The Trials and Tribulations of LiveView RPG Development

  • Опубликовано: 16 янв 2025
  • ElixirConf US 2024 - Chris Ertel
    Elixir and Phoenix LiveView give us everything we need to make games in the browser-but sometimes, things get weird. This talk is about when things get weird.
    This talk is a journey through a many-month quest to build a 2D RPG using LiveView. It covers adventures in rendering a world using performant SVGs, diversions in sandboxing for implementing a magic system, NPC dialog with LLMs, and various other oddities.
    SVGWorld: Moving beyond chat servers in Elixir
    Description of the major functionality of the game
    Rendering the world in SVGs
    Cell architecture and portals
    Casting spells
    Basic physics
    Peril the First: Rendering the world
    SVGs are weird (mouse event story)
    SVG performance hacks
    use trick
    attempt at client-side animation
    Peril the Second: Making magic
    The Idea For Spells
    The Cruel Jagged Reality of Sandboxing Elixir Code
    Luerl to the rescue? Something else?
    Peril the Third: Dialog and knowledge
    Chatting with NPCs
    RAG and knowledge stores
    Summarizing gameplay
    The End of The Whole Mess
    Summarize what we tried
    Show what worked
    Show what didn’t
    Demo SVGWorld

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