Kerel God will honor your obedience. I can only imagine how hard this must have been but like Daniel, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego God will stand with you! The Bible calls us as believers to not be conformed of this world and when the Holy Spirit convicts and convinces us we must listen. This is why our relationship with him is personal. Thank you for this and your delivery of it. As a mom I often wondered how to share these truths with my own kids who may face decisions like this one day and I can surely just point them to resources like yours and of course God’s word which is the authority of our lives! Also know that although you may not have received the response you were hoping for , seeds were planted and God’s word will never return void! God bless you!
Amen I truly believe God simply had me planting seeds. I was a member for 10 years, manyyy seeds were planted along the way but when God was ready for me to move out in faith, I couldn’t deny his voice!!
I denounced and renounced AKA as well. When I did I thought I would just tell my line sisters and family and that’s it! But we also have to realize that we came out in these organizations publicly (during the probate) so we have to boldly denounce the organization and proclaim Jesus publicly as well.
Thank you. This is the first time I’m hearing about a member taking it to international leadership. I am also a former member and I appreciate your courage and obedience to God. This video is helpful to me personally and I believe it will be for many others.
I'm a Christian who's not even in a sorority but listen this was dealing with our idolatries. The things we connected to and were affiliated with because of the things we felt like we needed. And How we don't want to address the thing God is showing us that's blocking us from our next level in him to bring us closer to his Glory. This teaching is so beyond sorority but idolatry. Thank you Kerel for openly teaching and addressing this. 👏🏾 May God Bless You richly 👏🏾❤️
I pledge the Ques in 93 @ Delaware State University in 96 when I got married and started my family I separated myself from them I was never into giving them dues cause I gave to the poor in Hati. But I would come around every nigh and then throughout the years for homecoming chilling on the plot with the Bro's saying dam these ninjas are starting to look farther time. But in 2017 the Lord had me to burn everything pitures shrits and hats from back in the day I obey God I denouce with an official letter but they have not sent me back anything saying they have remove my name. so now I don't do football games or homecoming cause it brings up an familiar sprits. trying to pull you back of all the fun I had back in day in 93. Do you realize this was time biggie drop ready to die, the year before snoop just drop his frist album gin an juice. an I was Que stomping the yard all up an down the east days I'm just low key stomping devils and demons in the name of Jesus...and casting out evil sprits cause the God I serve Jesus Christ has power to raise dead to heal the sick to open blind eyes and to open dear ears..I declare decree to you this day God's revival has stared in the land and he said it will be like a wild fire that cannot be contained.
Amen brother 🙏🏾 Thank you for sharing. I encourage you to follow up with removing your name. Yes, even years later follow up! This post may be the sign you're looking for in Jesus name Amen
Thank you so much for your obedience and courage Ms. Pinder! I was a member of another organization and was convicted throughout the joining process. I joined in May of 2020 and by that October of the same year I was out of there.
This is such a powerful video. Done in absolute class and with love. I love how you mentioned that the Founders were indeed college students themselves. I also love how you not only did research but presented to the organization. Great Video.
Your obedience is an incredible testimony of faith, love, surrender and grace. Then to allow Holy Spirit to lead you into searching the scripture and, in love, to seek to share with the organization's leadership... humbling. May the favor, protection and peace of the Father continue as your portion, as He aligns your experiences to His will and purpose.
I am so proud of you my sister/friend for always listening and obeying the Holy Spirit. May God continue to use you to a beacon of light for Him! Love yoy Queenie!!
Kerel, I have watched tens of videos about denouncing and renouncing membership from D9 organizations. I can say with CERTAINITY that God has used you in a tremendously mighty way... (I'm sure in many hearts)... but most certainly tonight in mine. The scriptures, your evident sincerity (and if I may be so frank), even the pain that I sensed from you as you came to the end and you prayed. I prayed along with you and wrote down many of the scriptures you shared. Please forgive me if I am wrong about what I believe I discerned from you ( a sense of pain) -- I am just struck by the Berean nature of your research and the loving way by which you delivered the truth. Thank you. Thank you so very much. For your love for our Father (first), for your obedience and for your gentle but POWERFUL delivery. The Word is sharper than a two-edge sword and listening to you it cut, convicted and strengthened me. Thank you and may our Father continue to bless you.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; but in all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
Amen but I'm not about to let anyone abuse me, mentally, physically or verbally because that in itself is not right. The Lord gave us common sense...nothing had to be revealed to know it is wrong on so many levels. You wouldn't treat your children like that, your siblings, but it's okay for a bunch of strangers to do that. They can "miss me" with that one.
This is amazing Kerel! The fact that you were able to gain insight on numerous aspects of the organization and their acts solely on scripture is eye opening, something you also have reminded me on also. Continue to do well 🙏🏼
I keep running across these types of videos and God is showing me where my heart really is and l must choose or struggle ? Why, why is it so hard??? God is to be first and above all. Thank you for sharing this is the best video out here and l am in deep prayer.
Also I think these organizations are all about helping only the other members and helping only their members with food, shelter, jobs etc. when in fact we are sisters in Christ!
There are many entities that present and represent themselves attractively to encourage/lure persons, so that their true purpose and foundation is not revealed. As the scriptures dictate we must 'study to show ourselves approved unto GOD.....rightly dividing the word of truth', so that we will properly inquire and have the knowledge needed to see and know the truth before entering into any attachment. Thank you for the clear biblical revelation and reasons given.
Everyone has to answer to God on their own accord. So many people are deeply tied to these organizations and they idolize them. Also, the organizations are who they identify with those soul ties are so strong. They would rather die in oath to their sorority and fraternity than see the light. I denounced DST out of reverence and obedience to God. I have nothing against the sisterhood but had to come out.
Im christian and my girl is christian also but she's is in a sorority but im trying to gain knowledge and understanding before i want to introduce her to certain vids, i wanna spend the rest of my life with her but ik this could be blocking her salvation into heaven. She's a senior and graduates in may 2025, and it looks like she's not leaving no time soon but i pray god guides her steps.
She also hates denouncement videos so this is already tough in it self, but if theres a will theres a way. Even if i don't spend the rest of my life with her, i want her on the winning side.
@@J.1k_ Thank you so much for sending this, I have been horrible at replying to these, but I couldn’t miss this comment. I love this and that you clearly love her as you care more about what she needs than what she may want. You are already a protector and covering her. As her brother in christ, which is what you are until a day you both decide for her to be your wife. Ask God if and when he would want you to have a conversation about it. One thing you can do daily is PRAY! I had sooooo many people, friends, mentors who said I consistently prayed for you. I said but you never said anything, they didn’t have a release. I know why I was not ready, I hated these videos, I hated people asking me about it. However God has instructions to specific people he allowed to ask to sow the seed. One friend asked and NEVER brought it up again. My advice ask God if you are to be the seed or if you have already sown the ones he needed you to sow and then pray. Don’t cause extra turmoil in your relationship by making this the focus. Give it to God and be patient. I’ll be praying for you guys , email me her name so I can add her to my prayer list.
This is one of the best videos that I'm watched about denouncing sororities and fraternities. At the end you said thst you are "sistets on Christ". Are you really? Can you be sisters while serving different Fathers? John 8:44-45. Pray for them, yes, but sisters, I think not.
I have a genuine question…. So, with the onset of several members denouncing/renouncing, have they made any modifications to the ritual to date? Is this still the case, present day?
No changes were made, Rituals are the foundation of these organizations, to remove them, would feel like ripping a part the fabric of their history and the convictions have not reach a high enough person in power to even challenge it, so no, nothing has changed.
Does anyone know if this persists of only black fraternities and sororities? Or is this applicable to whites or others as well?? I'm just curious about it
Thank you for your insight! I cannot believe that I’ve said that pledge and sang that “hymn” for over 25 years and didn’t think much of it. However, I am so thankful that my spiritual eyes have been opened. Also, I am just learning about the spiritual implications of altars, hymns, rituals, covenants, whew. I knew nothing about these things even though I professed to be a Christian. Hosea 4:6😢. I’m attaching a video about the implications of evil altars which adds so much understanding. Blessings.
I have a question....Respectfully, I have not seen one video about members of BGLO that denounced/renounced simply because of the treatment, immorality, hazing and other abuse because that in itself is wrong. I understand the "being a Christian" perspective but clearly being that (a Christian) wasn't in the forefront of their minds when they were going through it but abuse and physical beatings is present. Why wouldn't that be enough to denounce/renounce. Not one video can I find. It is "almost" as if people "MAY BE" posting these "because God revealed to me" videos because it is popular and trendy to do so . I'm confused. So for clarity I'd just like to know why this is the only reason it's is done because of the "spiritual or religious aspect". The reality is everyone isn't a Christian and that's okay but NOBODY I know wants to be humiliated, physically and mentally abused, embarrassed, broken down, etc., at no point. Thank you.
Hello, I can’t speak to other videos that you have watched, but I can speak for my own. That’s not my story. I did not become a member in college. I was a very grown a adult who had a very “paper” experience. I didn’t even go to University in the US or somewhere where I would be exposed to this, like everyone else you have heard rumors of that is what people went through. However this was in no way a first hand experience for me. Everyone who makes a choice it’s about their personal experience. My personal experience is I left because it was something God called me to do. If you are not a believer you may not see or think the reasons I left are valid and I would get it, because we don’t live by the same principles. But yes, this was a personal choice and I was called to speak to a certain audience. If I come across any video where someone who addresses what you shared, due to a personal experience, I will tag you below. I hope this was helpful.
The black string and brown paper for hiccups i just learned about when i was pregnant with my daughter, because i never heard people talk about it, when i tell you i started to see so much black strings on baby’s hand i was like wow i never knew we were so big in obeah, and we just know them as “old traditions” and culture.. man pointing finger at the grave…. Full of obeah and witch craft and no clue
I know iit may have been a difficult decision in some ways, but ultimately you chose what was best for you. God will honor that. May God bless and keep you.
The ancient Greek Gods, within the realm of D9, can be regarded as emblematic symbols comparable to mascots rather than objects of sincere veneration. It is crucial to underscore the raison d'être behind the establishment of these organizations and the fact that their rituals were never intended to contradict or defy God. It is worth noting that the individuals who founded these organizations are devoutly religious, and by God's grace, African Americans were able to create something that evokes pride among all. You referenced Exodus 20:5: "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me." So, are you insinuating that donning the mascot of these organizations implies opposition to God or that by pledging to uphold the legacies of our founders, we become somehow inferior and unable to be true Christians? This is where I respectfully disagree. I have witnessed how these organizations actually bring people closer to God. It is astounding to observe how those who dismiss these organizations fail to recognize that, beyond the external "Greek mascot" aspect - which pertains to D9 organizations - they are firmly rooted in Christian values. This is why one of the most significant questions inquiring minds are ask is, "Where is your church home. Allow me to clarify that my intention is not to cause offense, but rather to foster an environment of constructive discourse. Furthermore, I aim to challenge the preconceived notion that exclusive organizations distance us from our spiritual connection with God. By engaging in open and thoughtful dialogue, we can collectively move beyond these assumptions and broaden our perspectives on the matter. Thank You
This is a very intelligent response. Poignant. What you’re saying seems right to you. But what if you’re wrong? What if it cost you your soul? You gained the prestige of membership in a historically important organization… you gained the relationships, the bonds, secrets, networks, privileges… you gained so much during and after the pledging. But what if all that you gained will cost your eternal soul? What if all that D9 organizations did for others will cost it’s members their salvation? 😢
@@deedeedobbins While indulging in speculative musings might hold an allure, it is essential to emphasize a grounded analysis of the likely truths surrounding the genesis of these organizations. It is highly probable that these organizations were conceived for the very reasons I previously mentioned. It is regrettable that our focus often strays from the path to enlightenment in a manner that maligns African American culture and organizations, as if they alone stand in defiance of God. It is worth noting that individuals from diverse religious backgrounds and cultures join Greek letter organizations, largely driven by the desire to connect with like-minded individuals. In all likelihood, D9 organizations were established to foster unity among African Americans in a world that historically propagated their suppression and sought to impede their very existence. It is imperative that we acknowledge and discern the prevailing likelihoods regarding the genesis of these organizations.
Hey Bro, First of all thank you so much for watching the entire video, for such a gracious response and for your questions. Having a healthy dialogue about this is so refreshing! So your first point I agree, the rituals INTENTION was never to contradict or defy God. However it ignorantly does. I remember watching our history video and learning about the background of our founders and seeing how those who were believers wanted the black sorority rituals to also include aspects of God because indeed this was their foundation. However in doing this in AKA rituals, there are words said in reference to our founders and AKA that are rewording of actual scripture. Proverbs 30: 5- 6 "Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Our rituals say that we are entering into a spiritual practice. If I enter into a spiritual practice, why would I in the spiritual realm give reverence or acknowledgement to the dead (our founders) or any other spirit? Ephesians 6:12- For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I say this to say I believe our founders were well meaning Christian women who IGNORANTLY created practices that are tied to witchcraft. The greek god or mascot (as you refer to it) of Alpha Kappa Alpha is Atlas. The history of Atlas is known as the greek god that was punished with holding up the world. This is in direct contradiction to the TRUTH of the word of God. Job 26: 7 He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing. So Holy Spirit asked me, “Why do you feel comfortable wearing a god on your chest, that’s history directly opposes my TRUTH?” My response was: “it’s not that deep or that serious it’s just a shirt. Or as you say it’s just a “mascot:” H.S.: “How is it just a shirt when you have 50 times more clothing and items displaying this greek god than you have of anything that identifies you as my child AND if someone who wasn’t a member wore this greek god it would be seen as disrespectful or as you put it Kerel a SERIOUS matter.” God wanted to know why everything AKA was a serious a matter but His word wasn’t! Exodus 34:14 Your question if the aim of the video was to insinuate that Christians that are members of AKA, (I did not address Greek Orgs, I have never read their ritual handbook or attended their rituals) are somehow inferior and unable to be true Christians was NOT my intention or aim. A claim like that would be deeply rooted in pride and error. As stated in the video, my intention was and is to ask AKA that are believers to sit with the AKA ritual handbook and really digest the words we said along with scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to them what he wants to share with them regarding the oaths and vows we made. I said this because before I did this, I also didn’t see how what I saw as an innocent tradition was actually an open door for the enemy to come in and bring me into covenant with spiritual realms that were not indeed of God. Hope this helps you to understand my aim a little more, once again thanks for your questions.
@@Kerelrazil I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful response and the insights you have shared. I completely agree that without a comprehensive understanding of the rituals practiced by Alpha Kappa Alpha, it would be inappropriate for me to make definitive statements regarding potential conflicts with Christianity. I want to clarify that my previous remarks were indeed referring to D9 Organizations as a collective whole, with the intention of shedding light on their overarching purpose. As a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi, i confidently assert that my organization's rituals do not place potential members in a position to idolize a false deity. I am willing to engage in productive discussions with former members of Kappa Alpha Psi or anyone interested, specifically in relation to my organization. Once again, I express my sincere gratitude for your response and commend you for maintaining a respectful approach to a sensitive topic.
@@kactusJacko Aaaah. You have church hurt/ trauma. The enemy used that situation to turn you away from Jesus. This is definitely a common trick of the enemy. Unfortunately, I’m starting to see it more and more. This is why church leaders must be careful how they handle people. Just remember, you can have relationship with him without religion. I’ll be praying for you. 🙏🏽
Kerel God will honor your obedience. I can only imagine how hard this must have been but like Daniel, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego God will stand with you! The Bible calls us as believers to not be conformed of this world and when the Holy Spirit convicts and convinces us we must listen. This is why our relationship with him is personal. Thank you for this and your delivery of it. As a mom I often wondered how to share these truths with my own kids who may face decisions like this one day and I can surely just point them to resources like yours and of course God’s word which is the authority of our lives! Also know that although you may not have received the response you were hoping for , seeds were planted and God’s word will never return void! God bless you!
Amen I truly believe God simply had me planting seeds. I was a member for 10 years, manyyy seeds were planted along the way but when God was ready for me to move out in faith, I couldn’t deny his voice!!
I denounced and renounced AKA as well. When I did I thought I would just tell my line sisters and family and that’s it! But we also have to realize that we came out in these organizations publicly (during the probate) so we have to boldly denounce the organization and proclaim Jesus publicly as well.
Holy Spirit always will guide you. He is the spirit of truth.
He truly is thanks for your message ❤❤❤
Thank you. This is the first time I’m hearing about a member taking it to international leadership. I am also a former member and I appreciate your courage and obedience to God. This video is helpful to me personally and I believe it will be for many others.
I pray that more people will be awakened to how serious this topic is by what you've shared in this video cuz🙏🙌
Thanks so much cuz ❤❤
I'm a Christian who's not even in a sorority but listen this was dealing with our idolatries. The things we connected to and were affiliated with because of the things we felt like we needed. And How we don't want to address the thing God is showing us that's blocking us from our next level in him to bring us closer to his Glory. This teaching is so beyond sorority but idolatry. Thank you Kerel for openly teaching and addressing this. 👏🏾 May God Bless You richly 👏🏾❤️
Thanks for your encouraging words and for your response
It's just SO INTERESTING- Christ stopped me just in time ⏲️
I pledge the Ques in 93 @ Delaware State University in 96 when I got married and started my family I separated myself from them I was never into giving them dues cause I gave to the poor in Hati. But I would come around every nigh and then throughout the years for homecoming chilling on the plot with the Bro's saying dam these ninjas are starting to look farther time. But in 2017 the Lord had me to burn everything pitures shrits and hats from back in the day I obey God I denouce with an official letter but they have not sent me back anything saying they have remove my name. so now I don't do football games or homecoming cause it brings up an familiar sprits. trying to pull you back of all the fun I had back in day in 93. Do you realize this was time biggie drop ready to die, the year before snoop just drop his frist album gin an juice. an I was Que stomping the yard all up an down the east days I'm just low key stomping devils and demons in the name of Jesus...and casting out evil sprits cause the God I serve Jesus Christ has power to raise dead to heal the sick to open blind eyes and to open dear ears..I declare decree to you this day God's revival has stared in the land and he said it will be like a wild fire that cannot be contained.
Amen brother 🙏🏾 Thank you for sharing. I encourage you to follow up with removing your name. Yes, even years later follow up! This post may be the sign you're looking for in Jesus name Amen
Thank you so much for your obedience and courage Ms. Pinder! I was a member of another organization and was convicted throughout the joining process. I joined in May of 2020 and by that October of the same year I was out of there.
Oh wow! God will honor your swift obedience and thanks for watching ❤❤❤
This is such a powerful video. Done in absolute class and with love. I love how you mentioned that the Founders were indeed college students themselves. I also love how you not only did research but presented to the organization. Great Video.
Your obedience is an incredible testimony of faith, love, surrender and grace. Then to allow Holy Spirit to lead you into searching the scripture and, in love, to seek to share with the organization's leadership... humbling. May the favor, protection and peace of the Father continue as your portion, as He aligns your experiences to His will and purpose.
I admire you for trying to make a change and break generational curses❤🙏🏾
I have been waiting to hear a Christian talk about this, I am Christian and sororities seem so dark and creepy.
I’m glad the video was able to shed some light on areas you needed clarity on.
I am so proud of you my sister/friend for always listening and obeying the Holy Spirit. May God continue to use you to a beacon of light for Him! Love yoy Queenie!!
Kerel, I have watched tens of videos about denouncing and renouncing membership from D9 organizations. I can say with CERTAINITY that God has used you in a tremendously mighty way... (I'm sure in many hearts)... but most certainly tonight in mine. The scriptures, your evident sincerity (and if I may be so frank), even the pain that I sensed from you as you came to the end and you prayed. I prayed along with you and wrote down many of the scriptures you shared. Please forgive me if I am wrong about what I believe I discerned from you ( a sense of pain) -- I am just struck by the Berean nature of your research and the loving way by which you delivered the truth.
Thank you. Thank you so very much. For your love for our Father (first), for your obedience and for your gentle but POWERFUL delivery. The Word is sharper than a two-edge sword and listening to you it cut, convicted and strengthened me. Thank you and may our Father continue to bless you.
Wow! I admire your boldness to take what God revealed to you to National Leadership. God honors our obedience!
This is really profound insight! Praise God, for your obedience! Continue to give Him all. Blessings. ❤❤❤
Thanks so much for watching ❤❤
I renounced Delta 2-7-24.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; but in all ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
Amen but I'm not about to let anyone abuse me, mentally, physically or verbally because that in itself is not right. The Lord gave us common sense...nothing had to be revealed to know it is wrong on so many levels. You wouldn't treat your children like that, your siblings, but it's okay for a bunch of strangers to do that. They can "miss me" with that one.
This is the great awakening
So good, Kerel! So proud of you for following the Holy Spirit’s leading! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾❤️
Great breakdown hun! Continue to let Him use you!
Thanks so much hun! I appreciate you ❤❤
This is amazing Kerel! The fact that you were able to gain insight on numerous aspects of the organization and their acts solely on scripture is eye opening, something you also have reminded me on also. Continue to do well 🙏🏼
Thanks so much I appreciate you watching and your encouraging words! All God 🙌🏽🙌🏽
I keep running across these types of videos and God is showing me where my heart really is and l must choose or struggle ? Why, why is it so hard??? God is to be first and above all. Thank you for sharing this is the best video out here and l am in deep prayer.
So glad the Holy Spirit lead you to the video! I am praying for continued revelation. God loves you so much, he has chased you down ❤❤❤❤
@@Kerelrazil Thank you
I needed to hear this, thank you for being obedient.
❤❤❤❤ You welcome Sis! God for you, he will leave the 99 for you! Know this
So proud of you!!! ❤❤ This was a great line upon line explanation!!
P.s. You are covered in the blood of Jesus!!!
Amen Amen! Thanks so much I appreciate you and your consistent covering ❤❤
Good video. Short and straight to the point.
Also I think these organizations are all about helping only the other members and helping only their members with food, shelter, jobs etc. when in fact we are sisters in Christ!
There are many entities that present and represent themselves attractively to encourage/lure persons, so that their true purpose and foundation is not revealed. As the scriptures dictate we must 'study to show ourselves approved unto GOD.....rightly dividing the word of truth', so that we will properly inquire and have the knowledge needed to see and know the truth before entering into any attachment. Thank you for the clear biblical revelation and reasons given.
Thanks for watching and you are right we have to be so wise
Thank you, from the author of The African Holistic Motivational Healing Guide
Everyone has to answer to God on their own accord. So many people are deeply tied to these organizations and they idolize them. Also, the organizations are who they identify with those soul ties are so strong. They would rather die in oath to their sorority and fraternity than see the light. I denounced DST out of reverence and obedience to God. I have nothing against the sisterhood but had to come out.
Im christian and my girl is christian also but she's is in a sorority but im trying to gain knowledge and understanding before i want to introduce her to certain vids, i wanna spend the rest of my life with her but ik this could be blocking her salvation into heaven. She's a senior and graduates in may 2025, and it looks like she's not leaving no time soon but i pray god guides her steps.
She also hates denouncement videos so this is already tough in it self, but if theres a will theres a way. Even if i don't spend the rest of my life with her, i want her on the winning side.
@@J.1k_ Thank you so much for sending this, I have been horrible at replying to these, but I couldn’t miss this comment. I love this and that you clearly love her as you care more about what she needs than what she may want.
You are already a protector and covering her. As her brother in christ, which is what you are until a day you both decide for her to be your wife.
Ask God if and when he would want you to have a conversation about it. One thing you can do daily is PRAY! I had sooooo many people, friends, mentors who said I consistently prayed for you. I said but you never said anything, they didn’t have a release.
I know why I was not ready, I hated these videos, I hated people asking me about it. However God has instructions to specific people he allowed to ask to sow the seed.
One friend asked and NEVER brought it up again. My advice ask God if you are to be the seed or if you have already sown the ones he needed you to sow and then pray. Don’t cause extra turmoil in your relationship by making this the focus. Give it to God and be patient.
I’ll be praying for you guys , email me her name so I can add her to my prayer list.
This is one of the best videos that I'm watched about denouncing sororities and fraternities. At the end you said thst you are "sistets on Christ". Are you really? Can you be sisters while serving different Fathers? John 8:44-45. Pray for them, yes, but sisters, I think not.
Amen Kerel
I have a genuine question….
So, with the onset of several members denouncing/renouncing, have they made any modifications to the ritual to date? Is this still the case, present day?
No changes were made, Rituals are the foundation of these organizations, to remove them, would feel like ripping a part the fabric of their history and the convictions have not reach a high enough person in power to even challenge it, so no, nothing has changed.
@@Kerelrazil Thank you for your honesty 🙏🏾
, Truthunedited, Has a two part series called The truth about the Divine 9 the history. GOD BLESS
Does anyone know if this persists of only black fraternities and sororities? Or is this applicable to whites or others as well?? I'm just curious about it
It’s applicable to white, Latino, and business sororities/fraternities as well.
Thank you for your insight! I cannot believe that I’ve said that pledge and sang that “hymn” for over 25 years and didn’t think much of it. However, I am so thankful that my spiritual eyes have been opened. Also, I am just learning about the spiritual implications of altars, hymns, rituals, covenants, whew. I knew nothing about these things even though I professed to be a Christian. Hosea 4:6😢. I’m attaching a video about the implications of evil altars which adds so much understanding. Blessings.
Amen Amen ❤❤❤
I have a question....Respectfully, I have not seen one video about members of BGLO that denounced/renounced simply because of the treatment, immorality, hazing and other abuse because that in itself is wrong. I understand the "being a Christian" perspective but clearly being that (a Christian) wasn't in the forefront of their minds when they were going through it but abuse and physical beatings is present. Why wouldn't that be enough to denounce/renounce. Not one video can I find. It is "almost" as if people "MAY BE" posting these "because God revealed to me" videos because it is popular and trendy to do so . I'm confused. So for clarity I'd just like to know why this is the only reason it's is done because of the "spiritual or religious aspect". The reality is everyone isn't a Christian and that's okay but NOBODY I know wants to be humiliated, physically and mentally abused, embarrassed, broken down, etc., at no point. Thank you.
Hello, I can’t speak to other videos that you have watched, but I can speak for my own. That’s not my story. I did not become a member in college. I was a very grown a adult who had a very “paper” experience.
I didn’t even go to University in the US or somewhere where I would be exposed to this, like everyone else you have heard rumors of that is what people went through. However this was in no way a first hand experience for me.
Everyone who makes a choice it’s about their personal experience. My personal experience is I left because it was something God called me to do.
If you are not a believer you may not see or think the reasons I left are valid and I would get it, because we don’t live by the same principles.
But yes, this was a personal choice and I was called to speak to a certain audience. If I come across any video where someone who addresses what you shared, due to a personal experience, I will tag you below.
I hope this was helpful.
The black string and brown paper for hiccups i just learned about when i was pregnant with my daughter, because i never heard people talk about it, when i tell you i started to see so much black strings on baby’s hand i was like wow i never knew we were so big in obeah, and we just know them as “old traditions” and culture.. man pointing finger at the grave…. Full of obeah and witch craft and no clue
Do you still live in Bahamas
I do
You look like my sister.
Did You join AKA in Bahamas
Yes I did
@@Kerelrazil Ok
Are you still an AKA?
No I am not
I know iit may have been a difficult decision in some ways, but ultimately you chose what was best for you. God will honor that. May God bless and keep you.
There are some ministers who are AKA
Follow GOD, not man.
There are also many so called pastors who are free masons. These orgs are not of God
The ancient Greek Gods, within the realm of D9, can be regarded as emblematic symbols comparable to mascots rather than objects of sincere veneration. It is crucial to underscore the raison d'être behind the establishment of these organizations and the fact that their rituals were never intended to contradict or defy God. It is worth noting that the individuals who founded these organizations are devoutly religious, and by God's grace, African Americans were able to create something that evokes pride among all. You referenced Exodus 20:5: "You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me." So, are you insinuating that donning the mascot of these organizations implies opposition to God or that by pledging to uphold the legacies of our founders, we become somehow inferior and unable to be true Christians? This is where I respectfully disagree. I have witnessed how these organizations actually bring people closer to God. It is astounding to observe how those who dismiss these organizations fail to recognize that, beyond the external "Greek mascot" aspect - which pertains to D9 organizations - they are firmly rooted in Christian values. This is why one of the most significant questions inquiring minds are ask is, "Where is your church home. Allow me to clarify that my intention is not to cause offense, but rather to foster an environment of constructive discourse. Furthermore, I aim to challenge the preconceived notion that exclusive organizations distance us from our spiritual connection with God. By engaging in open and thoughtful dialogue, we can collectively move beyond these assumptions and broaden our perspectives on the matter. Thank You
This is a very intelligent response. Poignant. What you’re saying seems right to you. But what if you’re wrong? What if it cost you your soul? You gained the prestige of membership in a historically important organization… you gained the relationships, the bonds, secrets, networks, privileges… you gained so much during and after the pledging. But what if all that you gained will cost your eternal soul? What if all that D9 organizations did for others will cost it’s members their salvation? 😢
@@deedeedobbins While indulging in speculative musings might hold an allure, it is essential to emphasize a grounded analysis of the likely truths surrounding the genesis of these organizations. It is highly probable that these organizations were conceived for the very reasons I previously mentioned. It is regrettable that our focus often strays from the path to enlightenment in a manner that maligns African American culture and organizations, as if they alone stand in defiance of God. It is worth noting that individuals from diverse religious backgrounds and cultures join Greek letter organizations, largely driven by the desire to connect with like-minded individuals. In all likelihood, D9 organizations were established to foster unity among African Americans in a world that historically propagated their suppression and sought to impede their very existence. It is imperative that we acknowledge and discern the prevailing likelihoods regarding the genesis of these organizations.
Hey Bro,
First of all thank you so much for watching the entire video, for such a gracious response and for your questions. Having a healthy dialogue about this is so refreshing!
So your first point I agree, the rituals INTENTION was never to contradict or defy God. However it ignorantly does. I remember watching our history video and learning about the background of our founders and seeing how those who were believers wanted the black sorority rituals to also include aspects of God because indeed this was their foundation. However in doing this in AKA rituals, there are words said in reference to our founders and AKA that are rewording of actual scripture.
Proverbs 30: 5- 6
"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.
Our rituals say that we are entering into a spiritual practice. If I enter into a spiritual practice, why would I in the spiritual realm give reverence or acknowledgement to the dead (our founders) or any other spirit?
Ephesians 6:12- For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
I say this to say I believe our founders were well meaning Christian women who IGNORANTLY created practices that are tied to witchcraft.
The greek god or mascot (as you refer to it) of Alpha Kappa Alpha is Atlas. The history of Atlas is known as the greek god that was punished with holding up the world. This is in direct contradiction to the TRUTH of the word of God.
Job 26: 7 He spreads out the northern skies over empty space;
he suspends the earth over nothing.
So Holy Spirit asked me, “Why do you feel comfortable wearing a god on your chest, that’s history directly opposes my TRUTH?” My response was: “it’s not that deep or that serious it’s just a shirt. Or as you say it’s just a “mascot:”
H.S.: “How is it just a shirt when you have 50 times more clothing and items displaying this greek god than you have of anything that identifies you as my child AND if someone who wasn’t a member wore this greek god it would be seen as disrespectful or as you put it Kerel a SERIOUS matter.” God wanted to know why everything AKA was a serious a matter but His word wasn’t!
Exodus 34:14
Your question if the aim of the video was to insinuate that Christians that are members of AKA, (I did not address Greek Orgs, I have never read their ritual handbook or attended their rituals) are somehow inferior and unable to be true Christians was NOT my intention or aim. A claim like that would be deeply rooted in pride and error.
As stated in the video, my intention was and is to ask AKA that are believers to sit with the AKA ritual handbook and really digest the words we said along with scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to them what he wants to share with them regarding the oaths and vows we made.
I said this because before I did this, I also didn’t see how what I saw as an innocent tradition was actually an open door for the enemy to come in and bring me into covenant with spiritual realms that were not indeed of God.
Hope this helps you to understand my aim a little more, once again thanks for your questions.
@@Kerelrazil I sincerely appreciate your thoughtful response and the insights you have shared. I completely agree that without a comprehensive understanding of the rituals practiced by Alpha Kappa Alpha, it would be inappropriate for me to make definitive statements regarding potential conflicts with Christianity. I want to clarify that my previous remarks were indeed referring to D9 Organizations as a collective whole, with the intention of shedding light on their overarching purpose. As a proud member of Kappa Alpha Psi, i confidently assert that my organization's rituals do not place potential members in a position to idolize a false deity. I am willing to engage in productive discussions with former members of Kappa Alpha Psi or anyone interested, specifically in relation to my organization. Once again, I express my sincere gratitude for your response and commend you for maintaining a respectful approach to a sensitive topic.
Illuminati = Greek org.😮😢😮
Jesus himself couldn't make me denounce the brotherhood.
do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
@@myahnewman835 I did but something happened in church and I got kicked out
@@kactusJacko Aaaah. You have church hurt/ trauma. The enemy used that situation to turn you away from Jesus. This is definitely a common trick of the enemy. Unfortunately, I’m starting to see it more and more. This is why church leaders must be careful how they handle people. Just remember, you can have relationship with him without religion. I’ll be praying for you. 🙏🏽
@@just_shaeee lol no, I don't have church hurt.