其實睇左條片2分幾鐘就要停,唔敢再睇,我會太emotional。我15歲前係系大馬出世成長,小學讀中文學校,成績一般英文都從來未及格過。到到form 3,有一次老師要每一個同學當眾讀一段英文嘅故事書,phantom of the opera。我真係唔識,尤其去到 “evil”. 老師系全班同學面前羞辱我,話我英文差,根本唔係form 3 程度。我覺得好醜。我返到屋企同我mommy講我要去美國讀書學英文,返黎用英文鬧返呢個老師睇小我。My first 2-3 years being in NYC not knowing English in school were the toughest times of my life. I was very fortunate and grateful that NONE of my teachers laughed at me or used that against me. Somehow they always told me that it’s totally understandable why my English wasn’t perfect and I just needed to keep up the learning, etc. I was also very lucky that I don’t remember being bullied in school because it’s NYC afterall with people from all different places. Like Sarah, I was put in all ESL classes and I was trying so hard to fit into the “normal” American English classes which required a standardized exam here. I finally passed it in 11th grade so I spent 12th grade not being in ESL anymore. I speak English very fluently with very little Chinese accent now and I have much greater appreciation for my Cantonese and Mandarin skills - I will never want to lose my Cantonese. As an adult in my 30s, I’m strong and can overcome a lot of challenging problems but nothing can compare to my journey of learning English during the first few years. That part of my memories is where I can’t exactly revisit because I would get emotional every single time thinking about and reliving it. Great content from you guys as always and please keep doing what you do! Support from NYC!!!
Thanks Michelle for your sharing, we are so happy to know that you've overcome these language problems that you experienced like ourselves as kids. It's very upsetting that you didn't have a teacher who knew how to encourage and teach you. But it's something that made you stronger. We were both quite fortunate to have had fairly happy memories about school. Of course bullying racism was quite common, but they still exist even nowadays. Something that comes to mind when we talk about childhood memories and such growing pains is not dwell on the past too much. A couple of weeks back we talked about giving birth and the whole consignment process, during which we came to the conclusion it's important to open up and not worry too much about things you can't control. Only every now and then do we talk about these things that we've almost completely forgotten about, it's meaningful to us, but so far in the past. thx thx Michelle❤️
Your English is perfect now. Don't hold grudges against that Malaysian teacher, if it wasn't for her (although it was not right for her to embarrass you in front of the whole class) it probably would not have given you such a big push to want to perfect your English :)
I truly feel sorry for your terrible experiences since you were humiliated in Malaysian school. By the way, I used to have the same experience as yours where I was felt offended by my english teacher since I was in Rosaryhill school. Teachers are somehow so mean about the weakness of the student and push too harsh to every students. Until one day, when my previous high school English teachers were no longer working in high school and changed her career to become bankers. I used remained spare time gathering with my British uncle and mixed coloured cousin and talking things about British history, culture and also life habits experiences from them. They inspired me to improve my english efficiently. So therefore, my schoolmates from Rosaryhill school begun to respect me since I told to my new english teacher some vocabulary (Eventually) in form 6 aside of basic word (finally) that learnt from Top Gear TV programme. Schoolmates were shocked to see I had big changes once they find out I had Facebook profile picture with my British uncle and my British mixed cousin. And I also show one of the vocabulary that had being shown in London's store name Brylcreem that my previous English teachers don't know. And I also show the meaning of brylcreem to her. That sign means you have no rights to judge someone's weakness because you also weaknesses as well and you don't even know what brylcreem means. At least I revenge in a right way by using acknowledgement that learnt from the outside of the experience.
No you are not a out cast. We all been there. 我十二歲到澳洲。現在四十多歲在澳洲生活了三十多年。人生如夢。當年看星球大戰要看中文字幕。近年看星球大戰全英文。眼淚不停落下。突然發現自己的改變,成長 及 growing old in a foreign land now I called Home.
hey Lina, we're still growing up🤣🤣🤣 so are you! but the sentiment about finding home in a new place, that rings true... who would have thought 2 people from different parts of the world would meet and settle here☺️
Love this video. As one of the (very junior) writers of one of Jason's first comedy shows at tvb and having heard him deliver the Canto lines back then (2006?!), and now learning about his early struggles and seeing him now becoming the language expert who corrects others... It's amazing😂 Love the contrasting attitudes between Sarah and Jason... And I always feel that ppl only really get to know you when you're outside tvb.
thx Carmen, wow does time fly! we did struggle so much, not knowing what to say, how to say, when to say it hahaha as long as there's no swearing it's all ok!
Great work on this guys! Love how this content is so relatable. Being brought up in a household that speaks "wei tau" Cantonese and "hakka", my standard Cantonese is mixed bag of the above accents aswell as English, and certain words I don't actually know in standard Cantonese haha. The part where Sarah mentioned how she picked up on her parent's pronunciation on certain words in English got me giggling. As I didn't know until 15/16, that a roundabout WAS NOT pronounced as "Lang - a - bao" - thanks to good old Garmin satnav!
Thank you for sharing. 我哋住喺美國同你哋一樣,我同我老公都係細個時移民到美國。喺學校學同講英文,屋企就講廣東話,好明白你哋嘅sharing. 而家自己有小朋友,我哋都喺屋企同佢哋講廣東話。因為我哋覺得小朋友可以用廣東話同屋企嘅長者溝通係好重要,可以令到佢哋同佢哋關係親密啲,又可以氹老人家開心。我都好努力教自己小朋友學同寫中文字。
wow, love your channel, it's great to see the effort to teach chinese, it can't just be TVB, or movies. keep it up!!! gonna listen to some stories a bit later☺️
Hi Jason & Sarah, same goes to me, when I was born, I do speak cantonese and watch lots of tvb Hong Kong drama 😅🤣and my elder brother do laugh at me and always "quote" Aaron is China men, watch to much Hong Kong drama. However, I do speak English, & cantonese. Moreover, I can't read Chinese, however I can speak cantonese, haha. However, each of us, have an special gift, not to compare with the rest.
Hahaha. Thanks Sarah & Jason, yes, is an advantage too and in this generation, learning is an essential and important, everyday we are learning new things. I believe Jamie & Damon too, both of them learn many new things as well 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
I can totally associate! 😂 I came to the UK when I was 10. First day of school was too funny (scary at the time). All I wanted to know was what time we could go home so I said to my new friends... 'what time ding-a-ling-a-ling?', trying to imitate the sound of a school bell. Till this day, I still feel that nervousness and helplessness.
you mean you still remember that feeling, not still have that feeling? we've just been going back thru our own childhood, thinking of situations that really made us uncomfortable, and hope we can help Damon and Jamie overcome similar challenges. we've never been this serious about who are and how we got here, and I suppose our kids make us want to be better versions of ourself☺️
I really like the wonderful steak joke 🥩🥩🤣🤣… I thoroughly enjoy watching the exchanges between you two, not so much the contents but the quality communication as husband and wife. I wonder in the day to day life how often a spousal couple would sit down to dwell on and reflect on a topic … so meaningful!
你考完dsc可以做下暑期工, 做下 無需任何經驗嘅 飲食業炒散,有啲餐廳嘅員工係講英文, 你會有唔少機會去溝通。 佢哋唔會介意你唔識英文, 而係會嘗試令你明白。 客人同你溝通更加好,因為佢哋唔會鬧你。 佢哋都明白有啲香港人未必有好嘅英文基礎。 How would you like your steak? Wonderful? Sorry, well done? Medium well? Medium?…… 我都係做炒散先知道點講?
Hey Julia, thanks for the comment, I guess it's kind of parental talk, but initially we want to share about our experiences abroad, for those you have a lot of questions about life abroad. Learning English for both of us it turns out wasn't so straightforward, and thinking about stories from 20-30 years ago, although it troubled us back then, puts a smile on her face now☺️
I grew up in Hong Kong but was brought up in a British school. A lot of my concepts were learnt in English and this became a gap between my cousins and I, as a lot of time I do not understand them academically as they went to Chinese schools. When I came back to Australia, I still remember the first day at the Uni campus to enroll, I did not understand a word the officer said, as the Australian accent was so thick. I thought, 'I survived America and UK but cannot understand Australian English'. Nowadays, like Jason when I talk to my parents on the phone, a lot of time I need to say 'Let me think how to say this in Cantonese'. I think that became a common thing among our generation. But as a linguistic, communications and theatre major, I think the beauty of language is that it continues to evolve and allows us to communicate in a way we want to :) BTW did you get confused about Circular Quay initially? :D
Jason: 🤣🤣🤣 There's so many stories to share about accents and not understanding accents from different places. This one time when I was maybe 10, I went to Newcastle to see grandma and we all went for dim sum at the local Chinese restaurant. The Geordie accent is quite special, very different to the Australian accent, but when you can't even figure out what it is you want to see yourself, our own level of English mediocre at best, not understanding someone else's accent was only normal. (I thought they were speaking French🤣🤣🤣) Circular Quay? lemme ask
When Sarah talked about on pronunciation of Flemington, which reminds me of 得力超, I went, what the heck is this suburb? It turn out this is Dulwich Hill. Being Chinese, I still follow suit to say Cold 屎 as Coles, or 爬啦嗎他for Parramatta.
Yeah, tell that to your english teachers too. Schoolmates had bullies because teacher created bullied first. That's somehow not really appropriate in primary school or either high school as well. Let me just thinking back of HK school were full of sins that everyone's created. Such as language bullying or physical bully as well. Why are they allowed this happened without understand the seriousness of human behavioural issues? And one of the most ridiculous thing was some teachers are threatened if anyone don't submit homework punctually, they will corrupted students money. Oh for Godness sake. Nobody in the world should be like this.
我剛到美國時,最embarrassed 就是唔識食當然的食物😬. 有一次在學校把French dressing 淋在lasagna 上面! When I was doing it, everyone was staring at me. I bet those kids thought I was strange or weird 😀
Okay 👍 I’ll get back with this family trip to Toronto this place for sure hope you’re having fun with my family friends while now it’s not really busy for a while now it’s not
I thought it was just me. Totally felt the difficulties. I lived in in Nigeria (British school) from 2 to 9 and returned to Hong Kong and went to local school till I was 16 and went to Canada. Every thought I knew the language well because I had the accent, but couldn't really find the words or understand parts of the conversation. I always seem to suck in school.
I suppose the conclusion is when we encountered these problems, we really need the teacher and our parent to help us out, if not to correct us to at least try and figure it out together... now we know, we'll try and be there for D&J when they need❤️
I immigrated to US at my 30’s . I speak English with my own accent but it is OK. They understand me well. In New York City, people all have their accent though. People even comment the guy born in Brooklyn having a Brooklyn accent. 😂No big deal.
thank you for spending time reply my msg 😱😱😱😭😭 If you guys got time, to make a topic about how an overseas kid learn chinese will give a lot of help to many families, as many of our hk kids are now living either overseas (as u know the immigrant wave) or studying in international school , whenever I see you guys talking or replying msg in chinese , I just cant imagine how you guys could be that smart to master both languages while you were actually raised in a Chinese free country 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
One of my experience was when I became an adult and a customer of mine asked me about my nationality, I guess because of my English was so Canadian. For a moment I didn’t know how to react, was I Chinese or Canadian? Now I know, I am a Canadian with a Chinese ancestry. Sarah, well done, wonderful.
你哋咁樣叫我哋啲屋邨仔女情何以堪呢? 睇一陣真係有少少眼火爆。 雖然我無去過外國讀書,但英文叫做同外國人溝通到,細個英文都叫好,但唔係特別好;特別好個啲有拔尖班,特別差個啲就會被「特別關注」,有補底班。好似我呢啲中游就要靠自己努力。 係嘅,你可能話我賴,我家境唔夠好,都可以自己努力,同埋我唔係無娛樂,我都有。 有人無咩娛樂又努力過我嘅人大把,但我細細個都唔係無努力,細細個成日查字典,成日做功課做到好夜(其他科),但就係追唔上,入咗間排名差嘅學校,唔知係咪叻得滯,初中成日被欺凌,跟住因為我記生字叻,整個中學就被人當人肉字典,起初都覺得開心,有人認同我,但慢慢就覺得被「利用」,整班三十幾人,個個都問我,可能又人問老師,但我最就手,我當年又唔太識拒絕人,依家諗番好似被人浪費咗好多時間,好彩高中都遇到好同學同好老師,叫做有啲幾好嘅回憶。 以前望住一個個同學喺香港啲英文差到嘔,但係有錢飛去外國讀書,番嚟英文喇喇聲;去外國讀書,英文繼續差都有XD;有人畢業去外國讀書,剩係讀英文,番嚟做保險佬。 所以在我立場我只有羡慕妒忌恨,但都多謝你哋嘅分享。 As a Native Cantonese, All I want to say is that you guys are ”身在福中不知福”. As a Foreign Language Learner, I would like to say “ Every one has its own story”, 家家有本難唸的經,We don’t have to compare with each other, but I am still jealous. P.S.: 我應該同Jason 對語言嘅執著差唔多,另分享一個係幼稚園嘅尷尬事,細個老師教thank you 係fan 橋,當時我諗住k有k音,所以讀咗fan 橋you.XD ANYWAY, thanks for sharing!
@@sarahjasonchan 多謝你哋有睇我個留言。其實我打呢段嘢個時漏咗句,我想話老師成日話抄答案唔啱,但都話比人抄唔使驚,因為學到嘅嘢係自己,但被人抄到一個點係,我覺得人哋抄都會學到嘢,因為抄都係學習嘅一種,所以我覺得梗加嬲,不過我都盡量聽你哋講,試吓唔好咁介懷,但呢啲記憶永遠都刻喺我嘅記憶到,但我會再嘗試忘記呢啲痛苦,成日記住真係好易唔開心。 好似有啲off-topic.但都唔重要。 所以最後都好開心可以同你哋有呢啲交流,特別係呢啲時間,人與人真係比較疏離,個個帶哂口罩,有啲咁嘅溝通係暖心嘅。Thanks you all.
I was born in Canada but only spoke Cantonese at home until I went to kindergarten. Luckily I don't remember having any communication issues, but my mom tells me that I used to ask questions like, "Apple"英文點樣講?because I couldn't differentiate between what was English and what was Chinese. My most embarrassing moment was probably when I thought Skype was pronounced "Sky-pee" because that's how my dad pronounced it lol. And I've definitely had those moments when someone is speaking to me in Chinese and they insert a basic English word that just doesn't load in my brain. It's not even that they have an accent or anything, my brain just tries to figure out what Chinese word they're saying, and gets confused. It's also funny because I speak "chinglish" all the time. I guess sometimes things just don't load properly hahaha. Interestingly, I've asked my Caucasian friends whether I speak English with an accent and they say there is a slight difference, even though they wouldn't necessarily call it an accent. I wonder if it's more apparent now that I've lived in HK for 7 years. Overall I'm really glad I grew up speaking both languages, and I think it makes a big difference in terms of what you get to experience from each culture!
thx Swan for your sharing❤️ Completely agree with you, without a basic understanding of both languages we couldn't have enjoyed both Chinese and English or Australian cultures. Speaking two languages, sometimes fluently, sometimes messily, isn't always that easy. Having the chance to grow up speaking to languages is actually quite precious. I suppose what we wanted to say was that besides bullying, and sometimes racism, there were other things that bothered us as children. We love accents, both of us have one, one English one Australian, and that's what makes us who we are.
This brings me back to my first job in the US 🥲 I was 19 and found a job in the university box office by pure luck. Part of my job was calling seasonal concert ticket holders to renew their subscriptions. I went to an English secondary school in Hong Kong but English was not my favourite subject (it was中國文學😅). I had no clue how I would describe the layout of the stadium or how to ask someone for their credit card number. I ended up eavesdropping on my coworkers for a few calls and writing down everything they said😅. Then I scripted my first call on a piece of paper and went with it. I've had many jobs since then but this I'll always remember.
Jason: even when I was twenty something, when I took on a new role in a hospital about which I knew nothing... like yourself I had to learn how to deal with patient complaints, figure out how to not let the doctors walk all over you... it's all a learning process at the same time, people are good fun to work with, new personalities, different cultures etc... as long as these people are happy to embrace others☺️
其實睇左條片2分幾鐘就要停,唔敢再睇,我會太emotional。我15歲前係系大馬出世成長,小學讀中文學校,成績一般英文都從來未及格過。到到form 3,有一次老師要每一個同學當眾讀一段英文嘅故事書,phantom of the opera。我真係唔識,尤其去到 “evil”. 老師系全班同學面前羞辱我,話我英文差,根本唔係form 3 程度。我覺得好醜。我返到屋企同我mommy講我要去美國讀書學英文,返黎用英文鬧返呢個老師睇小我。My first 2-3 years being in NYC not knowing English in school were the toughest times of my life. I was very fortunate and grateful that NONE of my teachers laughed at me or used that against me. Somehow they always told me that it’s totally understandable why my English wasn’t perfect and I just needed to keep up the learning, etc. I was also very lucky that I don’t remember being bullied in school because it’s NYC afterall with people from all different places. Like Sarah, I was put in all ESL classes and I was trying so hard to fit into the “normal” American English classes which required a standardized exam here. I finally passed it in 11th grade so I spent 12th grade not being in ESL anymore. I speak English very fluently with very little Chinese accent now and I have much greater appreciation for my Cantonese and Mandarin skills - I will never want to lose my Cantonese. As an adult in my 30s, I’m strong and can overcome a lot of challenging problems but nothing can compare to my journey of learning English during the first few years. That part of my memories is where I can’t exactly revisit because I would get emotional every single time thinking about and reliving it.
Great content from you guys as always and please keep doing what you do! Support from NYC!!!
Thanks Michelle for your sharing, we are so happy to know that you've overcome these language problems that you experienced like ourselves as kids.
It's very upsetting that you didn't have a teacher who knew how to encourage and teach you. But it's something that made you stronger.
We were both quite fortunate to have had fairly happy memories about school. Of course bullying racism was quite common, but they still exist even nowadays.
Something that comes to mind when we talk about childhood memories and such growing pains is not dwell on the past too much. A couple of weeks back we talked about giving birth and the whole consignment process, during which we came to the conclusion it's important to open up and not worry too much about things you can't control. Only every now and then do we talk about these things that we've almost completely forgotten about, it's meaningful to us, but so far in the past.
thx thx Michelle❤️
Your English is perfect now. Don't hold grudges against that Malaysian teacher, if it wasn't for her (although it was not right for her to embarrass you in front of the whole class) it probably would not have given you such a big push to want to perfect your English :)
I truly feel sorry for your terrible experiences since you were humiliated in Malaysian school. By the way, I used to have the same experience as yours where I was felt offended by my english teacher since I was in Rosaryhill school. Teachers are somehow so mean about the weakness of the student and push too harsh to every students. Until one day, when my previous high school English teachers were no longer working in high school and changed her career to become bankers. I used remained spare time gathering with my British uncle and mixed coloured cousin and talking things about British history, culture and also life habits experiences from them. They inspired me to improve my english efficiently. So therefore, my schoolmates from Rosaryhill school begun to respect me since I told to my new english teacher some vocabulary (Eventually) in form 6 aside of basic word (finally) that learnt from Top Gear TV programme. Schoolmates were shocked to see I had big changes once they find out I had Facebook profile picture with my British uncle and my British mixed cousin. And I also show one of the vocabulary that had being shown in London's store name Brylcreem that my previous English teachers don't know. And I also show the meaning of brylcreem to her. That sign means you have no rights to judge someone's weakness because you also weaknesses as well and you don't even know what brylcreem means. At least I revenge in a right way by using acknowledgement that learnt from the outside of the experience.
No you are not a out cast. We all been there. 我十二歲到澳洲。現在四十多歲在澳洲生活了三十多年。人生如夢。當年看星球大戰要看中文字幕。近年看星球大戰全英文。眼淚不停落下。突然發現自己的改變,成長 及 growing old in a foreign land now I called Home.
hey Lina, we're still growing up🤣🤣🤣 so are you!
but the sentiment about finding home in a new place, that rings true... who would have thought 2 people from different parts of the world would meet and settle here☺️
hey Kennes, 千其唔好太擔心
加油呀,Sarah & Jason❤️
希望你同小朋友都可以一齊學習英文,好似片裏面所講,我哋父母當時忙工作冇時間一齊練習英文, 但係一齊學習係件好開心嘅事。
你有咩問題可以喺呢度問我哋,又或者可以喺IG message我哋
thx Pat❤️
Love this video. As one of the (very junior) writers of one of Jason's first comedy shows at tvb and having heard him deliver the Canto lines back then (2006?!), and now learning about his early struggles and seeing him now becoming the language expert who corrects others... It's amazing😂 Love the contrasting attitudes between Sarah and Jason... And I always feel that ppl only really get to know you when you're outside tvb.
thx Carmen, wow does time fly!
we did struggle so much, not knowing what to say, how to say, when to say it hahaha
as long as there's no swearing it's all ok!
我們住在日本,爸爸是台灣人,所以小孩們在多語言環境中長大(廣東話,國語、台語、日文)。尤其我最小的兒子,他對語言的敏感度不是很好,所以在上幼稚園和小一時 很困擾,他很多時無法找到合適的詞語去表達自己,他會發脾氣⋯ 雖然是這樣,但我不會放棄跟他説廣東話。我會一句廣東話再一句日文,雙語教他。
我地都未拿捏到最好嘅方法,小朋友暫時英文強dd, 中文個理解唔錯但係會話唔係好有信心, keep住加油❤️
@@kiddiestorytvNOW 中英都有人睇麻,it's ok,拍多d無所謂啦☺️
@@sarahjasonchan 其實我係覆緊留言嗰位家長 😆😆🙈
Great work on this guys! Love how this content is so relatable. Being brought up in a household that speaks "wei tau" Cantonese and "hakka", my standard Cantonese is mixed bag of the above accents aswell as English, and certain words I don't actually know in standard Cantonese haha. The part where Sarah mentioned how she picked up on her parent's pronunciation on certain words in English got me giggling. As I didn't know until 15/16, that a roundabout WAS NOT pronounced as "Lang - a - bao" - thanks to good old Garmin satnav!
"Lang - a - bao" so l funny🤣🤣🤣
"Lang - a - bao"🤣🤣🤣
Me too.
Thank you for sharing. 我哋住喺美國同你哋一樣,我同我老公都係細個時移民到美國。喺學校學同講英文,屋企就講廣東話,好明白你哋嘅sharing. 而家自己有小朋友,我哋都喺屋企同佢哋講廣東話。因為我哋覺得小朋友可以用廣東話同屋企嘅長者溝通係好重要,可以令到佢哋同佢哋關係親密啲,又可以氹老人家開心。我都好努力教自己小朋友學同寫中文字。
wow, love your channel, it's great to see the effort to teach chinese, it can't just be TVB, or movies.
keep it up!!! gonna listen to some stories a bit later☺️
@@sarahjasonchan thank you so much!! I Love your channel too!! 😊😄
It is normal to encounter cultural confusion and crisis. Nice to speak out.
Hi Jason & Sarah, same goes to me, when I was born, I do speak cantonese and watch lots of tvb Hong Kong drama 😅🤣and my elder brother do laugh at me and always "quote" Aaron is China men, watch to much Hong Kong drama. However, I do speak English, & cantonese.
Moreover, I can't read Chinese, however I can speak cantonese, haha. However, each of us, have an special gift, not to compare with the rest.
As what Jason quote, have you eaten, in malay means, " kamu sudah makan"
hey Aaron, Learning languages is fun so watch more TV and learn more Cantonese and Manarin too la🤣🤣🤣
Hahaha. Thanks Sarah & Jason, yes, is an advantage too and in this generation, learning is an essential and important, everyday we are learning new things. I believe Jamie & Damon too, both of them learn many new things as well 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Wonderful! 🤣🤣🤣搞到我係地鐵笑出聲😅我細仔而家4歲,一直講開英文。我努力佐半年同佢講廣東話同埋普通話,佢一個字都未講到。識聽少少,講就真係未得。我諗可能先單一種語言溝通比較好。不過我經常被他帶偏,我講普通話,他用英文回答,說著說著就變成都說英文。
I can totally associate! 😂 I came to the UK when I was 10. First day of school was too funny (scary at the time). All I wanted to know was what time we could go home so I said to my new friends... 'what time ding-a-ling-a-ling?', trying to imitate the sound of a school bell.
Till this day, I still feel that nervousness and helplessness.
you mean you still remember that feeling, not still have that feeling?
we've just been going back thru our own childhood, thinking of situations that really made us uncomfortable, and hope we can help Damon and Jamie overcome similar challenges.
we've never been this serious about who are and how we got here, and I suppose our kids make us want to be better versions of ourself☺️
Hahahahaha i love this! Thats a great memory now looking back
Love this genuine sharing. Brings back a lot of memories.
thx for watching
maybe we're at an age where we can share old stories hahahah
祝你們永遠幸福快樂, 健康💪🏼
thx Yichao
謝分享。讓我更了解自己的小朋友剛到澳洲的處境和想法感受。尤其我細仔(6歲)更似Jason 當年5歲中又唔得;英又未得。
👋 Sara and Jason, 對你們的topic, 我很有深的感受! 我女兒現在12歲,在香港🇭🇰出世,她是西班牙🇪🇸和香港🇭🇰混血兒,女兒說三種語言:西班牙🇪🇸文,廣東話和英語。原因在於父母要堅持✊。😅😊
hey Malvina, 語言呢樣嘢可以好容易亦都可以好難攪, 父母可以嘅話糾正下又或者一齊去學, 所謂培養小朋友興趣係好重要
I really like the wonderful steak joke 🥩🥩🤣🤣… I thoroughly enjoy watching the exchanges between you two, not so much the contents but the quality communication as husband and wife. I wonder in the day to day life how often a spousal couple would sit down to dwell on and reflect on a topic … so meaningful!
funny thing is, it wasn't a joke🤣🤣🤣 just very funny to recall.
it's good to think back at our mistakes and have a laugh❤️
我是三十多歲才從香港移民美國,而且在短時間內入讀紐約尖端大學,真的語言是需時刻服,幸好亞洲人面孔是生得年青,同學以為我十七到二十歲。在inorganic chemistry class,亞洲學生都有很厚的基礎,隔離的漂亮鬼妹,很感激我的幫助。那時紐大和哥大,學生大多都是非富即貴,除了我之外。😄現在我已…哈哈哈
語言既真係要keep住講,講多d, 講錯等人改正,將對繼續講!加油
我都試過同本地香港人一起玩,去溫哥華的時候,有個地方叫 Westminster street。但我地個個都叫 West minister。直到比當地人糾正。
thank you for your sharing, 睇你地片學到唔少英文!!!
Sarah: Jason執著好多野架🤣🤣🤣 其實都係一個最自己既要求☺️
Band 2尾中學,我英文根本差得不得了⋯⋯
jason: 唔緊要㗎,你而家先係喺中學,大把時間慢慢學, 慢慢提升英文水平
撕爛torn, 中立sitting on the fence
可以試下Listen A Minute, 有一小段文字,一路聽,一路睇D字,慢慢便識聽及講多好多,再上Breaking News English.
你考完dsc可以做下暑期工, 做下 無需任何經驗嘅 飲食業炒散,有啲餐廳嘅員工係講英文, 你會有唔少機會去溝通。 佢哋唔會介意你唔識英文, 而係會嘗試令你明白。
客人同你溝通更加好,因為佢哋唔會鬧你。 佢哋都明白有啲香港人未必有好嘅英文基礎。
How would you like your steak? Wonderful? Sorry, well done? Medium well? Medium?…… 我都係做炒散先知道點講?
Thanks for sharing. Love the parental talk. Our kids are learning, and we as parents need to keep learning:)
Hey Julia, thanks for the comment, I guess it's kind of parental talk, but initially we want to share about our experiences abroad, for those you have a lot of questions about life abroad.
Learning English for both of us it turns out wasn't so straightforward, and thinking about stories from 20-30 years ago, although it troubled us back then, puts a smile on her face now☺️
thx thx, 大家可能之後會諗種族歧視或者欺凌,但係溝通唔到好影響一個人嘅自信心☺️
I grew up in Hong Kong but was brought up in a British school. A lot of my concepts were learnt in English and this became a gap between my cousins and I, as a lot of time I do not understand them academically as they went to Chinese schools. When I came back to Australia, I still remember the first day at the Uni campus to enroll, I did not understand a word the officer said, as the Australian accent was so thick. I thought, 'I survived America and UK but cannot understand Australian English'. Nowadays, like Jason when I talk to my parents on the phone, a lot of time I need to say 'Let me think how to say this in Cantonese'. I think that became a common thing among our generation. But as a linguistic, communications and theatre major, I think the beauty of language is that it continues to evolve and allows us to communicate in a way we want to :) BTW did you get confused about Circular Quay initially? :D
Jason: 🤣🤣🤣
There's so many stories to share about accents and not understanding accents from different places. This one time when I was maybe 10, I went to Newcastle to see grandma and we all went for dim sum at the local Chinese restaurant. The Geordie accent is quite special, very different to the Australian accent, but when you can't even figure out what it is you want to see yourself, our own level of English mediocre at best, not understanding someone else's accent was only normal. (I thought they were speaking French🤣🤣🤣)
Circular Quay? lemme ask
其實如果係香港咁西化的地方長大的話,牛扒有分幾成熟都知道慨。但我細個就唔知英文點講囉。以為叫 30% cooked,50% cooked,70% cooked,All cooked。
同埋細個想學英文例如見到香港煤氣公司英文名用 TownGas。我就以為煤氣叫 TownGas。真係教壞小朋友。
其實我覺得外國人比中國人客氣🤣佢地語言偽術好叻,成日都好鼓勵人架,𝐞.𝐠你講得好好呀,𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐨𝐛唔錯之類之後先再糾正錯誤….我好欣賞😆
Queenie,🤣🤣🤣 講得好啱呀!
你地真係好勁, 成二十分鐘, 中英文版內容都可以非常相若, 果然兩位都係專業主持!
第一句“no啦” 超正!“講100次都一樣”,專業或者件事係真嘅都真係可以講100次都一樣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
真係笑中有淚, 感激😭
好惨,一味靠 拼音😂😂😂
thx Sandy 學英文都唔係超難
☺️ 絕對同意呀!去到某一個位,當小朋友超越自己能力,學緊嘅嘢俾我哋多嘅時候,已經唔到我哋去教或者糾正🤣🤣🤣
When Sarah talked about on pronunciation of Flemington, which reminds me of 得力超, I went, what the heck is this suburb? It turn out this is Dulwich Hill. Being Chinese, I still follow suit to say Cold 屎 as Coles, or 爬啦嗎他for Parramatta.
🤣🤣🤣 a lot of chinglish ALL OVER the world🤣🤣🤣
所以你地應該唔會睇唔起或者笑英文唔好既人~ 👍🏻
Yeah, tell that to your english teachers too. Schoolmates had bullies because teacher created bullied first. That's somehow not really appropriate in primary school or either high school as well. Let me just thinking back of HK school were full of sins that everyone's created. Such as language bullying or physical bully as well. Why are they allowed this happened without understand the seriousness of human behavioural issues? And one of the most ridiculous thing was some teachers are threatened if anyone don't submit homework punctually, they will corrupted students money. Oh for Godness sake. Nobody in the world should be like this.
Good job
我剛到美國時,最embarrassed 就是唔識食當然的食物😬. 有一次在學校把French dressing 淋在lasagna 上面! When I was doing it, everyone was staring at me. I bet those kids thought I was strange or weird 😀
I don't know which language to reply you in🤣🤣🤣
but dining etiquette is a funny one!
thx thx for that idea, we'll do it next time🤣🤣🤣
@@sarahjasonchan you can either reply in Chinese or in English! I can read Chinese no problem, but forgot how to write most of them!😀
@@AlexKinPongLo Hi Alex, that was many many years ago! It never bothered me even then!
Wonderfully well done
and "No blood"🤣🤣🤣
Okay 👍 I’ll get back with this family trip to Toronto this place for sure hope you’re having fun with my family friends while now it’s not really busy for a while now it’s not
hope you have fun in Toronto then☺️
I thought it was just me. Totally felt the difficulties. I lived in in Nigeria (British school) from 2 to 9 and returned to Hong Kong and went to local school till I was 16 and went to Canada. Every thought I knew the language well because I had the accent, but couldn't really find the words or understand parts of the conversation. I always seem to suck in school.
I suppose the conclusion is when we encountered these problems, we really need the teacher and our parent to help us out, if not to correct us to at least try and figure it out together...
now we know, we'll try and be there for D&J when they need❤️
I immigrated to US at my 30’s . I speak English with my own accent but it is OK. They understand me well. In New York City, people all have their accent though. People even comment the guy born in Brooklyn having a Brooklyn accent. 😂No big deal.
Cute together! Lovely 😘👏🏼🤣
jason各自點樣學中文???🙏🙏🙏, 你哋係咪只係限於講呢? 始終父母都會講總會學到啲, 咁係咪"睇"唔明㗎? 如果睇得明,究竟係點樣學㗎呢你哋, 因為中文唔係從小學嘅話真係有啲困難🙏🙏🙏
thank you for spending time reply my msg 😱😱😱😭😭
If you guys got time, to make a topic about how an overseas kid learn chinese will give a lot of help to many families, as many of our hk kids are now living either overseas (as u know the immigrant wave) or studying in international school , whenever I see you guys talking or replying msg in chinese , I just cant imagine how you guys could be that smart to master both languages while you were actually raised in a Chinese free country 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Your conversation reminds some part of Mr &Mrs Smith
Reminds me
oooh, that's such a cool compliment, thx YOY❤️
Sarah is wonderful!
Jason: she is☺️
hey yoyo, 都非常同意你嘅讲法,语言又或者自己识嘅嘢唔需要炫耀,语言简单来讲系一个协助我哋沟通嘅工具, 今次分享都可以話係講緊表達自己同埋同人溝通嘅重要。
@@sarahjasonchan 绝对同意,多謝你的回覆,人與人之間,最重要是有爱,互相比較好難做朋友。
@@wongdaniel4007 是的,已經好少聯絡。😊
I agreed with Jason, you guys are the closest, if he doesn’t correct you, who would.
thx Annie!!! we both correct each other all the time☺️
childcare and scrambled eggs,,,番茄炒蛋 (Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs)🤣😂🤣😂🤣
great content thanks sarah and jason!!!
thx thx, any ideas for sharing? anything you wanna watch?
我姨甥女中美混血,今年5歲。母語英文。有次黎香港一個月病左入院,姑娘問佢:"小朋友妳好得意喎,識唔識講中文啊?" 佢答: "識,藍色,綠色。"不過我姨甥女平時唔願意學中文,除非環境迫佢講中文,所以佢中文唔流利。
very interesting talk show
thx Francis, trying something new, talk about things that we hold dear, hope the easy chatting makes for easy watching🤣
係太太 太愛先生 所以唔想矯正先生的錯處。而先生又很想做一個好榜樣姐,我估架咋吓。隨便講下,唔好太上心
Jason: 🤣🤣🤣 我大把缺點,喺其他方面,但讓sarah超愛我啦🤪
最後,‘你無無糾正我’ 都係唔糾正🤣,你話係啱定係對😂
嗯。。这个让我 要更留意我那4岁小孩去幼儿园回来的状况。 因为 在学习的时候或许他是需要用英文。。 可我们平时跟他沟通是用中文。这情况或许他有语言困难。
唔淨止語言問題,我今日帶Damon 踩單車,見到佢想同周邊小朋友一齊玩但唔好意思
Jason 你把聲似簫叔叔🧍♂️好好聽呀!
🤣🤣🤣 簫叔叔性感好多🤣🤣🤣
Love you two so much💗💖💞💕 you 2 makes perfect couple
thx thx, hope you like watching our stuff❤️
wonderful sharing 👍
glad you like it Jenny❤️
One of my experience was when I became an adult and a customer of mine asked me about my nationality, I guess because of my English was so Canadian. For a moment I didn’t know how to react, was I Chinese or Canadian? Now I know, I am a Canadian with a Chinese ancestry. Sarah, well done, wonderful.
Jason, you mentioned a word/ phrase that your teacher asked you in your geography lesson. I couldn’t hear it clearly. What was that?
sitting on the fence... can't decide? neutral?
Great job Sarah u doing well🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
thx thx cherie❤️
Thanks for this video!!
not at all☺️
愛這種share talk!
plzzz keep on~
thx thx Sierra, 我地會再搵番歷史講🤣🤣🤣
Both of u are so cute ! 😄
thx thx Janet❤️
A few of my ABC friends experienced the similar issues growing up.
I think very few kids are linguistically that brilliant to not encounter any such probs
@@sarahjasonchan 英文太多單詞啦,年紀大個頭讀完就唔記得了。😂
Hi , 我想問下你哋喺外國長大,係咪唔識讀寫中文?如果唔識中文在香港生活有冇遇到問題?
其實你自己都知道問題係聽唔切,唔好咁緊張,你可以叫對方慢慢講,必要再重複,諗唔到乜嘢情況係急到唔可以慢講又唔可以重複。意思唔明,就禮貌問乜嘢意思... 你試下先啦❤️
@@sarahjasonchan thanks
@@joyli1044 乜野都試下,唔好諗太多❤️
Tell them to slow down, or you will kill them. 😅
我都係,明明用母語我對住唔熟嘅人係好多嘢講唔怕羞, 但新入職時候佢哋喺度傾計真係join唔到,但久而久之其實唔使太刻意融入做熟咗自然會有話題
去到澳洲儘量唔好諗要華人圈子,只要你識一d nice既澳洲人一樣做到朋友,到時英文進步得好快❤️
Thanks for your genuine sharing 🥰
so happy you like it❤️
As a Native Cantonese, All I want to say is that you guys are ”身在福中不知福”.
As a Foreign Language Learner, I would like to say “ Every one has its own story”, 家家有本難唸的經,We don’t have to compare with each other, but I am still jealous.
我應該同Jason 對語言嘅執著差唔多,另分享一個係幼稚園嘅尷尬事,細個老師教thank you 係fan 橋,當時我諗住k有k音,所以讀咗fan 橋you.XD
ANYWAY, thanks for sharing!
多謝你嘅留言 s060071,
Sarah & Jason
@@sarahjasonchan 多謝你哋有睇我個留言。其實我打呢段嘢個時漏咗句,我想話老師成日話抄答案唔啱,但都話比人抄唔使驚,因為學到嘅嘢係自己,但被人抄到一個點係,我覺得人哋抄都會學到嘢,因為抄都係學習嘅一種,所以我覺得梗加嬲,不過我都盡量聽你哋講,試吓唔好咁介懷,但呢啲記憶永遠都刻喺我嘅記憶到,但我會再嘗試忘記呢啲痛苦,成日記住真係好易唔開心。
所以最後都好開心可以同你哋有呢啲交流,特別係呢啲時間,人與人真係比較疏離,個個帶哂口罩,有啲咁嘅溝通係暖心嘅。Thanks you all.
一直都想 tell Sarah, you speak very good english, the way you pronounce, the tone you speak, very beautiful🥰 (p.s. WONDERFUL 🤣)
Jason: I can't agree with you more Linda, she's wonderful in every way🙊
hey Sophii☺️好似Jason咁煩🤣🤣🤣
其實你哋應該開學校 可以係online classes......
標題:「英國、澳洲成長最困擾係學英文:學英文嘅困難,溝通唔到,講錯嘢,無自信心...」大概書面語是 「英國、澳洲成長時遇到最困擾的事:學習英語,(小時候不懂英語就移居了),導致未能與當地人(同齡人/同學)正常溝通,會說錯話,(漸漸)令自己沒了自信...」
Great video!
thx thx Vicky!!!
nice sharing! inspiring to me 😃
thx thx for your comment, stories about when we were little are always quite funny to retell❤️
Inspiring 👍🏻
thx Louis, it's just sharing bout our background and childhood, super chuffed you like it❤️
I was born in Canada but only spoke Cantonese at home until I went to kindergarten. Luckily I don't remember having any communication issues, but my mom tells me that I used to ask questions like, "Apple"英文點樣講?because I couldn't differentiate between what was English and what was Chinese.
My most embarrassing moment was probably when I thought Skype was pronounced "Sky-pee" because that's how my dad pronounced it lol. And I've definitely had those moments when someone is speaking to me in Chinese and they insert a basic English word that just doesn't load in my brain. It's not even that they have an accent or anything, my brain just tries to figure out what Chinese word they're saying, and gets confused. It's also funny because I speak "chinglish" all the time. I guess sometimes things just don't load properly hahaha.
Interestingly, I've asked my Caucasian friends whether I speak English with an accent and they say there is a slight difference, even though they wouldn't necessarily call it an accent. I wonder if it's more apparent now that I've lived in HK for 7 years.
Overall I'm really glad I grew up speaking both languages, and I think it makes a big difference in terms of what you get to experience from each culture!
thx Swan for your sharing❤️
Completely agree with you, without a basic understanding of both languages we couldn't have enjoyed both Chinese and English or Australian cultures.
Speaking two languages, sometimes fluently, sometimes messily, isn't always that easy. Having the chance to grow up speaking to languages is actually quite precious. I suppose what we wanted to say was that besides bullying, and sometimes racism, there were other things that bothered us as children.
We love accents, both of us have one, one English one Australian, and that's what makes us who we are.
Liked! 👍👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪
thank you☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
但現在的小朋友英文叻過中文, 太早移民不要說寫, 最後長大連聽和講中文都有問題。
sharing about our childhood is fun, brings back so many memories❤️
Can you tell us how to speak or learn English better ?
you asked in chinese too hahaha
This brings me back to my first job in the US 🥲 I was 19 and found a job in the university box office by pure luck. Part of my job was calling seasonal concert ticket holders to renew their subscriptions. I went to an English secondary school in Hong Kong but English was not my favourite subject (it was中國文學😅). I had no clue how I would describe the layout of the stadium or how to ask someone for their credit card number. I ended up eavesdropping on my coworkers for a few calls and writing down everything they said😅. Then I scripted my first call on a piece of paper and went with it. I've had many jobs since then but this I'll always remember.
Jason: even when I was twenty something, when I took on a new role in a hospital about which I knew nothing... like yourself I had to learn how to deal with patient complaints, figure out how to not let the doctors walk all over you... it's all a learning process
at the same time, people are good fun to work with, new personalities, different cultures etc... as long as these people are happy to embrace others☺️