Is This The BEST Trawler Yacht In The Less Than 50ft Range?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 80

  • @kisalnapagoda
    @kisalnapagoda 2 года назад +18

    I dreamt of owning a modern & simple yacht like this just a few days ago. I truly love and appreciate the minimalist design and infrastructure of this boat. I'm sure your fanbase would love to see more simple yachts like this.
    Keep the videos flowing like stormy weather Yacht Buoy!!!

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад +3

      Thanks for watching the video and for leaving a comment 🙌 I appreciate your support 👍

  • @GaryMartin-h6z
    @GaryMartin-h6z 2 месяца назад

    Very impressive vessel. Love the detail and finish and the fact that it can be operated single handed. A definite 👍

  • @MrRebar15
    @MrRebar15 2 года назад +3

    *Yacht Buoy* She's a beauty, thank-you sir for taking the time to show us. God Bless.

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching and for leaving a comment 🙌

  • @bertdellaluna5612
    @bertdellaluna5612 2 года назад +2

    Beautifully clean interior layout.

  • @donaldrentfrow4333
    @donaldrentfrow4333 2 года назад +1

    Being a former 50' flush deck boater, I would take this one in an instance........ GREAT layout !

  • @t.d.9285
    @t.d.9285 Год назад

    Nothing like an engine room with what appears to be plenty of headroom, especially on a fifty footer,]. What a beauty. What's not to like? I love the floors and ceiling inside, and part of the deck floors above have the same design of the ceiling panels below. The minimalist windshield on the flybridge, is the perfect 'pin stripe to set off the entire flybridge. The vessel has the perfect blend of a sleek swept back, 'I've got style,' look, and a ' Smash mouth, I'll bust your chops,' look to it as well. Nice work , Helmsman. I'd love to see some drone footage of this tough guy in the rough. Good video. Hope you get an extra day of nice weather this year.

    • @kirkwilliams2127
      @kirkwilliams2127 11 месяцев назад

      No headroom. It's large but not stand up. You will be crawling around but at least there is room. We are ordering the 38E hopefully next year.

  • @Ray-gf9su
    @Ray-gf9su 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is a very beautiful vessel that I would love to own!

  • @sailor5026
    @sailor5026 11 месяцев назад +1

    Please tell us about construction: steel, aluminum, FG, and the C/E rating.

  • @geofffleming12
    @geofffleming12 2 года назад +2

    She takes her design cues from the Fleming Pilothouse trawlers (and the Grand Banks Alaskan that came before them), which start at 53'.

  • @hedhtr4
    @hedhtr4 2 года назад +3

    the lack of large scuppers on the aft deck could be a problem in heavy following seas

  • @justinlinnane8043
    @justinlinnane8043 2 года назад

    thats an Iconic boat in the making ! beautifully laid out and executed . far nicee that the equivalent Nordhaven !!

  • @waynemckune8416
    @waynemckune8416 2 года назад +2

    I'm in the market, show Trawlers with larger (cockpits) working areas for salmon and tuna fishing, don't need fancy just practical.

  • @jugaloking69dope58
    @jugaloking69dope58 2 года назад +2

    that's a cool little boat. would be great here in Vancouver bc and pretty cheap too

  • @elikinder1506
    @elikinder1506 2 года назад +1

    What a beautiful boat. I could operate it just me and my wife . I love this boat.

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching and for leaving a comment :-)

  • @mwrcrft
    @mwrcrft 2 года назад +2

    Very nice boat for the price point for a short range trawler .

  • @alisavas9526
    @alisavas9526 2 года назад +1

    What a lovely little gem!

  • @morellojeff
    @morellojeff 2 года назад +5

    Nice boat. It looks like there is a bimini type cover on the upper helm station, but in my opinion it should also have Eisenglass front and side panels or a hardtop with the Eisenglass panels. Stabilizers would be a nice addition also. Yes, the cockpit area does look seaworthy, but I'm not seeing scuppers, and I'm not sure I agree with a sliding back door to get from the cockpit into the salon......I don't think that is very waterproof. Overall I love the interior and design of the boat though.

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching 🙌

    • @kirkwilliams2127
      @kirkwilliams2127 11 месяцев назад

      Why does anyone enclose the flybridge. So ugly. If the weather is bad you have the lower station. I suppose maybe you live in a very cold climate. You can get many types of stabilizers for them, so many options.

    • @kirkwilliams2127
      @kirkwilliams2127 11 месяцев назад

      She is self draining, it's just hidden

  • @decafmocha211
    @decafmocha211 2 года назад +2

    A real beauty...thanks

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching 🙌

  • @deldrader5260
    @deldrader5260 2 года назад +2

    I've watched thru this video twice. Did I miss it?? Most trawlers this size has laundry facilities so you don't need to take your laundry ashore to wash it. For a live aboard that is a very handy feature. The bottom really looks great too, especially for the log infested northwest. I've been looking at Ranger tubs, but I really like the bottom of this boat better.

    • @davep5788
      @davep5788 2 года назад +1

      Laundry machine at 8:44.

    • @ianriddell3513
      @ianriddell3513 Год назад

      Combination washer/dryer is in the engine room

  • @zorbakaput8537
    @zorbakaput8537 2 года назад +2

    I like the layout makes good sense for an owner couple though I would never travel long distance on a single electronically managed diesel. An old mechanical knocker will get you there when the ergs, ohms and volts etc stop working on the modern one. If it had two engines no problem, but one?

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching and for leaving a comment 🙌 please don’t forget to check out my other videos of you get a chance 👍

    • @lardal1502
      @lardal1502 2 года назад +1

      check out the new Nordhavn N41. twin NA mechanical diesels trans Atlantic range and able to do it for just a little more than these Helmsman’s.

  • @Bairdovich
    @Bairdovich 8 месяцев назад +1

    it doesn't appear to have scuppers in the cockpit, or not displayed in the video. If so, a risk in heavy seas

  • @johngauntlett4915
    @johngauntlett4915 2 года назад +8

    500 gallon fuel tank seems like awful short range. Nice looking boat though. I love the look of trawlers but if I ever could afford one it would have to have twin engines. And a range of at least a thousand miles.

  • @stevenzobel4517
    @stevenzobel4517 2 года назад +1

    I really like the woodwork in the mean Saloon area beautiful woodwork

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Me too 👍 thanks for watching and please don’t forget to check out my other videos 👍

  • @crowdfundcrew
    @crowdfundcrew Год назад +1

    nice looking trawler - I'm hoping to end up with a solar/electric catamaran, but if those finances never materialize, I will be looking at a boat like this for more local/coastal cruising. Great video.
    Donate for a Dream

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  Год назад

      Good choice! Thanks for the comment 🙌

  • @pauls2810
    @pauls2810 2 года назад +1

    Good stuff! Two suggestions - “Paul Johansen 1970 - 75' Smedvik Mek Trawler” and/or “Spirit of Romo explorer yacht (originally a Royal Danish Navy cutter)".

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the recommendations - I will check them both out :-)

  • @johnmuzzarelli4741
    @johnmuzzarelli4741 2 года назад

    Love it. What’s it cost. I’m comparing it to the new the new 41SCB Ranger!

  • @topcat43truffles15
    @topcat43truffles15 6 месяцев назад +1

    A lot of boat for 43’ I would love to cruise the U.S.V.I. in a toy like this…. 👍🏻🥂😎

  • @dougtarbet6193
    @dougtarbet6193 2 года назад +8

    Ever since I began researching boats I’ve gotten a serious case of footitis! I consider the minimum length for offshore boating is at least 60 ft as I just don’t have the confidence in anything smaller. In the Pacific Northwest off the rugged coast of British Columbia we have a lot of dead heads (nearly submerged trees) that are hard on fiberglass hulls. Crack the gel coat and you can get delaminating from water damage. Hard to repair. Thus I would only go with a steel or aluminum hull like the commercial fisherman use. In terms of layout, the master cabin, in my view, cannot be forward in the bow. My wife would never sail with me again after just one night in heavy seas underway as she would be bouncing right off the bed and likely smacking her face on the ceiling. There’s a reason why on larger boats crew quarters are often in the bow. It’s the most uncomfortable place on a boat while underway. I would have to give this a thumbs down. As you say across the pond, just not my cup of tea.

    • @merc88
      @merc88 2 года назад

      Your wife was the victim of your captainship, not the boat.

    • @dougtarbet6193
      @dougtarbet6193 2 года назад

      @@merc88 not at all, note I stated ‘would be’ it has not happened, and likely never will as I would never purchase a boat with a master stateroom in the bow. Note also that I was talking about true offshore boats where despite best efforts you get caught in storms unlike a coastal cruiser where you can head into the closet harbor if weather changes. Lastly, snarky comments like yours are not welcomed by others in this form.

    • @edleonard4183
      @edleonard4183 2 года назад

      If you build a steel boat use eoncoat. Never rust and NASA tested and rated. Also antimicrobial and fire resistant

    • @ramspace
      @ramspace Год назад +1

      In the Canadian Navy, i remember that the most junior seamen were quartered in the bow, the captain was midship, and my cabin, reserved to the flight crew, was under the flight deck.

    • @topcat43truffles15
      @topcat43truffles15 6 месяцев назад

      You make some interesting points to ponder…
      Not that I’ll ever have the money to acquire something like that… 👍🏻😎

  • @anthonydavis7151
    @anthonydavis7151 2 года назад +1

    Great video

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching 🙌 I appreciate the feedback 👍

  • @ChikiKaboomkaboom
    @ChikiKaboomkaboom Месяц назад

    So lovely, perfect

  • @anthonybasiliere9366
    @anthonybasiliere9366 2 года назад +1

    Perfect coastal cruiser for a retired couple. The best gallon per hour number would be nice to know.

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      There is a graph on Helmsman Trawlers website but the page would not load when I tried to access it :-/

  • @kirkwilliams2127
    @kirkwilliams2127 11 месяцев назад +1

    I actually like the Helmsmen 38E better than the 43. I don't see any reason for the 43 other than the small extra stateroom. For my wife and I the 38E is perfect.

  • @stoneygreek
    @stoneygreek 2 года назад +1

    perfect great loop boat.

  • @carminezoino9789
    @carminezoino9789 6 месяцев назад +1

    Luv it!!!

  • @tcoker6616
    @tcoker6616 2 года назад

    You don’t provide a link to their website?

  • @larryboles629
    @larryboles629 2 года назад +2

    Yacht Boy, IMHO this very nice trawler does not even make the list of Best Trawler Yachts less than 50 ft. This yacht is overpowered and the range suffers a great deal. This boat has a LWL 41' this mean it's hull speed is 8.6 knots in ideal conditions. The Cummins QSB 6.7 liter 250 hp running at 1400 rpms outputs 95 bhp, enough to push this yacht to 7.6 knots (give or take a wee bit). That Cummins at 1400 rpm is burning 1.8 gal. per hour. With a 500 gal fuel tank, leaving a bit for reserve. I figure 450 gal running. That gives 250 hours of run time at 7.6 knots or 1900 NM at the absolute best. (burn rate at 1600 rpm is 2.2 gal. hr). Now put in a LUGGER L1066T 165 horse. The Lugger running at 1200 rpm outputs the same 95 bhp as the Cummings, but burns 1 gal per hr. Keeping our fuel at 450 gallons with reserve we now have a range of 3400 NM at the absolute best. In real world I would estimate with the Cummings a range of 1,500 NM. With the Lugger I would estimate a range of 2900 NM. The Lugger will cost more, approx $8K more, with double the range.....with a $ 615K price tag adding $8K is nothing. Helmsman makes a nice boat, but there are leaving out some things I would require to have in any Trawler to cross oceans. With a single screw (that I love over twins) we still need a wing engine. A 50/70 hp Yanmar would do fine and not be that costly. As Helmsman does not do a wing, they are not a serious contender to even make the list of Best Trawler less than 50 ft.
    I enjoy your videos a great deal. They make me think, then I spend an hour or so researching so I can leave these insightful comments, that I know you simply love.
    Thanks for your hard work.
    Be happy, be safe

    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to do this research 🙌 I found it very interesting 👍

  • @tinkmarshino
    @tinkmarshino 2 года назад +1

    yup.. if I had one of these you wouldn't see me on land very much at all... I am on the pacific north west of the US and we get mostly fair seas here.. But If I had one of these babies I would be heading north, south or east.. and when I got tired of heading in one of those direction I would just go another.. Carry on ole son.. I enjoy the heck outta these type of boats.. even though at 70 now with mind and body fading I wouldn't trust myself on and real adventure any more we do have the puget sounds just north around Seattle to putter around in.. can't get to lost there.. ;-)

  • @anthonydavis7151
    @anthonydavis7151 2 года назад +1

    What is the range?

  • @Theyrun
    @Theyrun 2 года назад +1

    I vote for the Tollycraft 44 CPMY as the best under 50'

  • @boatlover2296
    @boatlover2296 2 года назад +3

    Needs two engines

  • @Highside713
    @Highside713 8 месяцев назад

    Better than a Nordhavn 475?

  • @gerhardvanwaltsleben8944
    @gerhardvanwaltsleben8944 2 года назад +1

    Lekker man lekker 🇿🇦

  • @tiborfulop9974
    @tiborfulop9974 2 года назад +1

    i think its very close to perfect

  • @ryveralexander8511
    @ryveralexander8511 2 года назад +1

    I'm a phobic, I have to have windows in the Bedroom

  • @robertburger6761
    @robertburger6761 2 года назад +1

    nice boat how about a little bigger

  • @omarawadh8023
    @omarawadh8023 2 года назад +2


    • @YachtBuoy
      @YachtBuoy  2 года назад

      🙌 thanks for watching and for leaving a comment 👍

  • @notoriouscab
    @notoriouscab 2 года назад

    Never heard of the brand, bit of digging and find they’re only a CE B rating in Europe 😕 So back to Nordhavn it is

  • @luisnunes7933
    @luisnunes7933 2 года назад
