Making a sampled beat on Roland SP-404A

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 324

  • @lf2334
    @lf2334 5 лет назад +324

    Hello Anthony Fantano's father.

    • @iShredStreets
      @iShredStreets 5 лет назад +4

      K K Melon’s father got ill beats man!

    • @kinlee8384
      @kinlee8384 5 лет назад +3

      GREAT COMMENT, I'll pay you when I can .

    • @swaggnb
      @swaggnb 4 года назад +4

      i thought he looked like dr. phil 😂

    • @Reprodestruxion
      @Reprodestruxion 3 года назад +2

      Bad snacks ‘ and lil miss beats ‘ uncle

  • @Caribbean_King
    @Caribbean_King 4 года назад +38

    The weird aspects of the pitch function is what adds color and character to the song.

    • @brownsons
      @brownsons 2 года назад +1

      I love the weirdness in it

  • @NotonlyMusik
    @NotonlyMusik 5 лет назад +10

    Hey! When you're using the sequencer you CAN delete your "mistakes". While your pattern is playing in REC mode, just press 'DEL', it will appear 'ERS' on the screen. Then press and hold the pads you don't want to hear in that moment. You can press and delete multiple pads simultaneously.
    Great video btw! I also love the sp404 sequencer and its interesting limitations. Thanks for sharing!

  • @bestformspielt
    @bestformspielt 5 лет назад +139

    Love the little nod to "red means recording" :)

  • @elegrossz8948
    @elegrossz8948 5 лет назад +97

    Hey, what a lovely sample :) and great beat! My trick, to find the root note:
    1. play the sample,
    2. sing "right" notes (find the scale),
    3. stop the sample, but don't stop with singing,
    4. find the "calmest" note (what gives you the "ok, I'm home" feeling)
    5. find that note on keyboard

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад

      Elégrossz? A great tip!😀

    • @Cavanho
      @Cavanho 5 лет назад +12

      That 'ok I'm home' bit was magic

    • @elegrossz8948
      @elegrossz8948 5 лет назад +4

      cavan ho , this is the "base" note, The strongest every other is a little bit "eh.." you don't really need the root, to make music. For example in this video Accurate doesn't touch the root (Ab). You can find it with keyboard, but - for me - it's easier with singing.

    • @Cavanho
      @Cavanho 5 лет назад

      @@elegrossz8948 I can't sing for shit and don't really know my notes so I need a keyboard for now aha

    • @fahimaljahangir3059
      @fahimaljahangir3059 5 лет назад

      lol i can't hum a tune for a sample or bass line most of the time. My voice simply doesn't go that low. I am not a singer. That's why I make beats.

  • @Ispowzfmanalog15
    @Ispowzfmanalog15 5 лет назад +14

    I just got a 404 A recently and I LOVE it! So far, it’s exactly what I’ve been searching for.

  • @tk33k
    @tk33k 5 лет назад +12

    You can delete each part that you don't need by pressing the del button while recording and holding the pad you want to erase from the sequence.

  • @PaulinaSjoberg
    @PaulinaSjoberg 4 года назад +32

    *creates banger* "I'm not sure"

  • @zdsrtgnzetmyet
    @zdsrtgnzetmyet 4 года назад +3

    Best video of the SP so far, and I've seen em all lol

    • @neoaureus
      @neoaureus 3 года назад

      Sean ...sounds like me...I am just discovering this.

  • @jerrycroud
    @jerrycroud 5 лет назад +8

    This is a very nice video where the lesson goes beyond words and there is actually a lot of wisdom in the working process; it inspires discipline and positive vibes. Thank you very much!

  • @culturemax234
    @culturemax234 4 года назад +1

    I really like it when you put the scratches to it sounds really good

  • @Madstubborn
    @Madstubborn 5 лет назад +4

    Most polite BeatMaker on yt

  • @armonster24
    @armonster24 5 лет назад +3

    the chops over the top really took this beat to the next level

  • @michaelblattau1039
    @michaelblattau1039 5 лет назад +36

    hey, while your seq is playing in record mode, you can press the del button and hold whatever pads you want deleted from that seq. No need to record everything over.

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад +5

      Michael Blattau yupp! Totally my bad!

    • @LiftedNoise
      @LiftedNoise 5 лет назад +1

      Nice this just answered my question.

    • @Cavanho
      @Cavanho 5 лет назад +3

      Blattau is a mad baddd guy name

    • @michaelblattau1039
      @michaelblattau1039 5 лет назад +2

      @@Cavanho haha huh?

  • @rickysnowconez4582
    @rickysnowconez4582 5 лет назад +4

    Beautiful track man. Very inspiring

  • @fabiwasabi7787
    @fabiwasabi7787 5 лет назад +9

    sick beat man! always loving your mad scratches at the end

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад +1

      Fabi Wasabi thanks!m, I appreciate that!

  • @straightedge_eli2062
    @straightedge_eli2062 4 года назад +1

    Bro Thank you for doing what you do for us on RUclips.

  • @phataton8206
    @phataton8206 5 лет назад +1

    Great. This demo actually shows what this unit does.

  • @Erm545
    @Erm545 3 года назад +5

    I've just bought the 404 A and I need a truly basic and slowed down tutorial video of how to use it, can anybody help?
    Love the beat that was dope, gives me so much inspiration!

    • @Bigwave3K
      @Bigwave3K 2 года назад

      Hey man I hope you have gotten it figured out but if not, I know it’s a bitch but the manual will help you so much and tell you exactly how it works! It’s the only way to find out every little thing it can do!

  • @joselemus2689
    @joselemus2689 4 года назад +11

    a trick for chromatic pitch; pitch up or down before artifacting is ruining sound, resample and pitch again. Rinse repeat until you get the sound you're looking for.
    a neat trick to minimize artifacting

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  4 года назад +2

      Thank you! I’ll try that tonight

  • @ashsolo748
    @ashsolo748 5 лет назад +2

    YEAH the doodles are back!! Love'em! aaaaaaaaaaaaand love the beat, great one as always, cheers!

  • @Two-Eyed_Boy
    @Two-Eyed_Boy 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for sharing this! I'm very interested in the 404's "no guardrails" workflow. Appreciate you making this in real time.

  • @Ray-np5gq
    @Ray-np5gq 5 лет назад +2

    does look like it takes forever. I think the perk of the 404 are the effects. Nice beat!

  • @ZachFZ2
    @ZachFZ2 5 лет назад +1

    This was mad helpful. Saved me a ton of digging through the manual.

  • @jamesw2831
    @jamesw2831 5 лет назад +4

    I like the samples you come up with and how you use different hardware.

  • @lotmaga
    @lotmaga 3 года назад

    The equipment made in Japan is amazing!🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵❤️

  • @culturemax234
    @culturemax234 4 года назад

    Thanks for doing this video I just got the Sp 202 & 303 and I'm about to get this one next these things are so much fun

  • @QuistJam
    @QuistJam 5 лет назад +5

    Good stuff, thanks 🙏

  • @SleeplessStudyClub
    @SleeplessStudyClub 5 лет назад +2

    that at the end is fucking awesome

  • @flyromusic
    @flyromusic 5 лет назад +1

    WoW!!! I just asked u in Instagram about it few days ago ^^ Appreciate what r u doing mang! Thanks for content !

  • @geraldgoodiii6993
    @geraldgoodiii6993 5 лет назад +2

    Thank god for much easier things to use like slicing it all on tape machines

  • @dDesirie
    @dDesirie 5 лет назад

    Learned a lot from this video. Thanks for sharing!

  • @PhillipMotlaMokholoane
    @PhillipMotlaMokholoane 3 года назад

    NICE :-)
    You make it look eeeeeeeasssy! Fire to that

  • @urbinoiz
    @urbinoiz 3 года назад

    Why do you have the mic enabled? Should be only ext source enabled, right??

  • @KONSEP1er93
    @KONSEP1er93 5 лет назад +4

    This beat is so dope, that last sound your were gonna put in was dope, but the scratches took it someplace else.

  • @richibucki
    @richibucki 4 года назад

    Stupid question. Can you play the 404 without anything else? Like no midi or saw? Just your earphones?

  • @JAdeWii_
    @JAdeWii_ 5 лет назад +1

    6:45 "maybe I can do something like this" ...Kills it!.... "but im not sure" lol

  • @teagueo2898
    @teagueo2898 5 лет назад

    I’ve been waiting for this yessss

    @DJWOLFLIVE 4 года назад

    Getting my sp404a this week. Thanks for the tip Accurate Beats!

  • @SuperZackJr
    @SuperZackJr 5 лет назад +7

    i have never seen the sp in action, thank you for the video friend !

    • @softeyez6700
      @softeyez6700 5 лет назад +2

      you should check out Mujo, he makes some amazing sp404 videos :)

  • @dragon-id5uj
    @dragon-id5uj 5 лет назад

    Wow, what a zoo of beatmaking gear! Very nice

  • @mcdance1311
    @mcdance1311 5 лет назад +7

    “Well it’s definitely a bassline.”

  • @softeyez6700
    @softeyez6700 5 лет назад +1

    ayyy finally

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад

      Soft Eyez yeah I know it took a while. Sorry bout that

  • @scruffylife
    @scruffylife 5 лет назад +1

    This is a very valuable video, thanks brother!

  • @simondanielssonmusic
    @simondanielssonmusic 3 года назад

    "Maybe I could do something like this..."
    *proceeds to make pure fire*
    "...but, I'm not sure, let's take it easy"

  • @yotrakzproductions7324
    @yotrakzproductions7324 5 лет назад +7

    Love the string quartet track at 1:55... Drop the artist and name plz.

  • @Paul......
    @Paul...... 4 года назад

    Love the jingle in the beginning 😅👍🥳

  • @illdaeagle
    @illdaeagle 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome man!

  • @grfk8606
    @grfk8606 5 лет назад +32

    youre trippin! @3:55 the sample sounded crazy dope with that pitch modification

  • @HighNoon23
    @HighNoon23 5 лет назад

    Very informative...precise...on beats and workflow
    Watch ending...he used the SP-404 as an effects Module😊

  • @Electrotranqui
    @Electrotranqui 4 года назад

    Super and thanks!!!

  • @LiftedNoise
    @LiftedNoise 5 лет назад

    So no undo feature on pattern sequencer?

  • @cursedsound
    @cursedsound 5 лет назад +4

    I feel the same way about limitations! i can make more and faster music with my novation circuit than with my laptop and Ableton live 😂 my current workflow looks like this: make a rough sketch on the circuit and then record the midi and sometimes audio in Ableton live and then finish the track. I dont know how i was able to do music before the circuit

    • @cursedsound
      @cursedsound 5 лет назад

      @@oOFTJOo Its super easy to edit sounds but the only downside is that you need a computer to create new sounds. but I mainly use it as a sketch tool and then import the midi into Ableton to replace the sounds with something else.

    • @cursedsound
      @cursedsound 5 лет назад

      @@oOFTJOo Its pretty good especially for that price and really easy to understand.

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад +2

      CursedSound Ive always heard a lot of good stuff about the circuit and I’m sure it’s awsome.
      I’ve never tried it myself but... Last time I checked it couldn’t record anything off the grid but quantized everything. That’s a dealbreaker for me

    • @eelcodevlieger
      @eelcodevlieger 5 лет назад +1

      @@AccurateBeats the recent circuit 1.8 firmware has better support for 'off the grid'/non-quantised recording. Although technically it records to microsteps I believe (6 or more subdivisions per 1 sequencer step).

  • @mhaluuun93
    @mhaluuun93 5 лет назад +2

    Nice work, bro.
    Will you please make a video on how to record cuts on a beat? I'm workin w a Maschine MK3, but I don't know how to record my scratches from either of my turntables that are connected to my mixer.

  • @clutchhawks1268
    @clutchhawks1268 5 лет назад

    You can set audio trig and it will record as soon it hits the thresh hold.

  • @jharo9800
    @jharo9800 2 года назад

    How did you play your sequencer pattern when not in pattern sequencer mode?

  • @tokazar
    @tokazar 4 года назад +1

    nice upload. you didn't have to re-record the drums 10 minutes into the video though. you can delete each pad individually or together without touching the drums. I've done it before and was pleasantly surprised.

  • @lb1823
    @lb1823 5 лет назад +1

    Great beat!

  • @StolimoliStudios
    @StolimoliStudios 4 года назад +1

    Where do you get your drum samples

  • @culturemax234
    @culturemax234 4 года назад

    Thank you teacher 😊

  • @eddmtz4028
    @eddmtz4028 4 года назад

    Helpful information but now setting it up to speed playback from normal to .05 hehe!

  • @jhernandez788
    @jhernandez788 4 года назад +1

    What's the longest sample you can put on a pad?
    Is their a "hold" feature for longer samples so that I don't have to hold it for 50 seconds+
    Would this unit be good for sort of a "instant play back" for sets for live shows?

    • @merk1beats
      @merk1beats 4 года назад +1

      It records up to 5 hours and yes you can hold or trigger the sample

  • @marcop7031
    @marcop7031 4 года назад

    Im a beginner what do u suggest me to buy first Roland SP 404 a or Roland MC 101 ? Thanks.

  • @dingstarproductions
    @dingstarproductions 5 лет назад +1

    Always droping dope your channel and work!!! Your sampleworks are awesome... Drums always groovy in point. Big respect and all the best. Peace and a wonderfull week!!!

  • @NillesFactory
    @NillesFactory 4 года назад

    whats the string quartet sample ???

  • @digitaldiezel5870
    @digitaldiezel5870 3 года назад

    I noticed you edited the video when you recorded the bass line…did you have to name the sample on each pad after recording? If not recording directly to a pad looks quick.

  • @michaelwilson569
    @michaelwilson569 4 года назад

    Dope and Wicked 👌 hip hop homework

  • @GlitchComputer
    @GlitchComputer 3 года назад

    I've always wanted to understand why people love this sampler so much....there are so many options out there.

    • @distortimus7631
      @distortimus7631 3 года назад

      Same. 200€ more gives you the Mpc One.

    • @Peugot905
      @Peugot905 3 года назад +1

      Because it’s limitations forces you to be creative when making beats.

  • @warlanefam
    @warlanefam 5 лет назад

    finally a good demonstration

  • @maleev_music
    @maleev_music 5 лет назад

    sounds cool. great one!

  • @richswat
    @richswat 5 лет назад +2

    you can erase each pad in a sequence/pattern...i can do it ;-) no need to re-record everything? Or did i missed something at the 10:00 minute mark?
    keep up the good work!

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад +1

      RICH.SWAT I’m sure you’re right :)

  • @NowyKurs
    @NowyKurs 5 лет назад +1

    Cool stuff 👍

  • @rafix3912
    @rafix3912 5 лет назад +2

    SP-404 is something I'd like to have, sadly I don't have much money for music equipment

    • @Peat030
      @Peat030 5 лет назад +1

      But i guess you have Birthday once a year;)

    • @DJDigitalJosh
      @DJDigitalJosh 5 лет назад +1

      Go make a cardboard sign, "need $400 for drum machine" & stand on the street corner. People respect honesty. Or get a job & save up.

    • @rafix3912
      @rafix3912 5 лет назад +1

      @@DJDigitalJosh I will get a job, but it's hard for me to get a job & still go to school. And nobody in my country will give me this much money for nothing haha

  • @Gobymike
    @Gobymike 5 лет назад +1


  • @atg-alexanderthagreatmusic1791
    @atg-alexanderthagreatmusic1791 3 года назад

    How do you get the sample to fit with drum sample if BPMs are different

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  3 года назад

      I almost always ignore the BPM of the original sample. I chop the sample up where I find nice bits and pieces and squeeze that into the groove however I see fit.

  • @ALg-dd4ml
    @ALg-dd4ml 4 года назад


  • @neoaureus
    @neoaureus 3 года назад +1

    CIA: How to identify a sampler ? He nods to an imagined beat and nods while listening to an innocent piece of classical music!

  • @FastRCToys
    @FastRCToys 4 года назад

    That's why I love so much my Akai Force... 🐶🐶🐶🐶

    • @jason3534
      @jason3534 4 года назад

      I loved my force also, until it decided to not boot up anymore after freezing up and the screen getting hot to the touch. Only had it five months, no word from Akai on the warranty yet. Still waiting....

  • @fauvier3899
    @fauvier3899 5 лет назад +1

    Hi ! Can you sample a hole song ? Like a hole beat from a song to play along with a guitar?

  • @noisiboi7308
    @noisiboi7308 5 лет назад +1


  • @virtualperfectioncowboy4075
    @virtualperfectioncowboy4075 3 года назад

    So good - what is that lovely string sample?

  • @MyManDan
    @MyManDan 5 лет назад +1

    You using 3 fingers on 1 hand sounds better than me using both my hands to make a drum track, how does that work?!

  • @therealfaintinggoat
    @therealfaintinggoat 5 лет назад

    Your finger drumming is damn good fam.

  • @tlatsegms
    @tlatsegms 4 года назад


  • @spectralknights2
    @spectralknights2 5 лет назад +1


  • @sebastianknizel7471
    @sebastianknizel7471 5 лет назад

    very useful, thanks!

  • @tr1co0
    @tr1co0 4 года назад

    What is the brand/model of that camera clamp?

  • @_s_p_a_r_k_e_s_7615
    @_s_p_a_r_k_e_s_7615 5 лет назад +1

    Great video man! One thing I don't really understand (with beat making in general) is finding the root notes for the bassline? Are you just trying to find out what notes sound best with the beat? Do you have to do this or could you just create a bassline by trial and error? Sorry, my music theory knowledge is limited!

    • @2.nonchalant894
      @2.nonchalant894 5 лет назад +1

      I just play until it sounds good, really

  • @magadan4626
    @magadan4626 4 года назад

    What do you think about App Koala sampler?
    I was thinking about purchasing SP 404, but then I found a Koala sampler.
    But I still don't know - does the Koala sampler completely repeat the SP-404?

  • @dannymontreal6316
    @dannymontreal6316 3 года назад

    Danny Montreal
    Hey cool vid. Was wondering your opinion if it is worth it to trade my old microkorg and volca sample for a new sp404a? I also have a beatstep pro and I am wondering how they work together. Thanks.

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  3 года назад

      Well, that’s a good question. The 404 is way more useful than the volca sample (according to me) but getting rid of a hardware synth like that will definitely change your workflow.
      Sure... The beatstep can be hooked up to the 404 but you’ll soon run into limitations there. It’s not possible to play the samples from the 404 chromatically from the keyboard for instance. The situation is different if you’re using a computer to run the beatstep into though.
      The 404 is great but has its drawbacks. I can’t say that it will replace a synth when it comes to sound creation possibilities but it’s a way better sampler than the volca.
      I hope that answeres something :p

    • @dannymontreal6316
      @dannymontreal6316 3 года назад

      Yeah dude, most helpful response yet! Appreciate the videos. Cheers homie.

  • @reapaderealest4143
    @reapaderealest4143 5 лет назад

    What do you mean it doesn't really have a pitch function

  • @hermestrismegistus3417
    @hermestrismegistus3417 2 года назад

    What’s the difference between “SX” and “A” models?

    • @RFLCPTR
      @RFLCPTR 2 года назад

      The A looks different and has replaced the SX in 2017 and is still being produced, from what I could tell on online stores (its just way cheaper than the MKII now)

  • @jimmyhoffa2530
    @jimmyhoffa2530 5 лет назад +2

    since discovering machine i only chop samples on sp for practice and to remind me how blessed i am with maschine.

  • @kouham420
    @kouham420 5 лет назад +1

    What's the name of the song you used for the sample?

    • @stevemeyer868
      @stevemeyer868 5 лет назад

      There you go.видео.html

  • @rem8402
    @rem8402 4 года назад

    what software do you use?

  • @dwaynemusik
    @dwaynemusik 5 лет назад +1

    I love the string chord progression!!! On this anyone know the sample?

  • @gedoumazoutsuki
    @gedoumazoutsuki 5 лет назад +1

    nice one!!!
    btw is that the new controller from native instrument? you got it already? damn

    • @AccurateBeats
      @AccurateBeats  5 лет назад

      Redhewlett yeah, that’s the M32. Still waiting for the firmware though. :)

  • @derricklovelace5953
    @derricklovelace5953 4 года назад

    This sampler is different I like it to create ideas on the fly.

  • @electrosonicnebula
    @electrosonicnebula 4 года назад

    Hey man thanks for the video. I was looking at picking up an old SP202 which doesn't have a sequencer so I wondered if there was any particular reason I couldn't sample something I'm playing on seven pads onto a pad I'm not playing (since the SP202 only has 8 pads) by running the outputs into the inputs again. I just need it as a sort of drum machine, to record my drum set and voice and create loops on the fly. (One cool thing about the SP202 is a great sounding onboard mic)

  • @beatsbylanstarr
    @beatsbylanstarr 4 года назад +2

    You know in pattern mode you can erase if you mess up. You didn’t need to record your drums over