Комментарии •

  • @cryptographer3931
    @cryptographer3931 5 лет назад +1

    Ich habe mit dem Verkäufer in Bad Honnef telefoniert. Er sagte mir, ich müsse die Maschine dort vorbeibringen um das Software-Update aufzuspielen.
    Gibt es keine andere Möglichkeit als die Maschine 260 km (hin und zurück) zu fahren und 20 Liter Benzin für ein paar Bytes zu verschwenden? Vielleicht könnte Euer Techniker mal eine Update-Tournee planen? Das würde einige Kilogramm CO₂ einsparen.
    Bitte überlegt Euch etwas praktikables für die Maschinen, die Ihr bundesweit über den Online-Store vertreibt.
    Gibt es keine Möglichkeit, das Update selbst aufzuspielen?

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад

      Das Software update kann nur in der Werkstatt aufgespielt werden, man braucht die Hardware als Gegenstück, die kostet auch schon 1000 Euro netto. das Update kann man selber nicht aufspielen. Normal macht es nur Sinn, das Software update aufzuspielen, wenn sowieso eine Durchsicht der Maschine ansteht. Solange die Maschine funktioniert, muss man nicht immer die neueste Software haben, finde ich.. Ein update reicht alle paar Jahre aus.

    • @eltonnoway7864
      @eltonnoway7864 4 года назад +1

      Selbst wenn Sie das neueste Software-Update erhalten, sind Sie immer noch gefährdet, da Bezzera zum Laden der Software eine proprietäre Verbindung verwendet hat. Leider hatten die Bezzera-Ingenieure nicht die Voraussicht, eine gemeinsame Benutzeroberfläche einzuschließen, damit Endbenutzer ihre eigenen Programmaktualisierungen laden konnten. Sogar die alten Espressomaschinen La Spaziale S1, die bereits 2005 angekündigt wurden, verfügen über einen SD-Kartenleser, mit dem Besitzer ihre eigene Software aktualisieren können! Bezzera sollte irgendwo einen SD-Leser oder einen USB-Anschluss in sein Design integriert haben. Ich hoffe nur, dass ein zukünftiges Update keine größeren Software-Korrekturen enthält.

  • @sergiurobu4018
    @sergiurobu4018 4 года назад

    Hallo Markus
    ich kann mich nicht entscheiden, an welchem ​​Modell ich festhalten soll, Bezzera Duo MN oder Lelit Bianca PL162, dass Lelit die Flusskontrolle hat das ist toll aber nach meine meinung zu grosse kessel, die Erwärmung ist langsamer als bei Bezzera Duo MN , aber bezzera hat keine Flusskontrolle, Wir machen 3 Espressos und 2 Cappuccinos pro Tag, Ihrer Meinung nach welches Maschine am besten geeignet wäre?

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 4 года назад +1

      Ich finde die Bezzera Duo MN besser. Man kann wenn man möchte, auch das ECM Flußprofilkit nehmen oder das von Profitec mit dem schwarzen manometer...

    • @eliasblessing2554
      @eliasblessing2554 3 года назад

      Das Kit für das Flussprofil von der Lelit Bianca passt genauso auf das von der Bezzera. Und sieht dabei auch noch klasse aus, Holz passt zu Holz!

    • @sergiurobu4018
      @sergiurobu4018 3 года назад

      Habe Bezzera Duo Top DE gekauft :).

    • @sergiurobu4018
      @sergiurobu4018 3 года назад

      @@eliasblessing2554 Habe Bezzera Duo DE gekauft :).

    • @eliasblessing2554
      @eliasblessing2554 3 года назад +1

      @@sergiurobu4018 Ach sehr cool, ich stehe gerade vor der genau gleichen Kaufentscheidung. Die Information hab ich aus einem Video von 1st Line Equipment. Sag mal kurz und knapp, kannst du die Maschine empfehlen?

  • @maxiciao
    @maxiciao 5 лет назад +1

    Hello, What is the starting serial number to have this new revision?

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад +1

      The newest revised versions which are ok start with serial number 148, they have the new display and the revised drip tray. So have a look at the first 3 numbers of the serial number.

    • @joshualory3319
      @joshualory3319 5 лет назад

      @@TheEspressoTVIs this fixed in the latest SW version? "Power saving mode leaves the LCD on full with back light. This seems a little silly, and certainly isn't going to help the life of the LCD. I end up using the manual switch, so the feature is wasted. A real pity. Might save electricity, but I don't think they thought it through."

    • @Affenflughund2
      @Affenflughund2 5 лет назад

      TheEspressoTV So starting with 0149 0152 is the newer as well, just not below 0148? My dealer has only these numbers

    • @maciste1891
      @maciste1891 4 года назад

      Hallo, was ist wenn man noch die alte Seriennummer (0140...)hat und noch 1 Monat Garantie. Kann man das Display dann erneuern lassen?

  • @miracleofsoul
    @miracleofsoul 3 года назад

    zwei Ideen für die Matrix hätte ich:
    1. "Matrix Smart": Steuerung über Smart Home / Smartphone App. Auf dem Weg nach Hause schon mal die Maschine anmachen, oder Sonntags morgens im Halbschlaf :-)
    2. LED Color Changer: automatisches Wechseln der Farben (wie z.B. bei einigen Grafikkarten schon üblich) Schön wäre ein fließender Übergang der Farben :-)

  • @Cosmin1404
    @Cosmin1404 5 лет назад

    Was wurde an der Software geändert?

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад

      So hier nochmals die Antwort:
      Die neueste Softwarefunktion ist die 2.2. Wegen eines Software-Updates: Das führt nur die autorisierte Bezzera Fachwerkstatt durch, man kann das während einer Inspektion updaten lassen.... Die Hardware muss dafür nicht geändert werden. Hier die Features der neuen 2.2. version in englisch:
      MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version (code 7661047.03PR) - DISPLAY 2.2 software version (code 5963201.01)
      1) During the coffee brewing the steam boiler filling and heating are disabled
      ---> meine Übersetzung: also während des Kaffeebezugs hat der Vorgang Priorität, dh es wird nicht durch einen Nachfüllvorgang des HW/Dampfkessels unterbrochen.
      2) Bug fixing during the machine stand-by. In some condition was possible the steam boiler filling started and never stopped.
      ---> ist bisher erst 2 mal aufgetreten. Super seltener Fehler, aber der ist jetzt behoben, also keine Überschwemmung mehr möglich !!!!
      3) The net solenoid, in NET mode, is open for only 30 seconds after coffee brewing stop and steam boiler filling stop to avoid solenoid heating and noise.
      ---> meine Übersetzung: Bei Festwasser hat das Magnetventil irgendwann zu summen angefangen, das ist jetzt vorbei. Alles leise, wie es sein soll.
      4) In the auto ON/OFF menu, setting switch-on 00:00 and switch-off 00:00 the machine is OFF for all the day .COMPATIBILITY:
      The MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 2.0 software version
      The DISPLAY 2.2 software version is compatible with the MAIN BOARD 2.0 and 2.1 software version but the last updates are not present

  • @sergiurobu4018
    @sergiurobu4018 3 года назад

    Hoi Markus
    Kanst du Luka frage ob kann er mir 2 Bezzera Duo MN verkaufe aber uber dich mit ein gute rabat, ich gehe zu ihm in Mailand zum abholer ob das moglich ist.

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 3 года назад

      Hi Robu;
      Der Vertieb ist indirekt, dh über Handler / Distributoren. Einen Mercedes kauft man ja auch beim Händler und nicht beim Hersteller....
      Wegen 2 Maschinen ?????? Abholung geht nur für Spediteure ab 24 Maschinen aufwärts... sorry !!!
      Duo MN kann ich Dir schon verkaufen.....aber halt nicht über das Werk in Rosate/ MIlano.

  • @vrallis
    @vrallis 5 лет назад +2

    Mr Bezzera next time do some serious BETA TESTING before placing on the market a new model. Now due to the various reports that early buyers made in international espresso fora of the serious problems with the lcd screen , all those potential oncoming customers willing to buy a new Matrix/Duo machine turned their back to your company and probably bought something else.Next time you will be more carefull!
    A Bezzera-machine owner/fan

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад +4

      Yes abolutely, I also expected less problems from Bezzera with the first series. I was a bit speachless with the display problems in the first year of production.
      Afterwards you are always more clever, and only someone who does nothing makes no mistakes.

  • @ThPappas
    @ThPappas 4 года назад

    Verdict: Forget it...

  • @mgp-bct7723
    @mgp-bct7723 Год назад

    I bought today one ☝️ from whole latte

  • @NANA-gy7yx
    @NANA-gy7yx 4 года назад +1

    I really wanted to love this machine. However, everywhere I read, I see nothing but flaws! Here are some:
    - LCD breaks.
    - LCD does not switch off.
    - Cannot switch off steam boiler and only use the brew boiler.
    - Pump pressure adjustment is located under the machine. So you cannot adjust the pressure on the fly should you need to.
    - Some reported leakage.
    - I would prefer stainless steel boilers (it is a personal preference rather than a flaw).
    It is a shame not much DE machines out there..this could've been the best modern choice this year :(

    • @eltonnoway7864
      @eltonnoway7864 4 года назад +7

      I feel your pain! This machine was one of the most unfortunate new machine releases of the last decade. You didn't actually mention if you have the original release or one of the newer models released mid year 2019 that addresses "some" of the issues you identified. Unfortunately, the DE and ME could have been one of those machines where the sales take off like gang busters and becomes one of the top 5 machines for buyers to consider. Instead... it fell on its face. The biggest problem with the unit, as you unfortunately discovered, was the inferior quality of the LCD display. Shame on Mr. Bezzera for not managing his quality control teams. Placing a LCD screen in a ultra hot environment, as well as exposing it to random splashes of water and hot steam is a brutal environment, however, other machine manufacturers have been doing successfully for years with little to no problems. Early adopters of these units have reported moisture appearing "inside" the LCD screen which subsequently screws up the electronics and prevents the machine from operating. It appears in Bezzeras rush to get this machine to market they failed to do adequate torture testing in the lab.
      In Mr. Bezzeras defense, he has acknowledged the LCD problem and as of Feb 2019 has redesigned the assembly/attachment of the display to correct the problem and keeping the water out. But... with so many discussions in forums and and chat rooms about such an expensive machine failing within the first month of ownership... it might be to little to late. Yes, the good news is the LCD replacement and repair is covered under the warranty. The bad news... ITS ON YOUR DIME!!! You don't have to pay for the new display but you, as the owner, have to PAY THE SHIPPING CHARGES to get this monster packed up and back to the factory or nearest authorized vendor. Although it's nice the fix will be covered... no one wants to uninstall, pack-up and then carry their beloved espresso machine anywhere for service if it can be helped. Especially a new machine that's less than a year old. Oh... wait... they do offer you another option. They will happily send you a replacement display for you to replace on your own. The problem is, when this machine, when originally built in the factory, the LCD display is one of the first components installed, then all the other stuff, boilers, pump, plumbing, wiring harness...etc gets added in behind it. As a result, getting to the display so you can remove it requires close to a complete disassembly of the machine. If you break anything taking it apart, or can't get it to work after putting it back together... you are still faced with shipping it back anyway. Only now the problem is compounded because your disassembly of the machine voids the warranty. If you are talented, and are able to successfully remove and replace the display, great... but your warranty is now is question due to breaking the seals to get into the machine. (regardless if a dealer tells you now to worry about it)
      Early adopters also reported problems with the machine leaking. In this case the fix was pretty simple. It was discovered the original hexagon shaped discharge port under the group head allowed water to wick back on its underside and run down behind the drip tray creating water puddles on your countertop. This was fixed by redesigning the discharge port as covered in this video. New ports will be sent out free of charge to any machine owners with the original design. Again, this should never have happened had Mr Bezzeras team done the adequate testing in the lab prior to its release.
      In regards to "some" of the reported problems when it comes to programming the unit via the display panel... like having independent boiler control, some of the issues have been addressed by a recent software program update. That's good right? Not really! The bad news is in order to get the new and improved program update on your machine YOU have to PAY THE SHIPPING CHARGES to ship it back so it can be installed. Why? Because of the Bezzeras R&D team made a poor design choice to use a proprietary hardware attachment point for installation of software updates. Hardware so unique that any future software updates can only be installed at the factory or authorized service center. Heck... even my 2013 refrigerator allows me to update its software using over the air and/or using an available SD slot!
      Speaking of operational shortcomings... even with the recent software update, the programmable LCD panel only allows you to set a maximum preinfusion time of 5 seconds! Many of the latest machines coming to market today, even less expensive E61 machines, allow you to manually preinfuse as long as you want, which is desired for some of today's lighter roasts. Even some of the considerably less expensive programmable machines - like the Breville Oracle - allow you to program a preinfusion time of up to 20 seconds!
      Oh... and don't even get me started on the wonderful "Power Saving Mode" feature. In order to use the automatic on/off feature on a daily basis (i.e., program the machine so it will start & stop everyday at your desired times)... it requires the LCD display to be on, at full brightness... all day and all night. What? You say you don't want the display on 24 hours a day burning up the LCD panel and shortening its lifespan... if that the case then you can't use the auto on /off feature. Wow... makes you question if Bezzera even bothered to beta test this machine.
      NET: Even if you get the the very latest 2020 updated V2 version of this machine, with the fixes to the discharge port and the fix to the LCD display, and the recent program update... the machine is still semi-crippled due to its inability to get any "future" program enhancements without you having to ship the machine back to the factory! Unfortunately the Bezzera engineers didn't have the foresight of including an common interface so end users could load their own program updates. Heck even the old La Spaziale S1 espresso machines, introduced way back back in 2005 has a SD card reader so owners can update their own software! Bezzera should have included a SD reader, or better yet a USB port somewhere into its so-called "sophisticated design". A USB port is simple, old, reliable technology that's been around since 1996 and almost everyone breathing today is familiar with. But No! Bezzera elected to use a proprietary connection. No future software fixes for you!

  • @markw4551
    @markw4551 4 года назад

    BS, any software upgrade from Bezzera is not available in US in May 2020. Mechanically perfect machine for coffee for two. DUO DE is much better than any E-61 group head machine and getting ready machine is a blast. Less than 5 minutes for two boilers which can be be heated simultaneously and another 5 -10 minutes for grouphead . Software for version 1 is a garbage and Bezzera is not going to do anything about it, up to my knowledge. In essence digital input form pump pressure is all over the place, extremely not accurate. Boiler digital input is slightly better but also oscillate too much . There is some pump pressure adjustment but it is very crude and cannot help too much if software is no up to task. I will call Pasquini in LA to check if they can upgrade software and if pressure display was improved in version 2.

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 4 года назад

      No Mark I see that a bit different. The dealer should be obliged / responsable to update version 1 into a new software version. At least during an inspection this shall be done for free. Of cause US is far away, but at least in Europe we update the software of version 1 for free. The dealer needs an update programming interface tool (manufactuter cyclone), which is provided by Bezzera (the dealer needs to purchase it). This is a service the dealer should provide, otherwise it is a poor customer service. There is a firmware update and a TFT update. Both need to be updated.
      In case of the tft it must be updated to 2.2 as well as the firmware is 2.3.
      At least it should be the base for a discussion !!!! Very important: this is my personal opinion !!!

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 4 года назад

      Maybe this one helps you:
      • The MAIN BOARD 2.0 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 1.1 software version but:
      . If an alarm is present it is not possible to enter into the setting and technical menu o It is not possible to modify the setting menu password from the setting menu
      • The MAIN BOARD 1.2 software version is NOT compatible with the DISPLAY 2.0 software version
      MAIN BOARD 2.1 software version (code 7661047.02PR) - DISPLAY 2.0 software version (code 5963169.03)
      • Group heating management has been corrected. In the MAIN BOARD 2.0 software version the group heater stops heat when the coffee boiler reaches the set point set
      The MAIN BOARD 2.1 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 2.0 software version
      MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version (code 7661047.03PR) - DISPLAY 2.2 software version (code 5963201.01)
      • During the coffee brewing the steam boiler filling and heating are disabled
      • Bug fixing during the machine stand-by. In some condition was possible the steam boiler filling started
      and never stopped
      • The net solenoid, in NET mode, is open for only 30 seconds after coffee brewing stop and steam boiler filling stop to avoid solenoid heating and noise
      • In the auto ON/OFF menu, setting switch-on 00:00 and switch-off 00:00 the machine is OFF for all the day
      The MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 2.0 software version
      The DISPLAY 2.2 software version is compatible with the MAIN BOARD 2.0 and 2.1 software version but the last updates are not present
      MAIN BOARD 2.3 software version (code 7661047.04PR) - DISPLAY 2.2 software version (code 5963201.01)
      • Bug fixing in the testing procedure (only for production dept.)
      The MAIN BOARD 2.3 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 2.2 software version

    • @eltonnoway7864
      @eltonnoway7864 4 года назад +2

      @@TheEspressoTV Although I applaud Mr Bezzera on acknowledging and fixing problems identified in the first release. (i.e. drip tray discharge spout and LCD display) I'm afraid sales (in the US anyway) will continue to suffer due to the antiquated approach of software updates that can only be performed by the factory or an authorized dealers. Every time a new software enhancement is released it does no good unless a machine owner lives near the factory or close to an authorized distributor. Besides no one wants to uninstall, and carry or ship a heavy machine anywhere just to get an update. One major complaint that seems to go ignored is the programmable preinfusion. Using the programmable LCD panel you can only set it for 5 seconds max. WTF! Many E61 owners with less expensive machines can preinfuse as long as they want when they have a lighter roast by simply raising the brew lever to the midpoint. If Mr Bezzra gets smart and has the program code changed that would allow owners to program their own preinfusion cycle time it would be a big step in the right direction, but... once again anyone with an older version would have no way to update it short of shipping it to a location for reprogramming. Suggestion: Mechanically I think the machine is great and comparable to other machines in its price range... but if Mr. Bezzera wants to salvage his investment in the Matrix and Duo... he should quickly consider a V3 where he has his design engineers incorporate a USB jack somewhere in the machine so home users could download and perform their own software updates. (a consumer feature found on almost all devices containing programmable code)

    • @eltonnoway7864
      @eltonnoway7864 4 года назад

      @@TheEspressoTV What you say is true... unfortunately, because Bezzera chose to use a proprietary interface tool the only way a customer can get the "free" update is to uninstall their unit, pack it up and ship it back to the factory or to the vendor they purchased it from... at the customers expense! Shipping this monster would not be cheap. The only people in luck are those who live next near the factory or the dealer they purchased it from and can lug it in for repair. Heck even the old La Spaziale S1 espresso machine, introduced way back back in 2005 has a SD card reader so owners can update their own software! Bezzera should have included a SD reader, or better yet a USB port somewhere into its so-called "sophisticated design". More software updates are sure to follow. Some software updates are actually "fixes" rather than enhancements. For a unit this sophisticated software enhancements and should always be something an end user can apply . Same goes for anyone stuck the poorly engineered / defective LCD. They have to shoulder the cost of shipping it back for repair. Yes manufacturing mistakes happen... but many of these failing "expensive" machines were less than a month old... some less than a week before failing.
      Bezzeras second mistake is in letting his customers suffer the consequences. Although painful, he should strongly consider the expense of paying whatever it cost to get all the original machines back and repaired on his dime. Expensive? Yes. A loss on the company's ledger? Yes. But considering his expense in bringing this machine to market, the costs of research and development, manufacturing, marketing etc... how much is he losing now that sales have dropped off dramatically due to all the bad press. Forums are not saying nice things right now. Others are warning prospective buyers to find a different machine. Mr. Bezzera admitting to the LCD manufacturing oversight is refreshing and welcome but covering the expense of needed repairs for the early adopters of this machine would go a loooong way establishing Bezzera in the marketplace as a first rate trustworthy and reputable company consumers and trust. You have to admit it it's much better than the current message: "We're sorry you just paid three thousand dollars for a new machine that doesn't work but we didn't do it on purpose. If you pay to ship it back to us and will be responsible for filing any shipping claims for shipping damage while in in transit, we'll be happy to fix it for free"

    • @007mareks
      @007mareks 3 года назад

      They should have created a modern way to do updates (new features, bug fixes, etc) or even customization (ie other languages, gauge skins, etc.) via wifi or bluetooth/mobile app, or even although not my preference via a usb port or sdhc card. It would be nice if you could turn on the unit via either a mobile app or HomeKit (yes, I am an apple user).
      I think the LCD display has the potential to be used to help guide users to create common drinks. I do like the LCD display, but I have a bit concerned about possible problems in the long run. This post is a year old. Have there been any recent updates or does anyone know if they are planning on creating a revised version of the Matrix or Duo.

  • @Cosmin1404
    @Cosmin1404 5 лет назад

    Anscheinend bekommt man hier keine Antwort. Sehr inkompetent :(

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад

      Hi cos,
      Ich kann erst nächste Woche antworten, bin noch unterwegs...
      Manchmal habe auch ich Urlaub

    • @Cosmin1404
      @Cosmin1404 5 лет назад

      Ok...sorry :)

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад

      So jetzt meine verspätete Antwort, sorry für die wartezeit:
      Die neueste Softwarefunktion ist die 2.2. Wegen eines Software-Updates: Das führt nur die autorisierte Bezzera Fachwerkstatt durch, man kann das während einer Inspektion updaten lassen.... Die Hardware muss dafür nicht geändert werden. Hier die Features der neuen 2.2. version in englisch:
      MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version (code 7661047.03PR) - DISPLAY 2.2 software version (code 5963201.01)
      1) During the coffee brewing the steam boiler filling and heating are disabled
      ---> meine Übersetzung: also während des Kaffeebezugs hat der Vorgang Priorität, dh es wird nicht durch einen Nachfüllvorgang des HW/Dampfkessels unterbrochen.
      2) Bug fixing during the machine stand-by. In some condition was possible the steam boiler filling started and never stopped.
      ---> ist bisher erst 2 mal aufgetreten. Super seltener Fehler, aber der ist jetzt behoben, also keine Überschwemmung mehr möglich !!!!
      3) The net solenoid, in NET mode, is open for only 30 seconds after coffee brewing stop and steam boiler filling stop to avoid solenoid heating and noise.
      ---> meine Übersetzung: Bei Festwasser hat das Magnetventil irgendwann usammen angefangen, das ist jetzt vorbei. Ales leise, wie es sein soll.
      4) In the auto ON/OFF menu, setting switch-on 00:00 and switch-off 00:00 the machine is OFF for all the day .COMPATIBILITY:
      The MAIN BOARD 2.2 software version is compatible with the DISPLAY 2.0 software version
      The DISPLAY 2.2 software version is compatible with the MAIN BOARD 2.0 and 2.1 software version but the last updates are not present

    • @TheEspressoTV
      @TheEspressoTV 5 лет назад

      ---> meine Übersetzung: Bei Festwasser hat das Magnetventil irgendwann usammen angefangen, das ist jetzt vorbei. Ales leise, wie es sein soll.
      Richtig: Bei Festwasser hat das Magnetventil irgendwann zu summen angefangen, das ist jetzt vorbei. Alles leise, wie es sein soll.

    • @Cosmin1404
      @Cosmin1404 5 лет назад

      Super danke für die Antwort. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Brüh- und Dampfkessel Temperatur nicht den ist-Wert sondern nur den soll-Wert nach dem ersten aufheizen anzeigt. Zb ist Dampf auf 125grad eingestellt-die Maschine heizt komplett auf. Danach Heißwasserbezug, Maschine pumpt Wasser in den Kessel-normalerweise müsste man dann weniger als 125grad haben. Display zeigt aber immer noch 125grad an. Schade, dass das nicht geändert wurde, sonst wär die Maschine in meine engere Wahl gelandet.