Det hvite hus advarer om at konflikten i Israel strekker deres evne til å støtte Ukraina: "Running out of runway." John Kirby sier at bistand ikke vil være "på ubestemt tid". Videre utdyper han: "And on the Ukraine funding, we’re coming near to the end of the rope. I mean, today we announced $200mn, and we’ll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it’s not going to be indefinite,” sa han.
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Det hvite hus advarer om at konflikten i Israel strekker deres evne til å støtte Ukraina: "Running out of runway." John Kirby sier at bistand ikke vil være "på ubestemt tid". Videre utdyper han: "And on the Ukraine funding, we’re coming near to the end of the rope. I mean, today we announced $200mn, and we’ll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it’s not going to be indefinite,” sa han.