Another thing to mention, mostly for new players is there is a new (I think) blue quest the rewards you with your first mystic badge. The quest is called "The Dead Refuse to Die". It just requires you to kill a CB field boss, kill Jinsoyun in Heavens mandate, Winter mane in cold storage and the bosses on mushing tower 16th floor. It's a much easier and faster way for new players to get their first mystic badge.
I really enjoyed it thank you @Keroppi I noticed my AP got boosted by around 100 AP and my DPS from 580 up to 700+ thats a blast xD I really appreciate the efforts you puted in this video thank you so much
oh ty, ty. this was very helpful. i was on the update yesterday and did most of the work. but now I see that i have missed a couple of stuff. I'm still trying to figure out how to play my Wind Summoner again. Back then I was able to just solo CS but now with this updated. I am getting my butt hand it to me.
Do you know why people cant equip butterfly wings or Saber Frost Wings (ofc with the saber frost set on...) after patch? Seems like a problem NC soft doesnt know about and i spent money on those wings so i want to wear them lol
What's the most efficient way to get to Raven 9 nowadays? Raven path or Riftwalk? asking cause it used to be Rift for sure, but now it costs a PTS to get to Raven 9 from Riftwalk, and not if you take the Raven path all the way so... any help would be appreciated!
First thing? Follow these steps: 1. Read event and login game 2. VISA-Master Card 3. Buy troves 4. Farm talisman and awake skills, up lv60 in 3s or get the fck out of daily party 5. Bankrupted
i didnt see this in the video but there is a quest letter called "know thine enemy" that gives you raven shield 6/7/8. im not sure how hard that is to complete tho. im a returning player and the dungeon is a legendary dungeon.
Hey kerro , I just wanna ask (ik that you’ve said this but I just want reassurance) dawnforged or raven stage 3? I didn’t use the story one cuz It has only 4 slots (I’ve 8) and I was already at stage 12 baleful so, what do you recommend?
Can you make a video about how do we redeem our lvl 60 voucher? I know i am very confused and i saw allot of people in faction chat having trouble whit it
Go on the homepage log in into your account than click right on the top to your account thing then press redeem code then you will have Blade and soul (1) standing there click there and just apply :)
If you have just created a character,you cant immideately use the voucher. Go through the story till you reach around lv 4. Then u can see the voucher icon on the bottom when pressing esc. (I spent some time figuring this out :v)
i don't know why but i logged in, did read the letter for that quest and it disappeared from my quest log, also i did unlock the awakening skills but didn't have to do that dungeon o;
Thanks for the video :D I will just send it to my friends instead of explaining what to do. You should also mention to take out gems from weapon and switch for new ones ._. gn.
Thnx m8 nice of you to do this video I am lost still although I found out thiis stuff on my own :). Atm my warden feel really clunky and don't even know how to tank anymore. I guess i find it in hongmoon points well it is late for me also. Oh and biggest thing I got pissed about was loosing 10% of my crit rating... that's a lot for only 5 levels up ah well.
You need to be HM13 to unlock "Taking Refuge" quest.
Was looking for it ty
Really lel thx man I thought it was a bug
Another thing to mention, mostly for new players is there is a new (I think) blue quest the rewards you with your first mystic badge. The quest is called "The Dead Refuse to Die". It just requires you to kill a CB field boss, kill Jinsoyun in Heavens mandate, Winter mane in cold storage and the bosses on mushing tower 16th floor. It's a much easier and faster way for new players to get their first mystic badge.
I really enjoyed it thank you @Keroppi
I noticed my AP got boosted by around 100 AP and my DPS from 580 up to 700+ thats a blast xD
I really appreciate the efforts you puted in this video thank you so much
Thanks man this is a really solid summary, I've seen so many lost souls today
This was very helpful Keroppi and I just got my new computer back in time for the updates you really helped me out~!
Thank you for being so informal!!!!
Thank you keroppi for bringing us this video : !!
F to me and the homies who sold our antiqued white orbs demon spirit stone etc. thinking it was going to be replaced
me cri
u can buy stage 1 talisman from MSP vendor And u will be saving 50 buds! , i accept ingame gold :D
wts MSP vender?
but stage 2 need 50 buds -.-
this came up just as i launched the game, perfect timing XD
Thank you so much for this Keroppi, you're awesome \o/
thank you. that help a lot as. I tray to figure out staff by my self at 2am till 4am. got really confuse. tyvm =]
thank you so very much all the info I needed
oh ty, ty. this was very helpful. i was on the update yesterday and did most of the work. but now I see that i have missed a couple of stuff. I'm still trying to figure out how to play my Wind Summoner again. Back then I was able to just solo CS but now with this updated. I am getting my butt hand it to me.
@@keroppi oh boy, Guess it's time to beef up my summoner once again ovo//
TAKE CARE! Love your video and it really helps a LOT! BNS should pay you for all this info
actually you can get to raven 3 in seconds with only punch of naryu tablets and 70 gold for raven king energy
Thank you cutie pie. This actually help a lot.
Your video help a lot. Thank you !
thank you so much for this video ❤
Do you know why people cant equip butterfly wings or Saber Frost Wings (ofc with the saber frost set on...) after patch? Seems like a problem NC soft doesnt know about and i spent money on those wings so i want to wear them lol
Thanks for this video it’s very helpful
Real helpful, damn I wasted my materials to get to baleful 9
I would love to see an earth build on the skills for pvp and pve Kero, would be awsome.
What's the most efficient way to get to Raven 9 nowadays? Raven path or Riftwalk? asking cause it used to be Rift for sure, but now it costs a PTS to get to Raven 9 from Riftwalk, and not if you take the Raven path all the way so... any help would be appreciated!
First thing? Follow these steps:
1. Read event and login game
2. VISA-Master Card
3. Buy troves
4. Farm talisman and awake skills, up lv60 in 3s or get the fck out of daily party
5. Bankrupted
LoL! i salvaged my bt accs and it worked too
will u do some for fire an shadow gunner as well i cant find any info of yet i still trying fig whats best put points in for shadow.
i didnt see this in the video but there is a quest letter called "know thine enemy" that gives you raven shield 6/7/8. im not sure how hard that is to complete tho. im a returning player and the dungeon is a legendary dungeon.
Question if my vortex necklace is lvl 3 why I can't lvl up to the new necklace?
how can i get bloodstones without doing pvp?
crafting, daily dash, trove, pvp n such.maybe trial arena?
Buy the duelist pack. Comes with 800+ bloodstone fragments. Completely worth the 15 bucks.
thanks for the tips
Could i have a newest guide for this game? Thanks!
Which Badges for Summoners? I mean mystic there are only two optional But the normal Badge confuses ne a Little bit..
What will happened to normal un awakened accessories.
Kerropi how can i get blossom nabula ?
my game since the update keeps freezes randomly and in every party i get like 2 people that dc'd
Try to switch to different client. From x32 to x64 and vice verse. That help me a lot when a new update mess with my client
I used the lvl 60 voucher and don`t have the "taking refuge" quest, any ideas?
@@keroppi I found out the reason, you have to be hm 13 to unlock the quest and voucher leaves u at hm 12
Hey kerro , I just wanna ask (ik that you’ve said this but I just want reassurance) dawnforged or raven stage 3? I didn’t use the story one cuz It has only 4 slots (I’ve 8) and I was already at stage 12 baleful so, what do you recommend?
keroppi kk ty
can u talk about the items from troves?
Any chance we could see a warden how to with the awakened skills?
Why do i only got 8 points in skills i am hm 18 and had all hm secret techniques unlocked before the patch hited
@@keroppi i forgot to check after i hit 60 was in the back of my mind thanks for the clarification
the rift/dawn stage 3 weapon u get has 3-6 gem slots.. what if a new player doesnt have gem hammers? should we use this weapon?
and how do i get gem hammers as a new player? i only have like 25 atm
Can you make a video about how do we redeem our lvl 60 voucher?
I know i am very confused and i saw allot of people in faction chat having trouble whit it
Go on the homepage log in into your account than click right on the top to your account thing then press redeem code then you will have Blade and soul (1) standing there click there and just apply :)
If you have just created a character,you cant immideately use the voucher. Go through the story till you reach around lv 4. Then u can see the voucher icon on the bottom when pressing esc. (I spent some time figuring this out :v)
Ty iam new , u helped me .
I don't have the side story orange quest ;A;
You have to be level 55 HM7, and have completed Act 9.
@@TheAcmeGuy ahhh thanks!
i don't know why but i logged in, did read the letter for that quest and it disappeared from my quest log, also i did unlock the awakening skills but didn't have to do that dungeon o;
Me too :(
rf doesn't work anymore! I don't know how to play my kfm now help! D:
Simple Mode like 70% of Korean KFM’s
Thanks for the video :D I will just send it to my friends instead of explaining what to do.
You should also mention to take out gems from weapon and switch for new ones ._.
Ivan Dovadzija where do you get new ones
@@neobyhg3100 Should bring up a tab (like antique) and can trade them in for new gems + powders.
Thnx m8 nice of you to do this video I am lost still although I found out thiis stuff on my own :).
Atm my warden feel really clunky and don't even know how to tank anymore.
I guess i find it in hongmoon points well it is late for me also.
Oh and biggest thing I got pissed about was loosing 10% of my crit rating... that's a lot for only 5 levels up ah well.
Same here.. dont even know how to spec its skills anymore... feels naked playing my warden now... T___T
Talk about threat skills n cc skills keroo..everithings is change
Kero how to get BS with out doing p v p ..
Also I have noticed that the combats a lot more responsive on high ping which is nice