A side mission where they need to make a film about the first vault hunters to rally the troops. But they can only find an old grandma who will play lilth, a might phyco to play Roland, and uninterested teen to play tiny Tina and so on
They need to go back to what made the first game good. The atmosphere, the occasional joke instead of in your face all the time, the wasteland feel and how a random purple can be end game material better than legendary if you get lucky. I think they should include radio stations too!
I am worried, and have a bad feeling for the new borderlands game. I hope it doesn't have any DEI Sweet Baby Inc garage such as needless dumb stories about feelings, forced political agendas, cringe dialogues, rainbow characters etc. I do hope that the new game keeps the trauma, personal connection with characters, the blood, the gore of what borderlands 1 and 2 was. For games and gamers, the word "Modern Audience" is a sign that the devs will be pushing their core gamers/fans out, and will NOT be made for the borderlands core gamers/fans.
@@DNyeLet's just hope the developers seen what has been going on in the gaming industry and learn from it. Especially, understanding what their gamers/fans love from their past borderlands games Bl1, Bl2, BlPre-sequal etc. If they can keep their heads straight and pull this off. "Make a good game, make money."
Borderlands either needs a full on restart, from the bottom up, change everything we know about it and see if it’s going to be decent, or they need writers that understand the humour and understand how to make someone a villain while remaining as likeable as jack. I doubt they will do either, because they don’t have the guts to restart it because it won’t sell well, and they cannot make another villain like jack because they don’t have the writers to make one. Not that jack actually went by the script anyway, most of his voice lines I remember were improvised
@nunyabeezwax6758 true but not retconning it means we have the insufferable bitch instead of maya. Not to mention the other character assassinations in the game.
Just take the new features recently added to BL3 (autosell, travel from anywhere & once you beat the game you can build a new character and max it out immediately) to a new BL2 story type
Randy had a meltdown on twitter over people criticizing the film and he says he thinks fans will be excited for what’s to come? I can’t believe that that would be anything good.
We need a bl4 announcement this year because when it comes to randy if he announces it then it will likely come out a few months later which i like about them because i hate when i see interesting games and they don't come out for 2-3 years .
One thing I didn't like was how they changed the team mate down symbol flashing icon. Honestly the amount of times my son downed and I didn't notice was crazy, but when we play BL1 and bL2 we never have that issue.
After playing 3, it's grown on me. Maybe just because a lot of guns don't need a good build to one shot. Mechanics are good, especially compared to one. I do miss the giblets
I hope borderlands 4's story will be so emotional and even can make penguinz0 cry, and the visuals will improve than just a comic type of graphics. It's good enough but i'd like the game to have some places of tranquility, and you just can't help but stare and like.. "Man. I've come so far.", balancing the tranquility and chaos of the game. Hope they add weather visuals too, rain, thunder rain, etc.
I remember finishing BL2 with my brother, and the BL franchise has given me so many amazing memories. It breaks my heart that I can’t get even a little excited for BL4. Get rid of Randy and the writing staff and I’ll give BL another try.
My hopes are really high for this series' continuation, it meant a lot to me when I was growing up and I look at each game with new eyes and have been disappointed in story and writing for the games, but I'm always hoping for something good
Man, the Borderlands 4 teaser got me hyped! It looks way darker and moodier than the previous games. Maybe they're dialing back the humor a bit and going for a more serious vibe for the upcoming galactic wars for vaults. Honestly, if the whole game has a more serious kind of tone, it could be a really interesting take on the series.
I enjoyed Tiny Tina's but it was just so small and you couldn't really customize yourself like every other Borderlands game it just felt less the story was amazing that was like the highlight of the game for me but the classes just weren't that good it just combat wise wasn't as good as the rest of the Borderlands games in my opinion but story-wise it was great the fact that there was no microtransactions was a major bonus but even the DLCs were kind of lackluster I don't know what they could have done differently but it just fell off for me and my playgroup
I hope this means we’ll finally get Brothers in Arms: Furious 4. Ever since Quentin Tarantino’s epic Inglorious Basterds I’ve always wanted a game like that. Sadly, all we ended up with was Battleborn. Which was the RC cola of Overwatch.
@@DNye they could get an Austrian or German portraying a Hans Landa like SS officer if this project is green lit. Minus hiring Oscar winner Christoph Waltz.
Some people just like to hate and some just didn’t like it. But it’s fine to like it too. We all enjoy different games. Some people hate me for liking Starfield 😂
I still feel like them not introducing additional characters in certain games is a missed market new characters for the game of the year edition and BL3 would've been a welcome addition
I feel like bl4 has 2 sides. It either can be the saving grace of the franchise or the absolute doomsday. In my opinion bl3 is pretty good... ofc nothing compared to bl2 but the gameplay and end game is actually the best we had. At least for me. If they manage to keep the campaign entertaining and build on bl3 endgame we are in for a treat.
I think they will drop the trailer sooner rather then later since we have been waiting for so long. Hopfully the movie shows other producers that video game based movies are better animated rather then live action. I just hope we get some kind of trailer before the year is over and maybe we can get it next year or in 2026.
I'd probably wait for it to go on sale just because the redux mods make the game exponentially better in every borderlands game that modders made a redux mod for. Especially if they decide not to include new game+ mode for no reason again. Wonderlands needed the mod to be able to re-fight bosses, but you still couldn't replay the actual missions to get the red flavor text mission weapons at max level.
@@DNye I mean if he directly stated before the end of the year then that leaves just two major events and both as you mentioned are gamescon August 28th and the event listed on December 22nd SHOULD be a pax event
I just hope that they figure out after two games Borderlands 3 and Wonderlands that Y is up on a normal map. The game no doubt would look twice as nice if this technical flaw was fixed. I have an extensive career in development and see this on practically every asset, and terrain. I just cannot fathom that it remained in Borderlands as a one-off, but no Wonderlands has the same issue. Of late and not sure if it was the last update a few weeks ago, BL3 is crashing a lot, being kicked out to the home screen or that long error I get where I have to quit the game game via the home screen. I love the game, but when you play often still, it hard to see or experience such problem without being frustrated.
Been a massive bl fan legit my whole life I grew up on the game literally I hope this is good and doesn’t flop have a lot of faith in the team let’s pray they cook hard ❤
Honestly as a full time every borderlands game platinum player across ps3, ps4 and ps5 i love all the games yes and as my 100% honest opinion. Yes go see the freaking movie. Give it a chance. Without spoilers i will say thwre are moments that as a fan make you worry but then there are moments that you are like yes hell yes that makes me proud. I personally would happily go see it again, however that doesn't go without say of yes there are a few things i would change and then there are things that hidden with only knowledge ( if you know you know)
one reason for the movie being rated so low is most likely that it didn’t use the borderlands art style. another reason is that there were characters in the movie that shouldn’t be together anymore, just because they are popular.
hollywood took a step forward with fallout, and actually using source material. but they took a step back with borderlands, by just looking into the bare bones. people love it for its ridiculous side quests, not its main story.
Let’s be honest if we would have gotten the borderlands movie using ps2 level of graphics treating it more like a badly dubbed gundam anime people would have eaten up, but on a side note at least they did not blow the budget making it into live action tv series.
@@DNye the only thing is to make it feel like a true gem is, you would need to put on a website you used that was supper sketchy that you got cheat codes for like… gta 3, or like rollercoaster tycoon, or the website that you found that holds the trick used in OG halo 2 to get your hands on the scarab gun.
I hope that BL4 is far better than BL3 was. The storytelling and ambience of the first two were excellent and I had hoped that BL3 could have continued that trend. Borderlands excels when the humor is edgy and dark, and the game obviously plays the best when the plot and storyline are well-crafted. The characters are most fun when they are weird, unhinged and speak to some of the parts of us that we relate to. Krieg's insane outbursts of lunatic dialogue are hilarious! Random conversation and insults on the EchoNet from BL2 are constantly entertaining.
I loved the games, but the 3rd was fun with the more advanced weapons and sone returns of original characters in the story, and dlc, but the fourth looks like it will be crazy.
When I played BL3 i just pretended the characters dont really exist and never paid attention to the story... I treated it as a big DLC to BL2 but with a huge QOA improvements... heres to praying for BL4 although knowing Randy Bo Bandy ... im highly skeptical until proven otherwise
Man idc what anyone says, borderlands is my favorite game series, i want all the platinum trophies available, im only missing the tiny tina titles and new tales. Also my favorite game in yhe series in bl3, besides the story the game is almost perfect in my opinion and oh my the dlc *chefs kiss*
How does stuff come out bad?? Is there really that much of a disconnect between production and consumption in things? Why don't we have NDAs for people with an eye for quality watching over stuff, meaning how are these things made with such lack of talent, when things have a budget? We've got the wrong people at the top of stuff, too often.
With the horrific release of the borderlands movie, the godawful story of New Tales From The Borderlands, and the mediocre game of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands just really leaves me with zero faith that Runty Botchfock’s gonna get outta the grime and actually deliver a good game. Dude’s way too full of himself anyways. Let the series crash and burn at this point. He’s living proof it’s beyond saving unless he steps down permanently and has zero say over the Borderlands series.
It’s always a good idea to not pre order games. I usually wait for sales and for a few updates to drop so I can get the game cheaper and the best version
3 had great gameplay, top tier. Just wasn't the biggest fan of the story was all. The movie looks like it'll be losing a ton of money which has me excited, since it's losing so much and has apparent disdain I'm hoping they really try hard with 4 to get those people back.
address the new tales game, and the bl movie as "Tv shows" in the borderlands universe, and give us a good story for the love of god that isnt awake, just a good story with good characters
I can’t wait until borderlands 4 comes out I like all the borderlands games Haven’t played tiny tina wonderlands though I say borderlands 3 is my all-time favorite I just like how the game is laid out like you get to go to different planets. It’s really cool. You get to see different environments. Then just Pandora. And they brought back the infinity pistol and unkept harold the unkept harold with Moses is very powerful but overall they need to continue the story where it left off like I want to know if Lilith is still alive or not like the ending to borderlands 3 she flew into the moon so she’s on the moon somewhere she got to be
I love 3 it was great game play wise the quality of life was great, the thing about 3 was that the tyreen was an alright villan yes they were anoying and every where but that was kinda of like jack witch im guessing they were trying to emulate but they didnt really seem evil unlike jack, the anointments have a huge chokehold on end game if not being the end game, if the legendaries became that legendary and worth there weight and not just the best in slot and sure anointments coming back would be nice but theyd need to be toned down or vault hunter specific, but I loved the game the gun play movement and builds were awsome really they just need to iron out a great stroy maybe not a copy of 2 but something similar or completley diffrent, and ill still play 4 and really hope its gonna live up to 2 and surpase 3. Wow thats a mouthful
1 was great because we didn't have 2 to compare. 2 was amazing. 3 was okay because 2 was there to compare. 4 will okay because it wont be 2. 2 was just so well written that, unless they can write a better villain, and supporting characters, anything after will just be okay in comparison. If they don't write an amazing story with amazing characters then the best they can do to compensate is make gameplay pretty damn great
They should make the graphics better tbh that's why a lot of people don't want to play the game itself however I love the game but can agree graphics has always been a big issue on the game.
My daughter and I were going to see the movie no matter what, but the casting choices made 0 sense. It just felt off. We enjoyed ourselves, but hope that they'll do a future film and actually take it seriously. Maybe make sure the people involved are familiar with the material. I will say that Kevin Hart did better than expected, and Tina wasn't bad at all, but Lillith and Tannis were the worst. I had to keep explaining to my daughter that the movie had nothing to do with the games.
I don't know if i would buy it. Bl3 was okay and fun to play, if you focus on the gameplay only, but it lacked on something that could push me on replay it
Time to kick some ass and chew bubble gum. But I'm all out of gum! Duke Nukem! Hell yeah. They should also redue shadow warrior! The og sticky bombs of video games!
I watched the movie, it was dumb and I did enjoy it for what it was. It should have been a R rated film. But 2 of the 3 main games had bad main stories. And the ending to 1 was so bad I think most have blocked it out of their minds. I also remember 2 had a weak main story, but Jack was done so well and some of the side quest stories were really good, most over looked it. But this is my opinion, I maybe the odd one out.
Spot on. Having about 3000+ playing hours in the borderlands series , 55 years old and in from the begining of borderlands 1. Borderlands 3 is by far the best of them all. Ranking them all (not including the 2 tell tales )ill go :bl-bl2-bl1-tiny tina and finaly the pre sequel.
Bl3 has the best game play in the series, but the story and difficulty are poor . hope they make the story more interesting and make it harder ( so much harder)
@@DNye Yeah they don’t now that you mentioned it I just saw DukeNukem and made think of the crossover unfortunate tbh I’ve been wanting a bulletstorm 2 I think it was made by people can fly
But the problem there is that the story was actually one of the stronger stories in that series. I’m not saying it was necessarily good, but both 1 and 2 were almost copies of each other. Same planet. Same areas in certain places. Same goal of open vault and kill monster. The only difference was we had a cool villain. BL3 wasn’t nearly as bad as people say, because it’s a parody. Most people don’t realize that. Borderlands parodies so many things, including the game series itself. Complain about Troy and tyreen all you want, but they were exactly what they needed to be. They were social media morons who were full of themselves. How else would they have been portrayed? You can argue they weren’t great villains, and I would probably agree, but they aren’t nearly as bad as the haters say. BL3 is so good in so many other areas I can overlook the shortcomings in story and characters. Especially since it was really no different than anything they have done before.
@@georgen5882I think the story suffered because the Twins and Ava ruined it... The main reason I got through BL3 (besides just being a massive BL fan) was the game play it is the best in the series by far.. But man the twins and Ava r really rough to get through lmao had to play with the sound off sometimes just cause I couldn't stand listening to them. But other then that I like BL3 a lot.
I'll keep watching closely for a new borderlands game, but how they handled the bl3 at launch, wonderlands and the massive failure of new tales, I have little to no hope it will be really good. But hey, I'm probably buying it at launch anyway, I'm a sucker for this franchise
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If borderlands 4 dont pick up from the end of borderlands 2 ( the dlc "true" ending ) I will be fucking pissed
They should bring back raritys above legendary
They should joke about how bad their movie was in the game.
That would be hilarious
A side mission where they need to make a film about the first vault hunters to rally the troops. But they can only find an old grandma who will play lilth, a might phyco to play Roland, and uninterested teen to play tiny Tina and so on
@@dr.wolfstar1765The Ember Island of Borderlands
A gun with red text "borderlands movie"
Having the damage be the highest in the game but it can only damage coop players
They need to go back to what made the first game good. The atmosphere, the occasional joke instead of in your face all the time, the wasteland feel and how a random purple can be end game material better than legendary if you get lucky. I think they should include radio stations too!
Facts. We should also get safehouses. Each with a vault and other necessities, garage and all.
Everything after bl3, borderlands has been a massive disappointment. Randy needs to go if bl4 is going to be any good
You don’t think he’ll do good with 4? I guess this is probably a big tipping point for the series
@@DNye the new tales from the borderlands game and Tina's wonderlands have left me with little faith
@justfriccoff3363 fair enough
@@justfriccoff3363 tinas was pretty decent the first playthrough then it shits itself for the endgame content
@@DNye the fact he is in love with the movie gives me worry about 4’s story and game play
As i look upon the autographed psycho shirt framed on my wall I think
"I dont care"
Bl4 is gonna have a huge problem with Randy blocking a lot of content creators and modders of the game
That would not be good
"Give the film a chance"
You could have given it a chance, CEO, by making sure the right people were making it.
Make a good movie and people will watch it 😂
I am worried, and have a bad feeling for the new borderlands game. I hope it doesn't have any DEI Sweet Baby Inc garage such as needless dumb stories about feelings, forced political agendas, cringe dialogues, rainbow characters etc. I do hope that the new game keeps the trauma, personal connection with characters, the blood, the gore of what borderlands 1 and 2 was. For games and gamers, the word "Modern Audience" is a sign that the devs will be pushing their core gamers/fans out, and will NOT be made for the borderlands core gamers/fans.
Wash it down until it’s unrecognizable. Hopefully they don’t do that tho.
@@DNyeLet's just hope the developers seen what has been going on in the gaming industry and learn from it. Especially, understanding what their gamers/fans love from their past borderlands games Bl1, Bl2, BlPre-sequal etc. If they can keep their heads straight and pull this off. "Make a good game, make money."
But you know it will. I MAY try it out when it hits the free to play list on Live.
Borderlands either needs a full on restart, from the bottom up, change everything we know about it and see if it’s going to be decent, or they need writers that understand the humour and understand how to make someone a villain while remaining as likeable as jack. I doubt they will do either, because they don’t have the guts to restart it because it won’t sell well, and they cannot make another villain like jack because they don’t have the writers to make one. Not that jack actually went by the script anyway, most of his voice lines I remember were improvised
Borderlands 2 was just iconic
I completely agree it needs a whole reboot at this point.
redconing bl3 and all subsequent projects should fix the franchise
@nunyabeezwax6758 true but not retconning it means we have the insufferable bitch instead of maya. Not to mention the other character assassinations in the game.
Just take the new features recently added to BL3 (autosell, travel from anywhere & once you beat the game you can build a new character and max it out immediately) to a new BL2 story type
The best of both worlds
The world needs more people like you. Thank you for your kindness!
I wouldn't say eager, more so concerned
As long as there is a story that allows me to play the game without voices on mute.
That would be nice
Randy had a meltdown on twitter over people criticizing the film and he says he thinks fans will be excited for what’s to come? I can’t believe that that would be anything good.
We shall see
I'll have my expectations very very low That way I'm not super disappointed.
Prob a good idea
We need a bl4 announcement this year because when it comes to randy if he announces it then it will likely come out a few months later which i like about them because i hate when i see interesting games and they don't come out for 2-3 years .
True. I’m a big Bethesda fan and the elder scrolls 6 was announced in 2018 😂
One thing I didn't like was how they changed the team mate down symbol flashing icon.
Honestly the amount of times my son downed and I didn't notice was crazy, but when we play BL1 and bL2 we never have that issue.
Those games were peak
@@DNye I'm 37, I'm glad I know the lingo lol "peak"
Back in my day it was, they were beast!
if critics hate it that much I will love it . critics seen to hate everything i love
Not this movie bud
For this one the audience and critic scores are low
Watch it and come back to this comment
I hope they bring back the Proficiency system from the first Borderlands game in some way.
After playing 3, it's grown on me. Maybe just because a lot of guns don't need a good build to one shot. Mechanics are good, especially compared to one. I do miss the giblets
I hope borderlands 4's story will be so emotional and even can make penguinz0 cry, and the visuals will improve than just a comic type of graphics. It's good enough but i'd like the game to have some places of tranquility, and you just can't help but stare and like.. "Man. I've come so far.", balancing the tranquility and chaos of the game. Hope they add weather visuals too, rain, thunder rain, etc.
Sounds like red dead 2 😂
@@DNye cyberpunk i forgot to add, i hope we get some cyberpunk vibes with this one
To be honest with the recent releases of borderlands including the movies I’m a bit scared. If it’s not good I think I’m done
I think alot of us feel the same way
I remember finishing BL2 with my brother, and the BL franchise has given me so many amazing memories. It breaks my heart that I can’t get even a little excited for BL4. Get rid of Randy and the writing staff and I’ll give BL another try.
Hopefully they pull out something amazing despite the odds
Excited about Brother in Arms. But I hope there’s a Borderlands game that’s third person option
That would be cool
My hopes are really high for this series' continuation, it meant a lot to me when I was growing up and I look at each game with new eyes and have been disappointed in story and writing for the games, but I'm always hoping for something good
Duke Nukem better be good this time.
It’s a shame still playing duke nukem from the 90s
Man, the Borderlands 4 teaser got me hyped! It looks way darker and moodier than the previous games. Maybe they're dialing back the humor a bit and going for a more serious vibe for the upcoming galactic wars for vaults. Honestly, if the whole game has a more serious kind of tone, it could be a really interesting take on the series.
I can’t wait to see some gameplay
They better make us a good game after that massive borderlands movie flops. Movie should have been rated r or worse
The movie is not doing great
@@DNye borderlands was rated MA so should be the movie or show
The movie should of been canned the moment the cast was announced, it's gone swiftly downhill since then
Let’s do a vote/pentition of what should we love to have in main campaign Borderlands 4,and maybe next 5+ dlc’s?!lol
Sounds like a good idea
After borderlands 3 and having so much replay value within the old games its gonna be hard for them to top what they’ve already created
That is true
I enjoyed Tiny Tina's but it was just so small and you couldn't really customize yourself like every other Borderlands game it just felt less the story was amazing that was like the highlight of the game for me but the classes just weren't that good it just combat wise wasn't as good as the rest of the Borderlands games in my opinion but story-wise it was great the fact that there was no microtransactions was a major bonus but even the DLCs were kind of lackluster I don't know what they could have done differently but it just fell off for me and my playgroup
I hope this means we’ll finally get Brothers in Arms: Furious 4. Ever since Quentin Tarantino’s epic Inglorious Basterds I’ve always wanted a game like that. Sadly, all we ended up with was Battleborn. Which was the RC cola of Overwatch.
That would be cool!
@@DNye they could get an Austrian or German portraying a Hans Landa like SS officer if this project is green lit. Minus hiring Oscar winner Christoph Waltz.
I wouldn’t say eagerly awaiting, the feeling would be like having a doctors appointment as a kid
Hoping dr zed comes back and we get another player class thats like a psycho
Im surprised at the hate, I loved Tiny Tinas, i think it was their best game
Some people just like to hate and some just didn’t like it. But it’s fine to like it too. We all enjoy different games. Some people hate me for liking Starfield 😂
I still feel like them not introducing additional characters in certain games is a missed market new characters for the game of the year edition and BL3 would've been a welcome addition
That would be cool
Am I the only one that actually liked bdl3😭
The gameplay is good
I feel like bl4 has 2 sides. It either can be the saving grace of the franchise or the absolute doomsday. In my opinion bl3 is pretty good... ofc nothing compared to bl2 but the gameplay and end game is actually the best we had. At least for me. If they manage to keep the campaign entertaining and build on bl3 endgame we are in for a treat.
The gameplay in 3 is and is amazing, I just think they need to improve the writing and the story. And of course make a great antagonist
If they can merge together ideas from bl3 AND bl2 and bl1 that could become THE best game ever created
That would be cool!
I think they will drop the trailer sooner rather then later since we have been waiting for so long. Hopfully the movie shows other producers that video game based movies are better animated rather then live action. I just hope we get some kind of trailer before the year is over and maybe we can get it next year or in 2026.
A trailer at Gamescom this week or the game awards in December is for sure possible.
I'd probably wait for it to go on sale just because the redux mods make the game exponentially better in every borderlands game that modders made a redux mod for.
Especially if they decide not to include new game+ mode for no reason again. Wonderlands needed the mod to be able to re-fight bosses, but you still couldn't replay the actual missions to get the red flavor text mission weapons at max level.
Waiting for sales is the move! I do that with most games.
So games on August 28th or the Pax Event December 22nd
@@DNye I mean if he directly stated before the end of the year then that leaves just two major events and both as you mentioned are gamescon August 28th and the event listed on December 22nd SHOULD be a pax event
The game awards as well at the beginning of December
Those cod cartoon maps look like borderlands hope it’s like that
I just hope that they figure out after two games Borderlands 3 and Wonderlands that Y is up on a normal map. The game no doubt would look twice as nice if this technical flaw was fixed. I have an extensive career in development and see this on practically every asset, and terrain. I just cannot fathom that it remained in Borderlands as a one-off, but no Wonderlands has the same issue.
Of late and not sure if it was the last update a few weeks ago, BL3 is crashing a lot, being kicked out to the home screen or that long error I get where I have to quit the game game via the home screen. I love the game, but when you play often still, it hard to see or experience such problem without being frustrated.
They need to scale back on the 'humour'. Focus more on exploding heads, more guns, and cars.
I like the sound of that
100% I want a mix of BL2 and BL3 with an amazing story... BL3 was good but the story sucked and the twins and Ava were annoying af.
The storytelling skills are amazing. It's engaging from start to finish.
no duh tiny tinas game had a bigger turn out then their first borderlands game that came out 15 years ago lmao.
Been a massive bl fan legit my whole life I grew up on the game literally I hope this is good and doesn’t flop have a lot of faith in the team let’s pray they cook hard ❤
I hope so!
Honestly as a full time every borderlands game platinum player across ps3, ps4 and ps5 i love all the games yes and as my 100% honest opinion. Yes go see the freaking movie. Give it a chance. Without spoilers i will say thwre are moments that as a fan make you worry but then there are moments that you are like yes hell yes that makes me proud. I personally would happily go see it again, however that doesn't go without say of yes there are a few things i would change and then there are things that hidden with only knowledge ( if you know you know)
I’m sure there are some good spots in the movie
@@DNye yes sir there is but again go in with a borderlands perspective not oh this is Jamie Lee oh this is Kevin Hart
They should of made the movie a tv series with the game and added few things
The cast would need some big changes too
one reason for the movie being rated so low is most likely that it didn’t use the borderlands art style. another reason is that there were characters in the movie that shouldn’t be together anymore, just because they are popular.
The art style is one of my favorite parts of the games
hollywood took a step forward with fallout, and actually using source material. but they took a step back with borderlands, by just looking into the bare bones. people love it for its ridiculous side quests, not its main story.
I don’t care what they say. I’m not preordering anything until I watch reviews.
It’s best not to pre order any games
Let us know who are the characters are, I don’t mind spoilers.
I hope it’s more like bl 2.
Especially with humor and the ui.
Ui in bl2 was 10 times better than bl3 without transitioning to a new screen.
BL2 was the peak
Ugh, which fan favorite is required to die in B4? I guess it's Mordecai's turn. RIP Mordecai.
This comment is fucked 😭😭😭 wouldn’t be too surprised if they phase out the BL1 characters by killing off brick and mordecai though😞
Borderlands 4 i feel like they might go back in time like before 1 idky seems interesting imagine the making of claptraps etc
That could be interesting to see
Borderlands 1 - good
Borderlands 2 - legendary
Borderlands 3 - good
Borderlands 4 - legendary (I’m coping)
I hope 4 is good
It takes a lot of work to polish a turd. Waisted potential.
I hope bl4 has good characters and story and PEARLS
The amount of disconnect since 2019.
I dont have any expectations outside the installment failing.
I hope not
Sure the story was not nearly as good in Borderlands 3, but the gameplay, guns, and locations were all pretty great in my opinion
In the movie?
No I mean in comparison to borderlands 1 and 2!
A battleborn/ evolve rerelease should come
That would be cool
Let’s be honest if we would have gotten the borderlands movie using ps2 level of graphics treating it more like a badly dubbed gundam anime people would have eaten up, but on a side note at least they did not blow the budget making it into live action tv series.
An animated series would go hard
@@DNye the only thing is to make it feel like a true gem is, you would need to put on a website you used that was supper sketchy that you got cheat codes for like… gta 3, or like rollercoaster tycoon, or the website that you found that holds the trick used in OG halo 2 to get your hands on the scarab gun.
I hope that BL4 is far better than BL3 was. The storytelling and ambience of the first two were excellent and I had hoped that BL3 could have continued that trend. Borderlands excels when the humor is edgy and dark, and the game obviously plays the best when the plot and storyline are well-crafted. The characters are most fun when they are weird, unhinged and speak to some of the parts of us that we relate to. Krieg's insane outbursts of lunatic dialogue are hilarious! Random conversation and insults on the EchoNet from BL2 are constantly entertaining.
They do need to get back on track
I loved the games, but the 3rd was fun with the more advanced weapons and sone returns of original characters in the story, and dlc, but the fourth looks like it will be crazy.
I hope they go all out
When I played BL3 i just pretended the characters dont really exist and never paid attention to the story... I treated it as a big DLC to BL2 but with a huge QOA improvements... heres to praying for BL4 although knowing Randy Bo Bandy ... im highly skeptical until proven otherwise
That’s probably best
I've got bl 1, 2, and TPS. That's good enough for me. Why do we want a 4th after what happened with bl3 and wonderlands?
I’ll give them one last chance
@@DNye I'm willing to eat my own words, but good luck
Man idc what anyone says, borderlands is my favorite game series, i want all the platinum trophies available, im only missing the tiny tina titles and new tales. Also my favorite game in yhe series in bl3, besides the story the game is almost perfect in my opinion and oh my the dlc *chefs kiss*
The gameplay in BL3 is top tier. Take that into 4 with a great story and writing then you have a masterpiece
they shoulda got killer6 or someone who loves n knows the game as a consultant for movie.
How does stuff come out bad?? Is there really that much of a disconnect between production and consumption in things? Why don't we have NDAs for people with an eye for quality watching over stuff, meaning how are these things made with such lack of talent, when things have a budget? We've got the wrong people at the top of stuff, too often.
Bad leadership yeah
Im worried with their interest in fantasy because wonderlands is the first bl game I've dropped, presequal even held my attention more
It will be interesting to see what direction they go
With the horrific release of the borderlands movie, the godawful story of New Tales From The Borderlands, and the mediocre game of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands just really leaves me with zero faith that Runty Botchfock’s gonna get outta the grime and actually deliver a good game.
Dude’s way too full of himself anyways. Let the series crash and burn at this point. He’s living proof it’s beyond saving unless he steps down permanently and has zero say over the Borderlands series.
We’ll see with BL4 but I’m definitely not pre ordering tha game
from what we got so far bl3, new tales and the new movie. im sceptical about it but not intrigued
It will be interesting to see
What they did to borderlands humor, is the equivalent of trying to censor South Park for “woke” audiences💀
Yea, well after their last two games and their last movie I will NOT be pre-ordering. They have already used up their "three-strikes".
It’s always a good idea to not pre order games. I usually wait for sales and for a few updates to drop so I can get the game cheaper and the best version
3 had great gameplay, top tier. Just wasn't the biggest fan of the story was all. The movie looks like it'll be losing a ton of money which has me excited, since it's losing so much and has apparent disdain I'm hoping they really try hard with 4 to get those people back.
They need to go all out with 4
address the new tales game, and the bl movie as "Tv shows" in the borderlands universe, and give us a good story for the love of god that isnt awake, just a good story with good characters
That would be nice
Why so much hate on bl3 i had a blast and zane had me laughing the whole game
Most people didn’t like the story and writing
I have like 5% excitement for B4.
Is there a release date?
Not yet
Borderlands 3 was actually pretty good
The gameplay was enjoyable
I can’t wait until borderlands 4 comes out I like all the borderlands games Haven’t played tiny tina wonderlands though I say borderlands 3 is my all-time favorite I just like how the game is laid out like you get to go to different planets. It’s really cool. You get to see different environments. Then just Pandora. And they brought back the infinity pistol and unkept harold the unkept harold with Moses is very powerful but overall they need to continue the story where it left off like I want to know if Lilith is still alive or not like the ending to borderlands 3 she flew into the moon so she’s on the moon somewhere she got to be
The story was fucking gabrage in 3
Nice! It does look pretty cool.
Borderlands 4 had little hype to begin with but after infamous Hollywood adaptation it does not look good for take two
Please make it more action game with dashes/dodges.
After playing Doom Eternal I was realy bored with basic movement system in Borderlands games.
That could be cool
I love 3 it was great game play wise the quality of life was great, the thing about 3 was that the tyreen was an alright villan yes they were anoying and every where but that was kinda of like jack witch im guessing they were trying to emulate but they didnt really seem evil unlike jack, the anointments have a huge chokehold on end game if not being the end game, if the legendaries became that legendary and worth there weight and not just the best in slot and sure anointments coming back would be nice but theyd need to be toned down or vault hunter specific, but I loved the game the gun play movement and builds were awsome really they just need to iron out a great stroy maybe not a copy of 2 but something similar or completley diffrent, and ill still play 4 and really hope its gonna live up to 2 and surpase 3. Wow thats a mouthful
The game play in 3 was really good
@@DNye top notch it was awesome and you felt powerful and I hope it stays that way in 4 if not more so lol
Borderlands 3 had great gameplay but the story and characters kind of fell flat for me. Hopefully B4 will improve on the areas that 3 fell short on.
I’ve heard that from alot of people. Hopefully they step it up
1 was great because we didn't have 2 to compare. 2 was amazing. 3 was okay because 2 was there to compare. 4 will okay because it wont be 2.
2 was just so well written that, unless they can write a better villain, and supporting characters, anything after will just be okay in comparison.
If they don't write an amazing story with amazing characters then the best they can do to compensate is make gameplay pretty damn great
They should make the graphics better tbh that's why a lot of people don't want to play the game itself however I love the game but can agree graphics has always been a big issue on the game.
I really like the art style. I’ve been playing some borderlands 1 and loving it.
My daughter and I were going to see the movie no matter what, but the casting choices made 0 sense. It just felt off. We enjoyed ourselves, but hope that they'll do a future film and actually take it seriously. Maybe make sure the people involved are familiar with the material. I will say that Kevin Hart did better than expected, and Tina wasn't bad at all, but Lillith and Tannis were the worst. I had to keep explaining to my daughter that the movie had nothing to do with the games.
Kevin hart was in it?
I don't know if i would buy it. Bl3 was okay and fun to play, if you focus on the gameplay only, but it lacked on something that could push me on replay it
Probably worth getting on sale
The movie IS NOT the game. I don't know where they got the story from, but it sucks. I forgot about it minutes after leaving the theater.
Yeah it seems strange
Time to kick some ass and chew bubble gum. But I'm all out of gum!
Duke Nukem! Hell yeah. They should also redue shadow warrior! The og sticky bombs of video games!
I watched the movie, it was dumb and I did enjoy it for what it was. It should have been a R rated film. But 2 of the 3 main games had bad main stories. And the ending to 1 was so bad I think most have blocked it out of their minds. I also remember 2 had a weak main story, but Jack was done so well and some of the side quest stories were really good, most over looked it. But this is my opinion, I maybe the odd one out.
That sounds well thought out. I need to revisit them again for sure
Spot on. Having about 3000+ playing hours in the borderlands series , 55 years old and in from the begining of borderlands 1.
Borderlands 3 is by far the best of them all. Ranking them all (not including the 2 tell tales )ill go :bl-bl2-bl1-tiny tina and finaly the pre sequel.
Bl3 has the best game play in the series, but the story and difficulty are poor . hope they make the story more interesting and make it harder ( so much harder)
Good points. They need to combine all the good elements from each game and make the perfect game
Still waiting on the next risk of rain dlc
How long has it been?
@@DNye too long but the little update they did has been fun and rail gunner is fun 🤙🏽💪🏽
@vegancookingwithroux2564 I might have to check it out! Appreciate the info.
@@DNye yes such a fun game 🌱🍙🔥
I personally loved all the borderlands games except tales and can't wait for 4 to come out
Nice! I’ve played some of 2 and I’m palying through 1 right now
@DNye Good luck to you then! Hope you have a friend to play with because that's what makes borderlands fun!
I want a Bulletstorm 2
I don’t think gearbox owns that ip
@@DNye Yeah they don’t now that you mentioned it I just saw DukeNukem and made think of the crossover unfortunate tbh I’ve been wanting a bulletstorm 2 I think it was made by people can fly
I swear if they pull the woke BS I’m going to effin’ lose it.
What’s that mean?
Borderlands 3 is awesome, idk why people hate on it....
People love the gameplay but the story, charters, and writing are what most have an issue with.
But the problem there is that the story was actually one of the stronger stories in that series. I’m not saying it was necessarily good, but both 1 and 2 were almost copies of each other. Same planet. Same areas in certain places. Same goal of open vault and kill monster. The only difference was we had a cool villain. BL3 wasn’t nearly as bad as people say, because it’s a parody. Most people don’t realize that. Borderlands parodies so many things, including the game series itself. Complain about Troy and tyreen all you want, but they were exactly what they needed to be. They were social media morons who were full of themselves. How else would they have been portrayed? You can argue they weren’t great villains, and I would probably agree, but they aren’t nearly as bad as the haters say. BL3 is so good in so many other areas I can overlook the shortcomings in story and characters. Especially since it was really no different than anything they have done before.
Mainly the story and some characters suck.. Other then that BL3 is amazing.
@@georgen5882I think the story suffered because the Twins and Ava ruined it... The main reason I got through BL3 (besides just being a massive BL fan) was the game play it is the best in the series by far.. But man the twins and Ava r really rough to get through lmao had to play with the sound off sometimes just cause I couldn't stand listening to them. But other then that I like BL3 a lot.
@@subzero308 and claptrap i have to mute i hate his voice in 3 every other game he's my favorite
I'll keep watching closely for a new borderlands game, but how they handled the bl3 at launch, wonderlands and the massive failure of new tales, I have little to no hope it will be really good. But hey, I'm probably buying it at launch anyway, I'm a sucker for this franchise
Good luck to ya!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was not a big hit. 😅
All I could find were articles saying that I sold a ton of copies and exceeded expectations but no actual sales numbers so that’s a big strange
@@DNye all you gotta do is just look at the reviews on that game on all platforms and you can see how much hate that game gets.