Make sure you are in a comfortable setting, don't over-think the situation going into it, have an open mind, have some fun stuff to do ready, and voila.
you most definitely should. but before you proceed, check with your family if you have schizophrenia running in the family tree and if you do - just DON'T!!! LSD can trigger schizophrenia in people who are susceptible and whom could live healthy all their lives without ever having it triggered. you can always try DMT (if you manage to find some) or peyote or shrooms (something you should also be very careful with in order not to die, cause you know...) P.S. you should preferably try such drugs out in the open(apart from DMT, cause it really doesn't matter where your body is physically, your mind will be very far away from there), not at home or in the city and with people who already have some experience. also, the less people with you - the better(but not alone, especially the first time!). if you have retarded friends who like to tease people just for the fuck of it - stay away from them while trippin' because such motherfuckers can cause a bad trip with their attitude.
So Limewaxy, love it!
My exact thoughts dude
gonna try lsd I guess
Everyone should ;)
Make sure you are in a comfortable setting, don't over-think the situation going into it, have an open mind, have some fun stuff to do ready, and voila.
you most definitely should. but before you proceed, check with your family if you have schizophrenia running in the family tree and if you do - just DON'T!!! LSD can trigger schizophrenia in people who are susceptible and whom could live healthy all their lives without ever having it triggered. you can always try DMT (if you manage to find some) or peyote or shrooms (something you should also be very careful with in order not to die, cause you know...)
P.S. you should preferably try such drugs out in the open(apart from DMT, cause it really doesn't matter where your body is physically, your mind will be very far away from there), not at home or in the city and with people who already have some experience. also, the less people with you - the better(but not alone, especially the first time!). if you have retarded friends who like to tease people just for the fuck of it - stay away from them while trippin' because such motherfuckers can cause a bad trip with their attitude.
🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹 HARDCULB PORTO