I love this music, It brings chills down my spine. I really wish I was a Orc in real life. To bring honor to my clan. Lok'tar, For the Horde. I would be a shaman, one with the elements...That I would. That is what I would be, if I had a choice.
@Infernal3661 Have you tried RP at all? Wyrmrest accord, Horde side is the place to be. Silvermoon specifically, but Brill at night. Its really amazing, if your following Lore :)
@DefeatedElitist I hope that day never comes. I would most likely be 300 pounds and living in my mothers basement when "i understand that this is traditional tavern music."
@madmiguelh2o why the hell would they have death metal playing in a tavern? The game was supposed to be a middle ages fantasy... there was no shitty death metal in the middle ages
I'm no WoW player, but I've always liked their Orcs. Their music speaks to me as well.
dont play demo go play private servers
Just showing my appreciation for this tranquil masterpiece.
I could listen to this forever
WoW and the music of WoW are truly masterpieces.
Some of the music is actually quite relaxing.
Never been an orc player before. This is quite surprising.
this music is amazing.
I love this music, It brings chills down my spine. I really wish I was a Orc in real life. To bring honor to my clan. Lok'tar, For the Horde. I would be a shaman, one with the elements...That I would. That is what I would be, if I had a choice.
wow music is the best
There's heavy metal in the power of the horde
@Infernal3661 Have you tried RP at all? Wyrmrest accord, Horde side is the place to be. Silvermoon specifically, but Brill at night. Its really amazing, if your following Lore :)
Jobs done
Work complete
Love the Warcraft History but not the online game ^^
It's hard to imagine orcish musicians playing in taverns, apart from maybe some drums and vocalising. Certainly no violins or harp!
oh and that one person who disliked, must have sneezed or something...I think they hit it on accident...XD
@DefeatedElitist I hope that day never comes. I would most likely be 300 pounds and living in my mothers basement when "i understand that this is traditional tavern music."
@Infernal3661 The same. Thumbs up for you, man.
@crzyflasher Pretty sure there was no enya either. It was a joke. can you deal with it?
Glory to the horde
dennis i love you
What do they mean heavy metal
I play Alliance and Horde, any good PvP'ers on the Alli side, shadowcouncil? Preferably a heals XD
@DefeatedElitist traditional orc music?
@madmiguelh2o me either I just happened to see it in related videos but I'd have to agree. thumbs up haha
@Box0rz i think so 2 + i used to be for the horde but now i'm for alliance except for GNOMES and HUMANS those 2 races SUCK
@madmiguelh2o why the hell would they have death metal playing in a tavern? The game was supposed to be a middle ages fantasy... there was no shitty death metal in the middle ages
I hate WoW. I love the music.
fu chuck
@madmiguelh2o Incorrect. Sry.
Orgrimmars Tavern is the most poorly decorated and the smallest tavern in the whole game? amaright!?
i don't play WOW but im pretty sure orcs would have some death metal playing not this fairy shit.
No offence hordies but i think ally music is better :)
Who likes what. I've been playing for the alliance for a long time, now mostly for the Horde. I like the music from the Tauren tavern the most.
reminds me of china XD