Indeed. We shall reflect upon this later. I hear he’s been doing that Torchwood thing (I’m not doing a Torchwoodathon - the to:dr is S1 is poor, S2 is good, S3 brilliant but harrowing, S4 good god kill me now but I won’t die but I’ll have to keep watching and I think I’m trapped in a metaphor). X
And who is this new writer to the show. I wonder what will become of him?
Indeed. We shall reflect upon this later. I hear he’s been doing that Torchwood thing (I’m not doing a Torchwoodathon - the to:dr is S1 is poor, S2 is good, S3 brilliant but harrowing, S4 good god kill me now but I won’t die but I’ll have to keep watching and I think I’m trapped in a metaphor). X