good day everyone this video is quite old as this was my first 9 star FC in the taiko no tatsujin game series if you'd like to see my improvements pls check out some of my other FCs in my playlist for this game here or you can also check out my livestreams @ thanks everyone for you support I
“Keep it up.” “Keep it up!” “FASTER!” *grabs cowbell and a drumstick and starts beating them together to the rhythm, whilst also shouting out the combo announcements in between*
I've been playing the web version of taiko no tatsujin for almost 5 months. I attempted this song on extreme and got real close to just barely clearing the song
@Kuriz Guy thanks for the advice, oh yeah i have an interest on story of touhou but dont know where to start and have trouble finding sources, can you help me ?
Bruh, any rhythm game like this will just break you if you miss the last note. I did P3D, and I couldn’t forgive myself after lasting 3 minutes and missing the last note on a high difficulty
The Motion Hero playing any game and failing at the very end of something in it will break you. It happened to me a week or so ago with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and I still have to play it again.
i can play the whole thing except that middle part at 1:25 still practicing it :/ i put this video on to practice so thank you very much for making this video!!
taikojiro is more accurate and I highly recommend if you want PCTaiko not gonna lie I do play osutaiko a lot mostly for the tracks and for fun though. If I am training for accuracy I play console versions or taikojiro
meta roku-chonen to ichiya monogatari song genre: vocaloid(tm) songs 9* oni player: Karoshi28/Karoshi_Tv (taiko enthusiast) played on: drum session 0 miss 110 ok 736 good 935,620 pts for this run no drumroll pretty nice run.
Great play there! Can you please do the Ura of this as well? I can go as far as hard mode. I can do Oni mode, but not the songs that are fast and high star rating.
I can play about half of this song, but how do you do the bit at 1:25? I can never get it. Watching someone else play always makes lot looks way more impressive than when I play it myself.
i play on ps4 controller the drum doesnt seem to be good from what ive heard there are some good ones out there tho if you are willing to spend a good chunk of change lol
Sorry I'm 4 months late, haha This is Shin-Uchi mode, a mode that picks accuracy over combo. In this mode you don't get an extra 10000 points if you get 100 combo, 200 combo, etc.
good day everyone this video is quite old as this was my first 9 star FC in the taiko no tatsujin game series if you'd like to see my improvements pls check out some of my other FCs in my playlist for this game here or you can also check out my livestreams @ thanks everyone for you support I
I know this a year ago but. YOU CAN IMPROVE PAST THIS!?
@@johnnyextra4088 well,i think that past this is to just get "great" on every note
Can you teach me the ways
Is a Wagakki Band song toвидео.html
lol how did you even cleared THIS, my max difficulty is hard with 6-7 stars
"Don't slow down!"
"Keep it up!"
"(aggressively plays cowbell)"
Finally I found a comment like this, I see you're a guy of culture.
proceeds having seizure
“(Screams in anime girl)”
The guy: *beating the drums like his life depended on it*
Dogs in the background: *c h a c h a r e a l s m o o t h*
“Keep it up.” “Keep it up!” “FASTER!” *grabs cowbell and a drumstick and starts beating them together to the rhythm, whilst also shouting out the combo announcements in between*
@@dazedheart9006 Golden shitpost
"100 COMBO"
"200 COMBO"
"400 COMBO"
"5000 COMBO"
@@VortexFYou forgot 300
@@VortexFand 500.
It's called Six Trillion Years because that's how long it'll take you to complete this level successfully.
Unless your Japanese
especially in oni, so true
Even in PJSekai
@@markotaprodsjokes on u i took me less than a year in pjsk
Unless u talking bout master
@@mimikyubutitsactualyhornetIt took me 2 weeks to get full combo on this but before that I already had a lot of taiko experience
hooooooly shit i wasnt even playing this and i almost died of stress
2 years, 310 likes, no comments, tuff
@@starrgaze_r 1 year, 4 likes, 1 reply.
@@possiblymatt7970 sadge
@@starrgaze_r 33 minutes, 0 likes, 3 comments.
@@possiblymatt7970 1 year 3 LIKES and 1 reply.
The duck with drum brought me here
Ah, another man of culture i see
So this is the power of Ultra Instinct.
Tambol2022 in osu!taiko: "Hello kapatid"-
I've been playing the web version of taiko no tatsujin for almost 5 months. I attempted this song on extreme and got real close to just barely clearing the song
well, have you cleared the song?
@@corianteri I'm his father, brother, sister, dog and mother. We regret to inform you that he has died from bleeding out of his fingertips.
@@Charge19 oh ok thnks
@@supergamerkarter317 np
@@supergamerkarter317 its still there (rokuchonen to ichiya monogatari)
Six trillion
I see what you did there.
I wanna listen to it overnight for six trillion years
I can't listen to this song without the soothing ASMR of someone getting Carpal Tunnel
I wish I had a Switch so I could fail miserably at this...
they have this on ps4
This version of the game is only on PS4, not switch.
@@kosog6584 i thought it was on switch and you just gotta get an import from uk unless its a different version
@Isaac CHEUNG They released this in a DLC pack just last month actually :)
@@Scoma19 dlc pack in switch version?? where? i can buy it?
western rhythm gamers: 'man. getting 100% through the fire and the flames on expert is no joke dude'
eastern rhythm gamers:
ttfaf is much harder than this
The drum beat so fast that I couldn't see it clearly.
My mans is beating the drums like he beats his meat and these dogs deadass just like "we groovin" 😤👌🏼👌🏼👌🏽
They be groovin tho
Best comment lmao
How in holy hell were you able to keep up
@Kuriz Guy does this work for touhou games?
@Kuriz Guy thanks for the advice, oh yeah i have an interest on story of touhou but dont know where to start and have trouble finding sources, can you help me ?
Monokuma as a cat is really cute tf-
Monocat power
@Kuriz Guy an hour a day my ass lmao
this type of shit takes years to beat
I dont understand how genetic have evolved human from beating sticks so hard to tapping keyboard so hard in RAPID succession. God damn
You can play Taiko with an actual taiko so maybe this person is still beating sticks in a very quick manner
Imagine missing the last note lmaooo
Super Epic Miner it’s happened before. It’s devastating.
Bruh, any rhythm game like this will just break you if you miss the last note. I did P3D, and I couldn’t forgive myself after lasting 3 minutes and missing the last note on a high difficulty
The Motion Hero playing any game and failing at the very end of something in it will break you. It happened to me a week or so ago with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX and I still have to play it again.
I've played this game twice before. Doing that is infinitely worse then messing up any other part
Happens all the time :/
お見事です!Great job!!
Keep doing your best, and don't forget to have fun regardless.
You have yourself another subscriber. Keep up the good work!
thank you so much :^)
this man is ready to be a hardcore lunar new year and matsuri drummer
*Hyaku Combo!*
*Nihakyu Combo!*
Music to my ears
Hey, this song is in the Switch version now ! 😃
People being this good at rhythm games seem so unreal that I find them more difficult to believe in than santa
Good job
that's one of the best things about getting to this level 😆 ngl it is extremely fun to show off, rhythm gaming is such a good party trick
2:06 "Oh, thank God, it's finally over-"
Just watching this makes my anxiety cranks up to 500. Also, if I had a chance to play this, I might threw the controller to the TV.
It’s relaxing on easier difficulties, people who play on these difficulties are kinda degenerates lmao (with all due respect holy shit)
@@cuyospartan02 wait, how so?
i can play the whole thing except that middle part at 1:25
still practicing it :/
i put this video on to practice so thank you very much for making this video!!
1:25 how *how* HOW *HOW* ?
Now they bring this to mobile for global, and i think im crazy enough to train the oni with THUMBS
So when will they put dragonforce songs on here
Lol go play osu taiko for dragonforce songs
osu!taiko isnt accurate to taiko no tatsujin
With songs like this, I’m not sure if there’s any point in adding it
taikojiro is more accurate and I highly recommend if you want PCTaiko
not gonna lie I do play osutaiko a lot mostly for the tracks and for fun though. If I am training for accuracy I play console versions or taikojiro
you laugh you lose: game edition
hope he makes a taiko video
How is this funny
@@vaskl8 h a h a
You look away you lose technically since these notes are coming at you nonstop.
@@vaskl8 idk man i forgot i made this comment it makes no sense
I can feel my carpel tunnel worsen just by watching this XD
This is entertaining and I don't know why
*oh my god just imagining someone doing this makes me feel their pain*
The guy with the drum sticks and abusive instructor brought me here
same hat
The drum is speaking the language of the gods.
this song is always so fun to play
I had fun playing this song in the Arcade.
*D A N C I N G D O G G O S*
Please, I need to see.... The pro movements in real life. Show me how you did it man, I need to know how it really went down.
*Darn i guess we are doing taiko now*
I somehow fell asleep on my chair while this was playing
0:58 You came for that
i cant stop looking at the doggos-
I love taiko no tatsujin forever❤
@@krieg1583 tysm omg ^^
Wow From Now On I Believe In God
Dusk Rose The real question is why is everyone with Japanese blood always good at everything
I’m half Japanese so I can’t relate to a lot of people.
Because they grow up with this Lol
This man be slamming his drum
The drums make it catchier
This must be the work of an enemy stand
Sad Potato unfunny
power types be like:
The drum sound effects make the song better in my opinion
This feels like a fever dream, with having zero context when watching this
this game is the definition of pain
Thank you for making this ily
watching this makes me stress. but i neeeeed taiko some1 send help is a free taiko simulator that you can play in your browser and tbh it's pretty good. Go play that, my child.
@@debleb166 yes. That website is how I found out about taiko no tatsujin
@@debleb166 Yooo thanks for the recommendation!
1:22 pure insanity
One of the many reasons to learn japanese
roku-chonen to ichiya monogatari
song genre: vocaloid(tm) songs
9* oni
player: Karoshi28/Karoshi_Tv (taiko enthusiast)
played on: drum session
0 miss
110 ok
736 good
935,620 pts for this run
no drumroll
pretty nice run.
One day I’ll be able to FC 1:26 more than once
Holy hell your a God
Teacher: the test isnt that hard!
The test: 0:58
Great play there! Can you please do the Ura of this as well? I can go as far as hard mode. I can do Oni mode, but not the songs that are fast and high star rating.
The beat was so intense that I regain my PTSD.
dude i look away for 1 second and the song is over and he has a full combo
Haha drum with face goes BRRRRRRRRRRRREE
Me playing a rhythm game: oh hey im pretty good at these
This shit:
the lanterns flying out the drum be like: 😐
Wow some People has so many Time on their hands.
this is quite impressive, i wish you luck in your adventure to get 1m subs
I can play about half of this song, but how do you do the bit at 1:25? I can never get it. Watching someone else play always makes lot looks way more impressive than when I play it myself.
Game aside this song goes hard as fuck
Teacher: come on , the test isnt that hard!
The test: 0:58
silly puppy, haha! silly doggie haha silly puppy!!!! i LOVE silly doggie dancing dogdance puppy!!
I usually play on controls. I wonder how numb my hands could get if I try to play this on a that drum port.
i play on ps4 controller the drum doesnt seem to be good from what ive heard there are some good ones out there tho if you are willing to spend a good chunk of change lol
what is happening in the top left corner-
Does anyone not notice the cursed object in the upper left corner. It's don-chan with human limbs.
Is this song on the switch game?
not currently
@@KaroshiTv will it eventually be?
@@Matt.Lopez.w im not sure it is currently not announced as an upcoming dlc at least not that i am aware of
@@KaroshiTv aw rip, alright guess we'll habe to see
It's released there now :D
Next is all good. Good luck
New subscriber
what is the mode that its on
the thing next to the difficulty
Sorry I'm 4 months late, haha
This is Shin-Uchi mode, a mode that picks accuracy over combo. In this mode you don't get an extra 10000 points if you get 100 combo, 200 combo, etc.
@@shoxk9981 oh my god thank you
Its been 4 months but I appreciate the answer so so very much
@@mer6088 Happy to help!
My brain doesn’t even work this fast
Quick question HOW?!?!
My friend: so are you good at this game
Me:not really
Also me:
nintendo saw this and was like "yep I think this needs a donkey kong reskin and also dicky barrett"
POV: someone said friday night funkin was hard so you show them this video
great success
It literally took you six trillion years and a night to do this
OMG. How you do that?
брат, дай свои контакты или любой метод как с тобой можно связаться - умоляю возьми меня в ученики 😭😭😭
Almost, got 76%, ALMOST CLEAR
Nice job karo!
What's that song???
does anyone can beat this? i can beat it i keep practice it for so long
I like it and love it too and buy it
I like that song
wow holy shit..
you're a drummer of the gods
Is this the Nintendo Switch version?
KudosK no, this is the ps4 version. I can tell because of the color-shaped buttons at the beginning if you look closely
That's fucking insane dude, lmao