Sandstorm scythe fans: "I can't wait to show him what I learn in the past years" Sandstorm: "I'm the captain now" *nukes the whole lobby with his combos*
As a person just trying to improve it took this to make me notice the big difference between me and diamonds and then sandstorm. I have a lot of work to do. Sandstorm is a freaking monster
Im a high gold and when i queue up to a diamond player in experimental i always get clapped, cant imagine what’s gonna happen to me if i queued up to storm
@@228_anakagungngurahwibisan6You know when i was grinding ranked the only thing holding me back was trash movement and not reading their dodge pattern and if the mess up a gc punish them
Foda: Do you wanna be featured in today's stream for some more recognition and enjoyment Sandstorm: Yeah, I got nothing to do Sandstorm's Mindset: *Mmmmm free content😏*
I love these highlight videos. It shows what a pro player can do even when just facing viewers. I also just like seeing how Sandstorm just destroys with Mordex, but who doesn't!
Scythe is probably the most versatile weapon. The huge difference between sandstorms scythe playstyle to every other player is very distinctive compared to other weapons. I never get bored watching your scythe. Loved your Nix in that one tournament, very cool because no one played her in top 12 before and it was refreshing to see. I think she has the highest skill ceiling.
I'm 20 and have AUTISM so i end up doing the same thing over and over with little improvement, but watching you helps me more than you knew. If i ever got a true chance to play and talk with you, heck even get to have you as a friend I'd be really happy. Thanks again for bringing new ideas to a AUTISTIC person like me it means a lot.
An accurate representation of what is happening is like a fully grown 7’3 Samoan man beating up some disabled infants in an orphanage. 💀I don’t even know what I just wrote myself.
Na bc stingray is a hard counter to sandstorms play style in pro play sandstorm boomie LDZ wrenched and now stingray are very close in skill if u put all of their skills into one player and that would be unfair bc you would have made a actual God not god a GOD emphasis on the caps
@@lukeminter7282 stingray aint no hard counter nothing , he got into top 8 for a while before the teros nerfs .....i dont care wether hes bad or good but that kid is just toxic as fu ck , literally a disgrace to the BH communtiy , you shouldve seen his braindea d 9 year old cultists going at everyone for picking jaeyun at BCX
actually the most ridiculous thing related to brawlhalla i’ve ever witnessed by far and i’ve been playing for 3 years. my man didn’t lose a single stock and rarely took over 100 damage
Opponent: *dodges*
Sandstorm: “So you have chosen death?”
I'm scared
lol so true
Imagine disconnecting just to reconnect and still be in the same combo. Lol
that actually made me lol
@@bharatarora2942 same
Your pfp made it funnier XD
Foda: seeing sandstorm picking gauntlets
Also foda: '' oh no''
He knows what's coming.....
탕탕탕님 사칭 이누 ㅉ
@@포치-s1h NANI
Cocoa nut
12:39 was the dirtiest thing I’ve ever seen
Seems as though you didn’t see 10:12 which is the craziest string and combo I’ve ever seen
That was my cousin
So fire
@@VLCSmoker the gauntlet combo right after that one is much cooler
Sandstorm is bringing scythe to new levels and everytime I see him play im impressed
Anyone who doesn’t get impressed watching sandstorm play has never heard of brawlhalla
@@tjrw0rld424 that or ur just salty he shid on u in ranked
Ok nix
@@_seventh_son he was complimenting Sandstorm you idiot
@@chunkychoco9714 he didnt say anything wrong ??? Just read it well ..
the blue mordex just gave up on life
@Stray Dogs he was prolly lagging, or just a new player, who knows
@Stray Dogs lag
@@ibrahim_yasser2512 my father had turned off the connection
@@tajiko5586 oh man, feels veryyyyyyyy bad
Fighting Sandstorm is like fighting Saitama where you're Genos.
or sandstorm is goku and saitama is viewers
@@LeoLJS then the viewers would win
@@ImWorth6Million educate yourself buddy
@@LeoLJS or sandstorm is grand priest and goku is viewers
ah no wait grand priest is a bit too far off scale :)
@@iikuzar6976 nah sandstorm grand priest and viewers are yamcha
Blue Mordex actually used his brain:
Why try and win and have a hard time, when you could get clipped for the vid?
Well, you could take one of his stocks to get clipped aswell.
@@Ulaanbasaar which is impossible
How can somebody be this good at a game😂
Practice lots of practice and also if ypu good in reading moves also
I was just asking myself the same question he is not only good but consistent also
his adaptation to every player playstyle is insane
Be called sandstorm
oh cmon we are all no this vid should be called bully the viewers
@@dave2051 they're good but sandstorm make them look trash
@@shadowmcedge4986 some of them are good the others are annoying golds that complain about everything thing.
@@dave2051 bro just fight him and you'll do as bad as them
Sandstorm scythe fans: "I can't wait to show him what I learn in the past years"
Sandstorm: "I'm the captain now" *nukes the whole lobby with his combos*
Scythe only has 1 combo idiot
@@SimbaGraven Scythe doesnt have only 1 combo, """"" Idiot """""
@@irandomdude.5003 dude scythe has 1 combo the things he shows is STRINGS idiot im 2400 are you gonna teach me?
@@SimbaGraven ur not 2400 but you're right
Damn he really ruined their careers with those weapon throw combos
Alternative title: sandstorm bullying people in brawlhalla for almost 16 minutes
I agree 🤣
13:30 I can just hear sandstorm saying: This is actually one of the best sigs in the game
Or he could be saying "This sig is op"
@@Kyogen. yeah
lmfao 🤣😂🤣
10:32 i was shaking in my chair
Not even kidding the best clip of the year so far for me.
u do realize thats a bot right? not saying he's bad or anything but anyone above 1800 can do that
@@astrefate2610 don’t lie to yourself
@@ifeanyichukwu3644 h
@@astrefate2610 true
10:14 to 10:45 is some of the most stylish scythe I've seen to date in Brawl and this is and older clip. Yet to see anyone style as hard as that
Here we see Beefcakes, world champion, fight the playerbase
12:40.... He just knew
thats my clan leader lol
@@elijahbruner3676 lol
How thou, the guy dont have his clan's name under his's
Most underrated move
@@elijahbruner3676 cap
It was so fun watching you destroy people on stream. I learned a few things. Can’t wait for winters
As a person just trying to improve it took this to make me notice the big difference between me and diamonds and then sandstorm. I have a lot of work to do. Sandstorm is a freaking monster
Thats what i realised the difference between sandstorm and diamonds and more than the difference between gold and diamond
Im a high gold and when i queue up to a diamond player in experimental i always get clapped, cant imagine what’s gonna happen to me if i queued up to storm
@@228_anakagungngurahwibisan6You know when i was grinding ranked the only thing holding me back was trash movement and not reading their dodge pattern and if the mess up a gc punish them
@Txhmid - 🧢🧢🤨
@@Shortcat81 yep i never clapped a diamond player when i was gold, now iam a low plat and sometimes can won against diamond
The part at 10:10 is incredible. How os he able to do a 11 hits combo with the gauntlets, and his finishes with the scythe throws are just insane
plot twist: Sandstorm is a time traveler and has done this many times and knows what the opponents will do.
That’s an Interesting theory
King Crimson
@@luisdaidouji9417 if that was true he would know what the next legend was before we do oh wait? Sandstorm is a time traveler confirmed!!!
Or sandstorm is actually taskmaster
the GD in his name must stand for GAHT DAMN
No it stands for geometry dash
No it stands for God Destroyer
@@tetraitez3359 no it dosent.
@@No1No1No1 gd stands for “ur mom”
Ha gottem you nerd
@@orewaren8549 theres nothing wrong with being a nerd lmao
10:11 actual child harassment
If that was me I’d delete the game
It was a bot
it wasn't an actual player + if it was, the guy never dodged so I don't see how this is cool in any way
Bruh this is still cool plus he just made it up and he did it again with gauntlets even tho its a bot doesnt mean its not fucking impressive
@@myth1689 let’s see u do this off rip to a bot bud.Speak for yourself your most likely an ass for saying that
Imagine being the blue mordex and getting 2 stocks deleted like that and still being proud you played sandstorm. Nothing but brospect for that man.🤙🏿💯
He disconnected
Sandstorm:logs on brawlhalla
Keyboard:ahh sh*t here we go again
Lol good one
12:38 ah yes, the oldest true combo in the game, taunt into getting 3 stocked
true indeed
Anton Worme v
at least he tried
You: lets make him suffer a lil more
*brings enemy back to the stage and starts the suffering*
Foda: Do you wanna be featured in today's stream for some more recognition and enjoyment
Sandstorm: Yeah, I got nothing to do
Sandstorm's Mindset: *Mmmmm free content😏*
Sandstorm casually practicing crazy strings and combos for 15 minutes.
5:26 That dodge and read is so smooth
Aye man. What happened at 12:39 was deadass the dopest shit I’ve ever seen in this game
Ever looked at someone and wondered "What is going on inside their head?"
Sandstorm: Better run for life kid,run *run* *RUN!* *ELIMINAR!*
I love these highlight videos. It shows what a pro player can do even when just facing viewers. I also just like seeing how Sandstorm just destroys with Mordex, but who doesn't!
This guy must've pissed you off sandstorm 😂
Joining the lobby is just a free 3 stock ticket
Although i feel quite confident with my scythe gameplay, it just feels like there is no way you can even get close to what this dude does
Watch ur replays and see what you’re doing wrong
@@hlzime2942 i mean i can definitely hit 0 to deaths but this guy is just on another level
Sandstorm reaction probably: that could've been bahoonkers dudes
Sandstorm just went crazy man, the guy keeps improving
The viewer literally just gave up on life he didn’t even try to dodge 😂😂😂
He lagged out
New title unlocked: "King Of Reads 📖"
Minute 10:10 that blue mordex guy had to be like WTFFF DID SANDSTORM? haha
He looks like he’s got a slow connection but those combos were the craziest shit i have ever seen
I've literally never seen sandstorm play ever.... This was a great introduction
Sandstorm is like don't kill yourself
let me do it kid!
Just amazing
I am new to Brawlhalla community and I am absolutely stunned to see this level of gameplay. I didn't even think it was possible to play like this
10:13 those were the longest 5 seconds of my life
Sandstorm does something
TWK: WHY wHy why WHy
10:30 this move is just crazy dude😂
*sandstorm do anything*
FRRRR that is fcking annoying
Scythe is probably the most versatile weapon. The huge difference between sandstorms scythe playstyle to every other player is very distinctive compared to other weapons. I never get bored watching your scythe.
Loved your Nix in that one tournament, very cool because no one played her in top 12 before and it was refreshing to see. I think she has the highest skill ceiling.
Poor viewers kinda glad I didn’t get in the lobby
Oh man from 10:10 til 10:52 is just... The loudest and longest I have laughed in a while! Mostly the reaction at 10:44... Just hilarious!
Watch that at 0.25 speed if you wanna lol even harder
Sandstorm is like if you took all the haemo clips and trained an ai to them.
I'm 20 and have AUTISM so i end up doing the same thing over and over with little improvement, but watching you helps me more than you knew. If i ever got a true chance to play and talk with you, heck even get to have you as a friend I'd be really happy. Thanks again for bringing new ideas to a AUTISTIC person like me it means a lot.
I don’t care about sandstorm, I just like watching Stephen win every game
chill dummies he already changed it
@@witcherrr1466 what are those sucky drum playing skills
Alternative title: Sandstorm abusing poor souls for 15 minutes and 56 seconds.
Can I please have a compilation of Foda screaming because of Sandstorm
An accurate representation of what is happening is like a fully grown 7’3 Samoan man beating up some disabled infants in an orphanage. 💀I don’t even know what I just wrote myself.
i genuinely feel bad for the guy at the 10 minute mark i would have uninstalled yo
same lol
Why unninstal against world Champion?
Dude I love sandstorm including when he combos like this is so sick.
"Hes playing for the clips"
Good old days❤
i mean those are some sick things that now understand how he do what he thinks , DODGE READS and stuff i am happy i got more bether at scythe
Sandstorm jus violated those kids,he’s a bully!!!
10:13 that was sick 🔥
The game at 9:26 was pure insanity. I've never seen someone get dominated so hard in a 1v1
Sandstorm, the god of this game
Sandstorm: so you have chosen death
Why you do Ethan like dat in his own vid😂😂
LMAOOOO I seen that video too, sandstorm deleted him
Which one
@@hvhyyifjj1593 ethan's latest one.
@@bharatarora2942 in ethans own video? Oh
That was the most nastiest brawlhalla clip in the whole humanity history
10:12 - 10:45 rip that guy😭🙏
legit the best 2 combos ive ever seen
i think that was a bot, the guy prob dc
brother woke up and chose violence
Foda is just Flight Reacts.
Look at sandstorm so inspirational.
This man is a walking highlight reel
10:13 sandstorm is not human
it wasn't an actual player + if it was, the guy never dodged so I don't see how this is cool in any way
@@myth1689 are you saying you could do the combo that he did?
@@myth1689 you cant even to this to a bot and im including me
@@myth1689 10:50 listen Foda
At the beginning of the blue mordex string that voice should come up “It was at this moment that he knew” 😂😂😂
It's basically unfair for all Brawlhalla E-Sports players at this point.
Na bc stingray is a hard counter to sandstorms play style in pro play sandstorm boomie LDZ wrenched and now stingray are very close in skill if u put all of their skills into one player and that would be unfair bc you would have made a actual God not god a GOD emphasis on the caps
@@lukeminter7282 stingray aint no hard counter nothing , he got into top 8 for a while before the teros nerfs .....i dont care wether hes bad or good but that kid is just toxic as fu ck , literally a disgrace to the BH communtiy , you shouldve seen his braindea d 9 year old cultists going at everyone for picking jaeyun at BCX
Sandstorm: *hits a dair*
I like when Foda goes:
"ooOohhohOOoo oooo o o..."
(Spoiler alert: every match)
i love how hyped foda gets watching sandstorm play
Scythe God.
Hey sandstorm are you ever gonna post about smash ultimate? I just recently found out you play it and I thought it was very cool.
3:21 what even happened to that dair
guy DI'd
Sandstorm: Is it the best they have?
Yoo i was watching the livestream lmao
actually the most ridiculous thing related to brawlhalla i’ve ever witnessed by far and i’ve been playing for 3 years. my man didn’t lose a single stock and rarely took over 100 damage
Eyy sandstorm, when are you gonna upload aigain?
Nevermind if u win or lost, if u killed sandstorm ONE time u have my respec
I 1v1’d him 2 times before and the 2nd time I got a stock off
This is pure entertainment.
You're the best.
When your early and dunno what to say "Scythe op!!!11!!!"
The kid at 10:00 was not allowed to play thr game. And sandstorm decided that like 10 seconds into the game
Sand"THE GUY"storm
alt title : Sandstorm breaking viewers' mental
Guys its optional but try not to copy sandstorm, hes good because he has his own play style
Go to training mode and figure out your own play style
No everyone copy sandstorm i need to know how to beat it ;)
Sandstorm has officially turned brawlhalla into an art.
I wonder how long has he been playing for to achieve this skill.
Not that long compared to a lot of the other pros
@@Jhelil yeah he is just talented some pros have like 6k or 10k hours and are nto close to him.
Since mordex came out
Sandstorms improved so much I feel like he's gonna change the scythe meta again
Surprised this guy’s not in jail for such harassment..
TWK:why did u do this things to people
Sandstorm: Mordex 😡🔥