I'm Polish-Ukrainian woman from Poland, Polish citizien, but I loved Saddam Hussein and I was 14 in 2003 when this war started, I never believed in lies of Americans about chemical weapon, I knew that in Iraq is oil, much oil and that's why poor Saddam Hussein musts die. 😥😭💔❣ I was with Saddam all heart and soul since 2003, later in 2006 I prayed to God that saved him somehow, but unfortunatelly... 😥😭💔❣ this was the worst day in my life. I never forgave Americans and Iraqi Shiites from Muktada as-Sadr this that murdered my Saddam Hussein. I love Iraq as my own country altought I'm not Arab. ❤🇮🇶 Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was great romantic and idealist and also writer who wrote fabular books and poems. He gave life for Iraq and Iraqis, he never was egoist. When he was young and was 20 and one from his Iraqi colegues was cold, Saddam took off own jacket and gave him. Iraqi President also loved and supported Palestine and helped it from own money. Even before execution Saddam shouted: "Allahu akbar! Long live Ummah! Palestine is Arabic!" Iran totally seized Iraq since 2003, Iranians murdered all Iraqi patriots from Baath Party together with Americans, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supported USA in Iraq since 2003. Shame! Iranians stabbed neighbours. Later when was Iraqi uprising of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri in Iraq in 2012-2015, Iran bombed this Iraqi uprising in 2014 together with USA and Russia and Qaseem Soleimani murdered 25 000 of Iraqis Sunnis civillians in Iraq since 2014, those were common farmers from Anbar province whom hands were tied behind back and they were killed by shot in back of their head. Soleimani also murdered 800 Iraqis protesters since 2019. Iraqis just don't want be with Iran, because love Saddam Hussein and Baath Party... I think that they also deserve on their patriotism, not only Iranians. Saddam was innocent even this war Iraq-Iran, this was fault of Khomeini who called Iraqi Shiites since 1979 to overthrowing of Saddam Hussein and financed Kurds of Barzani to smash Iraq and also Iranians shot Iraqi positions on north of Iraq and drilled and stole oil... Saddam paid Khomeini attention many times, but he didn't listen. So later Saddam took army and attacked Iran. Now Iranians from IRGC claim that Saddam was guilty of this war - no! You wasn't guilty this war, my Saddam! I won't allow throw lies on You, my holy martyr. Iran always wanted occupy Iraq and this was all fault of those fools from Khomeini. Soon when MEK will seize power in Iran and Maryam Rajavi will become President, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once and Iraqis and Iranians will like each other. Now this is impossible, because this stupid Ayatollah Ali Khamenei occupies Iraq and later ISIS blows up in Teheran and kills innocent people... Khamenei only piss off people and leads Sunnis from Iraq to grief and madness! ISIS wouldn't blow up in Teheran and didn't kill innocent people if Iran didn't occupy Iraq. This is all fault of Ali Khamenei. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei kills and robbs Iraqis, also kills Ukrainians by drones and supports Russia in war in Ukraine. I once had fiance from Iran from date site Muslima... he showed out IRGC agent. He told so things that: "I love Adolf Hitler and only Iranians have right live in the Middle East" - I couldn't hear this and I started support MEK. Iranians from IRGC are very bad people, without heart and soul and compassion and conscience. This is mafia for doing money, they have nothing in common with God and Islam. I hope that Iraqis will be able throw out Iranians from IRGC from Baghdad. Iraq was beautiful country once... now is only puppet of USA and Iran. Altought Americans went away from there and is only Iran to removing that Baath Party returned to Iraq. Love and support for Iraqis from Poland! ❤🇮🇶🤝🇵🇱
الف الف الف الف الف رحمه تنزل ع قبرك يا ابو عداي والله ضعنه بدونك دمرو العراق ودمر سوريا ارجع شوف شصار بالموصل وشصار بالرقة والله نذلينا بلياك اه بس ع صار بينا اطبب التحيات لخوانه وهلنا بالفلوجه والرمادي وتكريت والبقم عايشين من اهل الموصل من اخوكم ابن الرقة
Now in Iran is revolution since autumn 2022 and when MEK will seize power in Iran, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once.
بس الجبان يكول سنه وشيعه كلنا عراق واحدموحد انا شيعي واحب السنه صدام ظالم الف ظالم الان بلحكم شنو الفايده توحدو وشفو عدوكم منو رجاء انتبهو العراق من ظالم الى ظالم
يا قلبي هاي حفلة ابن عمي بكر الفالوجي في الاردن شوف الاغنية تاعتكو الاولى وشوف هاي هههههه وللعلم احنا فوالجه العراق وفلسطين الاغنيه منسوبه النا ومش الكو لانو احنا الفوالجه ما حكا الفناطسه والله حي الجميع واهل خطاب في معان وللعلم كمان ال خطاب في منهم من عشائر الفالوجه عشائر الفالوجه اكثر من ٩٠ عيله وتحياتي الك اخوك احمد الفالوجي🖤🔥
الله يرحم صدام ويصلح حال العراق ويرجع العراق أسد مثل من قبل، سوري حر مر من هنا....
الله يحفظكم يا اهل العراق انا مصري تولد بالفلوجة عشت بها 3 سنوات قبل غزو الملاعين للعراق
الله يحفظكم و يكفيكم شر الفتن ما ظهر منها و ما بطن
اللهم ارحمه واغفر له واجعل قبره روضه من رياض الجنه و تجاوز عنه يارب و جميع موتى المسلمين يارب العالمين
اللي ماتو رحمهم الله من قهر الضلم الغلاء الفساد التخلف و غيرها من الافات التي نعيشها في ايامنا هده
I'm Polish-Ukrainian woman from Poland, Polish citizien, but I loved Saddam Hussein and I was 14 in 2003 when this war started, I never believed in lies of Americans about chemical weapon, I knew that in Iraq is oil, much oil and that's why poor Saddam Hussein musts die. 😥😭💔❣
I was with Saddam all heart and soul since 2003, later in 2006 I prayed to God that saved him somehow, but unfortunatelly... 😥😭💔❣ this was the worst day in my life.
I never forgave Americans and Iraqi Shiites from Muktada as-Sadr this that murdered my Saddam Hussein. I love Iraq as my own country altought I'm not Arab. ❤🇮🇶
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was great romantic and idealist and also writer who wrote fabular books and poems. He gave life for Iraq and Iraqis, he never was egoist. When he was young and was 20 and one from his Iraqi colegues was cold, Saddam took off own jacket and gave him.
Iraqi President also loved and supported Palestine and helped it from own money. Even before execution Saddam shouted: "Allahu akbar! Long live Ummah! Palestine is Arabic!"
Iran totally seized Iraq since 2003, Iranians murdered all Iraqi patriots from Baath Party together with Americans, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supported USA in Iraq since 2003. Shame! Iranians stabbed neighbours. Later when was Iraqi uprising of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri in Iraq in 2012-2015, Iran bombed this Iraqi uprising in 2014 together with USA and Russia and Qaseem Soleimani murdered 25 000 of Iraqis Sunnis civillians in Iraq since 2014, those were common farmers from Anbar province whom hands were tied behind back and they were killed by shot in back of their head. Soleimani also murdered 800 Iraqis protesters since 2019. Iraqis just don't want be with Iran, because love Saddam Hussein and Baath Party... I think that they also deserve on their patriotism, not only Iranians. Saddam was innocent even this war Iraq-Iran, this was fault of Khomeini who called Iraqi Shiites since 1979 to overthrowing of Saddam Hussein and financed Kurds of Barzani to smash Iraq and also Iranians shot Iraqi positions on north of Iraq and drilled and stole oil... Saddam paid Khomeini attention many times, but he didn't listen. So later Saddam took army and attacked Iran. Now Iranians from IRGC claim that Saddam was guilty of this war - no! You wasn't guilty this war, my Saddam! I won't allow throw lies on You, my holy martyr. Iran always wanted occupy Iraq and this was all fault of those fools from Khomeini.
Soon when MEK will seize power in Iran and Maryam Rajavi will become President, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once and Iraqis and Iranians will like each other. Now this is impossible, because this stupid Ayatollah Ali Khamenei occupies Iraq and later ISIS blows up in Teheran and kills innocent people... Khamenei only piss off people and leads Sunnis from Iraq to grief and madness! ISIS wouldn't blow up in Teheran and didn't kill innocent people if Iran didn't occupy Iraq. This is all fault of Ali Khamenei.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei kills and robbs Iraqis, also kills Ukrainians by drones and supports Russia in war in Ukraine.
I once had fiance from Iran from date site Muslima... he showed out IRGC agent. He told so things that: "I love Adolf Hitler and only Iranians have right live in the Middle East" - I couldn't hear this and I started support MEK. Iranians from IRGC are very bad people, without heart and soul and compassion and conscience. This is mafia for doing money, they have nothing in common with God and Islam.
I hope that Iraqis will be able throw out Iranians from IRGC from Baghdad. Iraq was beautiful country once... now is only puppet of USA and Iran. Altought Americans went away from there and is only Iran to removing that Baath Party returned to Iraq.
Love and support for Iraqis from Poland! ❤🇮🇶🤝🇵🇱
You what? Iranian IRGC agent?
الف الف الف الف الف رحمه تنزل ع قبرك يا ابو عداي والله ضعنه بدونك دمرو العراق ودمر سوريا ارجع شوف شصار بالموصل وشصار بالرقة والله نذلينا بلياك اه بس ع صار بينا اطبب التحيات لخوانه وهلنا بالفلوجه والرمادي وتكريت والبقم عايشين من اهل الموصل من اخوكم ابن الرقة
اناشيعي عراقي وضعنا بلياك ياصدام آه يا عراق
نورت احسنت
حميد الفتلاوي انتا فهمان
حميد الفتلاوي الله يرحمه
حميد الفتلاوي لا فض فوك أبكيت قلبي من أخوك السوري 😢😢😢😢
حميد الفتلاوي انا سني واحييك
الله يرحمه ويجعل مثواه الجنة صدام حسين
من الاردن نسمع بشجاعة اهل الفلوجه ونعم بالعراق كلها سنه وشيعه واكراد
الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف الف رحمه على رررررررررووووووحه
الف رحمة علا روحة الطاهرة يا عزيز النفس المهيب سيدي صدام
يارب العالمين ياسميع ياعليم ترحم عبدك صدام حسين ☝اللة اكبر
يسقط العملاء
يسقط الخونة
عاشة الأمة
عاش العراق
محمد الرويلي عشت الله يرحموا
ألف رحمة على اهل الفلوجة البطال 🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶😚😚😚😚💔💔💔💔🕋🕋🕋🕌🕌😔😢😢🌺🌺🌺🌺🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
احبك صدام ولو انت عايش انا مستعد اجاهد معاك والله
رحمك الله سيدي والنعم من ارجال الفلوجه
فالوجي و افتخر😍✋
Obada Zein حياك اني اين الفلوجة
الله يرحمك يا صقر العرب صدام حسين
افخر انا عراقي لان عدنه زلم ابطال بمعنه الكلمه من زاخو للبصره
عادل العراقي
الله روعه استمر صدامي وافتخر
رحت والخير كله راح وياك عرفنه بقيمتك لمن خسرناك الله يرحمه
He is in heaven, only Qaseem Soleimani is in hell. I had prophetic dreams about Saddam Hussein and Soleimani. Iraqi President was good man.
اه ياعراق جرحك من جرح بلدي سورية اه ياابو عدي
yadigar malla ههههههههه موت بغيضكم عدمنا صدامكم في عيدكم رااااااااح صدامكم الي كنتوا تحاربوا فيه ...الان زمن الشيعه والله الاطحين يالسنه الاوباش
من يسمعها ٢٠٢١
الله يرحمه صقر العرب
الله يرحمه برحمته الواسعة وأسكنها فسيح جنانه يا ابو عدي
وينك ياصدام وينك
راح عراقك ياغالي
I'm Polish-Ukrainian woman from Poland, but I love Saddam Hussein also. I would fight for Iraq of course. And I would help remove Iran from there.
الف رحمه على روحك يا صقر العرب
هالله هالله على الفلوجة
الف رحمه ونور على روحك سيدي
اي والله فدوه لتكريت
وللعوجه بس اسمج جنه اهزوجه والغيره بأهلج ممزوجه
Saddam Hussein is in heaven, also his sons and Qaseem Soleimani is in hell. I had prophetic dreams about them.
اه يا ابو عداي الاسود تموت ولكلاب تنبح ع قبرها الله يرحمو العراق تاهت من بعدك
#صدامي #بعثي ✌🏻️
تحية من كردستان للعراق الحبيب
الله يرحمك يا ابو عدي
الله يرحمك صدام
رحمة الله عليك يا ابا عداي
ااااااخ يا سيدي ابو عداي راحت دول من بعدك
الله يرحمك يااسد الامه
روحي نخلة بتكريت ...
الله يرحمك يا مهيب العرب ☝☝
الله يرحمك ويرحم شهداء العراق
من بعدك راحت كل كرامة العرب
Now in Iran is revolution since autumn 2022 and when MEK will seize power in Iran, Baath Party will return to Iraq and Saddam Hussein will have his monument in Baghdad as once.
الله يرحمك ياشهيد يابطل
#للرمادي تعنينا وطول الدرب ما همنا تره سقوطج #بغداد مثل الفجعه بأهلنا
الففف رحمه ع روحك ياغالي يابطلللل م̷ـــِْن بعدك ضعنه والعراق انباع للحثاله الجبناء
الله يرحمك ابو عداي
عفيه عليك يابو عدي يا تاج رؤوسنا ، طاح حضج يامريكا
راح صكر العرب بطل الميدان
على راسي والله
العراق مايقبل الخونة.
الله ينصر أم المساجد
لك الففففففف رحمة،ع روحك
عفية أهل الفلوجة فلسطيني
اخخ ي ابو عداي
ستبقى بقلوب الملا يين
دعوة لفلسطين يا شباب
عفيا الفلوجه ✌
فالوجي وافتخر 2(فلسطين)
عاش ابو عداي البطل قاهر مجوس خايسين
اها يابو عداي لاسود ان ضلمت والكلاب عاشت لتسرق ماهو ليس لها
روحي نخله ب تكريت ..
بلاياك اصبحنةفريسةللعملاءالي جوعلى دبابة ابريمر
والله مارايت زعيم عربي بعدك
بس الجبان يكول سنه وشيعه كلنا عراق واحدموحد انا شيعي واحب السنه صدام ظالم الف ظالم الان بلحكم شنو الفايده توحدو وشفو عدوكم منو رجاء انتبهو العراق من ظالم الى ظالم
ماحد رحب بامريكيه والغزة والعلوج غيركم وهاذ حقيقه محد ينكرها
+Aedan Altith لله عليك يا ابو مهيب مبدع الراشد حاربو مريكيه لا حد ينكر هههههه
@@AhmadAhmad-oq2td ههههههه الراشد دغمان وينهم وين الحرب وتاريخهم يشهد هههههههههه
+Aedan Altith ههههههه عرفكم زين هههههههههههه
+Aedan Altith ههههههه عرفكم زين ماعندكم دغمه وأنه اشهد
ولك شو حفلة بكر .. هههههه روح عدلها
اكتب اسامينا
يا قلبي هاي حفلة ابن عمي بكر الفالوجي في الاردن شوف الاغنية تاعتكو الاولى وشوف هاي هههههه وللعلم احنا فوالجه العراق وفلسطين الاغنيه منسوبه النا ومش الكو لانو احنا الفوالجه ما حكا الفناطسه والله حي الجميع واهل خطاب في معان وللعلم كمان ال خطاب في منهم من عشائر الفالوجه عشائر الفالوجه اكثر من ٩٠ عيله وتحياتي الك اخوك احمد الفالوجي🖤🔥
مجرم و لا رحمة للمجرمين.
خرة بأهل فلوجة
Farhan Farhan رحم الله والديك
همام الامي عوفه هيا هاي اخلاقه شتريد منه خليه ينبح اشكد ميريد
Farhan Farhan خره بشكلك اروح فدوه لاهل الفلوجه ابطال ناس واشجع ناس تحيا لاخواني بالفلوجه من الرقة السوريا اتمنا اني من الفلوجه اه يا فلوجه اه
انت بعدج لليوم منسيت اغتصاب أهل الفلوجه ليج
الله يرحمك ويرحم شهداء العراق