What an amazing buildings ! The gentleman is very talented and educated he explained each details wow ! I’m so proud of you Sunrise Real State. Good job keep it up 👍!
The price, last time I checked which is about a year ago. Not including the finishing will cost anywhere between 5 to 7 million. And you need extra 2 million for finishing. Here you go for those of you who are mad at the journalist. እናቴ ምን ታርጋችሁ።
Teddy Abebe Welde yes that’s what saying what a reporter she doesn’t know what she’s doing 🤷♂️ confused 🤷♀️ they should ask the price first before they enter goddamnit
48000sq feet nearly 4500 sqmeter The apartment for 280 families . Including parking ,playground ..... I don't how much it cost each condominium. House. On 75 meter square is not convenient for living like garage playgrounds. ..hope it's cheaper than from house .
@@ambessashield9360 actual Ethiopian have good health because they eat good food not like American or Europe eating poison food that have so much preservative and artificial flavors and over-salted and chemical food! If you have money you can live like a queen and king in Ethiopia the only problem is the government has no freedom of speech and no Freedom at all😭😭😭
@@Lemlem7682 No freedom at all? It’s more free than it has ever been since Derg at least. More free than all other countries in Horn and most of Africa
@@ambessashield9360 Ethiopia has become more surprises country in the world and Ethiopia is genocide and ethnic cleansing their own citizens! people are being massacred and genocide everyday in Ethiopia! There's no freedom of speech and most journalist are locked up in jail for reporting the truth and politicians are locked up in jail and I will never come to Ethiopia because Ethiopia has changed for the last 2 years I love America where I am free and enjoying my freedom❤
What about kids playground... after all this big investment...and the kitchens design is like GUWADA ...I mean what is the point hiding the kitchen......and the kitchens exhaust system is located over the stove ....don’t forget that many Ethiopians bake Enjera at home ...that kind of exhaust system is not good enough...what about smoke detector...I can mention a lots of things...I am not trying to discourage the business owners...I hope you will improve many things on your next investment.
Ihe bir basira indalmeta libonachu yawkal ihe ba sawganzab yataseraw new yazin insa balabet la higi yikrabilin betu dagmo la corona tamati makoya yihun hasaben yatitidegifugn pls like argulign 🙏
The price, last time I checked which is about a year ago. Not including the finishing will cost anywhere between 5 to 7 million. And you need extra 2 million for finishing.
Was tv company paid for this advertisement? This was not a proper show where the journalist took charge and asked the right questions. She let the brilliant salesman do what he was meant to do(big up his company) But I don't want to be disrespectful still the reporter failed in her duty big time.
My friend, this is 21st century. Degrading people is not acceptable because some body cooks or washes for you it doesn’t mean that he/she has to be treated unfairly. Just say there is an extra room if you have a guest.
Unbelievable what kind of journalist is she never ask important questions , he took over her and he use it well , please try to study about real estate and prepare your questions !!! Semonun Addis is way better show !!!
The guy is amazing sale representative!!
not really, he talks too fast
The guy is very professional.
በጣም ጥሩ ፕሮፌሽናሊዝም ነው ያሳየው ልጁ
በጣም ቆንጆ የሚያምር ነው እናመሰግናለን አንድ ሃሳብ ልስጥ የሚጠቅም ከሆነ በጣም ግሩሙ ስራ የመኪና ማቆሚያው የቀረው በጣም በጣም አስፈላጊው አፓርትመንት ላይ ለሚኖሩ ሰዎች መተንፈሻ መናፈሻ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው የእኛ አገር አመቱን ሙሉ ፀሃይ ነው ስለዚህ ከቤቱ ወጥቶ የሚናፈስበት የሚገናኝበት ቦታ ተረስቶአል ለወደፊት በደምብ ይታሰብበት ለሁሉም ነዋሪ ቢያስፈልግም በተለይ ለወጣቶች ለህፃናቶች ለአዛውንት አረጋዊያኖች በጣም ወሳኝ ነገር ነው አመሰግናለሁ
After all this nice program you guys didn’t give as any clue about the price, which is a big part to know
Are you still thinking about it first stay away from corona.
Ethboy Ethboy They are greedy.They keep to steal money.All buyers may pay different price with same house.
እናንተ ለመናገር የፈራችሁትን ዋጋ ማን ይገዘዋል
Egziaber yestesh ,,,waga lay chewa honu
ጥሩ ነዉ እያንዳንዱ ዋጋዉ ለምን አይገለጰም
Eska 8 million birr tinsh naw kbetw ansar
እህቴ ሀሳብ ልሰጥ ስል ያንቺን ኮሜት አይቼ ተውኩት የኔም ጥያቄ ስለሆነ
What an amazing buildings ! The gentleman is very talented and educated he explained each details wow ! I’m so proud of you Sunrise Real State. Good job keep it up 👍!
ጥሩ ማስረጃ መስጠት ችሎታ ያለው ስማርትና ቀልጣፋ ሰው ነዉ:: ቤቶቹም ጥራት ያላቸው ይመስላሉ:: ቀለም ስትቀቡ ግን የበሩን ፍሬምና ማብሪያና ማጥፍያውን አብራችሁ አትለቅልቁት :: ፊልሙ ላይ በደንብ ይታያል:: ፊንሺንጉ ጥሩ ያልሆነ ቤት ውስጡ ጥሩ መሰራቱን ስለሚያጠራጥር መሻሻል አለበት ብዬ አስባለሁ::(ይቅርታ እንዲህ አይነት ነገር ስለማልወድ ነዉ )
ልክ ብለሀል ወንድም ለቅልቀውታል። እዚህ ዘርፍ ላይ የተሰማራክ ትመስላለክ።
And also the shower doesn't have shower basin, they just fix porcelain tiles on the floor.
People asking for price.. just google and find the project details. Price might differ between every apartment (view, floor, size).
One Love Motherland 🌍 ETHIOPIA
ዋውውው ድንቅ ነው !
ለኛም እግዚአብሔር ይፍቀድልን
አላህ ያኑረንጅ በሀገራችን ተስፉአለን አላህ ሀላልየሆነዉን
ንብረት ይስጠን መልካምነገርየምንሰራበት ያረብ
The price, last time I checked which is about a year ago. Not including the finishing will cost anywhere between 5 to 7 million. And you need extra 2 million for finishing.
Here you go for those of you who are mad at the journalist. እናቴ ምን ታርጋችሁ።
I bought 1 in Ayat 2 years ago. B5 million. All ready except kitchen. 100 sqm.
2 bathrooms. Place for housekeeper.
If you don tell us the price what is the benefit of all this recording
ኤሄ ሁሉ ተናግርሽ ጠይቀሽ አውርተሽ
የቤቱ/የፎቁ አጠቃላይ ስንት ብር እንደጨርስ ሳትጠይቂ
Teddy Abebe Welde yes that’s what saying what a reporter she doesn’t know what she’s doing 🤷♂️ confused 🤷♀️ they should ask the price first before they enter goddamnit
ቢናድሰ ዋሰትና አለው መሬት ገዝቼ በራሴ ለምን አልሰራም ቢፈርሰም መሬቴ ነው ኢሄ ግን ከሰንቱጋር የጋራ በጣም ያሰፈራል መቼም 20 30 አመት ቢቀመጥ ነው ማርጀቱ አይቀርም የራሰ መሬት ይመረጣል ቢያረጅም አፍርሶ መሰራት
What a perspective 😁
48000sq feet nearly 4500 sqmeter
The apartment for 280 families . Including parking ,playground ..... I don't how much it cost each condominium. House. On 75 meter square is not convenient for living like garage playgrounds. ..hope it's cheaper than from house
ዋጋውን ያልጠየቅሺው ለኛ አዝነሽ ነው
ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ጥሩ ቤት አየሁ ዋጋው ስንት ነው ጭልም ያላለለ ልክ እንደ ኤሮፕ ቤት
በጣም የሚደንቅ ሴልስ ማን ነው !! ስምዋን እየጠራ ልብን እያጠፋ የቤቱን ዋጋ ሳይናገር ጠቃሚ ጉዳዮች ላይ አቶኩሮ ስራውን የስራ ልጅ ነው በጣም አደንቃአለው ::
Good job!!
5 million 6 million nachew eyetesera yezare 6 month Ethiopia yehediku geze aychewalew
ዋጋው አስተያየት አርጉልን ከሁለት ነጥብ አምስት በታች አርጉልን ክሬዲት አመቻቹልን በጣም ኦቨር ከሆነ ዋጋው ሙሰኛዎች ብቻ ገዝተው ይጨርሱታል
ዋጋው ስንት ነው
Property management is good concept !
Damn, you can have such a good life in Ethiopia If you have money.
Tracey Jenn Indeed, if you don’t critically ill because the health care system is really bad.
@@ambessashield9360 actual Ethiopian have good health because they eat good food not like American or Europe eating poison food that have so much preservative and artificial flavors and over-salted and chemical food! If you have money you can live like a queen and king in Ethiopia the only problem is the government has no freedom of speech and no Freedom at all😭😭😭
@@Lemlem7682 No freedom at all? It’s more free than it has ever been since Derg at least. More free than all other countries in Horn and most of Africa
@@ambessashield9360 Ethiopia has become more surprises country in the world and Ethiopia is genocide and ethnic cleansing their own citizens! people are being massacred and genocide everyday in Ethiopia!
There's no freedom of speech and most journalist are locked up in jail for reporting the truth and politicians are locked up in jail and I will never come to Ethiopia because Ethiopia has changed for the last 2 years I love America where I am free and enjoying my freedom❤
@@ambessashield9360 Ethiopia has become like Eritrea now 😅😅😅
ማቲያስ high powered sales man ነው።ሰብለ፡ጥያቄዋን ማሰብ፡አልቻለችም፡ዋጋ ዋጋ ዋጋ
ታማኝ ናችሁ ብዙ ዘመዶቻችን አጠናቀው ገብተዋል!
BRO you 're very PRO Wow I Thank you !
Nice apartment. the sales man well presented the project
Enant kalacihun yematetebeku weshetamoch nachu, be 2 amet sereten enaserekebalen yalachehut yehew 5 amet molaw, megemeria kalacihun akeberachu beten asrekebugn, yemetawerutena yemeteserut betam yelayayal
#Ebs Give this man a job.. 🍾 😊 #ማትያስ 👏 took over the show
Would you please send the available apartments and their prices. Thank you
Pleas price for all square fit appartemenet
Nope!! Trying to live California to woods of Ethiopia. Brother done with civilization!
ለምን ታሻፍዱናላችሁ ካላቅማችን??? የቀበሌ ቤት የተለቀቀ ሲኖር አሳውቁን። ያው እስከ 50 ሺ ብር ቁልፍ እንገዛለን ።
abo temecheshegi
ማማዬ ማን ያውቃል ሊቶሪ ይወጣልሽና ገዝተሽው ትገላገያለሽ አይዞኝ ብለናል❤️
keep on sunrise and dont forget to tell the price its amezing
በጣም ያምራል
Worth investing
በአረብ አገር እሰታይል ነው የተሰራው እኔ ያለሁበት እንፃ ይቀራረባል የአረብ አገር ግን ጥራት አለው
How mach is this
በግ ማረጃ ማለት ምንድነው? በጉ ከቤት ዋጋ በላይ መሆኑን ረሳህ እንዴ?
Love it
ዋጋ የለውም?
green aream aleweee new yalshew? mejemeria green area malet menendehone eweki. You need to allocate more greenery for residential unit of this extent.
Rip english
ቀሽም ጠያቂ እንዴት የቤቶቹን ዋጋ አትጠይቂም።
ይሄን ሁሉ አውርታ ዋጋን ሳትጠይቅ ትቀራለች እንዴ ስታናድ 😡😡😡
Few 100 thousands per month... Lols
2 bedroom, 11,000,000
3 bedroom, 14,000,000 million
Is 6mil plus
@@Tefera-hf8fw beka ayzosh ene egzalshalew
@@yolosolo1650 ኧረ እርካሽ ነው።
How much is the price?
you did not tell how much it cost
Price please
Constraction yemilwun spelling wede construction ibakachu astekaklut.
Fire hose....milewenem
Waga sint new;betam konjo apartment new
Contact me for the prices
#Noah real estate
#To buy houses and apartments contact : @Geob5
Tel: +251920530055- #George
ለጠባብ ቤቶች የሚሆኑ ምርጥ የዲዛይን ሃሳቦች| top 8 small house interior design hacks @
What is the point without telling us the price.
I saw this apartment in November while it was under construction. They were asking between 9 to 12 million.
Thank you for the info ምናለው አስራ ሁለት ማሊየን ጤና ላለው ሠው።
Wow Yamiral Waga Set Newu
ዋጋውን ተናገር
Endet new areb hager yemnsera lijoch ezi lay mesatef mnchlew wagachews??
Thtna Ayalew ክክ እረ አታስቢው
What about kids playground... after all this big investment...and the kitchens design is like GUWADA ...I mean what is the point hiding the kitchen......and the kitchens exhaust system is located over the stove ....don’t forget that many Ethiopians bake Enjera at home ...that kind of exhaust system is not good enough...what about smoke detector...I can mention a lots of things...I am not trying to discourage the business owners...I hope you will improve many things on your next investment.
Yep good point
Shame nw endet be hagerachen kuankua ayetsfebacheum seme setsafebacheu
Camera man should focus more on the house instead of the journalist and the host .
Negussca Haile Yeah very lousy camera man
1 bet aysetugnem? kemirr emerkacheeallehu.
Ihe bir basira indalmeta libonachu yawkal ihe ba sawganzab yataseraw new yazin insa balabet la higi yikrabilin betu dagmo la corona tamati makoya yihun hasaben yatitidegifugn pls like argulign 🙏
Enqulelech mehonu new?! why don't you say the price. I don't care about your apartment unless you tell me the price!
የተወሰኑትን ዋጋቸዉን በገለፅ
Ciao ragazzi ma con mutuo per pagare al mese costa 💶 euro???grazie mille
price ?
Gerame new
ዋጋዉ ስንት ነዉ
አላህ ያስጠን ያምራል በጣም
If you want the price , you can call and ask them.
call who were is the number
የአላህ ይህን ተሚያምር ቤት ሚግዛልኝ ባል ስጠኝ
Please tell me Z price?
The price, last time I checked which is about a year ago. Not including the finishing will cost anywhere between 5 to 7 million. And you need extra 2 million for finishing.
gadem blind promotion .
Was tv company paid for this advertisement? This was not a proper show where the journalist took charge and asked the right questions. She let the brilliant salesman do what he was meant to do(big up his company) But I don't want to be disrespectful still the reporter failed in her duty big time.
Beautiful apartment
only very few Ethiopian can afford this
Yeseratega bet batilu tiru new.
My friend, this is 21st century. Degrading people is not acceptable because some body cooks or washes for you it doesn’t mean that he/she has to be treated unfairly. Just say there is an extra room if you have a guest.
ለጠባብ ቤቶች የሚሆኑ ምርጥ የዲዛይን ሃሳቦች| top 8 small house interior design hacks ruclips.net/video/cXqE99vhP8M/видео.html
Why you advertise yourself instead houses 🏡 because some people don’t understand what are you talking about 👎🏿👎🏿
አይ ሰብለ ረዳት፡sales woman መሰልሽ ።ጠይቂው፡እንጂ፡ዋጋው ሰንት፡ነው?
OMG እንዴት ነው ሚያምረው
ለምንድነው ኢትዩጵያ ሲያወሩ ማለት ነው ማለት ነው የሚያበዙት? ቤቶቾ በጣም modern ነው ዋጋው ግን ደሃ አይበ....ነው 😄😄😄
ኳሊቲዉ እንደመጀመሪያዉ ሆኖ አላየሁትም የዛሬ አመት ያየነዉ የተሻለ ነዉ ለኔ
አሁን እግዴህ ምሊየን ነወ የምትሉት መቸም አታፍሩም
በዚህ ሳምንት የወጠ የሽያጭ ቤት አለህ ወይ?
ለምን ስትሰሪ የተሟላ ፕሮግራም አትሰሪም ? በጣም ታናጂያለሽ
Wow new
ዋጋው አልተገለፀም በተረፈ ዋው
አትግዥ ምን ያርግልሻል
በጣም እርካሽ ነው 7መቶ ሺህ ብር እጅግ ጥሩ ዋጋ ነው አመሰግናለሁ ባይኖረኝም ዋጋው ተስፋ ስጭ ነው።
700,000 alk lij eyasu hhhhhhh
I know all real estate it best real estate God bless you
ነፃ ነው
Tersen nekshie megzat albegn
ዋጋ እንዴት ሳይነገር
Contact me for the prices
#Noah real estate
#To buy houses and apartments contact : @Geob5
Tel: +251920530055- #George
Betaseb ene huuun wudochee
well ፣፣come
ዋው በጣም ያምራል ዋጋው ስንት ነው?
How much
እሰው አገር ቂጣችን እስኪሰፋ እየሰራን ነው ፣ " ማሽ አላህ " ከሞላልን እንገዛለን ።
Des yilal😘😘😘😘❤
Unbelievable what kind of journalist is she never ask important questions , he took over her and he use it well , please try to study about real estate and prepare your questions !!! Semonun Addis is way better show !!!
How much$$$$??
What a weak info with out the price details
ኮሮና ሁሉንም ነገር እንድጠላ አደረገኝ
እህቴ: በአላህ ጥላ ስር ተከለይ, ባዶ አይጥልሽም, ለሃገርሽም ያብቃሽ, ኢንሻአላህ
ሼሬታዉ ስንት ነዉ አቦ
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