10 Characters James Gunn MUST Add to the DCU

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 76

  • @Trangsmer
    @Trangsmer 27 дней назад +11

    My wish list
    1.-Martian Manhunter
    2.-Ted Kord Blue Beetle
    3.-Adam Strange
    4.-Mister miracle
    5.-Dr Fate
    6.-Kyle Rayner
    8.- John Constantine
    9.- Flash (i'm fine with Barry or Wally, i only want flash please)
    10.- Animal man

    • @mantraki
      @mantraki 27 дней назад +2

      Add bolo to that list and you got me in, also, which dr fate?

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  27 дней назад +2

      Great list!!!

    • @user-gy1xp5fg3b
      @user-gy1xp5fg3b 22 дня назад

      im so happy people are saying they want animal man. So underrated

  • @brickity1447
    @brickity1447 29 дней назад +12

    My brother. You don't understand how long I've waited for someone to just drop an hour long interesting video about the DCU for me to just chill to. Thanks! 🙏

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  29 дней назад +2

      Glad you like it! Thanks for watching!!

  • @risuenor3652
    @risuenor3652 25 дней назад +1

    1.- Mister Miracle. I suggest Logan Marshall Green for a true hero look, or Scoot McNairy so he can look tiny next to whoever gets to play Big Barda.
    2.- Deadman. Just Deadman. Not even as a lead. Perhaps even the comic relief in a JL Dark thing. He's my guy. If he's in, I'm in.
    3.- The Question. Would work as a Peacemaker type show. I'd love to see him in an all-new dynamic with a younger Huntress. Instead of the same old romance, it could be more of a True Grit thing. Sort of a Léon: The Professional type story. She loses her family to corrupt cops and wants revenge and he's an imperfect mentor in the ways of alternative justice, with wacky but undeniably effective methods. I strongly suggest Paddy Considine.
    4.- Etrigan. For all the obvious reasons. I suggest Damian Lewis.
    5.- Reverse Flash. There's potential here for the DCU's Loki. They just need to find their Tom Hiddleston. Sometimes godly genius, sometimes time traveling mad man, full time hater. Charisma off the charts.
    6.- Black Manta. Just keep it simple; he's Deathstroke underwater. Nothing too personal, nothing convoluted. He's just working as head of security for whoever's got the power and the money to do something fishy on a grand scale (pun very much intended). It's just his job to protect the ships that Aquaman attacks because he wants them nowhere near Atlantis. That kinda thing. Then it can get personal later on as he gets humiliated time after time. He also has to be a world class hater. Think the DCU's Boba Fett. Silent menace with limitless gear and a cool helmet. If done right, imo.
    7.- Kyle Rainer. Eventually though, no rush... Just let my guy be artsy and Mexican when he enters the picture. That's who you want wielding a GL ring. Creativity cranked up to eleven.
    8.- Klarion. He'd be a great Teen Titans adversary turned friend, or the other way around. There's potential in a casting done right. I can feel it.
    9.- Captain Atom. Every time they bring up Alan Ritchson I'm like "Bro, the role is right there". He's not right for Batman. He's right for Captain Atom. People forget he's where Dr. Manhattan originally came from. You need that level of actor who can give you the physical presence to stand toe to toe with Superman, the space age traditional good looks to sell the astronaut-gone-wrong aspect of his persona, and the intelligence in his eyes and voice for him to be the near-cosmic power in a team with Ted Kord Blue Beetle (Nite Owl), Peacemaker (Comedian), Question (Rorschach), etc. He can do so much more in a story than fly away and blow up, but we keep getting Captain Fireworks.
    10.- OG JSA. And I mean Spectre, Wildcat, Dr. Midnight, original Sandman, Dr. Fate... give me that Alex Ross look. I know you can.

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  25 дней назад

      I love how detailed you made this! i disagree with making Klarion a good guy since he is chaos incarnate. i also love alan Ritchison as Captain Atom

  • @rah0210
    @rah0210 28 дней назад +4

    The whole jl dark corner of the universe would be great to explore.

  • @andrewwalker1700
    @andrewwalker1700 25 дней назад +1

    I also, maybe just me, would be cool if Gunn introduces the WatchTower in these live films n tv shows

  • @Theblackout292
    @Theblackout292 23 дня назад

    Love this! Keep it coming

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  23 дня назад

      Thank you! trying to branch out content wise. Any thing youd like to maybe see in the future?? (not sure if we can do it just wanna see what our audience likes)

  • @deculturation
    @deculturation 23 дня назад

    Mathew Lillard would be perfect as Plastic Man, he can hit the dramatic parts. Loved him in SLC Punk.

  • @mrknowall2849
    @mrknowall2849 22 дня назад

    I want to see Legion of Superheroes , Doom Patrol, klarion the Witch Boy, Flex Mentallo ,Dr Fate and The Spectre

  • @mildvanilla
    @mildvanilla Месяц назад +2

    Great video I can’t wait for the DCU to start!

  • @SteveColescott01
    @SteveColescott01 28 дней назад

    1) Firestorm
    2) Nightwing
    3) Vandal Savage
    4) Jessica Crus (GL)
    5) Zatanna
    6) The Question
    7) Green Arrow and
    8) ...Black Canary
    9) Jenny sparks
    10) Starman

  • @Jamal-bl7yh
    @Jamal-bl7yh 26 дней назад +2

    These Characters I Wanted In The Arrowverse But Didn't get them a decade ago anyways here's my list
    Ambush Bug
    Omega Men
    Challengers Of The Unknown
    Gen 13
    Jonah Hex Reboot
    Any Quality Comics IP Character
    Dial H For Hero
    Tracy Thirteen
    Phantom Stranger
    Shade The Changing Man

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  25 дней назад

      Oh man a Jonah Hex remake would have been so sick! Kinda glad CW didnt get more heros lol

  • @hasthehighground8560
    @hasthehighground8560 29 дней назад +4

    Matt Berry would be my pick for Detective Chimp

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  28 дней назад

      Holy Shit! That is way better than Cumberbatch!

  • @jerinphilip3953
    @jerinphilip3953 3 дня назад

    Honestly I would love to the spectre in james gunn universe I think he is such a great character, I feel like he is an overpowered character done right/ is interesting, it could even expand the mystical side of gunns dc universe

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  2 дня назад

      Yeah I would love to see that!!

    • @jerinphilip3953
      @jerinphilip3953 2 дня назад

      @@BingeWarmers I could see it there could be an adaptation of his 90's run, where it sought to give character to the spectre. I think adapting the 90's run could be the route to go

  • @Geohillierneo
    @Geohillierneo 28 дней назад +1

    If you did a Batman Beyond it would need to be on their "Elseworlds" label, it couldnt be in the main canon of course because of the timeline/ages etc

  • @john_Castle_Spiliotopoulos
    @john_Castle_Spiliotopoulos 7 дней назад +2

    Man why does Blue Devil get no love? He would make a great TV show.

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  7 дней назад

      Honestly super sick design i just dont know jack about the character. I only know him from young justice cameos.

  • @jameshicks1445
    @jameshicks1445 Месяц назад +5

    Holy shit I’m early. Love seeing your guys videos! They always make my day 😁

  • @mikelightning12
    @mikelightning12 Месяц назад +1

    42:48 That's funny cause Bart is my favorite hero in DC 😂
    I already liked him from his iteration in YJ (wich was my first impression of him), but what solidafied him as my fav was when i read the YJ run from the 90's (and please dont ever mention his CW verisons ew) :p

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  Месяц назад +1

      We like Bart too, just not as much as Wally or Barry 😅

    • @mikelightning12
      @mikelightning12 Месяц назад

      ​@@BingeWarmers I got u, i just thought it was funny xd
      And yh i love Barry and Wally too, and i love that Barry retired for the moment so Wally could shine again as the Main Flash, cause we all know Wally's been through some harsh times as of late 😬

    • @mayotango1317
      @mayotango1317 29 дней назад

      Yeah, the YJ Bart is a bad adaptation. Is not the insane hiperactive brat from the comics.

  • @DezzyLepez
    @DezzyLepez Месяц назад +3

    Benedict for detective chimp ! 💯

  • @Jose-ze8xz
    @Jose-ze8xz 17 дней назад

    My list
    1 Cyborg
    2 Sinestro
    3 Martian Manhunter
    4 Darkseid
    5 Brainiac
    6 Lobo
    7 Doomsday
    8 Deathstroke
    9 Kilowog
    10 Flash
    11 Nightwing
    12 Bane
    13 Killer Kroc

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  17 дней назад

      do we stll want mark strong as sinestro??

    • @Jose-ze8xz
      @Jose-ze8xz 17 дней назад

      ​@@BingeWarmersEven though I really liked his version of Sinestro in Green Lantern I'd rather have Luke Evans play Sinestro in the DCU.

  • @semiposer6111
    @semiposer6111 28 дней назад +1

    What about Constantine? You can't have a Swamp Thing story without Constantine.

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  28 дней назад

      Oh hell yeah! I assume he’ll pop up at some point

    • @Geohillierneo
      @Geohillierneo 28 дней назад

      He'll 💯 show up at some point

  • @DerrickM293
    @DerrickM293 27 дней назад

    Love this list, but I do take great umbrage with the DISRESPECT lofted at my boy Bart Allen!

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  27 дней назад +1

      We like him, just not as much as Wally and Barry 😭😭

  • @Hopeful-t5j
    @Hopeful-t5j 29 дней назад

    Love this video guys!! Please in the future make a video talking about what you thought of the new Superman movie that comes out in 2025🙏

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  29 дней назад +1

      We can't wait for that movie!

  • @kylethefan6062
    @kylethefan6062 25 дней назад

    I just want a good Red Tornado live action adaptation

  • @Victorystoneworthy
    @Victorystoneworthy Месяц назад +1

    Good video

  • @felipeaguena5289
    @felipeaguena5289 Месяц назад +3

    Man...I'm not sure if I'm super heroed out by now. I don't know if I have the energy to invest into NEW universe, NEW actors, NEW continuity...

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  Месяц назад +2

      If it’s good, I’m all in. If it’s bad, I am all out 😬

    • @felipeaguena5289
      @felipeaguena5289 Месяц назад +2

      @BingeWarmers it's gotta be either amazing or nothing for me, it's either 90% or above on RT or f*ck it

    • @alphamarigi
      @alphamarigi 29 дней назад

      ​@@BingeWarmersI feel like DC should have taken a 3 year pause to get people to understand the fact that this really is a new DC universe

    • @Geohillierneo
      @Geohillierneo 28 дней назад

      All depends on the quality. Simple as that

    • @christopherjones5085
      @christopherjones5085 28 дней назад

      Then don't.......

  • @Labcabin96
    @Labcabin96 24 дня назад

    Can anybody make a list of the characters they named?

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  23 дня назад

      1:02 Etrigan
      7:09 Static Shock
      11:23 Lobo
      15:08 Batman Beyond
      20:43 Plastic Man
      24:37 Icon
      30:34 Detective Chimp
      34:00 Deathstroke
      38:33 Grodd
      43:32 Vandal Savage

    • @Labcabin96
      @Labcabin96 23 дня назад

      @@BingeWarmers thanks i skimmed through the video for info anyway but still thanks for the list.

  • @Nuff.98
    @Nuff.98 26 дней назад

    I just want justice league dark

    • @Nuff.98
      @Nuff.98 26 дней назад

      Swamp Thing
      Phantom Stranger
      Doctor Fate

  • @semiposer6111
    @semiposer6111 28 дней назад +1

    The DC universe seems so vast compared to Marvel.

  • @Victorystoneworthy
    @Victorystoneworthy Месяц назад +2

    When are you going to talk about the Penguin, the show's over

    • @BingeWarmers
      @BingeWarmers  25 дней назад +1

      Just wrapped recording! looking at wednesday!

    • @Victorystoneworthy
      @Victorystoneworthy 25 дней назад

      @BingeWarmers Looking forward to it then.

    @LUMBEEPHENOM2012 27 дней назад


  • @davidkuykendall3778
    @davidkuykendall3778 Месяц назад +2
