me: "omg I'm so sleepy.." *notification from Hyunseung* also me: *CLICKS AGGRESSIVELY* btw thank you for your hard work! I’ll patiently wait for the English subtitles lol🙌🏻
even tho the start of the trip was for body profiles, very glad that you got to fully enjoy the trip afterwards. The mukbangs all look scrumptious & your full cheeks are too much😚 looking forward to more vlogs/etc from our lovely Cha Hyunseung🥂
Eso es: Sin camisas!!! Fantásticos! Poderosos! Oh Hyun Seung, tan sexy pero no lo exteriorizas por tímido. Me gustaría que fueras más atrevido,descarado. Cuando te ríes transportas a la gloria. No sé si me entenderás. Eres un sol no un planeta. Tienes que salir de debajo del árbol que te cobija para que brilles con toda tu luz. Pero se te nota temeroso. Sé tú mismo y verás. Eres joven, hermoso y talentoso. Tienes todo para triunfar.... Fíjate que no entiendo ni hostia de lo que hablan, sin embargo no me pierdo uno de tus videos. Aunque sea en Inglés, por favor, sutítulos.....
바쁘신 와중에도 중요한 일 있을때마다 차랑이들을 잊지 않아주셔서 고마워요 영상 항상 고맙습니다.
me: "omg I'm so sleepy.."
*notification from Hyunseung*
btw thank you for your hard work! I’ll patiently wait for the English subtitles lol🙌🏻
4:06 I like it so much, wish it was longer though lol. Even though there's no english subtitles I really enjoy your videos 😍🦋🦋
어니 ....잠깐만요 ...... 썸넬보고 들어오ㅓㅆ는데 ........저 몸들을 안쳐다보면 눈을 왜 달고다녀 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
알찬영상 좋다 ㅎㅎㅎ😏👍
먹방 찍으러 다녀오셨네요~ㅋㅋㅋ
즐거운 제주도의 영상 감사합니다🙏
몇시도 멋있네요😎
모자 뒤로쓴게 넘 잘어울려요 ㅠㅠ 귀엽 ㅠㅠ
even tho the start of the trip was for body profiles, very glad that you got to fully enjoy the trip afterwards. The mukbangs all look scrumptious & your full cheeks are too much😚 looking forward to more vlogs/etc from our lovely Cha Hyunseung🥂
춥지않으세요? 감기 걸리지 않을까요? 🤔제주도 가보고는 싶네요
You are so handsome. And its alway good to see that you are having a awesome time with friends. Be safe, have fun, and stay healthy.
Honestly i enjoy this too much😌
He was singing 👏! Last time he won’t sing at Edward’s 😂
Waiting for english subtitles to watch this again.....hyun seung is happiness!!!
현승님^^ 하이 😃 제주도 다녀왔네요 제주도 가고싶다 ㅎㅎ 해외에서 지내고 있어서 한국영상 그립고 좋아요 좋은곳
계속 올려주세요 🥰
제목부터가 설레네요
It nice to see you enjoying your vacation and having fun! Have fun!❤️😍
English subtitle pleaseee.... 🤟🤟🤟
아ㅜㅜ오빠ㅠㅠ༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!!,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!! ,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!!,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!! ,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!!,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!! ,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽우워어어어어엌!!!!!!! ,༼;´༎ຶ༎ຶ༽❤️
Handsome Cha hyun Seung! ❤️
I can't believe I'm watching this for free
Fr 😅
OMG woow😍thank you so much for this i real enjoy it 🥰🥰
You should have put the complete song 😝 anyway and we discovered the singer in you 🥰
You're awesome and I think you're really handsome. Love from California!
휴대폰으로 보다가 안달 나서 바로 70인치 스마트티비 켰다...
더더 흥해라!!!
Collaboration with si A pleaseee
You sing well too!!
I'm really wish i can see you in real lifeㅠㅠ
오빠야~이건또 뭐선 129
이런 일정있으면 일찍 알려주세요
미리 가서 자연스럽게 걷고있게
정말 성실하고 팬들을 생각하고 노력하는 모습 보기좋아요 늘 지켜보고 있어요 응원합니다 ♥️
I’m early😂💕
~해가지구 이거 습관이시구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Thanks for blessing my eyes
가수도 한번 해봅시다!노래 잘하시는뎁!
So handsome 😍i love you 🇩🇿💖
yayyy! 🤍
Does anyone know the song at 4;17??!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ먹기만해 ㅋㅌㅋㅋ
형아랑 사귀고 싶어요
I would have his babies or at least have fun trying!!! 💋💋💋
oh honey😏
Love from nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵😍😍
I still watch it without the English sub please eng sub
wow 이게 복지다
Love from Brazil
킼 케나 차 🍑🍆
Is this heaven??
Answer: yes
I love you
God I know that I'm younger but these guys don't help 😭😭😭😭
Eso es: Sin camisas!!! Fantásticos! Poderosos! Oh Hyun Seung, tan sexy pero no lo exteriorizas por tímido. Me gustaría que fueras más atrevido,descarado. Cuando te ríes transportas a la gloria.
No sé si me entenderás. Eres un sol no un planeta. Tienes que salir de debajo del árbol que te cobija para que brilles con toda tu luz. Pero se te nota temeroso. Sé tú mismo y verás. Eres joven, hermoso y talentoso. Tienes todo para triunfar....
Fíjate que no entiendo ni hostia de lo que hablan, sin embargo no me pierdo uno de tus videos.
Aunque sea en Inglés, por favor, sutítulos.....
I just got a little taste of what beauty is 🥲☺️