PRACTICE TIME: 성주간과 부활주일 (Holy Week & Easter Sunday)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
    성주간과 부활주일
    (Holy Week & Easter Sunday)
    Simply practicing expressing myself in Korean on random topics, utilizing whatever vocabulary I already knew while also acquiring new ones.
    When learning Korean, it's helpful to understand how grammar patterns and sets of basic words are formed or combined to create the meaning of a single word.
    Grammar Pattern Practice:
    1. -(으)며, -(이)며, and 하며
    -> are used to mention or list two things, actions, or states. It has the same usage as -(이)고 grammar = and
    -> Verb+ (으)며 is used to describe two or more actions that are happening simultaneously and has the same meaning as V-(으)면서 = while
    (으)며 is mostly used in writings and formal situations such as giving a presentation and reporting news
    서울은 사람이 많으며 길이 복잡합니다.
    Seoul is crowded with people and the streets are complicated.
    산책하며 자연을 즐기세요.
    Enjoy nature while taking a walk.
    성주간은 부활주일 이전에 열리는 기독교인들에게 중요한 기간이에요.
    Holy Week, which occurs before Easter Sunday, is a significant time for Christians.
    예루살렘 입성, 최후의 만찬, 십자가 처형, 부활 등 예수 그리스도의 마지막 날들을 묵상하며 기도하는 시간이에요.
    It is a time to reflect and pray about Jesus Christ's final days, which include his arrival to Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the crucifixion, and the resurrection.
    교회는 이 기간에 기도, 단식, 희생 등을 통해 참회의 생활을 하도록 권장해요.
    During this period, the church encourages people to practice penance through prayer, fasting, and sacrifice.
    그래서 어떤 사람들은 이 기간에 십자가의 길 기도를 하러 7개의 교회에 가거나 집에서 단식을 해요.
    So, during this time, some people visit seven churches to pray the Stations of the Cross, or do fasting at home.
    부활절은 죽음에 대한 삶의 승리를 나타내며 새로운 시작과 행복을 상징해요.
    Easter celebrates the victory of life over death, and represents new beginnings and happiness.
    부활절 토끼의 전통은 아이들이 찾을 수 있는 계란, 사탕, 놀라움을 숨겨서 봄에 기념되는 이 즐거운 날에 재미있는 면을 더해줘요.
    The Easter Bunny tradition adds a delightful twist to this wonderful day celebrated in spring by hiding eggs, candy and surprises for children to find.
    부활절 보물 찾기랑 웃음, 사랑하는 사람들과의 시간을 보내는 시간이에요.
    Easter is a time for treasure hunts, fun, and quality time with loved ones.
    성주간이 부활절로 전환되면서 이 신성한 시간의 중요성을 기억하는 동시에 부활절 토끼가 가져오는 기쁨과 장난기를 받아들이는 게 중요해요.
    As Holy Week transitions to Easter, it's important to keep in mind the significance of this sacred time, while also appreciating the pleasure and excitement that the Easter Bunny brings.
    묵상하고 축하하며 모든 사람에게 기쁨을 전하는 시간이에요.
    It is a moment to reflect, rejoice, and spread happiness to all.
    Script, VO, and Editing By:
    성해신 盛 海 信 (maf 마프)
    Photos by:
    성해신 & 언니
    Adobe Express Animation Maker
    Background Music:
    Music : Acoustic Breeze by Bensound
    • Bensound: "Acoustic Br...
    Music by:
    License code: SDLDBBBVUJPEFBLT
    #Reflection #HolyWeek #Easter #Happiness #Excitement
    #LearnKorean #KoreanExpressions #KoreanGrammar #KoreanPractice #koreanlanguage #KoreanLanguageLearning #motivation #motivationtostudy #language #languagelearning #languageskills #mochileradiaries #feettales #lapiznimaffy #pandasdesk
    #LanguageLeanerCafe #LanguageLearner #CupInDifferentLanguages

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