Hello. Would you recommend this machine? Have you had any problems with it? I plan to use it for small firewood business, we have 50 ha of forest. They claim it can make about 4 loose m3 of firewood an hour is that true? It seems slow chopping those logs, but considering that it combines all activities into one, replacing chainsaw and a seperate wood processor machine, maybe its a very good machine for firewood business what do you think?
Hello. Would you recommend this machine? Have you had any problems with it? I plan to use it for small firewood business, we have 50 ha of forest. They claim it can make about 4 loose m3 of firewood an hour is that true? It seems slow chopping those logs, but considering that it combines all activities into one, replacing chainsaw and a seperate wood processor machine, maybe its a very good machine for firewood business what do you think?
Minkälainen traktori? Onko lisääpumppu
Valmet 6400 isommalla 90l pumpulla
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