After this season this might not be a clickbait anymore… (I’ve seen on TikTok that P90 will be put in the airdrop with new 5,7mm ammo,so I think this change might be added to Metro Royale with the P90 having a refined(+ fabled?)variant,and your previous video confirmed that.)
14:42 I think this was the craziest fight in Metro Royale solo
True 🫡🥵
Good plans in fight 👍
Let's goooo another video 😊😊😮😮
Yup boi
That golden one is really amazing.
I can't download new update
you are the best you video is very good
Thank you so much 😀
Ты конечно молодец но граником тоже надо пользоваться😄
FIRST the video released 12 seconds ago😁
You are fast as fk boi 😈
@@metromaster no i just wanted to watch something and came across this video so i said why not being first?
@@Homeless_Guy1 ohoo just a coincidence 😅
А я то думал что метро рояль попал лярен лишь в пределах русскоязычных стран, ну может ещё зарубежным фанатам "Metro:exodus"
Bro what is this version of the pub?
It's beta version
Then how you have ur own things I think metro gave you them @@metromaster
@@robloxgaming9007 true
Lets go broo i like our game
Fun fact:p90 has the best hip fire accuracy.
I hope the p90 is better then the 1 on newstate
The 1 on newstate is a pea shooter
After this season this might not be a clickbait anymore…
(I’ve seen on TikTok that P90 will be put in the airdrop with new 5,7mm ammo,so I think this change might be added to Metro Royale with the P90 having a refined(+ fabled?)variant,and your previous video confirmed that.)
A little bit clickbait is important for the survival in competition
@@metromaster I understand.
what device do you have
Good luck 🤞
For what ?
@@metromaster you name bro?
@@_LIDER_777 vin diesel ⛽
это настоящий пабг или нет
101% реальный
Get used to it first 😈 !
Yup buddy 😈
Show your sensitivity
In the description
Ты еще русский переводишь? Не ожидал😮😅
Уже давно
Я тоже
Чтобы закрепить фрагмент, нажмите на него и удерживайте. Незакрепленные объекты будут удалены через час.
why don't I use your layout code, update the code
It's the latest one bro
so powerfull
GL: am I a joke to you?
А из какой ты страны мой блогер
Hey how to p90 like this??
New version of p90
Its a beta version?
@@metromasteras i said metro gave you
Okay man you nice
OK bro 100 likes
Can anyone help me with some loot now at the end of the season
ты моего тима и меня убил. хотя он простл не трогать его
no, damn it, take Groza instead of P90, so you also left fck there only lua
My brain gets blank when he saw huge loot 😭
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22 minyts
Yaa 🫡