Kicker L7T - Kicker prefab sealed wedge box

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @Iraqveteran-ke6qu
    @Iraqveteran-ke6qu 3 года назад +25

    Damn, sounds so clean and hard at the same time. Definitely going sealed with a 15 L7 a class.

    • @rr42192
      @rr42192 3 года назад +2

      Idk I think the JL 500 doing it justice moreso!

  • @Gnik4144
    @Gnik4144 4 года назад +10

    That’s a cool freaking song!! Never heard this version

  • @cityboyz85
    @cityboyz85 3 года назад +5

    Vocals are amazing 👌🏾

  • @HighVybeTribe
    @HighVybeTribe 2 года назад +15

    That is actually coming through pretty clear for RUclips audio and my factory system . it sounds really good , so it must sound awesome in person 😀

      @ABUNDANCEandBEYONDATHLETE 4 месяца назад

      What audio recorder did you use? If cell phone, Android or iPhone? Pro Video? Adjust the mic audio gain down prob to handle the bass?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 месяца назад

      What? I just recorded with my phone

  • @209_Tint_Shop
    @209_Tint_Shop Год назад

    This makes me miss my mazda had a 2600i 4x4 with Memphis 6.5 on the doors and a 12 kicker comp slim sub was years ago

  • @LuisGonzales-ik2gm
    @LuisGonzales-ik2gm 2 года назад +5

    I have this in my denali and my buddy has 2 10s in his denal and my solo 12 hits harder! The LT7 pre enclosed is amazing!

  • @dennyleitch7220
    @dennyleitch7220 3 года назад +4

    No room for the sub, especially with the seat back. Sound quality on the other hand, sounds great!

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 года назад +4

      Well, guess I could cut my legs off and slide the seat up so it has more room.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ just the way it has to be, driving comfort/safety > subwoofer

    • @dennyleitch7220
      @dennyleitch7220 3 года назад

      @@tattookaleo LOL 😂

  • @808Mark
    @808Mark 4 года назад +6

    That sounds amazing! And great song choice!

  • @branb6158
    @branb6158 3 года назад

    Set up sounds amazing and great song selection

  • @tatsumaru12345
    @tatsumaru12345 4 года назад +1

    2nd time I've heard this linkin park cover song. First time was the beginning of a great dirty movie!

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +2

      It is a great cover. It has good clean sound to it too. Mids, highs, lows, all there, makes for a good demo song on a SQ oriented system.

  • @Gnik4144
    @Gnik4144 2 года назад +1

    Kickers are hated on but man they sound good, just pure base!

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  2 года назад +2

      Kicker is based on the average consumer, Theyre arent out to attract bassheads. Simple, they want to sell, and they do. I like their stuff, but if Im doing a high end build, wont be the brand I choose. This one I chose because I just wanted something simple, preloaded, and it surprised me.

    • @willhurlock776
      @willhurlock776 2 года назад

      what would you use for a high end build? i want ear rattling bass

    • @tordb
      @tordb 11 месяцев назад

      @@willhurlock776 Fosgate, Audison or JL Audio

    • @tommyweese5697
      @tommyweese5697 Месяц назад

      I’ve used a lot of stuff through the years. Kicker is a good brand period. Like ole dude said most of their stuff is gonna be consumer level stuff, nothing too crazy. But competition grade stuff I do like dd audio. But I’m bias cuz I’m from Oklahoma

  • @dylanmanuel6595
    @dylanmanuel6595 2 года назад

    That's a quality subwoofer

  • @dila12345
    @dila12345 Год назад

    What mids and highs setup is in there ? Amp crossovers and all, I need to know. That sounds amazing.

  • @christianackerman1286
    @christianackerman1286 3 года назад

    Very ncie sounding bass 😎

  • @snwman51
    @snwman51 4 года назад +5

    What do you think of the sub? I’m thinking of swapping my JL slimline 12inch for one of these.

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +1

      I personally dig it. I mean in the sense of cost and capability. This is just my daily driver so, its not like I'm going for a competition. It has a good clean sound. I had the JL TW5 13" before, and I'll say that this sub hangs in right there. This sub can do ported enclosure, so I give that a one up on the JL shallows. I have yet to build a ported enclosure for it though, curious to how it'll perform.

    • @snwman51
      @snwman51 4 года назад +1

      Kaleo Kaleo yeah sweet. this sub will be for my single cab daily also. Does it sound abit deeper being square and having the surface face of a 15? I wonder if is can be ported like the others Being the slot at the side bottom. I don’t see why it wouldn’t.
      Thanks for the reply and I’ll let you know if I get one and what I think of it. Cheers

    • @Adetokunbo03
      @Adetokunbo03 4 года назад +1

      Don’t do it bro I did it the jl slim doesn’t even come close to the kicker . It sounds okay but it doesn’t play deep .

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +1

      @@Adetokunbo03 say again...

    • @Adetokunbo03
      @Adetokunbo03 4 года назад

      Kaleo I was walking and typing lol

  • @jamesbrown4651
    @jamesbrown4651 2 года назад +2

    Dam I've sworn against sealed enclosures for a long time, and I hear these on here and they sound clean! I've been trying to decide between these and the jlaudio tw3s, but budget has come into play since the 28% price hike on companies that have decided against "out sourcing" 😉 their materials to overseas places. Have a great day and bass on 🤙🔊

    • @RemingtonSteel
      @RemingtonSteel Год назад +1

      I like sealed more. I the bass is tighter and more controlled. It's not as "loud" but I don't like that punchy bass. I've had many ported boxes and always ended up putting a sock in the port to convert the box. Lol

    • @That_Stanced_Toyota
      @That_Stanced_Toyota 8 месяцев назад

      What’s your setup currently? What rig, year, cab style, rear seat type if you have one, etc? And ontop of that what’s the box and sub combo you’re running? I could give you pointers to companies and general setups that’d rumble and sound crisp at the same time. Hopefully you got dash/door speakers and not just mids but tweets as well.

    • @jamesbrown4651
      @jamesbrown4651 8 месяцев назад

      @@That_Stanced_Toyota Thanks for the response. This is an old comment 😁👍y'all have a good day.

  • @lorenzomartinez2055
    @lorenzomartinez2055 Год назад

    Las recomiendo tengo dos en mi Nissan frontier suenan masizo

    • @alexdel00
      @alexdel00 Год назад

      Que modelo es tu nissan frontier, es doble cabina? Las traes detras o abajo de los asientos

  • @daveroski
    @daveroski 2 года назад

    I know video was posted a while ago. Do you wish you had it in a porter box? Do you still have it or switched to something else? Thinking of getting the down firing 12” of the 7t in trunk of car

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  2 года назад +1

      Nah, been fine as is. I dont drive that truck too often. But when I do, its still surprises me what that sub is capable of.

  • @popcornplaya83ify
    @popcornplaya83ify Год назад

    so question how did this sub hold up ive been thinking about getting one but ive read reviews saying it only lastted for a couple months?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  Год назад +1

      Still going strong as when I got it. People reviewing it must be abusing it, and/or dont how how to tune amps and what clipping point is.

    • @popcornplaya83ify
      @popcornplaya83ify Год назад

      @@tattookaleo thanks yeah I was split betweens this one and the two subs one but these handle more rms plus you can never go wrong with a L7 shape sub lol

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  Год назад +1

      @@popcornplaya83ify the two subs? From kicker? If its what I think youre thinking, its not a dual sub enclosure. Its a single sub with a passive radiator, it just looks like two subs. That one sounds good, Ive heard it, but its not near the L7T.

  • @inasuc
    @inasuc 2 года назад

    Can you connect the remote for this sub?

  • @AlexSilva-pb8mr
    @AlexSilva-pb8mr 3 месяца назад

    Hey how wide is the bow ?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 месяца назад

      @@AlexSilva-pb8mr 21.5 inches. All the dimensions are listed on Kickers site.

  • @10krms8
    @10krms8 4 года назад +1

    I just pick a set of these now i need a box cant find one any tip will b appreciated

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +1

      Id have one built to spec. They can go in a ported enclosure, just look up the specs.

    • @10krms8
      @10krms8 4 года назад

      Kaleo i c the specs just dont have the time n tools to make one looking for pre fab one a custom box in my area r 400 plus i think its way to much for a box

    • @coronafong
      @coronafong 4 года назад

      @@10krms8 custom ported built to spec will be best, but if you want prefab, plenty options on Amazon, Q bomb dual vented enclosure only $127

    • @maineventsportscards5604
      @maineventsportscards5604 Год назад

      Is that a 10 or 12

  • @noedelgado4392
    @noedelgado4392 4 года назад +1

    Does the box come with a built in box

  • @ajayahuja9
    @ajayahuja9 4 года назад +4

    Sounds very clean. Nice. What speakers are you running brother?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +6

      Just some pioneer, 6X9 and 4" and tweeters. Honestly, the head unit made a nice change, nice clarity and sound.

    • @robcoa
      @robcoa 2 года назад

      @@tattookaleo thats what we like 👍🏼

    • @geovanicarrillo4264
      @geovanicarrillo4264 8 месяцев назад

      @@tattookaleowhat model bro

  • @kolbysorensen6348
    @kolbysorensen6348 4 года назад

    I have two 10s under my seats right now dose anybody know if the enclosure for this is much bigger because I’m looking to buy one

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад

      Go on Kickers website, they list the box dimensions.

  • @jameshumphrey9808
    @jameshumphrey9808 5 лет назад +1

    How big is the sub, and what amp are you running?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  5 лет назад +2

      All that info is listed in the video description. 12" on a JL slashV2 500.1

    • @jameshumphrey9808
      @jameshumphrey9808 5 лет назад

      @@tattookaleo sorry man, but thank you

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  5 лет назад

      No worries. All good.

    • @jayphelps415
      @jayphelps415 4 года назад +1

      Is the box bigger than a case of beer?

    • @MannuhFestIt
      @MannuhFestIt 4 года назад +6

      jayphelps415 such a specific unit of measurement.

  • @kuuupe3641
    @kuuupe3641 Год назад

    Looked like your seat was blocking the cone for a bit there boss

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  Год назад +1

      Dont have choice man, its a tiny truck. If I move the seat forward, I cant drive.

    • @kuuupe3641
      @kuuupe3641 Год назад

      @@tattookaleo I’m putting this in my truck and I have the same lack of space if not more😂 so I’ll see what I can do

    • @Dimension855
      @Dimension855 Год назад

      Thinking about grabbing one for the GMC 😂

  • @EliteOnTheBeat
    @EliteOnTheBeat 3 года назад

    pretty sure this is the kicker L7R NOT the L7T. These enclosures are really new. Definitely getting one.

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 года назад +5

      Seriously? L7T, T as in Thin. Look at it good, its a slim sub.
      The R is a traditional sub, not a slim/shallow. Which would not fit behind the seat.🤦‍♂️

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 года назад

      @D Perez ummmm, id say good. It is a sealed box, so the mid range punch is there.

  • @jamesbrown4651
    @jamesbrown4651 2 года назад

    Also to add look into the rockford fosgate dsps available, they can be controlled off a Bluetooth capable device. 🤙🔊

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  2 года назад +2

      I have an Alpine PXAH800 sittin around, but, for this truck, im not goin in too much with the system, keepin it simple. Only thing I may do is change sub amp and add in another L7T sub.

  • @yeechenglee3612
    @yeechenglee3612 2 года назад

    what song

  • @MrViper7121
    @MrViper7121 4 года назад +1

    How does this sub stack up against JL audio tw3 12 inch?

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +1

      I had the TW5 13 inch in there before this sub, I'd say pretty even, but I think the Kicker does hit the low just a little better. It can also do ported enclosure, so itll definitely do lower notes better than the JL TW subs

  • @SingleCab-kg7xm
    @SingleCab-kg7xm Год назад

    is this on 600W?

  • @G00DZ1
    @G00DZ1 4 года назад


  • @fabianarellano1608
    @fabianarellano1608 Год назад

    No se llama la canción

  • @bougelaal
    @bougelaal 4 года назад

    Remix name?

    • @carbonoxx
      @carbonoxx 4 года назад

      in the end by linking park

  • @noedelgado4392
    @noedelgado4392 4 года назад

    I meant to say if the box comes with a built in amp

  • @SheeshGaming420TechTips
    @SheeshGaming420TechTips 3 года назад

    i can smell the coil now

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 года назад

      Lmfao, trust me guy, aint no clipping here. Phone mics dont pick up frequencies the greatest. If you gonna hate, just go somewhere else.

    • @SheeshGaming420TechTips
      @SheeshGaming420TechTips 3 года назад +1

      @@tattookaleo lol its bangin off the seat thats not good for the sub

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  3 года назад +3

      @@SheeshGaming420TechTips Oh well, not enough space, single cab minitruck things. Over a year and still goin, if she fries oh well, ill buy another.

    • @glennthibodeaux598
      @glennthibodeaux598 2 года назад +2

      @@tattookaleo When I was younger that’s the only place we had our subs right behind the seats in our low riders!! Send it

  • @hunterstelly4895
    @hunterstelly4895 4 года назад

    Put it in the middle

    • @tattookaleo
      @tattookaleo  4 года назад +1

      There's a hump thingy there on the back wall of the truck. It'll force me to bring my seat forward a bit, which would then be uncomfortable driving for me

    • @hunterstelly4895
      @hunterstelly4895 4 года назад

      @@tattookaleo oh damn