  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 187

  • @Dukes3677
    @Dukes3677 Год назад +38

    You know theyre a good shop when they torque the oil filter with a totque wrench lol

  • @adamm.1367
    @adamm.1367 Год назад +46

    I like this build. People wondering about the stock exhaust but the real restriction on these cars is the DP with 2 cats. Stock exhaust is fine even at these power levels. Skip the boy racer noise and keep it sleeper.

    • @toxicthug8267
      @toxicthug8267 6 месяцев назад

      Definetly right!

    • @Microphunktv-jb3kj
      @Microphunktv-jb3kj 4 месяца назад

      my feed is full of gtis... algo trying to brainwash me into buying the car lol :DD
      i see common pattern to be.. tuning the car to up to 300-350hp
      and i never see anyone restoring the block itself or cylinders , rods , bearings
      my question is how much abuse and beating do stock can handle?

    • @adamm.1367
      @adamm.1367 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Microphunktv-jb3kj Gen 3+ ea888 motors can reliably make 400-450 on stock internals, no issue. But fueling, the stock turbo, clutch & trans become weak links once you get past a basic stage 2 setup. 300-350 is common because it's cheap & easy to attain with basic bolt on's an a tune and you can still maintain decent fwd drivability (400+hp in a fwd = spinning ain't winning)

    • @spencerrichmond5845
      @spencerrichmond5845 28 дней назад

      @@adamm.1367anyway to mitigate wheel spin? Bigger front tire?

    • @adamm.1367
      @adamm.1367 27 дней назад +1

      @spencerrichmond5845 wider stickier tires + lsd will greatly reduce wheelspin. There are some 17x9 combos that will clear the factory bbk/r-brakes (Apex sm-10 for example) and the added sidewall will help lot. Hard to eliminate completely of course. An upgraded dog bone insert will mostly eliminate wheel hop as well. Happy modding 👍

  • @justgotohm4775
    @justgotohm4775 Год назад +7

    I loved my 15 Sport Pack manual, IS38 stage 3, pulled hard and was an excellent daily.

    • @gmann569
      @gmann569 Год назад

      What happened to it ?

    • @justgotohm4775
      @justgotohm4775 Год назад

      @@gmann569 Sold it for a change in lifestyle from rural to urban.

  • @darrenenoch2680
    @darrenenoch2680 Год назад +13

    Brilliant video nice power output

  • @logic565
    @logic565 11 месяцев назад +2

    That laugh at 8:11 is all too familiar..😂

  • @davidwickhamrc3899
    @davidwickhamrc3899 Год назад +3

    That's cool project. I have a gti mk6 with 500 hp .bulit and bule printed engine. With 4340 rods and JE pistons flow the head from AFR and air /water cooler and custom intake manifold and a 101 ball bearing turbo.she is fast beast

  • @FlightSO02
    @FlightSO02 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome, love the choice of speakers.
    Looking forward to the next episode.
    P.s. would love to see you guys do a sound install for a Vw kombi........just saying it should happen in the near future

  • @Lord.Crawford
    @Lord.Crawford Год назад +5

    Good to see Ben Boshing a Video 😎

  • @CarlosCruz-bp8qo
    @CarlosCruz-bp8qo Год назад

    Damn I would love to build my mk6 stage 3 with this guy he knows his shit

  • @landroverSV
    @landroverSV 9 месяцев назад +2

    Nothing beats the awesome music 🎶 from the VR6 R32 engine

  • @StalloneSRB
    @StalloneSRB Год назад +6

    What about engine mounts ,fwd etc.. do they last long?

    @BBLMAC Год назад +52

    177 torque stock? Must have had some serious issues

    • @ZAGAN-OZ
      @ZAGAN-OZ Год назад +9

      Was more like 250 if u look at the graph.

    • @BBLMAC
      @BBLMAC Год назад +5

      @@ZAGAN-OZvery true, didn’t pay that much attention. Somewhat misleading to not give peak stock figures and compare those to peak modified figures though

    • @radhammond2708
      @radhammond2708 Год назад +2

      @@BBLMAC It looks like they gave the power output at the same rev level though so its still somewhat accurate

    • @sszhao11
      @sszhao11 Год назад +1

      177 tq at 6500rpm. The turbo flow drops off a lot at peak rpm for is20. The. They showed peak torque at 3000rpm for the is38. A. It inconsistent. For racing torque at 4000-6500rpm matters more than 3000 as you only see 3000rpm on first gear

    • @chrismc1977
      @chrismc1977 Год назад +2

      No idea why but the quoted 177lbs,ft was the figure it was producing at max power & not the peak torque figure as standard. The standard output for an early mk7 is ~215hp/250lbs.ft
      A pity the vid didn’t quote like for like!

  • @mustangmach1london
    @mustangmach1london Год назад +2

    Another epic build

  • @GalentNZ
    @GalentNZ Год назад +4

    Awesome video guys 👏

  • @mohamedshatat6593
    @mohamedshatat6593 Год назад +10

    What is the maximum hp and torque for a stock GTI engine ?

    • @jasoncavanagh1048
      @jasoncavanagh1048 Год назад +5

      Most tuners say to keep it below 400whp/440wtq for a daily driver on pump gas. With E85 you can push closer to 450hp/475tq. There are people pushing higher numbers on the stock engine but thats a rough guideline

    • @mohamedshatat6593
      @mohamedshatat6593 Год назад +1

      @@jasoncavanagh1048 thank you 🙏

    • @ronburgundy4375
      @ronburgundy4375 Год назад +3

      ​@Jason Cavanagh about 450hp is the safe limit

    • @jasoncavanagh1048
      @jasoncavanagh1048 Год назад +1

      @@ronburgundy4375 I said for a daily, and it all depends on how much boost you're making too

    • @billyyank5807
      @billyyank5807 Год назад +3

      It's not so much the engine but your drive train.

  • @xRest684
    @xRest684 11 месяцев назад

    thanks for uploading. do you know what causes the exhaust to pop when shifting. I'm not a fan of farts and need help knowing what to do?

  • @ajmoran8988
    @ajmoran8988 Год назад +19

    How much does the stage 3 package cost with out the brakes upgrade??

    • @ace147BSB
      @ace147BSB Год назад +7

      You don’t wanna stop???😂

    • @exothermal.sprocket
      @exothermal.sprocket Год назад

      @@ace147BSB Silly goose. You can stop without brakes, it's just going to take longer.

    • @nvh2933
      @nvh2933 24 дня назад

      @@exothermal.sprocketnot at all is going to stop almost the same only thing is efficiency and how frequent u can brake hard

    • @exothermal.sprocket
      @exothermal.sprocket 24 дня назад

      @@nvh2933 Yes, all braking systems are the same, it is all in how fast you push your foot on the pedal. 😜

  • @neil7526
    @neil7526 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is great. And what would something like this cost as in a total package please ?

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  6 месяцев назад

      Please send us an email to...

  • @oneeyeman6258
    @oneeyeman6258 Месяц назад

    Nice! Very stealth.

  • @TIM612826
    @TIM612826 Год назад +3

    Nice and clear. The is38 turbo would be harder to fit or just cost more?

    • @ronburgundy4375
      @ronburgundy4375 Год назад

      Most is38 hybrids are about 1500usd that's not bad for 200hp over stock

    • @arronlowley5659
      @arronlowley5659 Год назад

      the tte turbos cost a fortune, the customer could have 100% had a hybrid is38 for cheaper than this hybrid is20.

    • @youcangetsum6871
      @youcangetsum6871 Год назад +3

      @@arronlowley5659is20 just spools faster so that’s why some people choose it.

    • @maxly501
      @maxly501 Год назад +1

      ​@@arronlowley5659Maybe the customer still wanted to keep that sort of stock spool but with the advantage of being hybrid which means way more power on the higher revs without the turbo choking up there

  • @v8ent
    @v8ent Год назад

    Very nice Work ❤

  • @arminatashak7746
    @arminatashak7746 4 месяца назад

    Great video thank you for explanation

  • @CHeLL0Bro
    @CHeLL0Bro Год назад

    What a lovely lesson thanks,good job.

  • @Sverigebilden
    @Sverigebilden 8 месяцев назад

    Hi, nice video. What TTE turbo do you recommend if going from is38 (Clubsport), aim around 420-450HP? What other parts must be replaced as well? It´s 6 speed manual.

    • @R88FYN
      @R88FYN 5 месяцев назад

      go garret power max, you’ll get more power

  • @alekbarber5908
    @alekbarber5908 Год назад +1

    My car now is stgae 2 98 fuel mk7.r i have ie intercooler and xforce downpipe with ie air intake and ngk race plug what i needs to upgrade to stage 3

  • @timeformetoact6
    @timeformetoact6 Год назад +2

    What about a DSG Tune? I sure hope it’s not still stock.

    • @umer1712
      @umer1712 Год назад

      He did say ECU and TCU tune in the video.

    • @timeformetoact6
      @timeformetoact6 Год назад +1

      Ah, good, I’m so relieved!

  • @lardook
    @lardook Год назад

    I didn't see a series 3 revision or aftermarket turbo inlet pipe? Unless the ramair induction kit comes with the inlet pipe in the kit? 🤙 The inlet pipe makes a huge difference to these cars due to the factory one being very bulky/restrictive internally

    • @wedrivebynight
      @wedrivebynight Год назад

      It doesn’t make a difference at all dude, mine dynod the same with and without it

  • @bobans
    @bobans 6 месяцев назад +1

    I just went from gtd 184hp to R level 2.0tsi 300hp stage 1 and still get scared of how fast the car is. Maybe in a year I will tune the car to 400HP

    • @romain5356
      @romain5356 Месяц назад

      7 R stage 1 are no joke, enjoy !!

  • @717StreetMedia
    @717StreetMedia Год назад

    What all for fueling? I am running a 60mm on a mk6 gli and cannot figure a clear cut option ? I am maxed on fuel rn is it just upgraded hpfp?

  • @joshua4859
    @joshua4859 Год назад +3

    What does a stock to stage 3 jump in power do to the life expectancy of these EA888 engines?

    • @brandons9138
      @brandons9138 Год назад +4

      It all depends on how you drive it. If you're foot on the floor every chance you get you'll undoubtedly have a shorter service life. If you're only occasionally stomping your foot to the floor you'll enjoy a longer life.

    • @ronburgundy4375
      @ronburgundy4375 Год назад +3

      ​@Brandon S nah the motors are essentially the same as a golf r... going to this level is only stage 2 golf r but its more potent due to it being lighter

  • @jachpriboy8989
    @jachpriboy8989 Год назад +9

    bro pls.. pre-lube the turbocharger prior to first start up !! 😖 add clean engine oil to the oil inlet of the turbo while turning the shaft by hand until oil comes out of the drain...

    • @bendunn2727
      @bendunn2727 Год назад +6

      it takes days to put a build like this together, you have watched a 15 minute snippet of it … what are you on about 🤣

    • @jachpriboy8989
      @jachpriboy8989 Год назад +1

      @@bendunn2727 Oh really?? 🤣

    • @HealthyMotherfcker
      @HealthyMotherfcker Год назад

      @@jachpriboy8989 yeah dumbass. These guys know WAY more than you’ll ever know. Just shut your idiot mouth.

    • @alanclark9000
      @alanclark9000 Год назад

      ​@Ben Dunn lol takes days to do this. Nah

  • @RandomPerson32133
    @RandomPerson32133 Год назад +1

    When you upgrade the brakes, can there be problems that occur with adaptive cruise control? or does the computer figure it out itself?

    • @cruzever09
      @cruzever09 Год назад +2

      No there should be any problem the car dosent know you changed the brakes

    • @maxly501
      @maxly501 Год назад +2

      Nah , nothing like that happens

  • @ronnieronnie8549
    @ronnieronnie8549 Год назад

    So question does it even matter if the intercooler upgrade in stock place or the small one that’s lower and shows from the grill.

  • @BlackFlag94
    @BlackFlag94 7 месяцев назад

    Do you have a comparison torque and power graph of both hybrid IS20 and IS38? I wonder if targeting the same ~450bhp would be nicer to drive with a lower boost pressure on the IS38 hybrid? Let's face it, these cars struggle for traction off the line so low torque isn't gonna be helping you there

  • @danielbrown2310
    @danielbrown2310 4 месяца назад

    Can you Map MPI injectors? I've got a 980cc mpi kit with a Bartek 590lph intake pump,
    Venom 550 turbo.
    But I'm looking for mapping.

  • @Sus_blues
    @Sus_blues Год назад +2

    Why is torque so low? Safety precautions?

    • @PeterTX
      @PeterTX Год назад

      Looks like it was actually make 394lb ft back at 4500 RPM, but that dropped off to 351 at 6350rpm. So it would seem they focused on top end performance vs midrange.

  • @mr.adventure559
    @mr.adventure559 Год назад

    I would be happy with that much power.

  • @jameshamilton5647
    @jameshamilton5647 3 месяца назад +1

    Whats the price on this set up supplied and fitted?

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  3 месяца назад

      Information can be found on our website via this link
      If you need further info, don't hesitate to get in touch.

  • @jeronimjurakovic2919
    @jeronimjurakovic2919 Год назад +2

    What is a TOTAL PRICE from stock to stage 3?
    Anyone plese😁

  • @saketkath964
    @saketkath964 Год назад +3

    what was the cost for this ? parts and labour included ? Also after the stage 3 what is the 0 -100kmph ? Thanks

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  Год назад +2

      Please send us an email to: info@motorsportandperformance.com
      Our office team will pick this up after the bank holiday weekend 😎

    • @pi11sburydoeboy
      @pi11sburydoeboy Год назад

      ​@@MotorsportPerformance Easter isn't a bank holiday!

    • @TIM612826
      @TIM612826 Год назад +6

      Yes a ball park figure would be nice...

    • @iTecKnO
      @iTecKnO Год назад

      0-100 is useless with 2 front wheels drive... you have to consider the 100-200..and this thing now is moving

    • @pauldavies7251
      @pauldavies7251 Год назад +3

      ​@@TIM612826£4k-£5k+ if it's a manual it's another £2k for a clutch
      Much easier & cheaper to go stage 2 on a golf r
      Stage 3 front wheel drive is close to undriveable
      My golf r is stage 2 & wheelspins in 3rd🤦

  • @Acsydud-nl8sy
    @Acsydud-nl8sy Год назад

    Hey how did y’all put the front mount with the adaptive cruise control sensor right there ???

    • @Acsydud-nl8sy
      @Acsydud-nl8sy Год назад

      Does it throw a code when u remove the sensor

  • @bogy999
    @bogy999 Год назад

    Does the stock low pressure fuel pump cope?

  • @anony-mousex
    @anony-mousex 8 месяцев назад

    Why would you do open airbox? Hella engine heat soak

  • @MaikDreijer
    @MaikDreijer Год назад +2

    I still think it's bonkers VW didn't give the MK7 GTI's slotted brakes or even the R style brakes. The MK8 GTI front brakes are a MASSIVE improvement imo.

    • @KasamS
      @KasamS Год назад +1

      U get r style on the performance pack but its still 1 piston

    • @TheFlyingPLiner
      @TheFlyingPLiner Год назад

      Macan brake upgrade is easy to do and relatively affordable. I've had mine for 3 years and it's been perfect.

  • @carsontuttle8984
    @carsontuttle8984 8 месяцев назад

    whats the torque steer like at that power?

  • @johngreen8693
    @johngreen8693 11 месяцев назад

    Are these the "Performance Pack" brakes? If not, why not fit them?

    • @bravosava
      @bravosava 10 месяцев назад

      They not, the performance pack brakes has GTI written on them in the front.

    • @johngreen8693
      @johngreen8693 10 месяцев назад

      @@bravosava I was just surprised that with the scale of the engine upgrades they didn't fit the PP brakes - VW original etc - instead of just changing disks and pads.

  • @isaacm1289
    @isaacm1289 Год назад

    No upgraded engine cooling required??

  • @khalifahvidal3959
    @khalifahvidal3959 Год назад

    IS20 hybrid or is38 ? I want to go stage 3 I have an audi TT mk3

  • @Irqyy
    @Irqyy 11 месяцев назад

    What spark plugs did u use?

  • @Wargwarn
    @Wargwarn Месяц назад

    Why is the torque so low? An IS20 with a remap is about that

  • @songz2412
    @songz2412 8 месяцев назад

    how much is a stage 3 upgrade on a GTI mk7 / 7.5?

  • @mariaalexandrazamfir2389
    @mariaalexandrazamfir2389 6 месяцев назад +1

    How much were all the new parts?

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  6 месяцев назад

      Please send us an email to...
      A member from the office will answer this question for you.

  • @roadtotheroofofafrica
    @roadtotheroofofafrica Год назад +1

    How is the reliability ons a stage 3 vw like this?

    • @mentoraliji5081
      @mentoraliji5081 Год назад +2

      if you don't drive it like a black horse all the time. it will be good

  • @ronburgundy4375
    @ronburgundy4375 Год назад

    Basically get a gti and dump like 6k into it it'll be fun and reliable. 400hp on one of these is Basically hellcat fast

    • @pauldavies7251
      @pauldavies7251 Год назад +3

      Even better idea get a golf r & put £1500 into it for stage 2 much more driveable car especially on damp uk roads

    • @cyril2011
      @cyril2011 Год назад

      My mk8 golf r with a stage 1 is almost 400 crank with just an intercooler and intake. Awd for the snow. Best daily you could ask for.

  • @Microphunktv-jb3kj
    @Microphunktv-jb3kj 4 месяца назад

    oww.. what is this dyno device called

  • @mr.sauvage330
    @mr.sauvage330 Год назад +2

    Would there be any additional parts required for a manual version of that car? (For a similar power figure)

    • @benq1267
      @benq1267 Год назад

      stronger clutch

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  Год назад +1

      We would recommend upgrading the clutch for a manual box. Something on the lines of a Sachs Performance Clutch Kit. 😎

    • @JacesOwnWorld
      @JacesOwnWorld Год назад +1

      Yes. Clutch kit, as well as clutch components (short shift kit, weighted shift knob, etc.).
      Sachs is best kit for DMF. SMF, I recommend XClutch Stage 2, ACT Stage 3, or ECS Stage 4.

  • @mkviis
    @mkviis Год назад

    My car looks fully stock on the outside but it is pushing 345hp. Went for a sleeper build so i could lure in v8s and have a laugh

  • @hondacrxmk25
    @hondacrxmk25 Год назад

    Yeah yeah. Dream on with stock con rods 😂

    • @UnknownP41
      @UnknownP41 10 месяцев назад

      ???? These engines do 500bhp quite happily 🤣

  • @chrisbaldwin7048
    @chrisbaldwin7048 Год назад +1

    What mileage was this on when you installed all this?

    • @MaikDreijer
      @MaikDreijer Год назад +2

      Doesn't really matter on these engine's if they've been taken care off. These 2.0's have a few flaws but once you go S3 you'll have everything sucky about them done and renewed anyway. My MK7 GTI had a stage 3 conversion done at 175000 KMs, and it's now at 215000 without any leaks/issues. Should really let this be done by people who work on VW's all the time.
      I'm a certified VW mechanic myself so I did all the part conversions myself, had it dyno'd and tuned and it's been mad ever since.
      Big tip, don't go for a mad crackle map, it'll drive you insane after 500km (speaking from experience lol)

    • @MaikDreijer
      @MaikDreijer Год назад

      Oh and just buy parts that are tested/fitted like RAM air intakes, the turbo elbow etc. Don't fabricate too much yourself as parts are easily available and very good quality.

    • @chrisbaldwin7048
      @chrisbaldwin7048 Год назад

      @@MaikDreijer wow! Makes me want one! Had an edition 30 years and knew these were good engines

    • @elijahwest99
      @elijahwest99 Год назад

      @@MaikDreijerwhat state are you in you do work on mk6 Gli in Ga

  • @alicrissman5619
    @alicrissman5619 Год назад

    What turbo is that?

  • @joebuczkowski8605
    @joebuczkowski8605 Год назад

    Can i get a job there as well? i want to learn 🧠 how to do this line of work💪 lads.💥💥💥💥💨💨💨💨

  • @truckrodhoodlum
    @truckrodhoodlum Год назад

    Would you sell the bin file map stage 3

  • @aliyildirim2675
    @aliyildirim2675 Месяц назад

    100-200kmh time ?

  • @Ak-so6dm
    @Ak-so6dm Год назад

    Stage 3 build price?

  • @aliyildirim2675
    @aliyildirim2675 2 месяца назад

    62-120mph seconds ?

  • @jordanstain1828
    @jordanstain1828 Год назад

    Please go back and clean the suspension assembly 🙏🏼 my OCD bro🫠

  • @Di-Mit
    @Di-Mit 9 месяцев назад

    Don't install LPFP ?

  • @Zattoo20
    @Zattoo20 Год назад

    100-200 times ! ???

  • @franciscogutierrez1197
    @franciscogutierrez1197 Год назад

    whats the link for the turbo?

  • @ProdigyX19
    @ProdigyX19 Год назад

    How much?

  • @v8ent
    @v8ent Год назад

    Do I have to have an intercooler to run stage 2?

    • @teamsjeijks
      @teamsjeijks Год назад


    • @exothermal.sprocket
      @exothermal.sprocket Год назад +1

      OEM can get heat soak issues if you're on it long enough, often enough. Any power increase is going to tax the whole system with extra heat.

  • @2810Mad
    @2810Mad Год назад

    214hp stock? They're supposed to have 245hp, isn't that a bit low?

    • @maxly501
      @maxly501 Год назад

      Actually no, there a many versions :
      This one looks to be the first one's, so a 220hp one

    • @wedrivebynight
      @wedrivebynight Год назад

      @@maxly501That’s wrong too there’s only two and the power levels are 210 and 220

    • @maxly501
      @maxly501 Год назад

      @@wedrivebynight Nop, there's no 210hp mk7 GTI, you must be talking about the mk6.

  • @CustomKB.
    @CustomKB. Год назад

    is it legal?

  • @a.c.gaming7452
    @a.c.gaming7452 3 месяца назад

    How is that pittin power down ?

  • @michaelsouders4026
    @michaelsouders4026 Год назад +2

    Why is that turbo €2500?! I can get an upgraded IS38+ for less than half the price here in the states…

  • @manuelparra6934
    @manuelparra6934 Год назад

    Definitely not a FMIC hence why the Intercooler is still in between AC and Rad…

    • @brandons9138
      @brandons9138 Год назад +2

      It's absolutely a FMIC. It mounts in front of the engine. Unlike some older GTIs that are mounted on the side. Or a Subaru that mounts on the top of the engine (TMIC). The F (front) in FMIC is its location relative to the engine.

    • @KasamS
      @KasamS Год назад

      Lool a factory mount intercooler is the most efficient go do your research first

    • @maxly501
      @maxly501 Год назад

      It is actually like that on most VW's, it's between the radiator and the AC condenser , actually quite a good setting from factory

    • @wedrivebynight
      @wedrivebynight Год назад

      Technically still front mounted dipshit

  • @sonofspaceghost_9290
    @sonofspaceghost_9290 Год назад +1

    Was exited for the video, see’s DSG…..leaves chat😕

    • @gpeaes
      @gpeaes Месяц назад

      Manuals are weak and slow.

  • @onelowvdub
    @onelowvdub Год назад

    424hp that's the limit of the back muffler get that off there

  • @Nutski321
    @Nutski321 Год назад +2

    Stock exhaust and stock clutch’s 😂

  • @spinnetti
    @spinnetti Год назад +2

    That's more HP than FWD handles.... will be spending a fortune on front tires!

    • @motopez9840
      @motopez9840 Год назад +1

      Saw some guy saying he’s gti chewed through brand new set of good quality tires a month haha

    • @exothermal.sprocket
      @exothermal.sprocket Год назад

      You might go to about 245 rubber instead of 225 and you'll get longer life because of less slip on the gas.

  • @angelo5997
    @angelo5997 3 месяца назад

    I can’t imagine this surviving only because the clutch is trash. Everything else can handle it

    • @gpeaes
      @gpeaes Месяц назад

      It’s a DSG if you watched the video

  • @bigeater1310
    @bigeater1310 5 месяцев назад

    Ain't 450bhp 🙄

  • @222kamil
    @222kamil 7 месяцев назад

    Non vaq diff and 500hp 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @the_a3_8v94
    @the_a3_8v94 Год назад

    So customer wanted 450 and u gave him 420 set up 😅😂

    • @MotorsportPerformance
      @MotorsportPerformance  Год назад +3

      The customer wanted to aim between 400-450bhp.

    • @Lord.Crawford
      @Lord.Crawford Год назад +16

      if its 420 there is a reason for that - MAPS 420 will be absolutely tuned to perfection and better than some other claim of 450 that wont be anything near as good as their 420 - not all numbers mean more power - quality over quantity lad

    • @mustangmach1london
      @mustangmach1london Год назад +4

      @@Lord.Crawford 100% agree. It's about how the car feels and drives. Well said.

    • @bendunn5422
      @bendunn5422 Год назад +2

      Car could do with a LPFP, it's done circa 75k miles and we hadn't planned or budgeted for it. No doubt it will come back in the future :)

    • @the_a3_8v94
      @the_a3_8v94 Год назад

      @@Lord.Crawford it’s all down to tune quality . But put 2 same cars with same tuner on one with 420 other with 450 hp. What’s going to be quicker ? .

  • @brogu6071
    @brogu6071 10 месяцев назад

    literally the most annoying accent in the world

  • @antonionovella2610
    @antonionovella2610 Год назад

    E ci vuole le pinze a 6 pompanti per i freni

  • @JRC3279
    @JRC3279 Год назад

    Do I have to make adjustments to the ECU map?

  • @MrPeteRR299
    @MrPeteRR299 Год назад

    No charge pipes ?

  • @dudleyho4615
    @dudleyho4615 Год назад

    Hi what is the life span of a stage 3 upgrade on the golf 7

    • @romandesousa5936
      @romandesousa5936 Год назад

      Mines been is38 fbo on 93 with a super aggressive ecu and dsg tune for about a year and I’ve had no problems