These are a little pricey but you get a lot for the money. You won't build any other mid-sized truck with these options and come in under what these cost in any given trim. Not including huge rebates. You don't get the off road ability, towing capacity, payload or an aggressive looks of the other trucks but you get enough of each to make it all work. You also get one hell of an SUV/Truck that you can throw dirty stuff in the back without worrying about carpet or interior panels getting ruined.
Cool video, thanks for posting it.
Thanks for watching! Also, these walkaround videos will now live on my new channel:
Not bad. This is the perfect no frills, non-offensive small SUV on the market. Looks good. No gimmicks.
These are a little pricey but you get a lot for the money. You won't build any other mid-sized truck with these options and come in under what these cost in any given trim. Not including huge rebates. You don't get the off road ability, towing capacity, payload or an aggressive looks of the other trucks but you get enough of each to make it all work. You also get one hell of an SUV/Truck that you can throw dirty stuff in the back without worrying about carpet or interior panels getting ruined.
That's Green?