The Most Important Issue in the Middle East Is American Hegemony | Kazem Sajjadpour | Saad Mohseni

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @reardelt
    @reardelt 4 года назад +6

    To defeat American Hegemony, Indians need to become a superpower. You fight hegemony with hegemony.

    • @reardelt
      @reardelt 4 года назад +1

      @Sid well, American hegemony exists. USA has economic, cultural, military and scientific hegemony over India. US has the 5th fleet that patrols indian ocean and other oceans. Indians dont have any presence outside Indian Ocean. Also, USA doesnt want to threaten India militarily because Indians are too weak to pose a threat to their economic, scientific and cultural hegemony. But USA was against India in 1971 war against PAK where USA sent aircraft carriers into bay of bengal to intimidate India. That intimidation was the reason indira gandhi did 1974 nuclear bomb test in pokhran.

    • @reardelt
      @reardelt 4 года назад

      @Sid American hegemony is so ingrained into India that Indians dont even realise it. USA told India to stip importing oil from Iran. And india obeyed since USA will impose sanctions on India if they did. Also, Indians seem to forget the the GPS technology is American owned. USA can cut off GPS access to Indians if they want. Please read about GPS -
      Americans also are the founders of Oracle, Google, microsoft, apple, facebook, whatsapp, instagram, dell, HP, netflix, amazon, walmart (which owns flipkart)

    • @reardelt
      @reardelt 4 года назад

      @Sid The GPS service is provided by the US government, which can selectively deny access to the system, as happened to the Indian military in 1999 during the Kargil War.

    • @reardelt
      @reardelt 4 года назад

      @Sid Hey kiddo - Both USA and China are threats to India returning to its lost glory. But Indians think that they are already a superpower but don't realize that their GDP/capita is only $8000 where as China is $20,000 and USA is $65,000. Indians don't produce/contribute anything for the world except 3-wheeler bajaj autos. Indians think they can trust the Americans but forget that Americans will always consider India as a junior partner in the alliance.

    • @reardelt
      @reardelt 4 года назад

      @Sid Lol. Why does India have to listen to USA? Iran provides crucial cheap oil to India. USA can't provide oil that cheap and India imports 80% of the oil it consumes.