In my experience ice skaters make the best dancers, followed by gymnasts. If someone has those skills coming into dancing I think it gives them a leg up! -B
As a lead, one of the things that drives me up the wall and makes me turn down offers to dance is when I see women with free hair spinning like tops. Nobody wants that hair slapping you in the face as you dance. It's uncomfortable, often sweaty and just gross. Girls - tie it up before hitting the dance floor.
I as a follow try to be mindful about my hair hitting anyone in the face. Everyone should be mindful about sweat. Maybe you need to bring a couple shirts or pin up longer hair.
@@SocialDanceOnline Most men don't have long hair and I don't know of any woman would would take kindly to me offering her a hair pin or something for her long free-flowing hair. As to shirts. I get so hot and sweaty while dancing I change my shirt sometimes 4 times a night to keep the "gross" factor to a minimum.
I used to bring multiple shirts dancing myself (Brian) and if Megan ever forgot to put her hair up in 2-Step… I reminder her the first time I got waked in the face 🤣
🤠Learn More Intermediate 2-Step Moves 🤠
Best spin tutorial of all!
Thank you!!!
Another great video!
Thanks! This is one of my favorites 🙂
I used to skate, too! 😃
In my experience ice skaters make the best dancers, followed by gymnasts. If someone has those skills coming into dancing I think it gives them a leg up! -B
As a lead, one of the things that drives me up the wall and makes me turn down offers to dance is when I see women with free hair spinning like tops. Nobody wants that hair slapping you in the face as you dance. It's uncomfortable, often sweaty and just gross. Girls - tie it up before hitting the dance floor.
I as a follow try to be mindful about my hair hitting anyone in the face. Everyone should be mindful about sweat. Maybe you need to bring a couple shirts or pin up longer hair.
@@SocialDanceOnline Most men don't have long hair and I don't know of any woman would would take kindly to me offering her a hair pin or something for her long free-flowing hair. As to shirts. I get so hot and sweaty while dancing I change my shirt sometimes 4 times a night to keep the "gross" factor to a minimum.
I used to bring multiple shirts dancing myself (Brian) and if Megan ever forgot to put her hair up in 2-Step… I reminder her the first time I got waked in the face 🤣