Well, happy 5th! I've been trying to finish a set of videos of some new and old songs. It's taking forever to get all the particpants to get me their video and audio parts, but I think it will be worth it. Tryimg to do something that will get more than 50 likes!🤠
Man that takes me back. What a time to live through. Everything changed after that first Sullivan show.
Yes, it did. We could use that feeling again to combat all thevdark chaos in the world 🎸
Bloody gear mate
Haha, fab! I thought of you when🤠🎶🎙🎸writing this!
Thanks Alex for this fine tribute.
I'll never forget the liberation we all felt. We need it now 🤠🎸🥁
Alex, you've been silent for a while. I just want to wish you a happy 4th of July, and hope you are doing well.
Well, happy 5th! I've been trying to finish a set of videos of some new and old songs. It's taking forever to get all the particpants to get me their video and audio parts, but I think it will be worth it. Tryimg to do something that will get more than 50 likes!🤠
@@TheAlex8675309 LOL. Good to know you are doing well and still have your sense of humor. We'll make it happen, my friend.