following Islam in thier whole life or any time whenever they understand truth and know Islam when they accepted after knowing, they have reverted means back upon his/her original real truth right path which upon he has taken birth. Hope you understand this my English is not that good!
True that Guidance is only from ALLAH SWT but He also entrusted us Muslims with duty of spreading it. If we think about it, we are at gates of infinity & Hell awaits us with its eternal torment on the other side. No matter how angry I'm with anyone, I would never want to see anyone from around me to be sentenced to that suffering of Hell, so at least we can try to save ourselves & people around us by spreading the message in the best of way.
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer: John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white. John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God. Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18). Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good. And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25. John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God. No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!” And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing) Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29 27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” … So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
@@user-cq8xh5vl1p I respect all religions by the core of my heart ❤️ dear I would only request you to read Quran just once and you will get all your answers there 😊
@@themasklady8437mate honestly know this,some Christians will never read Quran. Because they know that if they read it their Christian beliefs will get damaged so hard that they will eventually have to become muslims. And there is just one thing they want to escape: Responsibility. They don’t want to pray to Allah. They don’t want to stop eating for a mere 30 days,they don’t want to give poor people money to help them. Basically they are self centered individuals. If they read Quran and see the holiness and the truth they will become muslims. And they are hella scared of it. They even see the contradictions in Bible. But they refuse it. Honestly most of the Christians don’t even have a verse memorized. They are mocking their own god. That’s how much they don’t care about their religion. But you should continue suggesting these people to Read Holy Quran. Maybe there are some intelligent people amongst them. Also Christians,do not take my words as the whole Muslim communities. They are my own personal opinions. You may be ignorant but don’t be so much. It is so much that it literally hurts my brain.
MashaAllah. So happy tp hear the beautiful journey of this brother. He is truly blessed with a sound mind and a noble soul. He saw the truth and accepted it wholeheartedly
salam aleykoum Gregory, merci pour ce partage c'est super emouvant de voir a quel point tu as l'air appaisé et heureux quand tu parles de l'islam c'est super inspirant
What a lovely story and as usual another humble person who was open to knowledge got guidance. Allah guide these lovely people MashaAllah. May Allah give blessings for this brother.
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer: John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white. John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God. Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18). Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good. And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25. John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God. No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!” And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing) Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29 27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” … So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer: John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white. John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God. Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18). Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good. And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25. John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God. No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!” And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing) Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29 27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” … So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer: John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white. John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God. Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18). Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good. And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25. John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God. No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!” And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing) Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29 27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!” 29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” … So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
Salute to bro Gregory,your talk is very energising.Your attraction to the picture of the Kaaba when you were a young kid showed that God had implanted the seed of guidance in your heart.May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast in Islam.
As a muslim I really learned something from this video and it was so eye opening. To not judge those who judge us. We all carry judgements and to just be calm and friendly and truly hear other peoples point of views like the european mindset he mentions. The best we can do as Muslims is set a good example.
Alhamdulillah, your story is inspiring and beautiful, I wish people were more accepting to the truth like you, All it took was for you to read something that made sense.
Wow, the brother has depth and he also has a lot of humors! Personal and Professional life behaviors and your transparent transactions these are the things which might convince a non-muslim to revert to Islam. Jazak Allahu Khairan..
It’s fascinating how easily he accepted Islam. Without much help, without close Muslim friends or role models, he even was drawn to Ka’ba as a kid. Indeed Allah gave hidayah to whom He wills & usually is looking for Him. Amazing man, so humble
Ma sha allah brother may Allah bless u and please keep reading and learning Islam and don’t allow to anyone to return u to the dark life while u found the right way
That's the thing about Qur'an. It talks to you. Even more so the page I first opened at one time of my life dealt with my situation at the time, each time.
SubhanAllah ❤ i am so glad and thankful for finding your channel and listening to these Gifted people who are chosen by Allah and are inspiration to people like us.
Masha Allah, Allhamdollilah. May Allah bless you always with peace and prosperity. May Allah give you strength in his path make your change is an example
Subhanallah, May Allah bless you with best of health happiness prosperity peace of mind and iman amin. Please pray for all the Muslim's and may Allah show the right path to whole humanity .
May Allah guide many of those who yet think twice, Islam is best for all mankind and jinn.. May Allah's mercy still continue to be with us and we proud to be Muslim.
ما أجمل أن أسمع حديث المسلمين الجدد الٌذين في قَبولهم لهذا الدّين صِدق لا يُخطئه عقل ! أفرح حقيقة مثل فرحهم ..ثبٌتهم اللّه على دينه الحقّ و زادهم فيه علما و نفع بهم و أسعدهم في الدّاريْن .. آمين .. آمين
May Allah bless your Algerian's friend for opening up to you. You can now visir a muslim country and embrass it better as the feelomg get steonher hearing Adan call, fasting peacefully, spending Aïd in traditionnel &spiritual way. MAY ALLAH KEEPS YOU INDER HIS PROTECTION FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WHO MAY OPEN UP TO YOU.
My eldest Brother married a Christian woman in UK. She has not reverted to Islam, but everytime they are in the Aircraft, she asks my Brother to recite AYAT UL KURSI FOR SAFETY.
Non muslims are very strange wallahi.
May Allah guide her. Ameen.
@@abdulsudaisy Ameen 🤲
@@ayeshayazdani8256don't promote this kind of marriages 😑
@@Nuclear_Weopon I'm not promoting it. I just want to tell that they somehow believe in the duas, but still won't convert. These are the ones who are Blind and I detest this kind of behaviour.
Quran 5:54 "O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers, struggling in the Way of Allah; fearing no blame from anyone. This is the favour of Allah. He grants it to whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing."
alhamdulillah for your guidance brother, may Allah increase the number of true Muslims.
JhazakuMullah Khairan BarakAllahufeekum 💙
For sharing indeed Great Ayah Of Al-Quran Al-Kareem 💙
@@SharukhShaikh-un1tv ameen wa iyyakum
Abdullah b. 'Abbas reported that 'Umar b. Khattab sat on the pulpit of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Verily Allah sent Muhammad (may peace be upon him) with truth and He sent down the Book upon him, and the verse of stoning was included in what was sent down to him. We recited it, retained it in our memory and understood it. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) awarded the punishment of stoning to death (to the married adulterer and adulteress) and, after him, we also awarded the punishment of stoning, I am afraid that with the lapse of time, the people (may forget it) and may say: We do not find the punishment of stoning in the Book of Allah, and thus go astray by abandoning this duty prescribed by Allah. stoning is a duty laid down in Allah's Book for married men and women who commit adultery when proof is established, or it there is pregnancy, or a confession.
Sahih Muslim 17:4194
It was narrated that 'Aishah said: “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.” (Hasan)
Sunan Ibn Majah 3:9:1944
@@markjapan4062 oh I see so arab christians pray to the sun god .
As a Muslim in an European country ( France ), I really feel and understand him and what he went through, his way of thinking and the atmosphere he is living in. He described it perfectly. Thank you for your work and those very interesting interviews.
May Allah make things easy for you. Especially in a country like France. 😢😢
And btw sis just a reminder! It's not permissible to share anyone's pictures (or your pictures) online without a correct hijab. 💓
@@Juwairiya7 amine thanks a lot. Thanks for the reminder I didn’t know at all…
@@lydialove7702 really sis. My uncle with his whole family shifted from Paris to London after living so many years in France as in his job they didn’t let him pray even during break time and he is very religious person. May Allah make the life of muslims in those countries easier.
@@lemonyellow4270 Subhunallah May Allah make it easy for all believers to practice as ease and spread truthful knowledge with right intentions
@@lemonyellow4270 Some places on Earth are like living hell for Muslims .
I am week muslim but I believe in Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him ❤ is the last Messenger
May Allah swt makes it easy
You look like Bilawal Bhutto's brother. Lol.
May Allah grant you a strong emman and keep you firm on the Deen. Emman fluctuate. Sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down. So brother don’t lose hope and know that with the obedience of Allah Emman goes up.
Hé IS not thé first tho
"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." Rumi
But that quote doesn't do much in today's situation. The world is in shambles, and in a dire need for a change.
A great quote from the poet, nevertheless.
@@just.nobody I disagree. Everyone has the idea that it is too slow/ineffective or even idealistic to say that one should change themselves before trying to change the world. I completely disagree. The reason the world is in shambles today is precisely the lack of self awareness and self control, and completely deviation God at INDVIDUAL LEVEL. You can't fix the world by a hero who would come revolutionize the world and whip people into discipline when everyone is busy chasing pleasure and vice.
@@jonaswesley2658 That's the change I am talking about. Not about a hero or such. I was talking about people need to stop themselves from always chasing after pleasure and luxury.
What an amazing interview and this brother is very intellectual . Alhamdullilah for Islam Allah Hu Akhbar
Being completely alone in your faith is one of the hardest things in the world - according to Prophet (s.a.w.s)! This man is incredibly strong, yet pure hearted! MashaaAllah 🙌❤
He gave very good insights about the Western/European mind about Islam. It’s true. Lots of Europeans live by the day and like to enjoy. When the rules of Islam comes, it’s a barrier that most of them can’t get over.
That’s why new reverts should get to learn, train and apply the Islamic lifestyle slowly. Just like you can’t run fast like Usain Bolt within an instant. Training and adapting is a must. Especially after being convinced that Islam is the truth, most barriers disappear. A must have advice for new reverts. Don’t overstress yourself. Allah is the most merciful and all wise. Forgiving a servant is nothing to him. Just try to get on the right path and stay on the right path.
Many non Muslims accept that alcohol, drugs, dressing inappropriately, etc has a lot of harm
Even many non Muslims appreciate the 5 daily Salawaat.
الحَمدُ لله
Every child is born upon the Fitrah (Islam).
الحَمدُ لله
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!!*
Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!!
Philippians 2:5-8
@@rosalia2940 God is The King. Malik Al-Mulk. He is not like His creations and He does not need to personally go to the cross for a human. He can send His angels to help us or convey His message.
God does not need to go down to a human level, nor does He dies. He doesn’t even need to degrade Himself to a mere human. Nothing in this world can compare to the Almighty, beyond any words.
All religions presented themselves as Llies when they denied Jesus his sacrifice!
God is holy and therefore inevitably always righteous. So God can never be merciful, gracious, because grace is not justice and therefore is wrong! A holy God can only be holy if he Never does wrong !! So Fact is without Jesus his SACRIFICE out of love for us we would all be lost! Only YHWH is not lying when he says he is HOLY and merciful! Who is YHWH equal? Exactly no one!!
JESUS gave himself as a sin offering !! A pure life for a life !! Because we have to be holy = without guilt otherwise God will judge us fair and just !! Jesus is YHWH and thus the Creator of everything and thus has the weight to wash the whole creation clean with these pure lives (Blood) !! God bless you
@@rosalia2940 : Please, use your intellect, your thinking, to understand why God Almighty is One and Only One. He is Eternal and Absolute. He begets not nor is he begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.
Prophet Jesus is son of Virgin Mother Mary, peace be upon both of them. Jesus is not son of God. Astagfirullah.
Please check what "begotten" means. Its demeaning meaning cannot be applied to the Holy God Almighty, nor to His noble prophet Jesus. God Almighty Saved Jesus the humiliation of being crucified on the cross.
Both Jesus and Mary are most beloved to Muslims. When you read the story of Virgin Mary and Newborn Baby Jesus in the Noble Qur'an, you will connect the dots that are missing in Christianity.
Islam considers the role of Jesus as very noble and very crucial in the history of the world.
Do your research on the impact of the Roman Empire and their persecution of Jesus. You will again get to connect many dots that would just amaze you.
I am not here to convince you. I am here to just convey the info to you. It is up to you to do your research.
But without knowing anything about Jesus in the Qur'an, you cannot claim to know everything about Jesus, peace be upon him.
Now I get the meaning of 'Personal Letter'. Yes, me too recieved definitely.
What a guy he deserved it because he was so open minded person..
May ALLAH always blessing him
Subhana Allah when Allah want to guide someone will do without any human help. He just decided to become Muslim from the first time he read the Quran Mashaa Allah and Subhana Allah. That shows how young children are in pure Fitrah.
I must say how lucky u r God has chosen u byhimself subhaan Allah
He is a very smart man may Allah bless him
This guy is so blessed...I don't know the exact words of Quran but Allah has said in Quran that it's upto Allah who he guides and shows the right path....May Allah Almighty help and guide us to right path.Amen
Ya Allah, guide myself, my brothers and sister, this whole ummah to Your never ending forgiveness and mercy, aamiin
he is very his parents.. i pray for your entire family to come into islam
00:00 Intro
00:28 Who is Gregory Van Damme?
01:17 Were you trained in a Christian curriculum?
01:59 What were you believing in those years?
02:48 What was your perception of Islam before you became Muslim?
04:20 What was the reason that you felt the attraction to Islam?
06:55 How did your family or your friends reacted?
07:54 Was it hard for you to perform five times a day?
08:41 Did you preach the message of Islam to people around you?
10:23 Do you think there's an increasing Islamophobia in Belgium?
11:23 What was your purpose before Islam?
Very good work, Masya Allah 👍
May Allah grant you n the team ease
Added Q please?
what are your felt in relationships or connect with almighty creator with pure monotheism in Islam,pure felt?..
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Very inspiring interview. For me, I find the stories of Muslim converts coming from secular backgrounds more interesting and inspiring than those coming from other backgrounds, because these ones are rare.
Almighty Allah guides only the deserving ones.
This brother has achieved a great success.
May you be blessed in this world and hereafter!
Alhamdulillah. It is nice to see people entering Islam. ❤
❌Not Converting!
It is Called As "Reverted"✅
@@SharukhShaikh-un1tv do you know what converting means?
@@adam-x748 Is it not converting if someone believes in Islam after he changed his religion?
@@muhammetemre33 Dear Brother!
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has said that every child born upon fitra, means on Islam but His/her parents teachers etc make them Jews, Christian,Hindu etc etc if whatever the person is not following Islam in thier whole life or any time whenever they understand truth and know Islam when they accepted after knowing, they have reverted means back upon his/her original real truth right path which upon he has taken birth.
Hope you understand this my English is not that good!
MashaAllah may Allah increase his emaan and of all of us ameen JazzakAllah khairan from PAKISTAN!!:)
You cannot guide everyone you love to the truth; it is God who guides whoever He will: He knows best those who will follow guidance..☝️❤️
Ultimate truth
The "He" here is actually referring to the man or woman who wants to be guided by God the Almighty, not to God Himself.
True that Guidance is only from ALLAH SWT but He also entrusted us Muslims with duty of spreading it. If we think about it, we are at gates of infinity & Hell awaits us with its eternal torment on the other side. No matter how angry I'm with anyone, I would never want to see anyone from around me to be sentenced to that suffering of Hell, so at least we can try to save ourselves & people around us by spreading the message in the best of way.
This brother is a great motivation for me. He has a great integrity and will power.
I always love to hear what attracts a person to Islam.
May ALLAH TALA keep the ummah rightly guided, ameen.
Beautiful story brother, may ALLAH swt guide us all
I like his story and the way he accepted the God’s message from God .
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer:
John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white.
John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God.
Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18).
Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good.
And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25.
John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God.
No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!”
And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing)
Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29
27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” …
So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
@@user-cq8xh5vl1p I respect all religions by the core of my heart ❤️ dear I would only request you to read Quran just once and you will get all your answers there 😊
@@themasklady8437mate honestly know this,some Christians will never read Quran. Because they know that if they read it their Christian beliefs will get damaged so hard that they will eventually have to become muslims. And there is just one thing they want to escape: Responsibility. They don’t want to pray to Allah. They don’t want to stop eating for a mere 30 days,they don’t want to give poor people money to help them. Basically they are self centered individuals. If they read Quran and see the holiness and the truth they will become muslims. And they are hella scared of it. They even see the contradictions in Bible. But they refuse it. Honestly most of the Christians don’t even have a verse memorized. They are mocking their own god. That’s how much they don’t care about their religion. But you should continue suggesting these people to Read Holy Quran. Maybe there are some intelligent people amongst them.
Also Christians,do not take my words as the whole Muslim communities. They are my own personal opinions. You may be ignorant but don’t be so much. It is so much that it literally hurts my brain.
MashaAllah. So happy tp hear the beautiful journey of this brother. He is truly blessed with a sound mind and a noble soul. He saw the truth and accepted it wholeheartedly
MaaShaAllah, brother, May Allah Kareem bless you with His Rehma , Aaameen
salam aleykoum Gregory, merci pour ce partage c'est super emouvant de voir a quel point tu as l'air appaisé et heureux quand tu parles de l'islam c'est super inspirant
What a lovely story and as usual another humble person who was open to knowledge got guidance. Allah guide these lovely people MashaAllah. May Allah give blessings for this brother.
Beautiful Islam.
Many many congratulations
May Allah bless you, Amin ya Hayyu ya Qayyumu
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer:
John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white.
John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God.
Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18).
Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good.
And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25.
John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God.
No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!”
And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing)
Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29
27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” …
So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
Such a nice and humble individual 💓
Mashallah !! Very bright man !! Inshallah Allah will Bless him
Maşallah Towards Eternity..
What a honest and amazing guy! Thank you for the interview, did enjoy every second of it. 😇
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer:
John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white.
John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God.
Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18).
Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good.
And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25.
John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God.
No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!”
And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing)
Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29
27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” …
So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
"you don't change because you want to change" great words brother, that was a great story, may Allah guide us all through Islam.
If you want to know what is the prerequisite to go to heaven and not to hell, here is the answer:
John14v6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you want to know if the Lord Jesus is God, here it is, plain like black on white.
John 14v9: Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
No man who ever lived or lives on this earth can say such a thing except Jesus alone because He is God.
Some will challenge this saying "Oh Jesus said: 18“Why do you call Me good?” “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10v18).
Well in fact what the Lord Jesus is doing here, he is addressing to the Jews by just playing on words. He is telling them you call me good but you do not believe that I am God (remember they stoned him for saying He is the Son of God). Yet you call me good, however no one is good except God. So here he is clearly confronting the jews about their belief of who He is. He is God because only God is good.
And if you are not convinced yet, then read John 11v25.
John 11v25: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. 26And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Only God alone is life and can give life to someone. So Jesus is Lord and God.
No wonder Thomas said in John 20v28 “My Lord and my God!”
And our Lord Jesus did not rebuke him, instead Jesus said "Now you believe?” (I am paraphrasing)
Read it for yourself in John 20v27-29
27Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
29Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” …
So my friend STOP doubting. Just believe. He is our Saviour and Lord. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise be to his name. God bless you and may our Lord Jesus open the eyes of your mind.
Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth. Mashallah great story Your blessed brother Allah always protect you
Salute to bro Gregory,your talk is very energising.Your attraction to the picture of the Kaaba when you were a young kid showed that God had implanted the seed of guidance in your heart.May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast in Islam.
As a muslim I really learned something from this video and it was so eye opening. To not judge those who judge us. We all carry judgements and to just be calm and friendly and truly hear other peoples point of views like the european mindset he mentions. The best we can do as Muslims is set a good example.
Alhamdulillah, your story is inspiring and beautiful,
I wish people were more accepting to the truth like you, All it took was for you to read something that made sense.
Assalam Waleykum,Congratulations. Welcome to Islam. May Allah bless you and give you sound health ,peace ,tranquility.
MashaAllah such a relief to know him.a shining star💕
"i first need to change myself.. " thank you for sharing brother. may Allah bless you
Amazing man. God bless him. His journey is commemdable
This is a very interesting video. Thank you so much.
Masha’Allah. May Allah protect your Iman.
Aamiin yaamujiibassaailiin
such a great and cool, relaxed and easy going guy. may allah ease your way and make you the means of spreading islam.
Subhanallah..may Allah bless this brother and guide his family too
Wow, the brother has depth and he also has a lot of humors! Personal and Professional life behaviors and your transparent transactions these are the things which might convince a non-muslim to revert to Islam. Jazak Allahu Khairan..
Its so beautiful story. Allahuakbar that you got such a awareness at a young tender age. Allah must b calling 4 u..subhanallah
This miracle of Quran, makes my faith strong.❤️
It’s fascinating how easily he accepted Islam. Without much help, without close Muslim friends or role models, he even was drawn to Ka’ba as a kid. Indeed Allah gave hidayah to whom He wills & usually is looking for Him. Amazing man, so humble
Ma sha allah brother may Allah bless u and please keep reading and learning Islam and don’t allow to anyone to return u to the dark life while u found the right way
MashaAllah... what a wonderful journey brother... May Allah subhana wata'ala bless you brother...
subhanallah..may Allah guide and reward you abudantly brother...and bless all of us moslems..
Congratulations our brother may Allah almighty bless you
Jazakumullah khair brother for making some people understand life and its purpose .
MasaAllah, may the Almighty bless you my brother in deen.
Wow.. maasyaa Allah.. such clarity and precision. Praise Allah for such beautiful soul as you, my brother.
Thank you for the interview..
Dear brother Allah bless you you are doing great work on this planet and we love you
Ahh I wish the interview was longer. I really enjoyed this brothers story.
Mashaa Allah May Allah May Allah Bless You And Your Family And Gives You Happiness In Your Life
Absolutely love these revert stories. Ma’ShaAllah
MashAllah for this wonderful ying men. May Alllah protect you for ever
Sir excellent job well done
That's the thing about Qur'an. It talks to you.
Even more so the page I first opened at one time of my life dealt with my situation at the time, each time.
Loved hearing his story. Thank you. May Allah grant you jannah brother 🤗
Beautiful story. Al Hamdu Le Allah for giving Gregory Hedayah. May Allah make us steadfast in his faith.
You are changing the world. For each one of us everyday.
Most interesting story bro. ❣️ God bless u
MashaAllah my Allah bless you brother
SubhanAllah ❤ i am so glad and thankful for finding your channel and listening to these Gifted people who are chosen by Allah and are inspiration to people like us.
This channel is amazing may Allah bless you all my brothers and sisters
Subhanallah! I really love listening to revert stories, it’s inspiring. May Allah guide and protect us all
SubhanAllah ...may Allah guide him and all of us ..ameen
Amazing interview, my friend. Wish you and your loved ones all the best.
Love this brother. Dear Gregory please pray for me
Masha Allah, Allhamdollilah. May Allah bless you always with peace and prosperity. May Allah give you strength in his path make your change is an example
Subhanallah, May Allah bless you with best of health happiness prosperity peace of mind and iman amin.
Please pray for all the Muslim's and may Allah show the right path to whole humanity .
May Allah continue to guide you and us to the straight path amin
Allahuma Barak. Very intelligent articulate man. May Allah preserve the brother and May Allah be pleased with him Ameen
Thank you for the interview. Love from Kazakhstan
MashAllah! Beautiful personality! May Allah keep you safe in steadfast in his way!
May Allah guide many of those who yet think twice, Islam is best for all mankind and jinn.. May Allah's mercy still continue to be with us and we proud to be Muslim.
Very inspiring. Very pleasant personality and Allah has chosen him. May Allah make him thru whom many will come to Islam. Love from Malaysia
Despite huge hatred oppressiion lie abt islam but still cntinue to grow n grow n grow nobody cud do anythg abt it.....!
I feel very good to hear the brother views. Its an amazing journey.
Such an inspiration
Lots of love and congratulations
Masha Allah La houla wala quwwathe illa billahil Aliyyul Azeem Love from kerala India Pray for me brother
Beautiful observation of Europe by him ❤️ love his way of talking ing thinking
I am inspired by the way he thinks, he is describing the situation very precisely. Good for him👍🏼
Very nice. May Allah guide us all to the true path.
Alhamdullilah u r v v fortunate .Islam is beyond doubt truth.
ما أجمل أن أسمع حديث المسلمين الجدد الٌذين في قَبولهم لهذا الدّين صِدق لا يُخطئه عقل !
أفرح حقيقة مثل فرحهم ..ثبٌتهم اللّه على دينه الحقّ و زادهم فيه علما و نفع بهم و أسعدهم في الدّاريْن .. آمين .. آمين
Very interesting interview. Happy for you brother machallah
Masha Allah, Baraka lahu Fihi. May Allah bless the brother and increase his Rahma in Islam. 🙏🙏
Ma Sha Allah, he was so pure in his thoughts that he accepted the truth upon the first interaction with the word of God. Subhan Allah.❤
Mashaallah. May Allah guide all the human beings 🤲
Mashallah .. May Allah keep us all on his straight path
May Allah bless your Algerian's friend for opening up to you. You can now visir a muslim country and embrass it better as the feelomg get steonher hearing Adan call, fasting peacefully, spending Aïd in traditionnel &spiritual way. MAY ALLAH KEEPS YOU INDER HIS PROTECTION FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WHO MAY OPEN UP TO YOU.