Ate Ow’Obusobozi obubwe ku bubwe, ab’emmundu abeetaaza ki? That’s a scam! Ugandans, muzibuke amaaso…shun this naivety. Ow’Obusobozi is an impositor. Where’s he? He’s gone to meet the dead like any other person. He was a masquerader! Obusobozi bwe buli ludda wa???
Omukama Ruhanga owamahe goona Ohaisanizibwe Ebiiro Byona
Ohaisanizibwege ebri byona
Wao happy visit
Ohaisanizibwege Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka
Webale kwijja Ruhanga
Always be praised Omukama Ruhanga Owobusobozi Bisaka
Asingire Owobusobozi kaniwe Ruhanga
He is a real God
Omukama ruhaga owobusobozi bisaka taata ohaisanizibwege Ebro byoona ego
Omukama ruhanga owobusobozi should be praised all the time.
OROB be praised all the time
Thanks everyone.
Who is who between the president and bisaka, and who is who between the faith of unity and the government
Yo fake
Bambi kakana ogya kuwona oyo mukemi
Ate Ow’Obusobozi obubwe ku bubwe, ab’emmundu abeetaaza ki? That’s a scam! Ugandans, muzibuke amaaso…shun this naivety. Ow’Obusobozi is an impositor. Where’s he? He’s gone to meet the dead like any other person. He was a masquerader! Obusobozi bwe buli ludda wa???
He is a real God
Webale kwijja Ruhanga