Y3RM sooooooooooooo funny like hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah🤣hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahshshshhshahahhshshahahahahahahhshahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahhahhahhahhahhahahhhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhaha
When they were using the gingy skin, I thought for about 3 minutes that fresh was spectating lazar and I was thinking..... “wow Lazarbeam has gotten really good!”. Then I realized
13:10 lemaxwall this guy killed lazarbeam twice and was even in a thumbnails of one of his vids back in season 6 and 7 now he’s back in the tournament I have seen this guy so many times it unbelievable
Imagine getting to play with fresh. I would give all my money to play with him (which is only 100 dollars lmao) I watch him everyday he literally makes my day 100 percent better. Love you fresh keep doing what you’re doing
Lannan becomes a sweat and starts doing call outs... “If you can’t beat them, become one, team up with one and kick the rest of their asses” My favourite saying from Lannan-2020 “That’s team work man, some times you just gotta die...” 🥺❤️♾🤞🏽🔒
13:10 if u search up a video on lannan’s channel called “this video will get one view,”, the thumbnail shows the same guy killed Lannan. LeMaxwall is pretty good at killing celebs in fortnite...
Me - how is lazarbeam doing so well? Also me- he knows how to tunnel like a boss because of those meme strats like the covered bridge. Me again- this is lowkey the most entertaining scrims I’ve ever watched from pros.
The way Lazar and Fresh play tournaments reminds me a lot of how me and my brother play Fortnite: My bro sweats out pushing everyone I just tag along and grab a few kills
The fact that Lazarbeam said, "get off the controller!" triggers me, because LazarBeam and Fresh have a professional gamer computer with good FPS and ping, but still complaining about 60FPS and high ping.
11:04 a father giving words of encouragement to his son, a great sight to see
Someone quote this
Grandslamcam 32 ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
Grandslamcam 32subscribe to me or you will get corona virus or you hate your family
Grandslamcam 32 faxxxx lol
Lannan is such an understanding teammate “That’s teamwork man, sometimes you just have to die” like what a legend.
Wish my teammate was like that.
billyconnelly74 who is ur teammate
Yes bro My Teammate BrO WhErE ArE YoU HeS ONe sHoT
Same I wish my teammates where like that
My teammate when he dies: OMG HE HAS AIMBOT
Lazarbeam is a true one: "That's teamwork man, sometimes you just gotta, die."
Read as he said
Joseph Dachnowicz literally me playing solos
Joseph Dachnowicz love that profile picture
I love how supportive and respectful and helpful they both are in this video it makes me so happy to see
Lazerbeam: starts sweating
You’ve become to one thing you swore to destroy
Just true facts
This actually made me laugh
Even a streamer BTW
Can't bet them, join them
Bruh I see ur comments in every video lol
Lazarbeam “I’m the best Fortnite player in Australia”
Lachlan and Muselk - *nervous sweating*
Adrian Reyes u mean ‘clap’
Lacy is in Japan I think
@@klipkori6591 its LACHY and no he is back in oce
I said lacy by accident chill down I know it's lachlan
I like how passionate Lannan is when he plays these tournaments with Fresh
“Thats how team work is, sometimes you just gotta... die” - Lazarbeam 2020
Y3RM sooooooooooooo funny like hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah🤣hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahshshshhshahahhshshahahahahahahhshahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahhahhahhahhahhahahhhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhaha
I am mini bugha
@@armanlifts ur fckin annoying
armoz kingz ur mum is mini Lana
Can u sub to me, I subbed to u
Fresh: BUILD!
Lannan: just keep swimming, just keep swimming
@@leerogers5755 ooooooo someone is cranky todaaay dang
Love ur profile pic
@@bestboys1044 ha
Lazarbeam: YEEET YEET
Also Lazarbeam: getting tons of kills in a tournament
ME: what has lannan become?
A Yeeting Machine
Lazerbeam is on a crack
Full try hard lol. Usually it’s fresh carrying lannan but it might be the other way around
Jamison Mann sub yo me
This is a very rare moment, we just witnessed lazarbeam sweat in fortnite lmao.
Last time I saw him sweat like this was when he did that baller meme with lachy and Fresh in The Getaway
Vision Truth Lol so true tho😂
Frixㄓ ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
Frixㄓ subscribe to me or you will get corona virus or you hate your family
no one:
lannan: Its a controller GET OFF THE ACTUAL CONTROLLER
but also lannan and fresh proceeding on beaming a kid in the sky
When they were using the gingy skin, I thought for about 3 minutes that fresh was spectating lazar and I was thinking..... “wow Lazarbeam has gotten really good!”. Then I realized
Bots at the Source z
How didn't you realise 😂
This is how many times Lazarbeam said "Fresh play your game"
I know right he says it so much
Not funny
More like one sub with 0 vids
I liked now it’s 69! 🤣
The guy above me is such a child. He thinks 69 is still funny
13:10 lemaxwall this guy killed lazarbeam twice and was even in a thumbnails of one of his vids back in season 6 and 7 now he’s back in the tournament I have seen this guy so many times it unbelievable
Ywa its the video named "this fortnite video will get 1 view
Was wondering if anyone else noticed 😂
no one asked jk
Yes bro
musaab elakouri bro I literally made a comment abt this up top I did t even see urs
Who’s watching in 2024
Who asked?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥲🥇😗🤓😊😌😊😌😗😁🥇😄😁😀😄🪂😀😂🎉🎉🎉😊😏😏
13:10 the same guy killed Lazarbeam in his video “This fortnite video will get 1 view” a year ago
Holy shit, you are right lmao
I noticed that and was about to comment that
DEATH_SLAYERSツ best comment I’ve seen ina while
How the heck do you spot that
I also noticed
Everyone: he triple headshoted me with a burst
Fresh: he TrIpLe BurSteD mE wiTh a hEadShoT
Lol I didn’t even catch that 😂. Props to u man 😂
C A.A he meant that he hit him with one burst and the burst hit 2 body shot and a headshot otherwise lannan would have responded
@Vxrsie way to ruin the fun
Yoda Fresh is
Ima be honest, it’s weird seeing lannan sweating and not meming 😂
ShinyGhostOMG ya 😖
It is what it is🤷♂️
Deniz Altanov IT IS WHAT IS IS 😂
@@denizaltanov4022 Bulgaria for life brah
I think the memes are enough for now...
Everyone: Playing Solo, Duos, Squads and Tournaments.
Me: Plays Team Rumble because I'm scared of sweats.
I know how it feels that's all I used to play
@Delaney Nelson-Home add me at killin_it23
@Delaney Nelson-Home bett
There is more sweats in team rumble
Lazarbeam: Dies
Also Lazarbeam: “PLaY yOuR GAme.”
R Tatertot can you sub to me
R Tatertot nice profile picture
@@chargingbear0621 no
He's a great team mate though
I’m going to sub right now
Fresh with minigun “can’t beat them join them”
Ti Regan tf alll he said was true
Minecraft Minigames Don’t read my name
Basically Lannan to sweats
Minecraft Minigames what you mean
Ti Regan how about you keep your words to yourself and you shut up 🤗
Imagine getting to play with fresh. I would give all my money to play with him (which is only 100 dollars lmao) I watch him everyday he literally makes my day 100 percent better. Love you fresh keep doing what you’re doing
Jay-k333 Don’t read my name
Jay I would to
Don’t read my profile picture nobody was going to
Facts dude
Jay-k333 ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
lannan: “omg dude i am playing this like it’s a damn-“
game... like it’s a damn game
Sub to me mate
zyho no no one wants to 😠
@@charlie3577 ok thx
He said pub
AC Charlie 😰
Who else watched the stream yesterday and was waiting for this 😂🔥
YvngPlays can you sub to me
I was
Everyone else with the minigun: Immediately a spammer
Fresh with a minigun: Tactical
He doesn’t mindlessly spray, he bursts it.
It’s rare that he lets it go to the cool down.
ProPotato I’ve seen him do it like 20 times in like one game
Me realising there is a duo tournament every day: happiness noises
I mean it’s been there for about a month already
These days are no more💔
@@Peter-uw9oz ik
*there was*
Lannan’s words of wisdom: “ sometimes you just gotta die”
Who's better ?
mrfreshasian - like
naaah just kidding, mrfreshasian is the best ♥
Don't Watch My Video sub to mr
You said that at the last video.
No the best is lazar 😂
@@AyeAshh no weirdo
The Jibbers I’ll sub to you if u sub to me first
Lazarbeam dies
Lazarbeam:"Play Your Game."
It means that mrfresh doesnt get his reboot and play for his own
Wow so cool😒
When lazarbeam makes the intro: 🥳🥳🥳🥳
Lefteris Katirtsoglou sub to me
@@Jackson-gz6jt not cool man stop
This guy makes them ruclips.net/video/dQw4w9WgXcQ/видео.html
The Jibbers dude you’re not cool so just stop
Fresh you mentioned how you couldn’t hear until they were on top of you. With that I suggest turning on visualize sound effects
I have that cause I’m a mobile controller playa, and it’s OP
I think that is only on console and mobile
@@Trumanalbright no its not
Fungi YT you can turn it on on pc
Yeah it makes it easyier
Lannan becomes a sweat and starts doing call outs... “If you can’t beat them, become one, team up with one and kick the rest of their asses”
My favourite saying from Lannan-2020
“That’s team work man, some times you just gotta die...” 🥺❤️♾🤞🏽🔒
What time did he say that?
@@abdelxxl4809 yes
Abdel XXL 5:45
Sub to me
Kayleigh Waerea - Thanks.
No one:
Literelly no one:
Lanan: whasup guys my freshs father
Makes sense
8:29 the first person on his friends list😂😂
Back to this video 3 years later. I miss Fresh 😢
Fresh got killed by LeMaxwall, who was in Lannan’s thumbnail of the “this video will get one view” same banner and everything
Lurking Shadow copied
omg fresh.
LeMaxwall killed him in season 6
“Don’t Lie who’s been a fan of Mrfreshasian before 2020?🚂"
1 subscriber before 2021 me
If you were a real fan, you would know how to spell his name.
Not me
I love how lazers so into this game. You can hear it in his voice freaking love it
"They have no idea I suck" haha literally my philosophy
Lazar beam is the ceo of “play ur game”
boys baseball yessir
boys baseball ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
At this point I'm really questioning if lannan has actually adopted fresh
Same dud.
Dude your name
It's a joke for the people that reply cause it looks like they types it😅
"Lannan is a noob" said me. Me seeing lannan cranking and killing "Omg"
Catherine Cate go fuck yourself
Mr Smiclops why don’t you lol
Vexcility Falcon no thanks
Hearing lazarbeam talk like this is something I never thought would happen
13:10 if u search up a video on lannan’s channel called “this video will get one view,”, the thumbnail shows the same guy killed Lannan. LeMaxwall is pretty good at killing celebs in fortnite...
Yer seen that lol
I spotted it
Yeah I was looking for this comment
He also killed in jasons video
Fresh is really an inspiration. I’m trying to do the same as him and grow on RUclips. Congrats, Fresh! 👏
Bl0dSh0t same he is my inspiration except I’m garbage
Bl0dSh0t sub to me
Bl0dsh0t I will help I subscribed
Idgaf bro
@@Jackson-gz6jt stop
Me - how is lazarbeam doing so well? Also me- he knows how to tunnel like a boss because of those meme strats like the covered bridge. Me again- this is lowkey the most entertaining scrims I’ve ever watched from pros.
Ckopka Kopka ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
Fresh: we can fight these guys
Lazar: we……?????
Imagine how Freshes Dad fells that Fresh calls Lazarbeam his dad
Fresh and lazarbeams team name should be “fresh memes”
MrDude ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
That’s very good
More like fresh beam
What is this link to young uzi
11:02 my Man lannan coming in with that motivational speech ✊ he’s such a legend we love you lazarbeam 🤘
Fresh thinks he's bad at math but he is actually kinda good. Also his reaction time is amazing.
13:12 hey it is the LeMaxwall from lazarbeam's vid, "This video will only get one view
That’s what I said
i really typed out a comment that you did better
Yeah I noticed that lol
That’s what I thought to
i was about to say that
The way Lazar and Fresh play tournaments reminds me a lot of how me and my brother play Fortnite:
My bro sweats out pushing everyone
I just tag along and grab a few kills
That's how me and my friend play lol
I wonder how fresh’s real dad feels about lazar being his “dad”
He lost him in court it's on the click podcast the fresh lifestory
Lucas Kuliga how is that funny
Charlie Andrews Are you serious or joking.
Woah Charlie reads history you gonna have a good career
I know this video was 3 years ago but it still makes me laugh
Fresh: Make sure he doesn't BEAM you.
Lazarbeam: ____
Can you sub to me
Mr. Blue ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
ChargingBear06 I got you homie wanna return the favor pls
Got you
13:08 he got killed by a person Lazarbeam got killed by a long time ago and his name was used as a thumbnail in one of Lazarbeam’s videos
I was looking 4 a comment that said this I noticed straight away the vid is called this video will get 1 view
@@weka420 same here
Yeah from the this video will get one view
fresh: in quarantine lets play Fortnite
lazarbeam: let's watch people fight over toilet paper
Just show how different they are
I absolutely love how much lazarbeam is trying to sound like a pro but it also sounds like he’s genuinely enjoying it.
13:10 anybody remember og lazarbem “this video will get one view” lol😂
Okay that is not og
@@shalomlevlederman5124 exactly it was like season 5 of fortnite when he uploaded that.
If someone comments "copied" or "stolen" on this comment i'm going to commit toaster bath
“It’s alright. That’s team work man, sometimes you just gotta... die” Lazarbeam 2020
McGMoose ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
11:20 the wise words from Freshs DAD
bro i've re-watched these like 5 times
Video: posts 6 minutes ago
Comments: 1.6k
Me: damn
We fast
13:09 LeMaxwall is the same guy that was in lazarbeams video, “video will only get one view” posted almost 2 years ago
OCE Klex it’s crazy
OCE Klex ruclips.net/video/dcxf7zIfs3Q/видео.html
I was looking for this comment I noticed it too
yea ikr
Oh crap I also commented the same thing without knowing sry dude
"BenjyFishy" "Me And Savage Are The Best Duo" "LazarBeam" "YEEEEEET"
Fresh 11hp clutch: I totally ruined them
Fresh Ruins players: Nice kill nice kill
Watch this after they left memories 😢
13:12 hey it’s LeMaxwall he was in Lazarbeams video called this video will get one view
Cmon originality dude. The dude on top of you said that
ButtFace Mc ButtFace Mc Jr. ButtFace seen that too
Wuts up guys, yes ITS FRESHS FATHER. I’m dying from the intro😂
Sub to me plzzzzzzz
zyho you sound so desperate
Zyho I subbed btw
@@1.oangel I am sorry
@@chicago2405 thx so much
It’s cool how fresh shows so much positivity to lannan
A lannan sentence in a cash cup
“Cause they have no idea that i succ “
No lannan no ! Ur cracked 😣😍
Who’s stuck at home watching Mrfreshasian
1:24 I tried this so often with my Arena mate but after 1 hit the kid builds 5 Eiffel towers in 0.5 sec
subscribe to poki prime hahahaha
i rewatched the whole video for the og memories, this season was def the best for content
I love it when LAZARBEAM does the intro: WHAT'S UP GUYS, YES!
I miss quarantine fortnite so much.
Same bro
“Sometimes you just got to die” Lazarbeam 2020
Lannan is such a good teammate when he dies he always says play your game
I wish my teammates were like that
“ He just triple burst me with a headshot “
Fresh 2020
Literally nobody ever
*lannan every time he dies*
“Play you game bro bro play your game”
I miss those days
2024 and I'm back here to hear the "what's up guys? Yes!" and Beam saying "Play your game!" and "YEEET!"
Good times back then, good times!
I listened to some of your music, it was incredible
No way?🥹 That’s awesome!❤
17:06 he missed the shot lol
Take a shot every time lannan says “PlaY uR gaMe”
8:29 look at the top friend lmao
Can u sub to me, I subbed to u
I miss when fresh and lazerbeam used to do these tourneys 😢
“Who is a *TRUE* fan of fresh?” ✌️😋
(I hope everyone stays healthy during the coronavirus)
Is anyone watching this in 2023 and just watching it because fresh has quit and needs to remember what he was like😢
When ur so early u started whatching before fresh even got out of his chair from editing
mike kangoo sub to me
Lazarbeams getting so much better he the goat.You are too😁❤
Very true
19:20 turn Visual sound effects on 😂
RUclips: No Views
Also RUclips: 499 Comments
Me: Can I see them?
RUclips: No
Bannably sub to me
Shut up
The Jibbers stfu
@@Jackson-gz6jt imagine begging for subs
,They don’t know I suck,
Words of a legend
Who’s watching during chapter 2 remix?
Nah… I’m watching during chapter 6 season 1
i miss these days
2019: Flexing AirPods
2020: Flexing toilet paper rolls, hand sanitizer and food.
Wesley the Future Farmer copied
Unoriginal and not funny
The iconic duo
The fact that Lazarbeam said, "get off the controller!" triggers me, because LazarBeam and Fresh have a professional gamer computer with good FPS and ping, but still complaining about 60FPS and high ping.
When you realize fresh Lazared somebody flying, with a minigun. 🤔 fresh must have aim assist
The ping and foam are irrelevant
He’s taking about controller on pc
He’s not talking about console, he’s talking controller on 240 frames/240 hz
Which is overpowered as fuck