You Won't BELIEVE What This Pastor Said About the Sabbath!

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 804

  • @GregSereda
    @GregSereda  Год назад +54

    Should Christians keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy?
    ➤Sabbath Truth Playlist:
    NKJV Prophecy Study Bible (affiliate link):

    • @timbronson2699
      @timbronson2699 Год назад +9

      Definitely we should keep the Sabbath

    • @hufsa7197
      @hufsa7197 Год назад +5

      I think christians should follow all 10 commands, and stop thinking sabbath keeping alone will save you. Works do not save you. Faith does.

    • @Saxondavid
      @Saxondavid Год назад

      @@hufsa7197 well said 4 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
      2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
      3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
      4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
      5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
      6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
      7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
      8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
      9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
      10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

    • @williamhartweg6935
      @williamhartweg6935 Год назад +6

      The Sign between me and you! Ezekiel, 20:20 and that wars before the Nation of Jews existed!

    • @Saxondavid
      @Saxondavid Год назад

      @@christophertanoy7261 perfect brother that’s what I was saying too ! I’m glad I’m on point and have agreement from fellow believers ! God bless and keep you

  • @nilarene2088
    @nilarene2088 Год назад +93

    I do keep the Sabbath. I've surrendered all to Christ, and I continue to be blessed. I will go on my first missionary trip in July to the Philippines, and I am so excited and nervous, but I know God is putting me there. ❤

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +8

      Good luck on your trip!

    • @wilhorca5599
      @wilhorca5599 Год назад +7

      Amen. God bless you on your future journey to our country, the Philippines, if it is the Lord's will. May God gives you all the protection and guidance, again God bless you .

    • @insomniac_racheal
      @insomniac_racheal Год назад +6

      Wonderful news 🥳🥳🥳 may Jesus continue to lead you to greatness and may blessings overflow ❤

    • @MusicalMarble
      @MusicalMarble Год назад +4

      Praise the Lord! I just did a sermon series in the Philippines last February. You're going to be blessed. Just be ready to change plans on a moment's notice because culturally they do that sometimes. If you feel unprepared for the change, just pray and ask God to guide you. He absolutely will.

    • @razorblade1989
      @razorblade1989 Год назад +3

      Congratulations. God’s blessings and be safe

  • @mikeficht9353
    @mikeficht9353 Год назад +50

    Jesus kept the Sabbath and that's good enough for me, it is a great blessing for sure.

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +4

      Me too.

    • @luisuehara2109
      @luisuehara2109 Год назад

      Jesus not on,y kept the Sabbath, but also rested on the Sabbath when he died, and His resurrection happened on a Sunday.
      Plus, if we’re not supposed to observe the Sabbath, are we excused to break the other commandments too? Meaning we can kill, lie, commit adultery, and so on and so forth?

    • @marisatai1038
      @marisatai1038 Год назад


    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@luisuehara2109 That's what these unknowing sol invictus worshippers always try to avoid because that very fact is emphasized in James 2. Talking about if even one is broken and 9 is kept, you have broken all. All these sunday worshippers ,who inspite of themselves, give glory to the false authority of the pagan apostate church that the son of Flavius Constantius put into motion 1700 years ago. They literally do not understand that by seeing the first day rather than the seventh day as the lord's day, they are bowing to a man made concept and not God.
      But really they should stop pretending and just admit that they really just don't want to change because their lives will have to undergo serious changes and their relationships with family members and friends will be altered a bit. They also don't want to believe they have been deceived or that they have been living a lie for their entire Christian life, so it's easier to just cover their ears and say "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU". Their egos are actually invested in sunday worship.

    • @paulo.motivacao5851
      @paulo.motivacao5851 4 месяца назад +1

      @@luisuehara2109 so, we should keep saturday not sunday which is a day for the god sun which is unbiblical

  • @raffyabanidofficial1435
    @raffyabanidofficial1435 Год назад +71

    Amen, to the person who's reading this always remember to focus on Jesus and always pray 🙏❤

  • @karlina4284
    @karlina4284 Год назад +76

    Saturday is sabbath day and i believe that 🙏

    • @jezcross4107
      @jezcross4107 Год назад +7

      Yes it is. Jesus resurrected after the sabbath

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +1


    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      So does the catholic apostate church believe it or not. But they are so pompous and arrogant that they actually think they have the right to create a new day of worship and they dishonestly call it "the lord's day". The lord's day can never be the same day as the "venerable day of the sun" and neither can the birth of Jesus Christ be on the same day as Mythra.

  • @oscargold4008
    @oscargold4008 Год назад +50

    Each Sabbath that passes when i go to worship i havr a strong sense of peace

  • @samuelakiri9242
    @samuelakiri9242 Год назад +23


  • @wendywaddellhardy8820
    @wendywaddellhardy8820 Год назад +40

    The Sabbath is such a BLESSING! I have grown closer in my walk with Christ!

    • @STEVE-hv5co
      @STEVE-hv5co Год назад

      Christ was with you before the sabbath. Jesus went against the sabbath laws and it got him crucified

    • @lemonhead9628
      @lemonhead9628 Год назад

      @@STEVE-hv5coHe didn't go against the sabbath law because he created the sabbath, and he is sinless.

  • @franci4434
    @franci4434 Год назад +31

    Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      So when you hear these people saying "so am I sinning against God by worshipping on Sunday as the holy day?", just let them remember this exact verse. They can call themselves Christians all they like but if they love Jesus, then must obey his commands.

  • @lungchuingamgonmei52
    @lungchuingamgonmei52 Год назад +53

    As a Baptist, I used to have a wrong notion about the 7th Day Adventist becuz the 7th Day Adventist people here in my place are following wrong doctrines... But since the past 3 three, I've been watching many videos from your channel, I came to realise that your doctrines are all genuine and perfect.

    • @gileancorinth8285
      @gileancorinth8285 Год назад

      God bless your heart!

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +1

      Yes, because like other Christian denominations that are having trouble following the Bible. SDA's always follow God's Laws.

    • @adonijah8682
      @adonijah8682 Год назад +2

      Unfortunately there are bad imbalanced people in every church. But Adventists are Seventh Day Adventists because of the 7th Day Baptists. A member from their church challenged one of our preachers and the people listened and studied their bibles, and God affirmed His truth. Also the Advent movement was started by a Baptist farmer William Miller.

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +2

      @@adonijah8682 ... William Miller was yesterday's preacher. He got the 1260 day prophesy right but the the coming of Jesus in 1843-44 wrong. Jesus will not tell anyone about what day time and hour of His coming. 1844 was the Jesus's cleansing of the His Temple meaning that He is going to send someone a prophet that will and apostate churches and religious organizations. And make sure they keep the seventh day Sabbath Holy. That person was Ellen G. White.

    • @ailindarisnongum3397
      @ailindarisnongum3397 Год назад

      Whatever you believe it or not, the truth is the truth,God is Great,,

  • @froyaw7239
    @froyaw7239 Год назад +13

    I'm not 7 day adventist, but to say the Sabbath day is demonic is calling God demonic. For He made the Sabbath for man not man for the Sabbath, but that was to point out doing good on the Sabbath.
    Matthew 5:16‭-‬17
    16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
    17. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

  • @ronpatricio1534
    @ronpatricio1534 Год назад +30

    Isaiah 66:23
    And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +2

      Great verse.

    • @TDMayday
      @TDMayday Год назад +5

      Yes, the Sabbath is present perception. Which means it will be binding for all eternity. We will keep the sabbath in heaven. And that Sabbath will be on the seventh day.

    • @mapalononde
      @mapalononde Год назад +1

      The New Moon as Well.

    • @kgp4death
      @kgp4death 9 месяцев назад

      Right it says New moons sabbaths and feasts are in heaven and will be in new Jerusalem, almost all of the sabbath bible quotes also mentions new moons and feasts, so the whole Jesus did those already does not apply also fall feasts have not happened so argument is double wrong. My only problem with SDA's is the lack of keeping new moon and feasts.

  • @perplexed6088
    @perplexed6088 Год назад +15

    I am a seventh day adventist and will continue to rest on the Sabbath Day. Read Daniel 7:25

    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +2

      Yep and guess which entity thought to change those times and laws? The same entity that thinks the pope is equal God and Christ.

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 Год назад +49

    *Father In Heaven, please go into the deepest part of my heart and remove anything that's not of YOU. Amen 🙏🏽*

  • @estherlouisamay
    @estherlouisamay Год назад +26

    admittedly I'm an old KJV fan 😊 my mind reverts to the old KJV with bible verses and Amen for the Sabbath and Happy Sabbath from Australia 🌏🦘😊

    • @perplexed6088
      @perplexed6088 Год назад +1

      Happy Sabbath from Palau

    • @ZJesusIsTheWay
      @ZJesusIsTheWay Год назад +4

      KJV received text the only version we use

    • @estherlouisamay
      @estherlouisamay Год назад +1

      @@ZJesusIsTheWay yes I have a download on my phone 😊 of bibles that agree with the KJV as well they are older and predate the old KJV received text as well 😊 and totally agree with you.

    • @ZJesusIsTheWay
      @ZJesusIsTheWay Год назад +1

      @@estherlouisamay 🤝

    • @BeauteOr
      @BeauteOr Год назад +1

      Hey, my true family are in Woolhara church! In Sydney. I also have friends in Brisbane.
      I love my sisters and brothers in Christ there. Too bad I leave in Paris, but follow the cult on internet.
      Hello to you Aussie friend !🙏🏽
      God bless you !

  • @jeancash8977
    @jeancash8977 Год назад +45

    Absolutely yes! Christians should keep the Saturday Sabbath.

    • @Proverbs9v10
      @Proverbs9v10 Год назад

      Galatians 1:6-9 NIV
      I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
      Romans 7:4-6 NIV
      So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. For when we were in the realm of the flesh, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.
      See that? OLD WAY OF THE WRITTEN CODE! We are no longer in the Old Testament's law, rather we are set free because of Jesus Christ dying on that cross.
      Also notice right over here...
      Matthew 19:16-19 NIV
      Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”
      "Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”
      “Which ones?” he inquired.
      Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.'"
      Well that's interesting... First of all 'Love your neighbor as yourself' wasn't even one of the original commandment, and Jesus NEVER mentioned about keeping the Sabbath to the rich young ruler.
      In conclusion, God sent his Son Jesus Christ and died on the cross, freeing us from the law (including the Sabbath) when in fact JESUS IS OUR SABBATH!

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +3


    • @jeancash8977
      @jeancash8977 Год назад +3

      @@Proverbs9v10 I have deserted Jesus or God. Saturday is the true Sabbath and not Sunday. People really need to study the scriptures. So, I think you need to get your facts straight before you automatically condemn someone. I listen to God and Jesus very closely unlike a lot of people who claim they study the scriptures. If you clearly studied the scriptures you would see that Saturday is the true Sabbath. Just take a look at Mark 16:1-3. The timeline clearly shows exactly when the Sabbath is . But people choose to ignore this scriptures and keep listening to preachers who are leading them astray. Sunday isn't the Sabbath . Saturday is. Sabbath stars at sundown on Friday and goes to sundown on Saturday. God and Jesus never changed the Sabbath.

    • @jeancash8977
      @jeancash8977 Год назад +2

      @@Proverbs9v10 I get my info from the bible not from other people. How about you do the same?

    • @jeancash8977
      @jeancash8977 Год назад +2

      @@Proverbs9v10 I haven't deserted Jesus or God. Get your facts straight.

  • @nolacharles9883
    @nolacharles9883 Год назад +5

    Should a pastor say 'shut up' in church? He's so full of anger 😠.

  • @yondyc3578
    @yondyc3578 Год назад +16

    If you love me keep my commandments. People will say Lord Lord and He will say he does not know some of us .

    • @dorothybrown8859
      @dorothybrown8859 Год назад +1

      "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." God called the Sabbath His Holy Day. Be aware of Satan, who causes confusion and division.

  • @TeStOs78
    @TeStOs78 Год назад +12

    Imagine looking at satan in plain sight... this is what he most likely would say about God's divine law. He saying that he's not under the law is the same as saying he isn't under obedience to God...

  • @OfficialA.D.
    @OfficialA.D. Год назад +8

    Everything the pastor said in the beginning of the video was sooo arrogant-filled, dude!!! If he doesn't repent and confess to God about how wrong he was about the Sabbath Day, in the name of Jesus, it's only a time when he hears the words that no Christian should not want to hear out of the Lord's mouth, "I never knew you! Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!"

    • @freedomdude5420
      @freedomdude5420 Год назад

      He smell like a NPD, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Authority for some reason alway attract this monsters. This NPDs, soci, psych, are the type of person, as no right to any authority.

  • @karylgeorge3064
    @karylgeorge3064 Год назад +6

    Remember the sabbath day, He know we will try to forget so He said remember the sabbath day and keep it holy

  • @dianaparks5415
    @dianaparks5415 Год назад +4

    Pastor Greg Locke sounds like a spoiled little boy having a temper tantrum because he doesn't want to do what his dad says!

  • @ednic114
    @ednic114 Год назад +15

    That's a shame. I think Greg Locke has been doing some great things recently but man that was awful. Do these people that say that every day is their Sabbath just never ever work?

  • @obedbadu8161
    @obedbadu8161 Год назад +15

    Saturday is the day we should worship God-NOT SUNDAY!!!
    Amen and God Bless You All.

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад


    • @petroonajourney3503
      @petroonajourney3503 Год назад +2

      We can and should worship the Lord God Almighty every day but the Sabbath day is especially important because He specifically mentioned that He wants us keep the Sabbath on the Seventh Day of the week which is Saturday.

    • @darrellboone9274
      @darrellboone9274 Год назад

      Is it a Sin to worship God on Sunday?🤔;where in the Bible does it say this?(and is the Sabbath a day of Worship,or a day of Rest?)

    • @petroonajourney3503
      @petroonajourney3503 Год назад

      @@darrellboone9274 Hi Darrel, the way I interpret it is that we should worship the Lord God Almighty every day. The ten commandments however makes it clear that we should treat the Sabbath day differently, it is firstly a day of rest for us because Jesus specifically said that the Sabbath is for us as people. The Sabbath being a of rest does not prevent us from worshipping the Lord either, it is in fact a day on which day we free to worship the Lord more than we are able to on normal working days.

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад

      @@darrellboone9274 It's not a sin just to worship God on Sunday. However it's a sin to called Sunday the Sabbath Day.

  • @darrellfort1668
    @darrellfort1668 Год назад +13

    i hope that GOD really blesses this channel. AMEN !

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +2

      Thank you! Please pray for my ministry.

  • @ninawoods-qh7th
    @ninawoods-qh7th Год назад +9

    All we can do is pray for him.

  • @durrty8
    @durrty8 Год назад +15

    Jesus said keep my laws ten commandments is how we should live our lives and that means keeping the Sabbath holy he even sounds demonic

    • @Saxondavid
      @Saxondavid Год назад +1

      4 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
      2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.
      3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
      4 Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
      5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
      6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
      7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
      8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
      9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
      10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

    • @chestercampbell2733
      @chestercampbell2733 Год назад +1

      If keeping the ten commandments especially the sabath day could save us then why did Jesus died on the cross.

    • @DeivyCabrera4250
      @DeivyCabrera4250 Год назад +1

      @@chestercampbell2733 The point is that we are saved but if you remain or go back to sinning how you did before you were saved then you’ll lose your salvation Hebrews 10:26 “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins” we are not saying that if one day you sin that you’re lost, you are already saved, but if you keep on sinning willfully after being saved then you are no longer of God.

    • @Saxondavid
      @Saxondavid Год назад +1

      @@chestercampbell2733 keeping the sabbath doesn’t save you brother ! Faith in Jesus saves you ! I esteem everyday as a gift from God and try best everyday to please him regardless of the day in the week !

    • @Vladi.G
      @Vladi.G Год назад

      @@Saxondavid Nowhere in the context of that verse is the Sabbath mentioned. You are trying to say that the Sabbath that existed from creation (Genesis 2:2-3) and the Sabbath that will exist after sin is destroyed (Isaiah 66:23) was quickly done away with by Paul without even mentioning it by name? Have you seen how much Paul had to say about not requiring the circumcision in the flesh? What makes you think that the Sabbath which was written by God's hand in tablets of stone can be dismissed in passing when the circumcision received so much attention?
      Not to mention that Paul's teaching of the circumcision isn't even a new thing... Paul said that God desires circumcised hearts not a circumcised flesh which is actually a teaching from the Old Testament (And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live - Deuteronomy 30:6). Paul isn't teaching a new thing when he speaks of the circumcision, but if Paul were to teach that the Sabbath is done away with, then not only would he be teaching a brand new teaching, but he also give it a lot more attention.
      Furthermore, we can see that Paul, Jesus, and all of Jesus' followers kept the Sabbath. We even have verses like this in Acts 25 which clearly show that Paul did not disobey the commandments: "Paul argued in his defense, 'Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I committed any offense.' ” (Acts 25:8). We can also see that the Pharisees charged Paul with many things, but breaking the Sabbath or teaching anyone to break the Sabbath was never an accusation that he received.

  • @angiedixon8017
    @angiedixon8017 Год назад +10

    I hear you loud and clear. I do not disagree.
    I am Baptist and go to church on Sunday.
    For me, it boils down to building my personal relationship with God. I often fall short from day to day, but I’m getting better.
    I thoroughly enjoy my church community . We meet Wednesday’s and have other break out groups during the week.
    I feel the move of God when I move close to him. Any day.
    Thank you for the video.
    You’ve made valid points
    Greg makes us look bad by saying that demonic stuff. It is wrong and misleading. IMO

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +3

      Thank you for your comment.

    • @angiedixon8017
      @angiedixon8017 Год назад +2

      @@GregSereda your welcome. I will continue to be a loyal viewer.

    • @dorothybrown8859
      @dorothybrown8859 Год назад +4

      Angie, there are 7th Day Baptists.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад +3

      If you agree that the Sabbath must be kept, then you are not building a relationship with the God who commanded ppl to keep the Sabbath holy. You are elevating your traditions above God's commandments, and Christ said that such ppl are engaging in worthless worship(Mar. 7:7). You may be angry at these words, but you are deceiving yourself. Violating God's law because of your feelings is absolutely foolish.

    • @angiedixon8017
      @angiedixon8017 Год назад

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 I’m not angry at all. I appreciate the discussion.

  • @evagallardo1385
    @evagallardo1385 Год назад +7

    It is the devil's way to twist the truth.

  • @Sabbath7thdaySaturday
    @Sabbath7thdaySaturday Год назад +7

    The Seventh Day Saturday is the only holy Sabbath of Jesus
    The Sabbath is eternal we will keep it in heaven and the new earth forever The Sabbath is a sign and seal between us and Jesus forever
    The Sabbath is a Covenant with Jesus for all eternity
    The Sabbath will always be a A Special day between us and Jesus forever and all eternity❤🥰🌹🌷🪻🌺💐🪻🩷🩵💙🙏🥰🙂🤗😍💕💗

  • @lorae7
    @lorae7 Год назад +1

    I’ve heard so much nonsense from pastors like this like “if you go to church on Sunday it means your saved but if you go to church on Saturday it means you don’t trust God and are not saved.” Or they say “God calls us to worship everyday - well except Saturday if you worship on Saturday you are condemned”. My questions is where does the Bible say any of this? The Bible does want us to worship daily but he made only ONE day holy and blessed. And if God rested on the 7th day of creation and if God is the same yesterday today and forever that means God always has and always will throughout eternity. Sabbath is not a law of condemnation- it’s a welcoming in to his special time of relationship. Only sinners are condemned by the law. Gods laws are written in our hearts BECAUSE we are saved - the fact that these people HATE the sabbath so much makes me realize just how important it really is to God and these people want to live APART from Gods ways and in THEIR OWN WAYS

  • @SavingCentury
    @SavingCentury Год назад +9

    Jesus even said that those who love Him will keep His commandments (John 14:15-18 --- Paraphrased)

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +3


    • @ranjitdigal8202
      @ranjitdigal8202 Год назад +1

      That is ten commandments which is Jesus said two commandments.

    • @SavingCentury
      @SavingCentury Год назад

      @@ranjitdigal8202 Sorry, not sure I understand the message you're attempting to convey in your response.

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +1


  • @ntntolentino7025
    @ntntolentino7025 Год назад +2

    Amen and Amen, Pastor! God is indeed faithful to his promises. I am more than a proud of being a Seventh-day Adventist! ❤️

  • @samuelc6787
    @samuelc6787 Год назад +8

    Wow he went overboard with what he said ! Sabbath is a blessing

  • @sefatsakhauta2849
    @sefatsakhauta2849 Год назад +4

    What a Very sad state of affairs, when minister's of the gospel are deceiving masses with false teachings as corncerning the Sabbath of God. Thank you for a calm and heartily response brother in Christ to rebut the false claims

  • @jerinjoseph4364
    @jerinjoseph4364 Год назад +4

    Did you know that Jesus is widely mentioned in the Hindu vedas, brahmanas and upanishads written in Sanskrit? These are the sacred texts of hindu religion which was written way before the bible...that is around 6000 B.C... He is mentioned as Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha....Its unfortunate that most hindus dont know this... In the hindu brahmana script called Sathapatha brahmana, it clearly mentions the 7 signs of how the human sacrifice for the salvation of humanity is to be performed...
    1. Before sacrifice, a crown made with thorned shrub should be made and worn by the man
    2. Man should be binded to the wooden pillar by iron nails pierced on his hands and legs. He shall die as a sacrifice by the draining of blood.
    3. While doing so, none of his bones should be broken
    4. The priests should share the clothes which he was wearing
    5. Before death, he should be given sour beverage
    6. After the sacrifice, his body should be eaten
    7. blood should be drank by the people seeking salvation..
    Also in the rig vedas, it mentions the 2 signs of the son of god.
    1. The Son of god will be human in shape, form, but in character, he will be god himself
    2. The son of god will come to this world, carry all the sins of the world in his body, and die as a sacrifice. But since he is god himself, he will embrace life again soon.
    Dont believe me? I suggest reading this book... It contains the translation of ancient vedic scripts pointing to the sacrifice of the person for human race, and the signs of his human incarnation.
    "Prajapatiyagam The Crucifixion"
    Dr. Koshy Abraham, Michael Puthenthara (Translator)
    This book can be bought in amazon.
    I have absolutely no doubt that Jesus is the one and ONLY savior of the entire human race.
    Hey man, can you do a detailed research video on this topic? A lot of people will come to know jesus and can be saved this way...

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад +2

      That's interesting.

    • @mikegreen2229
      @mikegreen2229 Год назад

      Satan was busy trying to discredit the Messiah by introducing pagan and gnostic versions of false gods and idols, so people would make these exact claims. He flooded the world with these false tales to make it difficult to identify Jesus when He came

  • @marisatai1038
    @marisatai1038 Год назад +4

    Sabbath is my favorite time of the week

  • @dageekster
    @dageekster Год назад +5

    This is an EXCELLENT video. Thank you for sharing the wisdom the Lord has charged you to share with others! May you continue to be a blessing to others!

  • @ramsespelayo5914
    @ramsespelayo5914 Год назад +3

    I keep the sabbath because I love God. Ever since I kept it, it feels like everyone looks at me weird and attacks on my beliefs. But it all makes sense because it is God’s truth

    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      And that's exactly how the earliest Christians were feeling from the people around them in the 1st century. God's true people are usually in the minority all throughout the bible and through the various kingdoms Babylon, Persia, Greece and certainly the kingdom from which the Antichrist rose, Rome.

  • @AliciaVintage
    @AliciaVintage 11 дней назад

    James 1:25
    " But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
    Revelation 14:12-20
    "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."

  • @garysouthwell5762
    @garysouthwell5762 Год назад +1

    The more time goes on, and the older I get, the more I need the Sabbath to keep both my Sanity and my Health!

    • @queensoniah2056
      @queensoniah2056 9 месяцев назад

      I know exactly what you mean!! I love it!

  • @randynorth4595
    @randynorth4595 Год назад +6

    Sounds like another Kenneth Copeland (if I'm in the wrong by saying this GOD FORGIVE ME)

  • @misred28
    @misred28 Год назад +4

    2 Corinthians 3:3-9 The change of the LOCATION of the law from tables of stone to the tables of the heart. Under Moses’ ministration the law was on stones. Under the Holy Spirit’s ministration, through Christ, the law is written upon the heart (Hebrews 8:10)

    • @Joel-Serra
      @Joel-Serra Год назад +1

      Not only has the location been changed, but the priesthood as well as the law itself have also been changed.
      *Hebrews 7:12* For when the priesthood is changed *the law* must be changed as well.

    • @misred28
      @misred28 Год назад

      @@Joel-Serra Jesus was made a priest by an oath of God, for. the Scripture says, “Not without an oath He was made priest.” Hebrews 7:20. It was this change that made necessary a change of the law which designated that the Levites should be the priests; “for the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law”; “for the law makes men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, makes the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.” Hebrews 7:12, 28. In this respect therefore Christ was a priest after the order of Melchizedec, but the types of Christ’s ministration in His capacity as High Priest are found only in the Levitical service.

    • @misred28
      @misred28 Год назад

      @@Joel-Serra the 10 commandments in the NEW TESTAMENT is placed in the holy of holiest in heaven. What are going to change in HIS LAW?
      which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. Hebrews 9:4
      Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.Rev. 11:19

  • @CynicalDude
    @CynicalDude Год назад +9

    Thank you for this video. God bless you and your family.

  • @graciousmphande9890
    @graciousmphande9890 Год назад +1

    Wow, Praise God Greg. May the Lord keep you by His power until the coming of the Lord (1 Peter 1:5) as you share His good news. I like this.
    Keeping the Sabbath give me life. Both Spiritual and Physical.

  • @markowusu6511
    @markowusu6511 Год назад +3

    Somehow they only talk about not being under the law when it pertains to the sabbath commandment. However, they do not see anything wrong with keeping the other nine. Did Christ only abolish the 4th commandment? Is that the only law in the 10 commandments?? Cherry picking---as if they haven't read James 2:10. Nobody keeps the law to be saved but we keep the law because we are saved--Those who are saved obey him out of love.

  • @marie6519
    @marie6519 Год назад +4

    Well done. This pastor is scary!! You explained everything very clear. My only thought is if you know Christmas and Easter have pagan origins why do you keep them? I’ve been an Adventist for 35 years I am so grateful that God brought me to His truths.

    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah he better stop keeping them if he does, but I do remember him doing a video on Christmas and I believe he does not.

    • @marie6519
      @marie6519 11 месяцев назад

      @@johnjandoh6732 Bible flock box does keep the holidays.

    • @johnjandoh6732
      @johnjandoh6732 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@marie6519 You sure about that?

    • @marie6519
      @marie6519 11 месяцев назад

      @@johnjandoh6732 watch his videos

  • @Precious1985
    @Precious1985 Год назад +2


  • @JaySunshine-gq9jh
    @JaySunshine-gq9jh Год назад +1

    Sabbath is wonderful 😊 i study and worship from home, and im blessed by studying and learning from adventist. I miss fellowship😊 enjoyed your program 😊

  • @Revival--
    @Revival-- 7 месяцев назад

    It's actually observed on Friday from sunset to Saturday at sunset. The jewish calendar is very different to our calendar. In the last few years I've been convinced that it is a good thing to observe the sabbath. It's wonderful to have a day of rest and a day dedicated to prayer and to the Lord.

  • @sandyazbill257
    @sandyazbill257 Год назад +3

    I keep the 7th day sabbath Saturday. God's commandments do not change. Man changed the laws to suit man, not God.

  • @lydiazafra3476
    @lydiazafra3476 Год назад +7

    Flock Box ❤ and blessings to your ministry .

  • @cristianmare1555
    @cristianmare1555 8 месяцев назад +1

    He said the truth. Now we are under the new law of Jesus and not under the old rule of the old testament under wich were the hebrews

  • @geordiewishart1683
    @geordiewishart1683 Год назад +2

    Some thoughts and observations about comments I have read here:
    You can keep Saturday as the Sabbath and still worship on Sunday.
    As Greg said, you should worship God daily.
    Why do people talk about going to heaven?
    When I die, I expect to sleep in the grave until I am resurrected at the time of Christ's appearance to reign on the earth.
    Man was never intended to live in heaven.

    • @StillProtesting
      @StillProtesting Год назад

      We are living in Heaven for 1000 years but the rest of eternity on the new earth.

    • @jacobtennyson9213
      @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад

      That is correct.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      @@StillProtesting Christ Himself stated in Jhn 3:13 that no human being besides Himself was ever going to Heaven, so the "i'm going to Heaven" ppl are calling Him a liar. Your bible shows Him teaching in no uncertain terms that ruling this world is the Christian's reward, and this theology is repeated in Rev. 5:10. That passage says nothing about Christians living in Heaven.

    • @StillProtesting
      @StillProtesting Год назад

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 I'm not falling into Satans trap this time. I know the truth and I have put it in this thread. No need for me to keep repeating myseld.

    • @StillProtesting
      @StillProtesting Год назад

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 John 14. His Fathers house is where? And Jesus went where to prepare a place for us? "That where I go, there ye may be also." Where did Jesus go?
      Yes, Heaven.
      Now I have given you a truth. Accept it if you want. If you dont, that is okay.
      Are you sure you are understanding that verse? Its speaking of the cross. And then it even says that Jesus is IN Heaven while He is speaking to Nicodemus.
      Me thinks you dont understand that verse.

  • @larrythelobster5633
    @larrythelobster5633 Год назад +2

    It is very amazing that today's pastors are so afraid to keep the Sabbath!
    It's literally God's mark and they are not taking it!
    The Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments and his Commandments are eternal!
    So why do Pastors hate the real Sabbath?😑

    • @kymslyfe7323
      @kymslyfe7323 Год назад

      Are we all reading the same bible?
      You all are keeping the Sabbath but still living in sin. We have all of these religious debates about our differences. Yet you barely address the sin in your lives. What does the Bible say about sin?

  • @timothycasey5749
    @timothycasey5749 Год назад +2

    No you're not.
    You worship tradition.. will not escape the accountability before the CHRIST of the Sabbath.

  • @joedamico1290
    @joedamico1290 9 месяцев назад

    I waited two years after being saved to find a church. I wanted to learn the Bible for myself before allowing the influence of a pastor to begin directing me. When I began keeping the Sabbath, my walk changed and I began to receive wisdom, knowledge and fruits, rapidly. I read my Bible twice, cover-to-cover, I've read the NT about 6 times and I've even studied the Apocrypha and some other extra biblical texts. I also work a job that allows me to listen to sermons, Bible studies, etc online, for 8 hours a day, everyday. 2 years later, I still haven't read that the Sabbath has been done away with and I've heard every argument in support of both sides.
    This past summer I fasted and prayed regularly for months, asking God to lead me to a church so I could begin fellowshiping and I was surprised when he lead me to a Baptist church. I 'may be' the only Sabbath observer there and one of only a few members who don't celebrate the modern Christian holidays but the fellowship has been great so far! The Bible doesn't say we have to worship and gather on the Sabbath (though it does mention that's when they would gather in the synagogues during Yeshua's time) but rather it just says to rest and to give others rest - no reaping. The Holy Spirit hasn't lead me away from Sabbath observance yet and I doubt He ever will because it is such a blessing! Try it for a month and see what happens. Keep the biblical Sabbath, not the Jewish (Talmud) Sabbath and it truly becomes a special, set apart day (just remember to prep on Friday with food, gas, etc)

  • @wendyrumbel4354
    @wendyrumbel4354 Год назад +3

    Saturday is the true Sabbath day Jesus said REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY. So it is the Law of God.

  • @Godschild0928
    @Godschild0928 Год назад

    We labor for the Lord daily until we leave this earth. We enter into the Lord's rest when we die(his saints). We are not saved by the letter of the Torah but by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the sabbath.

  • @MichaelCHorler
    @MichaelCHorler Год назад +2

    18:05 "I'm not under the Law, skippio"? That delivery alone just sounds really satanic and quite immature... And it doesn't help that his understanding of that term is incorrect.
    It's simple; God wants us to keep His eternal Law, it's the transcript of His character. And Christ is the living incarnation of His Law: He's the Word of God.
    Logically, how can one be under the grace of God, when one chooses to keep sinning against Him by intentionally breaking His Law through willful neglection? This popular misunderstanding makes no sense biblically. Those who are truly saved love to keep His Law and adore His pure character, and don't wish break it intentionally if they do happen to sin.
    The Apostle John and King David say it best;
    "Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous." (1 John 3:7)
    And what is "righteousness"?
    "My tongue shall speak of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteousness." (Psalm 119:172)
    And are each of His commandments everlasting?
    "The works of His hands are verity and justice; All His precepts are sure. They stand fast forever and ever, And are done in truth and uprightness." (Psalm 111:7‭-‬8)

  • @RyanHamley-cl6en
    @RyanHamley-cl6en Год назад +4

    I repent in the mighty name of Jesus
    Please forgive me Father

  • @lordorcas9344
    @lordorcas9344 Год назад

    Oh Yeah we have to worship Ours God every day and every time and we have to Worshiping Him in the Spirit and in the truth thank You Lord Jésus Christ I ❤️ You and I will never take the mark of the Beast I rejected that

  • @straightshooter7011
    @straightshooter7011 6 месяцев назад

    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭56:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    [2] Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.

  • @jacobtennyson9213
    @jacobtennyson9213 Год назад +4

    The Sabbath Day is always Saturday and its NEVER on Sunday.

  • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
    @springflowerblosomnorris9721 Год назад

    Some people are SOOOOO BLIND, they cannot see the diference between: YOU keeping the commandmends, ... COMPARED TO ...... JESUS keeping the commandmends and we FOLLOW HIM FAITHFULY.
    When YOU keep the commandmends, YOU are the CORRUPT HEAD and in charge of your OWN obedience according to YOUR WILL.
    When JESUS keeps the commandmends and YOU FOLLOW HIM FAITHFULY, this changes EVERYTHING, because JESUS becomes the PERFECT HOLY HEAD and HE is in charge of YOUR obedience (it's not your obedience anymore because you surrendered your own obedience to Jesus) according to God's PERFECT WILL (Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can fulfill perfectly GOD'S PERFECT WILL ).
    You are SOOO BLIND, you CANNOT see the 2 PERFECTIONS necessary to fulfill God's will.
    1) Only Jesus KNOWS God's PERFECT WILL.
    2) Only Jesus KNOWS HOW to fulfill God's PERFECT WILL PERFECTLY.
    The 2 PERFECTIONS has to be PERFECT: one is GOD'S WILL, and the other one is the FULFILMENT of God's will. They BOTH have to be PERFECT.
    So you can't be HYPOCRITES, you have to choose one or the other: either you are in charge and drag Jesus along wherever you go and whatever you do, OR, Jesus is in charge and you FOLLOW HIM FAITHFULY wherever he goes and whatever he does.
    Choose wisely because only ONE group is REDEEMED according to the scriptures:
    Revelation 14:4 KJV - These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
    All glory to Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ my savior, blessed be his NAME forever and ever.
    Numbers 6:24-27
    Revelation 22:4-5

  • @taisyalover14
    @taisyalover14 Год назад +6

    Beware the false profits

  • @user-ob4nd6or1p
    @user-ob4nd6or1p Год назад +2

    Worshipping on Sunday is following the Beast. The Catholic Church states that Sunday worship IS following them

  • @hans-berryjacques149
    @hans-berryjacques149 Год назад

    For me who goes to church on Sunday, I can say Pastor Locke was wrong to say that the Sabbath doctrine is demonic. The New Testament teaches us to have tolerance on these matters of days or meats. These are not essential questions for salvation. The apostle Paul said: "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord" (Rom 14:5-6).
    What is demonic is wanting to impose on others one day, as some Adventists do. There is nothing sacred in the day, what is sacred is the One we adore. What is demonic is to say that the 7th day Sabbath is "the seal of God", it is to make believe that those who do not observe it are lost. The Bible also says: “Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a SABBATH. These are a shadow of the things to come" (Col 2:16-17).
    Many Adventists believe they will be the only ones saved because of their Sabbath observance and refusal to eat pork. I still laugh at this nonsense. The Adventist movement did not begin until the 19th century. Would anyone before have been saved? Nonsense!

  • @gregorymcleod1347
    @gregorymcleod1347 Год назад +1

    I do keep the Sabbath. It has been a real blessing to me. I wasn't always a Seventh Day Adventist. I grew up in the Anglican church and used to like going the Baptist church. I was a member of another Sabbath keeping church before the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

  • @maras507
    @maras507 Год назад

    Amen!! Worship and devotion on a daily basis to spend time with God is vital! Keeping the Sabbath is a Commandment! It is meant for every soul to keep. 🙏🏽🩸♥️👑 Praise Christ for he is the Lord of the Sabbath!

  • @marctompkins3001
    @marctompkins3001 Год назад

    When I was doing some general reading in Gods word. I stumbled on Matthew 19:17 and it clearly said; If you will enter into life, keep the commandments. We know there is one set of commandments that God gave to man. It included the forth commandment, where ordered his people to follow them. They were never called the ten rules you fallow. The Ten good ideas. The Ten recommendation’s; No it was simply put down into law, the Ten Commandments. James said we should obey God, rather than man.

  • @curthoover6958
    @curthoover6958 8 месяцев назад

    Here is the "Sabbath Truth"
    One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Romans 14:5. Making the day we worship a point of contention is wrong and it detracts from the Gospel.

  • @caroleroseburgh1344
    @caroleroseburgh1344 Год назад +2

    Did anyone else notice that demonic growl in his voice when he WAS Speaking ❓ that tells me he Don't know God At ALL ‼️🤷🏽

  • @lydiazafra3476
    @lydiazafra3476 Год назад +1

    Greg Lowe ,pastor is the most ignorant pastor , what kind of a pastor is this is full of hatred he is the one who is demonic ..he is the most ignorant pastor who has no understanding of the Bible ‘ not under the law ‘ means we are not under the condemnation of law bc Jesus fulfilled the law but it does not mean the law is now abolished ? The commandment that started ‘ Remember ‘ is the most forgotten commandment .. Jesus knew in advance that it will be forgotten : this pastor is very hateful .. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath .. Mark 2:27-28 , the Sabbath is always the 7 th day , thank you Bible flock box for this beautiful explanation in a sober and gentle voice blessings to you ❤and prayers from USA

  • @kierinsusukaii4745
    @kierinsusukaii4745 Год назад

    yeaaah they always do this... they say "I worship everyday and the sabbath is not as important as everyday"
    the problem is as you said worship can be anyday but the sabbath is a day of rest with the Lord our God and is more than just worship....
    what these pastors are teaching is "eat the fruit don't obey God because he is wrong"
    faith is one thing but obedience go and faith go hand and hand like Abraham
    for example: You live with your parents as a child.... You recognize them as your parents and you know they will do everything they can to protect you.... BUT.... you feel you DON'T need to OBEY their rules when they tell you to clean up behind yourself help your mother with the dishes etc..... at this point you only have faith in them that they will treat you as their child and protect you BUT you will not obey their rules... if they told you not to go outside and you do and some guys jump you in a fight and steal your clothes... this is when you are deserving of whatever punishment happens tho it shouldn't have happened if there was no wickedness in the world which is by everyones own free will and the other half is had you stayed inside as you were asked to by your parent you would have never had those problems in the first place....
    all these people are trying to do is find a way to NOT obey God and use JESUS as an excuse to do so tho i am not a christian I don't ever recall Jesus stating to not obey the law

  • @ericsonmanliguez3571
    @ericsonmanliguez3571 Год назад +1

    John 14:15
    15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

  • @danravecomique8381
    @danravecomique8381 Год назад +2

    The term "under the law "means that by transgression of it makes us under the law,
    and "under grace"means that by repenting,confessing and turning away sin seeking God's pardon

  • @KingArtexerxes
    @KingArtexerxes Год назад +1

    Many Sunday keepers that I’ve encountered, only know the lies taught them by their pastors. What they seem to not realize is Sunday worship is a tradition of the Catholic Church. And Protestantism was a branching off of Catholicism, where they brought Catholic traditions into the Protestant Christian religion. Now, because Protestantism has held these Catholic traditions for so long, they believe God has accepted them into the church.
    Once a person realizes what sin is, and the importance of eliminating it out of their lives, then perhaps some will see the necessity of keeping the Sabbath that the commandments tells us to remember.
    Then after seeing that Babylon is both a city and a woman, Vatican City and the Catholic Church, and that we are told to come out of Babylon, it means to leave behind all false teachings of the Catholic Church. Sunday keeping and ignoring God’s holy day is just one of them.

  • @lavernecomo2447
    @lavernecomo2447 9 месяцев назад

    The Bible is so plain and so clear that it leaves no room for doubt. Those who keep Sunday won’t except it in my opinion, because of pride. Having to admit that they were wrong is worse than excepting the truth. We all know where pride leads us!

  • @FindingTheTruthMinistry
    @FindingTheTruthMinistry Год назад +2

    Deceptively blasphemous!! And then, the congregation claps out of being deceived and misled.
    May the Lord forgives him.

  • @darrellboone9274
    @darrellboone9274 Год назад

    Remember that the Sabbath was given as a day of Rest not as a day of commanded Worship;that said,worshipping on the Sabbath is Not a demonic doctrine;rather,we are Not commanded to worship on any particular day;whatever day we worship,as long as it's for Jesus,is acceptable to Him

  • @TacklingTheGiants
    @TacklingTheGiants Год назад

    Woe to those that call good evil and evil good! Also, he added words in Yeshua's mouth! Yeshua never ever said it didn't matter when we worship. He said there will come a time when people will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Though it is truth that we may worship God at any time, the Sabbath is the set apart sanctified day by God and no one can change that. When Yeshua reigns on earth ALL FLESH will be required to keep the Sabbath written by the prophets of God!

  • @thadofalltrades
    @thadofalltrades Год назад

    Really great point about Hebrews 4! I never caught how it states that they could have entered into that rest prior to Christ's coming.

  • @SlotterYT
    @SlotterYT Год назад +4

    I have loved watching your videos on the sabbath, but I would love to see you make a video on which day is actually the 7th day. What I mean by that is, do we go by Israel’s sabath? Has the the sabbath changed because of calendar changes? Do we assume God just wants us to keep our 7th day vs. his 7th day? I don’t remember if it was last year or the beginning of this year, but I read that if you go by the Bible, and with all the calendar changes, the sabath would actually be on Thursday right now. Not sure how accurate that was, but you get my drift. Does God care? I mean, if God cares which day is the sabath, he has to care about the accuracy, right?

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад

      Check out this video of mine:видео.html

    • @junegagnon3921
      @junegagnon3921 Год назад +1

      Not accurate at all. Yeshua never rebuked the Jews on which day they kept Sabbath. They have kept meticulous records. The 7th day is what we in the English speaking world call Saturday. Yes, the calendar has been changed by Pope Gregory most recently but the 7 day week is the same. Actually, an 8 day week was tried, I believe, but it just didn't work. God knows best! So, back to a 7 day week! HalleluYah!
      Josephus said in His writings that most of the known world knew that the Sabbath was on the 7th day. We can see that in many languages such as Spanish, the 7th day is "Sabado" or Sabbath. There are many others as well. God leaves us a way to find the Truth. No doubt in my mind!

  • @whitebird357
    @whitebird357 Год назад

    Sabbath is a time of spiritual rejuvenation according to how God has intended His people to keep it. His law is a command of power from Him to His people to fulfill His promise that He "shall" cause us to keep His principles of righteousness under the order of His creation.

  • @spiritedtoday
    @spiritedtoday 6 месяцев назад +1

    "News Flash!:
    Grace is not a license to sin. "

  • @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287
    @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287 Год назад +3

    I am not under the law but under the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus 🙏🙏🙏. Hallelujah 🙏

    • @gregorylee551
      @gregorylee551 Год назад +1

      We are not under the law, but under Grace through Jesus Christ,when he died for us and resurrectied into heaven and God made him King of kings and Lord of Lords over all, We that are true born again believers in Jesus Christ.... Amen

    • @untoldhistory2800
      @untoldhistory2800 Год назад +2

      @@gregorylee551 we are not under the condemnation of breaking the law but because we are under grace we keep the law

    • @Vladi.G
      @Vladi.G Год назад +1

      Romasn 3:19 (Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be HELD ACCOUNTABLE to God) explains what being under the law means. Not being under law doesn't mean that we overthrow the law, which would directly contradict Romans 3:31 (Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law). Not being under the law means that you are not held accountable to God as it is said in the verse that you quoted... we are not under the law, but under grace. Since we are under grace and not under the law, we are not held accountable for our tresspassing becuase we repent of our sin and Jesus covers us with His righteousness. That doesn't mean that we don't keep His commandments which He told us to be a sign of our love for him (If you love me, you will keep my commandments. - John 14:15)

    • @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287
      @hopealivewithevang.olubunm2287 Год назад

      Exactly what I said too. Thanks

    • @nujaz
      @nujaz Год назад

      “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @MSHOOD123
    @MSHOOD123 Год назад

    Who says He was resurrected on the Sunday? Who says you must worship on the first day of the week? Who says Sabbath is no more? Only wolves in sheep clothing. May God put an immediate stop to deceivers.

  • @sash3jm
    @sash3jm Год назад

    We are truly in the last days. The Sabbath is so clear, one must wonder why so many people oppose, the devil is slick.
    Study your bibles folks these pastors need Jesus. Thanks Greg. 😊

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      You don't have to wonder why when Rom. 8:7 explains it. The carnal, unconverted mind hates God's law and refuses to submit itself to His authority. It is a mind that reflects Satan's own hostility towards God's government. Eph. 2:2 refers to such ppl as "children of disobedience" because they display the characteristics of their father: proud, rebellious, arrogant, and presumptuous.

  • @mainagichera3670
    @mainagichera3670 Год назад

    Colossians 2:16❤ and Acts 20:7❤❤❤

  • @melissanovember1
    @melissanovember1 Год назад +1

    Sabbath day is the worship day! I learned this thru Bible studies. My Bible is the King James Version.

  • @rbadams21
    @rbadams21 Год назад

    Shabbat is God's rest , in the Grace Jesus is our shabbat , also is a ordinance of the Lord . We still need to rest in Jesús staying in Prayer... praise the Lord ... worship the Lord every day . Don't worship days or years o months. ..worship God ...

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      The Bible does not teach that Jesus became the Sabbath. Not only does Acts literally shows Paul continuing to keep the Sabbath, Acts 15:21 shows James saying the Gentile converts were taught _every Sabbath_ . It goes without saying that God should be worshiped every day, but your Bible states in Lev. 23 that the Sabbath was created exclusively for the purpose of worshiping God. That's why it's called a holy convocation!

  • @a.n4988
    @a.n4988 Год назад +3

    But why does he talk with anger like Hitler

    • @GregSereda
      @GregSereda  Год назад

      Sounds like he's under conviction.

  • @heatherprice588
    @heatherprice588 Год назад

    Their is only one day that was set aside & made HOLY that's Saturday the seventh day of the week, the fourth commandment, yes they still stand we are not to kill, lie,steal etc but by faith through Jesus Christ, we are to be obedient to the law & saved through the sacrifice of Jesus who died for our sins.

  • @erastusmzolly2734
    @erastusmzolly2734 Год назад

    Mmmmmh we thank God brother keep on proclaiming good new, may God bless us.

  • @scottybt3652
    @scottybt3652 Год назад

    Christians will keep the Sabbath when they learn the real reason is LOVE.! The Love of God leads us to repentance. The Sabbath is a gift not a requirement, we are justified by faith. Understanding the 10 promises of God is a blessing and in Exodus God lays out the fourth commandment in detail so it is pretty cool our Creator would like to give us 24 hours to hang out exclusively with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Side note: look at the calendar and count😊

  • @fiesie2486
    @fiesie2486 Год назад +1

    “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” _Matthew 5: 20_

  • @denisewilliams4322
    @denisewilliams4322 Год назад

    Hes not the first an wont be the lost, pray God convicts him an also that he will take heed when God does🙏

  • @aaronclark1599
    @aaronclark1599 Год назад +3

    Ive wrote him many times and told him he is wrong, he's talking about me lol. I told him Sunday is the mark of the beast.

  • @teresawhite4769
    @teresawhite4769 Год назад +1

    This man says all kinds of unbiblical things. I once went on his Facebook page and asked how anyone could listen to him because he seems full of hate and his teachings are not biblical. His followers came after me in the comments.

    • @mace2gorc872
      @mace2gorc872 Год назад +1

      How can the blind lead the blind, they will both fall into the ditch. Sadly that's the case with these people. May the Lord help them.