Ryan Hall is one of my favorite guys!! When I drove an 18 wheeler OTR, he saved my butt many times. Now that I'm retired to my farm, I still depend on him for extreme weather updates. Like today, I got 11 inches of snow, high winds, power outage, etc. And, the wet snow collapsed my chicken hoop coop, and knocked down my chicken yard netting and electric fencing. I was outside on hands and knees, digging stuff out by hand, UNDERneath the netting, that was buried on the ground, under all that snow. It was a high temp of 29, and will continue dropping thru the rest of the week, to highs around zero, and windchills to -20. Also, leading to more snow on Friday. Thanks to Ryan, I can keep track of it all!! 😊😊
7:22 - "I hope I don't have to go out there and fix something." 😂 I felt that. I watched my great-grandfather repairing the roof of his barn in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm. It was an incredible sight, seeing him lit by distant lightning, while my grandmother begged him to get down and he shouted at her not to worry 😅Beautiful memories
Man, weather is a weird and wonderful thing! God's creation is amazing. I'm very thankful to hear so many voices in the comments, I'm glad y'all are safe! ❤
I'm in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada. Lots of wind and blowing snow. We are due to get a decent amount of snow (about 12") plus freezing rain and ice pellets. The power company is expecting lots of power outages. You know it's bad when they text you the day before to warn you, lol! Stay safe, everyone!
We're sitting at 32 degrees F and we have plenty of wind and wet snow up here in Ontario, Canada, (relatively close to the New York state edge). I thought it was a regular Canadian winter storm, but Ryan Hall showed the storm coverage goes from Florida all the way up here! We're all connected in a messy way.
Schools close for a lot less now than they did when I was a kid! 😂 I only remember one time when school closed. We were out for a week after we got 4 1/2 feet of snow in one weekend. Utah was wild! South Carolina is not as extreme in the winter. Summers though 🥵 Hang in there and stay cozy! Show us what you’re crocheting. I’m an avid crocheter but I haven’t been inspired for a while. Thanks for the update ❤ Bless you all!
Well, thanks for keeping us updated. Stay safe! Here in northern Canada, we are getting pretty silly weather as well. We haven’t had no snow all winter and +5 conditions which is crazy warm for northern Canada in the winter. Two days ago the weather shifted drastically, and now we are -30 with tons of snow coming in our direction. Everyone out there.. whether it’s tropical storm or winter storm. Take care of there.❤
Yes, I checked in with Ryan earlier we are expecting damaging winds and possible outages and snow at the end! Stay safe and praying for all those in the more severe weather to be safe! 🙏🙏🙏
We just had a bout of arctic weather (Lithuania, Europe). We had -24 C (-11 F) for several days. It is not something very unusual over here but in the last decades this kind of temperature is getting less common. Not sure how my roses and other perennials withstood that. Stay safe ❤
I hope you faired well in all that awful weather. When we first moved to Arkansas in May 2021 I was overwhelmed with fear due to tornado warnings and not knowing the area. A friend in West Virginia recommended that I watch Ryan Hall Ya’ll and OH MY GOSH I’m so glad I did. He talked me through many a scary night. I love Andy Hill too and then I found Arkansas Weather Watchers and Cameron has literally saved me from so much stress. I just listen and watch his eyes and feel so much better. We had a tornado touch down about 4 miles from our house and while the tornado warnings are blaring on our phones I listened to Cameron and knew exactly where it was and most importantly when it was gone. Thank you God for weather people!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
NE Alabama... we have a light dusting of snow and high winds. Yesterday, thru most of today rain and high winds. Most of my rabbit shelter had plastic cover... had to try to secure it 3 times, and the duck house flooded from the neighbors paddies, so my son was digging trenches today. On the up side, i love seeing water running in the seasonal creek again and am grateful for the rain, after a long draught summer. I pray everyone's safe.
Southern Missouri, here! Yesterday we got moderate rain and wind all day. As well as a few moments when it got cold enough for the rain to turn into ice. All of that stopped around 10pm last night. Today we have thick dark clouds and 17mph wind. The sun has poked through a couple of times, though. 39°F with a "feels like" of 30°F. Havent seen any rain today. I actually love the rain so the shots of you in the garden and greenhouse make me happy. So soothing. I hope nothing is damaged, though. If all that comes of this is some ripped plastic and a day at home with the boys, then we can call it a success! Thanks for checking in!
Finally calmed up here in Chapin, SC (Midlands neighbor-woot woot!) Hope everyone stays safe and dry!!! Thanks for popping on and for the suggested channel for weather from YT! Moved from Greenville and I really miss our weather reporters from up there!
We here in Colorado at 8,500 feet elevation, also appreciate the work Ryan Hall y'all does. It's been a little cold here. On Friday, 01/12/24 @ 10:43 am It's 16 degrees F with a feels like temp of -1degree F. with snow on the ground and wind gusts. Stay safe,dry and warm.
Thanks for taking the time to check in and let us know everything at R&R is OK. We've been watching the weather there and praying for your entire extended family and all the folks I your area who are dealing with "real" weather. We're in western Washington state and are having about with some weather of our own - record low temps, flooding, 60-80 mph winds and unheard-of heavy snow & *blizzard conditions.* Ryan Hall y'all is a blessing across the country, but the protective mama hen in me (I worry about everyone's kids, even the grown ones) really wishes he would be more careful. Cuddle those boys, enjoy your day off (talk about a rare treat) and stay safe and warm. God bless you and yours.
Raining in Michigan on and off mixed with flurries. We're praying they're right this time and temps don't plummet while the roads and trees are so wet. Rain. In January. With frigid temps on the way. Not a great scenario! Our prayers are for the safely of all in the path of these multiple storm systems coming through this week. Our whole country is affected. Interesting times.
Also in MI, my driveway is a pool of slush at the moment. I'm not looking forward to the ice rink that it'll be soon, but I'm most worried about my trees being weighed down with ice and snapping.
Hi Jess & Fam!!! I live in Iowa about an hour southeast of Des Moines in Melcher Dallas. And so far as of this comment we are still in a Winter Storm Watch until 9pm Tuesday. And sitting at about 10" of snow with more to come. And the temp is 30F with wind chill of 15F. Our low for the night is going to be 14F. Saturday thru Tuesday next week are going to be single digits with Sunday & Monday having a high of 0 degrees with below zero temps over night. I am moving out of Iowa this year or next. This is too cold for me. Love, Light and Blessings to all!
Glad you folks are good. We love Ryan Hall Ya’ll. We got big wind and driving rain in Central Florida and we’re watching his channel and thinking/sending prayers for the Roots & Refuge gang. Much love - Mother Medicine
Like you, I've been hanging with Ryan Hall Y'all all day. I've followed him for a couple of years. I heard Ryan say that several states canceled school today because they don't want the buses out on the roads in the forecasted high winds. I'm grateful that they prioritize the kids safety. I wasn't always the case. Glad you guys are safe, warm and dry. I'll be repairing my high tunnel doors this week, too.
I’m in central lower Michigan, and it’s snowing big flakes here. It looks like a featherbed factory exploded! It’s actually above freezing, 34 degrees, and it’s supposed to change to rain soon. The roads are a bit messy, but nothing a Michigan native can’t handle. Schools are open. Thanks for the update on your weather conditions. It’s good to know you are safe! Looks like it’s a good day to browse seed catalogs! If you’re in the mood to bake, you can always make cookies. If the power goes out, the dough will keep for a while. In the meantime, make lots of ice, and fill every available bucket with water!
It was snowy a couple days ago and now it is extremely cold. It was -17 this morning when I woke up. I ran out of propane, so running electric heat. Not working so well. Staying under the electric throw blanket.
I started watching him because you pointed him out and haven't stopped since! We are currently buried in snow. Yesterday was blowing snow and snowing alllllll day long. Today the sun is shining but we have to dig out. Kinda hard to say how many actual inches we got because it drifted so crazy in all the wind. We are on day two of cancelled school. I live in Nebraska and we never closed down for a tornado but I like the idea. Of course they are very common in our state!
I have had you folks in my prayers and will continue! I watch Ryan Hall too. I live in Central west Idaho and I still watch him because of people I know that live in the South. Snow, snow, snow here!
I love his channel! He predicted what's coming next week, last week. Our local channels are just now talking about it. It gave me time to start prepping last weekend for it.
In the last 3 months my beautiful husband who was my carer after my stroke has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer and is very poorly and fading fast your videos are a life line along with a couple of other genuine people that make me feel good so just having these videos is amazing at making me feel less alone . Thankyou xxx
I made it through yesterday's nasty weather down here in Florida. I'm enjoying watching you plant and check on new seedlings while I've been growing since last fall. I wish I could join you this year growing, but I'm taking a year off since I'm moving out of state. I'm also praying for everyone who had tornadoes.
Jessica, I just saw you on TV! Inside Edition included a clip from this video in the lead story from today's broadcast! It was a wonderful surprise to see you❤
Thinking about you with prayers along with all my family and friends who are in your area as well!! Thanks for sharing your situation with us! Glad your kids are home safe and you are all together.. Prayers for Malia staying safe at her friends place.. Congrats on new baby sprouts.. Ryan is an incredible with weather forcasts! Stay safe and together in Him!!
Got 6 inches of snow here in Central Washington State, light breeze with snow still falling. It is 35 degrees so the snow is melting as soon as it hits the shoveled areas. Got really cold weather coming in on Thursday, plan on firing up the pellet stove and work on my blanket I am crocheting. Stay safe, get out those seed catalogs and start dreaming of spring.
It got nutty in East Tennessee too! As a native Texan, I completely relate; no memories of school closures for storms. Schools seem to be more willing to call it for severe weather and I appreciate at when thinking about the kiddos who have to wait at the bus stop!
Max velocity (north Texas weather center) is also another great channel that I like utilizing along with Ryan’s channel. I can’t wait for my greenhouse to be built. It looks so cozy even in the pouring rain! We got Ryan’s snow meter and my kids always yell “don’t be scared, be prepared” 😂
Greetings from Portugal. I just finished listening to your pod cast on coziness when you mentioned S.A.D. I'm there right now, and your podcast has been comforting me. Thank you, Jess! I'm praying that you and Miah and all your children are rising out this grey season well. God bless
Hello Jess Happy your safe. Over the weekend here in. New England we got a nor’easter dropped a bunch of snow. I got 6 inches others got feet. 😮. Next this evening and tonight is more precipitation with heavy rain and wild winds. I think you weathers headed my way. 😅. I’m taking this time to also crochet and teach myself how to use a sewing machine. Seed starting in mid February. 👍. Thank you for being you. Stay safe and always Be Blessed. 🙏
We are in Mobile County AL and the storm passed through here between 3:30 and 4:00 this morning. There were 3 tornado warnings as the front passed through.!I have not heard of any injuries as yet. 🤞 It is almost 12 hours after the front passed and we are still getting wicked winds! Buckle Up and stay safe everyone.
Glad yall are doing ok. We are having winds in Louisiana. I really enjoy your vlogs and thanks for letting us know yall are okay. I watch Ryan Hall Yall for weather too! I understand the modular and manufactured home living during bad weather. We have no storm shelter or safe place. Stay warm and dry. You are the sweetest! ❤
Glad everyone, baby seedlings included, is safe. That's We nice they close things down with severe storm situations there. Its hit or miss here and often laughable when school is closed for 1/4" of snow. We had some very strong gusts of wind overnight with bands of heavy rain overnight. Sounded like the cover on my porch was going to take fight at one point, but it survived. A few trees in the area came down and thankfully no damage to anyone or anything. The northern part of Marion county where I live mow, is so different in its weather patterns. I could judge the weather in Portland pretty well after 40 yrs there.
Glad you're staying warm and dry!! After a mild winter we are about to enter a super deep freeze. Friday overnight we are forecasted -37C , -34.6F, almost at the equal point (I am in Alberta, Canada). Thankfully it's snowing now so everything will have a nice layer of insulation on top of the usual straw and leaf mulch. Some perennials may not make it but that's part of the garden journey, spring always bring a surprise of what made it and what didn't!!
Hunkered down here in eastern NC. They closed schools here too. I worry because the tornado watch for us will be after dark. The wind has picked up in the last hour. So I'm also watching Ryan Hall, and snuggled with the pups and kiddo, and pray my hubby gets home from work before things get too crazy.
Love Ryan Hall, Y'all!!! He has been on point since I started following him in April '23!! We had a blizzard yesterday with the storm front that is hitting you today. Beautiful sunny skies this morning!! Praying with you guys and all in this path! ❤
We lived on James Island for 39 years before moving to our farm in Hillsborough, NC! Been to Folly Beach many times over the years. The church we attended in Charleston has a wonderful beach house on Folly Beach. We had many good times there. Now, as for Hillsborough, the rain and wind today have been scary. It's 11:00 pm and the wind is still howling! Glad y'all made it safely through the storm. ❤
You have baby kohlrabi!!!! How sweet. Just weather the storm, I am in Washington and we are doing the same thing. Its wet wet wet. Just be prepared and stay aware! Love you!
49° and sunny in Southern California. Low of 32 tonight . I am really glad you have somewhere close by to go in case of a Tornado. My daughter wants to move to texas. I was traumatized as a child by a tornado. It hit in my uncle's town where we were visiting. Watching out the back of a station wagon driving frantically to my grandparents house did me in. It was huge and caused so much damage. Luckily for my uncle it did not hit his home. I do not like tornadoes.
We're getting it here in Sarasota Florida. Winds have been 30 mph all day with gusts of 40 mph and in a tornado watch. Its suppose to pick up after 4:00 PM. Been running out to my garden all day to make sure my shade tunnel is still intact. I sat at my kitchen table and planted two trays of seeds. Praying everyone stays safe. 🙏
Scandinavian here! Sweden has had it's fare share of extreme weather conditions this past week. The northernmost region of the country went from -50C° to at least +5C° in less than 48h. And the South is getting bombarded with snow. The extreme cold is unusual and we are expecting another cold event in the near future. Fortunately we have the snow as insulation! ❤
Glad you are safe. I'm in southern Iowa. Got 10" of snow today with wind gusts. While I don't really like this much snow it will be good for the drought we are experiencing this year. Will be good for the gardens in the spring. So I guess there is a silver lining. Stay safe everyone. ❄
Love Ryan Hall Y'all! Here in central Delaware, we've had high wind, crazy gusts and pounding rain. Most state offices and schools closed here too because of the threat of flooding. My dog thinks it's a hoot to go out and drink lots of water, come in for as long as he can hold all of that, go back out & recycle, and then get toweled off like a little baby dog. We're going through lots of "dog towels" and I'm making lemon cookies for my bestie to receive as a late Christmas present tomorrow.
Meanwhile ... In the great white north... We have had two days of sleet and freezing rain with high winds. Today we have beautiful fluffy snow. I'll take the snow over ice any day 👍. (Ontario, Canada)
Spring time, light rain in Southern Canada, greens growing great, were used of snow, odd tornado. Take care, saying a prayer for you all! Save the seedlings, your brave!
Love that you crochet. It’s so fun and therapeutic. I made bath mats for our home using cotton thread doubled up and my husband says it’s the most useful thing I’ve ever made lol. I need to make some more.
Well Jess it is hitting us up here in eastern Ontario Canada today, actually its just beginning as I'm typing. Wr have had a crazy unusual winter with barely any snow and relatively mild temperatures... crazy as this might sound I'm looking forward to the snow for our hay fields and overall need of precipitation in general. If we learned anything from last year is that nobody I'd immune to wildfires and that is my worst fear! God bless you and all.
We're in North Florida. There is a lot of thunder and the wind is blowing hard. It just started to rain some. I just pray that our fruit trees will be okay. Stay Safe Everyone!
Day 3 of winter storm across South Dakota & 2nd snow day this week. Roads drifted in but are getting opened up here.. Over 8" snow here plus what "snowed sideways". Glad you are all safe in this huge storm. 🙏 Take care!
Even after like 5 years of watching everytime you tell a freshly popped seedling "happy birthday" my heart swells💓
Same. 💚
Same ❤
😊 her passion for everything, it's contagious 💗
Love Ryan Hall y’all! He and his team do us all a great service.
Amen to that
Michigan here. It’s been snowing. Glad for it because we haven’t had much and it’s how our waters & lands get rejuvenated for the growing season.💕
Ryan Hall is one of my favorite guys!! When I drove an 18 wheeler OTR, he saved my butt many times. Now that I'm retired to my farm, I still depend on him for extreme weather updates. Like today, I got 11 inches of snow, high winds, power outage, etc. And, the wet snow collapsed my chicken hoop coop, and knocked down my chicken yard netting and electric fencing. I was outside on hands and knees, digging stuff out by hand, UNDERneath the netting, that was buried on the ground, under all that snow. It was a high temp of 29, and will continue dropping thru the rest of the week, to highs around zero, and windchills to -20. Also, leading to more snow on Friday. Thanks to Ryan, I can keep track of it all!! 😊😊
It’s a great day to crochet!
Cold, damp, stormy days are perfect for crocheting, especially blankets! They cover you while you're working on them
I think Ryan Hall is the Homesteader Weatherman. ❤. We have snow in Southern Missouri today. ⛄❄️🌨️
thanks for shouting out Ryan's channel. I'm on the stream now keeping an eye out. We are in lowcountry and bracing for high wind impact.
Me too, been on the last 6 hours. Prayers for safety for all in the path of these storms.
Me too. It was a good to take off work 😊
Yep. I was on all day too. I have employees in all states from Florida to NC … it’s been a long day. Thankfully everyone is safe
I have a 3 yr old who loves singing happy birthday to anyone and everything. She was DELIGHTED to sing happy birthday to your sprouts 😁
Geese and ducks are like the mailman…rain, wind, or snow, they’ll be out there. ❤️🪿so glad y’all are staying safe!
7:22 - "I hope I don't have to go out there and fix something." 😂 I felt that. I watched my great-grandfather repairing the roof of his barn in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm. It was an incredible sight, seeing him lit by distant lightning, while my grandmother begged him to get down and he shouted at her not to worry 😅Beautiful memories
Man, weather is a weird and wonderful thing! God's creation is amazing. I'm very thankful to hear so many voices in the comments, I'm glad y'all are safe! ❤
We just saw Jess on the news covering the storm damage in different areas! I'm like 'Oh! That's my gardening friend' lol.
I'm in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada. Lots of wind and blowing snow. We are due to get a decent amount of snow (about 12") plus freezing rain and ice pellets. The power company is expecting lots of power outages. You know it's bad when they text you the day before to warn you, lol!
Stay safe, everyone!
We're sitting at 32 degrees F and we have plenty of wind and wet snow up here in Ontario, Canada, (relatively close to the New York state edge). I thought it was a regular Canadian winter storm, but Ryan Hall showed the storm coverage goes from Florida all the way up here! We're all connected in a messy way.
Schools close for a lot less now than they did when I was a kid! 😂 I only remember one time when school closed. We were out for a week after we got 4 1/2 feet of snow in one weekend. Utah was wild! South Carolina is not as extreme in the winter. Summers though 🥵 Hang in there and stay cozy! Show us what you’re crocheting. I’m an avid crocheter but I haven’t been inspired for a while. Thanks for the update ❤ Bless you all!
THE BOYS are such kind, respectful and engaging. I loved that they came to say hello.
Well, thanks for keeping us updated. Stay safe! Here in northern Canada, we are getting pretty silly weather as well. We haven’t had no snow all winter and +5 conditions which is crazy warm for northern Canada in the winter. Two days ago the weather shifted drastically, and now we are -30 with tons of snow coming in our direction. Everyone out there.. whether it’s tropical storm or winter storm. Take care of there.❤
We're supposed to get up to 55 mph winds in NY. It's snowing right now. Rain later. Glad your all OK. Thanks for letting us know.
Yes, I checked in with Ryan earlier we are expecting damaging winds and possible outages and snow at the end! Stay safe and praying for all those in the more severe weather to be safe! 🙏🙏🙏
We Love Ryan Hall, Yall! Max Velocity is also very good.
We just had a bout of arctic weather (Lithuania, Europe). We had -24 C (-11 F) for several days. It is not something very unusual over here but in the last decades this kind of temperature is getting less common. Not sure how my roses and other perennials withstood that. Stay safe ❤
I hope you faired well in all that awful weather. When we first moved to Arkansas in May 2021 I was overwhelmed with fear due to tornado warnings and not knowing the area. A friend in West Virginia recommended that I watch Ryan Hall Ya’ll and OH MY GOSH I’m so glad I did. He talked me through many a scary night. I love Andy Hill too and then I found Arkansas Weather Watchers and Cameron has literally saved me from so much stress. I just listen and watch his eyes and feel so much better. We had a tornado touch down about 4 miles from our house and while the tornado warnings are blaring on our phones I listened to Cameron and knew exactly where it was and most importantly when it was gone. Thank you God for weather people!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
NE Alabama... we have a light dusting of snow and high winds. Yesterday, thru most of today rain and high winds. Most of my rabbit shelter had plastic cover... had to try to secure it 3 times, and the duck house flooded from the neighbors paddies, so my son was digging trenches today. On the up side, i love seeing water running in the seasonal creek again and am grateful for the rain, after a long draught summer. I pray everyone's safe.
Southern Missouri, here! Yesterday we got moderate rain and wind all day. As well as a few moments when it got cold enough for the rain to turn into ice. All of that stopped around 10pm last night. Today we have thick dark clouds and 17mph wind. The sun has poked through a couple of times, though. 39°F with a "feels like" of 30°F. Havent seen any rain today. I actually love the rain so the shots of you in the garden and greenhouse make me happy. So soothing. I hope nothing is damaged, though. If all that comes of this is some ripped plastic and a day at home with the boys, then we can call it a success! Thanks for checking in!
Great to know that you are doing ok as well! Blessings on your day Kiddo!🌻🐛Carolyn in Ohio 🌼
NW Florida trees down, no electric, rain stopped but everything is flooded. Animals are safe; we're good. Blessings to all ❤
Ryan Hall Y'all is the best for severe weather and all weather really. Glad you all are safe! Praying your high tunnels stay intact!
Thanks for posting an update so we know you guys are okay. Stay safe! ⛈⛈⛈
Finally calmed up here in Chapin, SC (Midlands neighbor-woot woot!) Hope everyone stays safe and dry!!! Thanks for popping on and for the suggested channel for weather from YT! Moved from Greenville and I really miss our weather reporters from up there!
We here in Colorado at 8,500 feet elevation, also appreciate the work Ryan Hall y'all does. It's been a little cold here. On Friday, 01/12/24 @ 10:43 am It's 16 degrees F with a feels like temp of -1degree F. with snow on the ground and wind gusts. Stay safe,dry and warm.
Thanks for taking the time to check in and let us know everything at R&R is OK.
We've been watching the weather there and praying for your entire extended family and all the folks I your area who are dealing with "real" weather.
We're in western Washington state and are having about with some weather of our own - record low temps, flooding, 60-80 mph winds and unheard-of heavy snow & *blizzard conditions.*
Ryan Hall y'all is a blessing across the country, but the protective mama hen in me (I worry about everyone's kids, even the grown ones) really wishes he would be more careful.
Cuddle those boys, enjoy your day off (talk about a rare treat) and stay safe and warm. God bless you and yours.
Raining in Michigan on and off mixed with flurries. We're praying they're right this time and temps don't plummet while the roads and trees are so wet.
Rain. In January. With frigid temps on the way. Not a great scenario! Our prayers are for the safely of all in the path of these multiple storm systems coming through this week. Our whole country is affected. Interesting times.
Also in MI, my driveway is a pool of slush at the moment. I'm not looking forward to the ice rink that it'll be soon, but I'm most worried about my trees being weighed down with ice and snapping.
We love Ryan Hall! He does such a great job, we found him when we had tornado warnings back in 2022 in the middle of December.
Hi Jess & Fam!!! I live in Iowa about an hour southeast of Des Moines in Melcher Dallas. And so far as of this comment we are still in a Winter Storm Watch until 9pm Tuesday. And sitting at about 10" of snow with more to come. And the temp is 30F with wind chill of 15F. Our low for the night is going to be 14F. Saturday thru Tuesday next week are going to be single digits with Sunday & Monday having a high of 0 degrees with below zero temps over night. I am moving out of Iowa this year or next. This is too cold for me. Love, Light and Blessings to all!
Glad you folks are good. We love Ryan Hall Ya’ll. We got big wind and driving rain in Central Florida and we’re watching his channel and thinking/sending prayers for the Roots & Refuge gang. Much love - Mother Medicine
Like you, I've been hanging with Ryan Hall Y'all all day. I've followed him for a couple of years. I heard Ryan say that several states canceled school today because they don't want the buses out on the roads in the forecasted high winds. I'm grateful that they prioritize the kids safety. I wasn't always the case. Glad you guys are safe, warm and dry. I'll be repairing my high tunnel doors this week, too.
I’ve been watching Ryan all morning… we’re near Raleigh. Kids out of school early. Hoping it’s not as bad as they say! Stay safe ❤
I’m in central lower Michigan, and it’s snowing big flakes here. It looks like a featherbed factory exploded! It’s actually above freezing, 34 degrees, and it’s supposed to change to rain soon. The roads are a bit messy, but nothing a Michigan native can’t handle. Schools are open. Thanks for the update on your weather conditions. It’s good to know you are safe! Looks like it’s a good day to browse seed catalogs! If you’re in the mood to bake, you can always make cookies. If the power goes out, the dough will keep for a while. In the meantime, make lots of ice, and fill every available bucket with water!
central lower MI too!
@@phyllisscott2343go blue!
We're having snow and 50 mph winds for two days, today and tomorrow. Snow all week predicted. Time to quilt. :> Love ya, stay safe, Patty
Yep, all night long and this morning. Whew! It was rough here in the north Georgia mountains. 30 mph sustained winds with 50 mph gusts.
Love Ryan!❤❤
Oh my goodness please stay safe and healthy. Have fun doing your crocheting.
I'm a huge fan of Ryan Hall Y'all... he is the best!!!!!
It was snowy a couple days ago and now it is extremely cold. It was -17 this morning when I woke up. I ran out of propane, so running electric heat. Not working so well. Staying under the electric throw blanket.
I started watching him because you pointed him out and haven't stopped since! We are currently buried in snow. Yesterday was blowing snow and snowing alllllll day long. Today the sun is shining but we have to dig out. Kinda hard to say how many actual inches we got because it drifted so crazy in all the wind. We are on day two of cancelled school. I live in Nebraska and we never closed down for a tornado but I like the idea. Of course they are very common in our state!
Glad y’all are safe! We LOVE Ryan Hall Yall! Glad you guys know about him too ❤
I have had you folks in my prayers and will continue! I watch Ryan Hall too. I live in Central west Idaho and I still watch him because of people I know that live in the South. Snow, snow, snow here!
Praise God He spared us and hopfully is done now! Good to see you all well! Blessings!
I love his channel! He predicted what's coming next week, last week. Our local channels are just now talking about it. It gave me time to start prepping last weekend for it.
In the last 3 months my beautiful husband who was my carer after my stroke has been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer and is very poorly and fading fast your videos are a life line along with a couple of other genuine people that make me feel good so just having these videos is amazing at making me feel less alone . Thankyou xxx
I made it through yesterday's nasty weather down here in Florida. I'm enjoying watching you plant and check on new seedlings while I've been growing since last fall. I wish I could join you this year growing, but I'm taking a year off since I'm moving out of state. I'm also praying for everyone who had tornadoes.
Cold winter snow..not a blizzard or anything just a good day to stay inside warm and look at the pretty winter wonderland
You fill my soul when the world is cold and white and quiet
I just saw you on TV!
Inside Edition included a clip from this video in the lead story from today's broadcast!
It was a wonderful surprise to see you❤
Glad you’re all safe. Prayers for you and all who have severe weather today.
Sounds like the perfect surprise day off with your family ❤❤❤
So so glad you all are doing ok . God be with you always . ❤❤❤❤❤ yes I have been watching Ryan hall y’all for few yrs now he’s wonderful.
Sprouted on a storm day.. that’s my prayer that amazing little things will come out of those inevitable storms.
Thinking about you with prayers along with all my family and friends who are in your area as well!! Thanks for sharing your situation with us! Glad your kids are home safe and you are all together.. Prayers for Malia staying safe at her friends place.. Congrats on new baby sprouts..
Ryan is an incredible with weather forcasts!
Stay safe and together in Him!!
I live in Canada and I watch Ryan Hall Y’all. He is amazing.
Got 6 inches of snow here in Central Washington State, light breeze with snow still falling. It is 35 degrees so the snow is melting as soon as it hits the shoveled areas. Got really cold weather coming in on Thursday, plan on firing up the pellet stove and work on my blanket I am crocheting. Stay safe, get out those seed catalogs and start dreaming of spring.
Gross, rainy day here in SW Ohio, still getting through with a grateful heart. Stay safe Sowards family 🫶🏻
It got nutty in East Tennessee too! As a native Texan, I completely relate; no memories of school closures for storms. Schools seem to be more willing to call it for severe weather and I appreciate at when thinking about the kiddos who have to wait at the bus stop!
I am about an hour from you and praising GOD for the sunshine that has just come out and we didn’t lose power 😅
praying for everyone's safety and praying for safety for all the animals and plants.
Max velocity (north Texas weather center) is also another great channel that I like utilizing along with Ryan’s channel. I can’t wait for my greenhouse to be built. It looks so cozy even in the pouring rain! We got Ryan’s snow meter and my kids always yell “don’t be scared, be prepared” 😂
It's sunny cold and windy here in North Texas. I'm glad you guys are safe and riding the storms out. Stay safe and healthy ❤🙏
You have angels all around you. So happy you are all okay.🌿💛🌿
Be careful Sowards family!! Your community is praying for you. 🙏🙏
Greetings from Portugal. I just finished listening to your pod cast on coziness when you mentioned S.A.D.
I'm there right now, and your podcast has been comforting me. Thank you, Jess! I'm praying that you and Miah and all your children are rising out this grey season well. God bless
Hello Jess
Happy your safe.
Over the weekend here in. New England we got a nor’easter dropped a bunch of snow. I got 6 inches others got feet. 😮. Next this evening and tonight is more precipitation with heavy rain and wild winds. I think you weathers headed my way. 😅.
I’m taking this time to also crochet and teach myself how to use a sewing machine. Seed starting in mid February. 👍. Thank you for being you. Stay safe and always Be Blessed. 🙏
Stay safe, Sowards! We’re hunkering down and prepping animals for -40’s tomorrow night. Woohoo! Winter in Montana!
We are in Mobile County AL and the storm passed through here between 3:30 and 4:00 this morning. There were 3 tornado warnings as the front passed through.!I have not heard of any injuries as yet. 🤞
It is almost 12 hours after the front passed and we are still getting wicked winds! Buckle Up and stay safe everyone.
Glad yall are doing ok. We are having winds in Louisiana. I really enjoy your vlogs and thanks for letting us know yall are okay. I watch Ryan Hall Yall for weather too! I understand the modular and manufactured home living during bad weather. We have no storm shelter or safe place. Stay warm and dry. You are the sweetest! ❤
Glad everyone, baby seedlings included, is safe. That's We nice they close things down with severe storm situations there. Its hit or miss here and often laughable when school is closed for 1/4" of snow.
We had some very strong gusts of wind overnight with bands of heavy rain overnight. Sounded like the cover on my porch was going to take fight at one point, but it survived. A few trees in the area came down and thankfully no damage to anyone or anything. The northern part of Marion county where I live mow, is so different in its weather patterns. I could judge the weather in Portland pretty well after 40 yrs there.
Snow , ice and now rain. Mixed in with driving wind, yep nasty weather. Welcome to Ontario 🇨🇦
I hope you and your baby girl get to have that special day when this blows over.
Glad you're staying warm and dry!! After a mild winter we are about to enter a super deep freeze. Friday overnight we are forecasted -37C , -34.6F, almost at the equal point (I am in Alberta, Canada). Thankfully it's snowing now so everything will have a nice layer of insulation on top of the usual straw and leaf mulch. Some perennials may not make it but that's part of the garden journey, spring always bring a surprise of what made it and what didn't!!
Hunkered down here in eastern NC. They closed schools here too. I worry because the tornado watch for us will be after dark. The wind has picked up in the last hour. So I'm also watching Ryan Hall, and snuggled with the pups and kiddo, and pray my hubby gets home from work before things get too crazy.
Love Ryan Hall, Y'all!!! He has been on point since I started following him in April '23!! We had a blizzard yesterday with the storm front that is hitting you today. Beautiful sunny skies this morning!! Praying with you guys and all in this path! ❤
We are having heavy rains/snow here in Canada, temps are dropping. 🙏 for all of us that are experiencing January storms in many different places.
We lived on James Island for 39 years before moving to our farm in Hillsborough, NC! Been to Folly Beach many times over the years. The church we attended in Charleston has a wonderful beach house on Folly Beach. We had many good times there. Now, as for Hillsborough, the rain and wind today have been scary. It's 11:00 pm and the wind is still howling! Glad y'all made it safely through the storm. ❤
You have baby kohlrabi!!!! How sweet. Just weather the storm, I am in Washington and we are doing the same thing. Its wet wet wet. Just be prepared and stay aware! Love you!
49° and sunny in Southern California. Low of 32 tonight .
I am really glad you have somewhere close by to go in case of a Tornado. My daughter wants to move to texas. I was traumatized as a child by a tornado. It hit in my uncle's town where we were visiting. Watching out the back of a station wagon driving frantically to my grandparents house did me in. It was huge and caused so much damage. Luckily for my uncle it did not hit his home.
I do not like tornadoes.
Oh my it’s January 9 and Jess has said “happy birthday” to a tiny seedling. Ugh. Someday I’ll have a greenhouse! 🌱
Alaska reporting in.... beautiful sunny day.... a brisk 18 degrees today. Sunrise- 10:06 Sunset- 4:07
Here in South Dakota we keep a close eye on Ryan Hall during all weather events.
We're getting it here in Sarasota Florida. Winds have been 30 mph all day with gusts of 40 mph and in a tornado watch. Its suppose to pick up after 4:00 PM. Been running out to my garden all day to make sure my shade tunnel is still intact. I sat at my kitchen table and planted two trays of seeds. Praying everyone stays safe. 🙏
Scandinavian here! Sweden has had it's fare share of extreme weather conditions this past week. The northernmost region of the country went from -50C° to at least +5C° in less than 48h. And the South is getting bombarded with snow.
The extreme cold is unusual and we are expecting another cold event in the near future. Fortunately we have the snow as insulation! ❤
Glad you are safe. I'm in southern Iowa. Got 10" of snow today with wind gusts. While I don't really like this much snow it will be good for the drought we are experiencing this year. Will be good for the gardens in the spring. So I guess there is a silver lining. Stay safe everyone. ❄
Love Ryan Hall Y'all! Here in central Delaware, we've had high wind, crazy gusts and pounding rain. Most state offices and schools closed here too because of the threat of flooding. My dog thinks it's a hoot to go out and drink lots of water, come in for as long as he can hold all of that, go back out & recycle, and then get toweled off like a little baby dog. We're going through lots of "dog towels" and I'm making lemon cookies for my bestie to receive as a late Christmas present tomorrow.
Meanwhile ... In the great white north... We have had two days of sleet and freezing rain with high winds. Today we have beautiful fluffy snow. I'll take the snow over ice any day 👍. (Ontario, Canada)
Spring time, light rain in Southern Canada, greens growing great, were used of snow, odd tornado. Take care, saying a prayer for you all! Save the seedlings, your brave!
Love that you crochet. It’s so fun and therapeutic. I made bath mats for our home using cotton thread doubled up and my husband says it’s the most useful thing I’ve ever made lol. I need to make some more.
Well Jess it is hitting us up here in eastern Ontario Canada today, actually its just beginning as I'm typing. Wr have had a crazy unusual winter with barely any snow and relatively mild temperatures... crazy as this might sound I'm looking forward to the snow for our hay fields and overall need of precipitation in general. If we learned anything from last year is that nobody I'd immune to wildfires and that is my worst fear!
God bless you and all.
all aspects of homesteading! Rain included!
50MPH Winds and rain here in the Columbia basin of Washington State. All of you are in my prayers!
We're in North Florida. There is a lot of thunder and the wind is blowing hard. It just started to rain some. I just pray that our fruit trees will be okay. Stay Safe Everyone!
Day 3 of winter storm across South Dakota & 2nd snow day this week. Roads drifted in but are getting opened up here.. Over 8" snow here plus what "snowed sideways". Glad you are all safe in this huge storm. 🙏 Take care!
I am on the other side of the world and I watch Ryan because of all of you people over the pond. Prayers for all that need it, may God protect you!
Winter has finally arrived and it's going to get very cold. No frost tender flowers here!!