How to invest $1mil for best retirement?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @wgj4813
    @wgj4813 10 месяцев назад +5

    Remember one million dollars attracts a % fee of at least 1%. When you you are drawn into the nest of an investment advisor and there are many different styles they all have that 1% focus or more which they take each year from your one million dollars. I have done it myself for 8 years and my very average portfolio has returned 7% compound to date. Never mind the incredible highs you are quoted its the average that matters.

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  10 месяцев назад +11

      Congratulations, I am very glad to hear you've done well, but not everyone is financially minded and some people do prefer professional assistance. financial planning is not about the highest return, although return on any investment is important. What is even more important is the strategy, tax management, smart planning for your estate, around Age Pension if possible, and that requires great deal of knowledge and experience. I believe there are many financial planners that are genuinely wanting to help people and not focused on 1% at all. Not to mention that some (like my practice) have fixed professional fee and not %. I believe that my running this free RUclips channel is a great example of wanting to help and not money driven at all. Just a thought of clarification 😀

    • @gillianwhaites5974
      @gillianwhaites5974 9 месяцев назад +1

      Our problem as oldies is trying to stay ahead of scammers! We can’t go out and work to replace what we might lose if we choose the wrong people to invest our nest egg. It’s so hard to choose.

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  9 месяцев назад

      @@gillianwhaites5974 I can fully understand and agree with your statement. This is why I recorded this video: "How to check if financial planner is genuine not to risk losing your money" that you can watch right here:видео.html I hope this will help

  • @danielodonoghue3529
    @danielodonoghue3529 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great video Katherine...totally relevant to myself and my wife.

  • @alangarner2974
    @alangarner2974 10 месяцев назад +1

    I will be making an appointment with you soon, this video is as great preparation tool and has made me ask questions on "why do I have my investments and what do I want from them". 122 liked

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  10 месяцев назад +2

      Glad to hear that this vide makes you question your goals and what you wish to achieve from your savings. Looking forward to speaking with you Alan 😀

    • @becs1354
      @becs1354 4 месяца назад

      Hi, how can l get in contact with you ? I tried to register for an appointment via your website but there was no available spots.
      I also sent a email via the website for memory and haven't had a reply, so I'm not sure if the website is working properly.
      I have no super, only money from investment property l recently sold. I need to get advice how to invest it. I am 63 and not working due to health reasons​thank you @AboutRetirementTV

  • @Aangel452
    @Aangel452 6 месяцев назад

    Fabulously informative video for the Dummies”😂 Like me and probably most Australians getting close to retirement. There is allot to learn, and it really is a huge change in downsizing our lives.😌

  • @lyleprangell
    @lyleprangell 10 месяцев назад +1

    Advice given, but question was not answered???

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  10 месяцев назад +2

      As I said at the beginning, this video is all about making us think of the reasons for investing, what we want out of our money, not the actual underlying investments. This would be considered personal advice, which I am legally not allowed to provide in this public forum.

  • @AnhNguyen-bi6vg
    @AnhNguyen-bi6vg 10 месяцев назад

    I am not sure I agree with your comment about Superfund not knowing how to invest your funds in retirement. I as the holder of the income account can choose how I invest my fund and which pool of asset to withdraw first. I agree with you that if I don’t know much about superannuation it’s best to find a good financial advisor who can advise on the asset allocation as well as retirement planning . Otherwise good content thank you

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  10 месяцев назад

      I agree with you Anh, if you know personally how to structure your income stream, that's great, then you might be with any super fund of your choosing, but most people don't and they rely on advice from the super fund and this is exactly where the problem is. Super funds are designed as collectors of contributions, but not providers of income streams, and the difference in portfolio design and income streams mixture requires not only knowledge, but great deal of experience, and super funds lack both in the area of retirement.

  • @ykps1978
    @ykps1978 10 месяцев назад +2

    When you have 1 Million to invest, age pension automatically is out of the equation right?

    • @nickpower-fj9bu
      @nickpower-fj9bu 10 месяцев назад +3

      Except if you buy a lifetime annuity then only 60% of buy value counts.

    • @AboutRetirementTV
      @AboutRetirementTV  10 месяцев назад

      If you are a single person, most likely yes, in a couple situation, part Age Pension is quite achievable.

    • @dannyfire8694
      @dannyfire8694 5 месяцев назад

      @@nickpower-fj9bu annuity is a very bad option, especially with such big amount, they are not re-drawable

  • @loubaggio7832
    @loubaggio7832 7 месяцев назад +1

    Tells me nothing

  • @Tony-eb5kh
    @Tony-eb5kh 4 месяца назад

    First of all is l need 1mill.

  • @magaman6353
    @magaman6353 10 месяцев назад