Fellow Catholics, stop taking digs at our Brother Ryan. He's a good host and asks legitimate questions on his journey. The back and forth between him and Father is refreshing, he is learning with us as we are with them. If the show was hosted by a Catholic it would be very one-sided, don't forget, the show is for the Catholics AND the skeptical. Ryan, you're doing a good job presenting. Catholics shouldn't bully other people into our side of the side, that's not what we are about.
I went to see St. Judes relic here in LA. It was awesome. It was great seeing so many people of faith gather. The special mass service that was held was also awesome. It was great taking a picture with Father Martins.
I went to see St. Jude’s relic in Lakeville MN last year with the special intention of the healing between my sister-in-law, her husband and their daughter. They had been estranged from each other for years. Recently this year they’ve been reconciled, embracing each other in tears of love and reconciliation! We have to realize that healing takes time, God’s time, so we must pray for our loved ones and pray for patience for ourselves!
Just went to the relic mass here in my parish (never thought it would come here in all my time listening to this podcast). One of the most beautiful masses and homilies I've ever experienced. I felt as if God through Fr. Martins really spoke to me heart and what I'm going through. Thank you God, Saint Jude, and Father Martins!
Very much appreciate Father Martin’s ability to bring all questions and answers back to being a teaching about the goodness and forgiveness and love of God. God bless everyone involved.
Brother Ryan is wonderful host. I'm brand new to faith. He's asking all the questions I would ask and then some. Besides, the dad jokes are top notch. On another note, please add a thanks button to donate for hopefully season 3? Also... when there's so many scandals plaguing the Church, I feel like hearing about God through an exorcist feels like I'm getting a report from a foot soldier that *has* to have the right communion with God or if not he won't be able to carry out His will. I don't know what happened with Father Patrick from Upon a Friar Review but that RUclips channel fanned the flames of my spiritual Journey (Jordan Peterson > Upon a Friar Review > The Chosen > Exorcist Files > bought my first English Bible this month). I want to do RCIA classes but that's one of the things that stops me. How do I know if the Church I'm attending is right with God? What if I end up supporting someone accidentally that could have done bad things or someone stuck in a situation that he's actually not at fault of? Half of me is torn between taking online RCIA in part because I don't know if I can trust them. The wealth of knowledge Father Carlos Martins and his guests impart on us while dialoguing with Brother Ryan has taught me so much. How it's presented often addresses my skeptical and accidentally heretical views. I can't thank you enough. I sincerely hope one day Joe Rogan interviews Father Martins so even more people get to know him.
Trust God. I once heard a comment by a protestant Evangelist/Deep Thinker. After his death it was learned that he too had attachments to significant sin. Ravi Zacharias was his name. But one time on his radio talk he said something that stuck with me. He said : "Don't judge a theology by its mistakes". The Truth that Jesus placed in His Church is still there regardless of the attack on it or from within it. "The gates of hell will not prevail against it (his Church) Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter and He also told Peter "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church". Note Church is singular. The Keys to the kingdom statement of Jesus words had a cultural meaning in the time of Christ. It meant when a King left his kingdom to go elsewhere, the king handed the keys to a second in command in the kings absence. That second in command now had the full authority of the King just as if he were king. This is why Church authority matters. This is why papal authority matters. Another part of these passages of Scripture was Jesus said to Peter : "Whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatsoever you loose on earth shall be Loosed in heaven". In other words Jesus said 'Pete you say it here on earth and I will rubber stamp it in heaven'. Trust God and ask Him to clarify your doubts. He will. At least enough for you to see if the Church is true. I went non denominational back in the 90's for a year or so. I understand the questions. Consider these verses of Scripture. "There is One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism". Or "The Church is the Pillar and foundation of Truth". Note again church is referred to as Singular not plural. Regarding confession to a man Read John 20: verses 19 thru 23. Jesus is the one who established it Also read John 6: 53 "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and Drink His Blood, you shall not have life Within you." These were Jesus words not mine. Also regarding communion read 1rst Corinthians chapter 11. Then Google search Eucharistic Miracles. There is much to learn friend. But God will lead you if you ask Him. Too I might suggest you go in person to receive RCIA instructions if you can. Sorry for going all over the place but I think these things are key to our faith. Regarding the Eucharist/Communion, The Body and blood of Christ can only be found in the Apostolic Churches Catholic or Orthodox. Apostolic meaning, Received from the apostles. The Catholic Church is 2000 years old. Every protestant religion is 500 or so years old or less. If you were getting a heart transplant, would you want a surgeon fresh out of med school or one with a lifetime of experience? Do come home to the Catholic faith brother. God bless.
At the Mission of Our Lady of Fátima in Colombia I saw around 50 relics from all sort of saints. I could not touch them but anyway it was a great blessing
If I could request your prayers, please. I am one of those who genuinely desired to seek God's will but did it in ways that are prohibited. I bought a tarot deck that was themed around Christian Saints. I am fully prepared to confess my sins at the earliest opportunity and never use such things again. Please pray that the Lord preserves me until that time when I can make my confession. I will be keeping everyone in my prayers! Thank you, and may God bless you all! 🙏
Hey! Just so you know, Jesus is the only intercessor you need. There is nothing wrong, of course, with going to a priest in order to receive structure, guidance, or accountability, but God isn't going to hold out on you just because you didn't do it in a specific way that a specific denomination needs you to do it. His grace is abundant and plentiful; He gives freely.
@@euge.sosa.b Just a friendly reminder that this is a channel that teaches the truth of the faith, as received from Jesus Himself. Protestantism is a man-made invention based on rebellion and misunderstanding.
@@euge.sosa.b Hey, just so you know, we are Catholic Christians. We are blessed to follow Jesus, and the truth that the Catholic church teaches in furtherance of His teaching. Although you invoke the Holy Name of Jesus, you do it for your own purposes-- to preach a counterfeit Christianity. Stop denying His sovereignty and divinity, while you still have time.
@@anng.4542 What? Weirdly defensive since I didn't say anything about Catholics, no? The simple Gospel is that God's grace flows freely and abundantly to those who look upon and believe in the one He has sent. Jesus Christ is Lord and He, alone, is enough to save you from death. That's what the Bible claims, at least :) if the Gospel offends you then idk, you should pray about it!!
The funny thing is that most protestants don't believe in relics, although, it is clearly biblical. I have heard, interestingly enough, some protestants will send out "anointed" prayer cloths which they believe is a "point of contact" for faith to manifest. Not far (although obscure) from the truth. ,🙏➕
Awesome content ! I always learn some amazing stuff every time I listen to Father Martins. The fact about items becoming holy after coming in contact with something sanctified and holy actually goes back to the Old Testament. I'm pretty sure in the book of Leviticus God tells Moses anything coming in contact with something like the Ark of the Covenant and a couple other things being holy. I'm pretty sure I He says that anyway great video . I asked my Priest about ghosts, if it's really a spirit of a dead person and he said that it can happen if God permits it. Some times a ghost can manifest to a relative or someone because they are wanting prayers to lessen their time in purgatory and that made sense to me so if you see a ghost pray for them !! 🙏🏼✝️
My husband had difficulty selling his house in 2008 during the recession. A co worker who was Catholic gave him a Saint Joseph relic and told him to bury it in his yard and pray for his house to sell. His house sold in two days.
I'm so glad St Joseph helped him! 🙏 He is wonderful in situations such as finding a job as well 🧡 The act of burying the statue or throwing salt over one's shoulder and other such acts, though, is considered superstitious in Catholic Teaching -- the statue itself has no power or "steps" to it; it's the prayer (asking) with it, through faith in God's Will, that can bring about good ✝ As far as my own research has found 🙂
In the intro, Ryan just can’t bring himself to admit to the power and reality of relics, even when there is evidence found in the Holy Scriptures. A lot of words, but I see a hardened heart. I’m praying for you to see the truth, Ryan.
It's the Protestant in him. We keep praying for Ryan's conversion. He's already been given this blessing of working with Fr. Carlos, it would be such a waste if he doesn't bear fruit - would be Ryan's loss but we keep praying for him, for ourselves, and for everyone as well
Have you heard our episode on relics? I did an hour on the validity of relics, had Aaron Neville on and talked about how we all need to acknowledge the reality of them. I'd encourage you to listen to that episode. Acts 19. They are a thing.
@@SENIORaMOMENTS First off, "Protty" sounds pretty derogatory. One of the reasons I love doing this show is to help people understand both sides better. I did an entire episode on the validity of relics which you may not have heard. I wouldn't deign to judge my heart based on a 60 second, lightly comedic exchange between Father and I.
@@SENIORaMOMENTS Not offended- just saying if we want to be the aroma of Christ, then those labels don't help. It goes both ways, I have heard protestants call Catholics terrible things and that's not helpful either. But deigning to judge people's hearts based off a podcast 60 second clip to me is a bit shortsighted. I'm trying to put something out into the world with Father that leads people to Christ.
@FrCarlosMartins we drove 4 hrs to see you in LA, the marionette church gave me oil from St Charbel after we saw St Jude. Thank you 🙏🏼 Unfortunately I think by the time you get to Bakersfield and Fresno it will be as hot as Arizona. 😮God bless you all! ❤
Question: Can a third class relic be created by touching an object to a relic in its reliquary (so that the object touches the surface of the reliquary, but not the relic itself)? I was in a church with a relic available for veneration, and I touched medals to the reliquary. Are the medals now third class relics?
I attended Fr. Martin's tour of 150 relics about 5 years ago. We could touch all the of the reliquaries. If I remember correctly, if you touch them to anything, those items are 3rd class relics. I touched my mantilla to the case that held what is believed to be the veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I take that it is a 3rd class relic now.
I did exactly this with my 2 rosaries - I put them on the 2 reliquiaries we have in our church displaying the relics of St. John Bosco and a local Salesian martyr from the Communist time (I live in Central Europe, former Czechoslovakia). I had the intention to make them 3rd class relics and since then I've been considering them to be that.
The Eucharist is not a Relic but is The True and Living presence Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. So, no I don't think that would be the case and as such you should not touch the Eucharistic Host as only the hands of the Priest are anointed to handle the sacred species. 🙏➕
Just to be clear, we are NOT sanctified by "obedience" as in good works, rites, or sacraments. We are sanctified by FAITH in which obedience is a factor. If you have faith in Christ you are in His grace because you rely upon, adhere to, and trust in Him. The demons have belief and knowledge, but they do not have faith.
Pray for me. I got sick the following day, after going to see the Relic of St. Jude. I Prayed Rosarios , during the line and also went to confession. Before praying in front of the Relic. My Throat had a nasty sore through from the 2nd to the 17th. I know to still press in in Praying thur it still I am confused why I got sick.?
You may have gotten sick in order to increase your faith by prayer. Don't lose hope. Don't see the relic as a superstition. There is healing power if you put your faith in Jesus through Jude. Pray for wisdom and for God's will to become obvious.
Wow, you are really afraid to acknowledge the healing you received. Take a stand. You asked and were open to touching the relic but like many who Jesus healed you won't go back and acknowledge his work. Why don't you ask God to take back your healing if it came by way of St.Jude so you can remain in your protesting church. I feel you avoided a direct question from Father Martins so long it was hurtful. Please know I mean you no ill it was just how you handled yourself.
I'd invite you to listen to my comments in earlier episodes. We have an entire one dedicated to the validity of relics and how I think they are entirely scriptural. I happened to have a friend praying with me at the time too. Father and I like to joke with each other.
The lack of reverence for such a holy matter does indeed upset me. The spirit of protestantism is not of God. God never intended division in his church...
Not dodging, respecting that most listeners are there to listen to Father and in a spirit of unity not getting into a debate that can't be proven. Had a protestant praying for me at the exact same time and it's a silly debate to try and decide what led to me feeling better. Father and I agree on much and respectfully disagree on much. These are his case files, his stories and his teachings so I don't view it as my place to challenge him. On behalf of Californians thank you for your kind words.
@@GemGemMarie2162 I agree with you, we shouldn’t be that way. That’s not having the spirit of love for our neighbor. What if Ryan converts because of this podcast?
Whoa. Your interviewing guest blasphemed when he said he did not know who to attribute the healing of his back to, the arm bone of St Jude or his Protestant friend who was praying for him. That is outright blasphemy and heresy. I will remind you that God does not hear the prayers of Protestants, either. That man is not a Catholic, and if he was actually forced to confess the Catholic faith, he is the kind who would reject it and leave. Come to think, I'm pretty sure you would as well.
It was said jokingly, no need to take it that seriously and judge someone a blasphemer and heretic. It's not too charitable. God does hear the prayers of all of His children, not only Catholics. I know many good and holy Protestants, many of them have a closer relationship with Jesus than many lukewarm Catholics do. They do more with the less that is available to them and I'm praying for them to come to the fullness in the Catholic Church. It would be good for you to re-assess your anti-protestant prejudices. What you're saying is absolutely not the teaching of the Church. We Catholics should do better. Our responsibility is also for these brothers and sisters and we should abstain from rash judgment. Who has been given much...
@@barborazajacova7633 Extra Ecclesia Nula Salus is one of the 220 defined dogmas of the faith that you must believe in order to be Catholic, and if you reject it, you are in mortal sin, you are outside the Church, and you go below. What you're spouting is formally condemned heresy that is brand new in the past 50 years of the Church, and you know it, too. Nobody can be that ignorant that they are totally unaware that the true Church's authentic, teaching is that outside the Church there is no salvation. You, yourself, are simply not a Catholic but a member of the condemned modernist heretical sect of Vatican 2. And don't lie. The interviewer did NOT say what he said as a joke - even Fr. Martin realized that it was deeply scandalous and corrected him, albeit far too mildly.
Fellow Catholics, stop taking digs at our Brother Ryan. He's a good host and asks legitimate questions on his journey. The back and forth between him and Father is refreshing, he is learning with us as we are with them. If the show was hosted by a Catholic it would be very one-sided, don't forget, the show is for the Catholics AND the skeptical. Ryan, you're doing a good job presenting. Catholics shouldn't bully other people into our side of the side, that's not what we are about.
I went to see St. Judes relic here in LA. It was awesome. It was great seeing so many people of faith gather. The special mass service that was held was also awesome. It was great taking a picture with Father Martins.
Wow I missed it! Where would I go to see his schedule?
I went to see St. Jude’s relic in Lakeville MN last year with the special intention of the healing between my sister-in-law, her husband and their daughter. They had been estranged from each other for years. Recently this year they’ve been reconciled, embracing each other in tears of love and reconciliation! We have to realize that healing takes time, God’s time, so we must pray for our loved ones and pray for patience for ourselves!
That's so beautiful I'm delighted ❤❤🙏🙏🥰💪🇮🇪☘
Big fan here in Vietnam. Thank you Fr Martins and Ryan. God bless guys! I hope a relic tour will come this way sometime.
Just went to the relic mass here in my parish (never thought it would come here in all my time listening to this podcast). One of the most beautiful masses and homilies I've ever experienced. I felt as if God through Fr. Martins really spoke to me heart and what I'm going through. Thank you God, Saint Jude, and Father Martins!
Very much appreciate Father Martin’s ability to bring all questions and answers back to being a teaching about the goodness and forgiveness and love of God. God bless everyone involved.
Brother Ryan is wonderful host. I'm brand new to faith. He's asking all the questions I would ask and then some. Besides, the dad jokes are top notch. On another note, please add a thanks button to donate for hopefully season 3? Also... when there's so many scandals plaguing the Church, I feel like hearing about God through an exorcist feels like I'm getting a report from a foot soldier that *has* to have the right communion with God or if not he won't be able to carry out His will. I don't know what happened with Father Patrick from Upon a Friar Review but that RUclips channel fanned the flames of my spiritual Journey (Jordan Peterson > Upon a Friar Review > The Chosen > Exorcist Files > bought my first English Bible this month). I want to do RCIA classes but that's one of the things that stops me. How do I know if the Church I'm attending is right with God? What if I end up supporting someone accidentally that could have done bad things or someone stuck in a situation that he's actually not at fault of? Half of me is torn between taking online RCIA in part because I don't know if I can trust them. The wealth of knowledge Father Carlos Martins and his guests impart on us while dialoguing with Brother Ryan has taught me so much. How it's presented often addresses my skeptical and accidentally heretical views. I can't thank you enough. I sincerely hope one day Joe Rogan interviews Father Martins so even more people get to know him.
Trust God. I once heard a comment by a protestant Evangelist/Deep Thinker. After his death it was learned that he too had attachments to significant sin.
Ravi Zacharias was his name. But one time on his radio talk he said something that stuck with me.
He said : "Don't judge a theology by its mistakes".
The Truth that Jesus placed in His Church is still there regardless of the attack on it or from within it.
"The gates of hell will not prevail against it (his Church)
Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter and He also told Peter "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church". Note Church is singular.
The Keys to the kingdom statement of Jesus words had a cultural meaning in the time of Christ.
It meant when a King left his kingdom to go elsewhere, the king handed the keys to a second in command in the kings absence. That second in command now had the full authority of the King just as if he were king.
This is why Church authority matters. This is why papal authority matters.
Another part of these passages of Scripture was Jesus said to Peter : "Whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatsoever you loose on earth shall be Loosed in heaven".
In other words Jesus said 'Pete you say it here on earth and I will rubber stamp it in heaven'.
Trust God and ask Him to clarify your doubts. He will. At least enough for you to see if the Church is true.
I went non denominational back in the 90's for a year or so. I understand the questions.
Consider these verses of Scripture.
"There is One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism".
Or "The Church is the Pillar and foundation of Truth".
Note again church is referred to as Singular not plural.
Regarding confession to a man Read John 20: verses 19 thru 23.
Jesus is the one who established it
Also read John 6: 53
"Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and Drink His Blood, you shall not have life Within you."
These were Jesus words not mine.
Also regarding communion read 1rst Corinthians chapter 11.
Then Google search Eucharistic Miracles.
There is much to learn friend. But God will lead you if you ask Him.
Too I might suggest you go in person to receive RCIA instructions if you can.
Sorry for going all over the place but I think these things are key to our faith.
Regarding the Eucharist/Communion, The Body and blood of Christ can only be found in the Apostolic Churches
Catholic or Orthodox.
Apostolic meaning, Received from the apostles.
The Catholic Church is 2000 years old. Every protestant religion is 500 or so years old or less.
If you were getting a heart transplant, would you want a surgeon fresh out of med school or one with a lifetime of experience?
Do come home to the Catholic faith brother. God bless.
At the Mission of Our Lady of Fátima in Colombia I saw around 50 relics from all sort of saints. I could not touch them but anyway it was a great blessing
Thank you bless You, pls pray for me and my back/neck/mental, ty x +JMJ+ Au.
"Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You: in Your goodness, free this place from evil, now and forever. Amen." (25:07)
Thank you so much fr Martins and the team❤❤❤
Please pray for me Cynthia to be cured from cancer
If I could request your prayers, please. I am one of those who genuinely desired to seek God's will but did it in ways that are prohibited. I bought a tarot deck that was themed around Christian Saints. I am fully prepared to confess my sins at the earliest opportunity and never use such things again. Please pray that the Lord preserves me until that time when I can make my confession. I will be keeping everyone in my prayers! Thank you, and may God bless you all! 🙏
Praying for the mercy of God to honour your honesty and bring you into relationship with Him.
Hey! Just so you know, Jesus is the only intercessor you need. There is nothing wrong, of course, with going to a priest in order to receive structure, guidance, or accountability, but God isn't going to hold out on you just because you didn't do it in a specific way that a specific denomination needs you to do it. His grace is abundant and plentiful; He gives freely.
@@euge.sosa.b Just a friendly reminder that this is a channel that teaches the truth of the faith, as received from Jesus Himself. Protestantism is a man-made invention based on rebellion and misunderstanding.
@@euge.sosa.b Hey, just so you know, we are Catholic Christians. We are blessed to follow Jesus, and the truth that the Catholic church teaches in furtherance of His teaching.
Although you invoke the Holy Name of Jesus, you do it for your own purposes-- to preach a counterfeit Christianity. Stop denying His sovereignty and divinity, while you still have time.
@@anng.4542 What? Weirdly defensive since I didn't say anything about Catholics, no?
The simple Gospel is that God's grace flows freely and abundantly to those who look upon and believe in the one He has sent. Jesus Christ is Lord and He, alone, is enough to save you from death. That's what the Bible claims, at least :) if the Gospel offends you then idk, you should pray about it!!
Love the tidbit about Mary’s assumption and its depiction within cathedrals.
The funny thing is that most protestants don't believe in relics, although, it is clearly biblical. I have heard, interestingly enough, some protestants will send out "anointed" prayer cloths which they believe is a "point of contact" for faith to manifest. Not far (although obscure) from the truth. ,🙏➕
Hi Fr Martins is Ireland Co Cork on your schedule at sone stage? ❤💪🇮🇪☘🙏🙏🙏
Thank you 🙏
Was waiting for this 🌷 God bless You!!
Love Father Martins. Still hope to view the Apostle of the Impossible St.Jude.
Awesome content ! I always learn some amazing stuff every time I listen to Father Martins. The fact about items becoming holy after coming in contact with something sanctified and holy actually goes back to the Old Testament. I'm pretty sure in the book of Leviticus God tells Moses anything coming in contact with something like the Ark of the Covenant and a couple other things being holy. I'm pretty sure I He says that anyway great video . I asked my Priest about ghosts, if it's really a spirit of a dead person and he said that it can happen if God permits it. Some times a ghost can manifest to a relative or someone because they are wanting prayers to lessen their time in purgatory and that made sense to me so if you see a ghost pray for them !! 🙏🏼✝️
Wish that Fr.Martins could bring it to Canada
We have a relic of St. Jude at my parish in Alberta.
Will the relic of St. Jude be in Indiana or near Indiana? Would love to touch it
My husband had difficulty selling his house in 2008 during the recession. A co worker who was Catholic gave him a Saint Joseph relic and told him to bury it in his yard and pray for his house to sell. His house sold in two days.
I'm so glad St Joseph helped him! 🙏 He is wonderful in situations such as finding a job as well 🧡
The act of burying the statue or throwing salt over one's shoulder and other such acts, though, is considered superstitious in Catholic Teaching -- the statue itself has no power or "steps" to it; it's the prayer (asking) with it, through faith in God's Will, that can bring about good ✝
As far as my own research has found 🙂
In the intro, Ryan just can’t bring himself to admit to the power and reality of relics, even when there is evidence found in the Holy Scriptures. A lot of words, but I see a hardened heart. I’m praying for you to see the truth, Ryan.
It's the Protestant in him. We keep praying for Ryan's conversion. He's already been given this blessing of working with Fr. Carlos, it would be such a waste if he doesn't bear fruit - would be Ryan's loss but we keep praying for him, for ourselves, and for everyone as well
Have you heard our episode on relics? I did an hour on the validity of relics, had Aaron Neville on and talked about how we all need to acknowledge the reality of them. I'd encourage you to listen to that episode. Acts 19. They are a thing.
@@SENIORaMOMENTS First off, "Protty" sounds pretty derogatory. One of the reasons I love doing this show is to help people understand both sides better. I did an entire episode on the validity of relics which you may not have heard. I wouldn't deign to judge my heart based on a 60 second, lightly comedic exchange between Father and I.
@@ryanbetheashow edited...sorry if you felt offended. I pray that you become truly Catholic. Come home now.
@@SENIORaMOMENTS Not offended- just saying if we want to be the aroma of Christ, then those labels don't help. It goes both ways, I have heard protestants call Catholics terrible things and that's not helpful either. But deigning to judge people's hearts based off a podcast 60 second clip to me is a bit shortsighted. I'm trying to put something out into the world with Father that leads people to Christ.
Hi Will Father Carlos do a world tour with any relics ? I really hope so I hope he comes to South Africa we sorely need it here
I really hope Father is traveling to Utah or Nevada with St. Jude's relic.
Please pray for conversion for Christhal aswarya and kayvinroy and gunaseeilan
@FrCarlosMartins we drove 4 hrs to see you in LA, the marionette church gave me oil from St Charbel after we saw St Jude. Thank you 🙏🏼
Unfortunately I think by the time you get to Bakersfield and Fresno it will be as hot as Arizona. 😮God bless you all! ❤
Question: Can a third class relic be created by touching an object to a relic in its reliquary (so that the object touches the surface of the reliquary, but not the relic itself)? I was in a church with a relic available for veneration, and I touched medals to the reliquary. Are the medals now third class relics?
I attended Fr. Martin's tour of 150 relics about 5 years ago. We could touch all the of the reliquaries. If I remember correctly, if you touch them to anything, those items are 3rd class relics. I touched my mantilla to the case that held what is believed to be the veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I take that it is a 3rd class relic now.
I did exactly this with my 2 rosaries - I put them on the 2 reliquiaries we have in our church displaying the relics of St. John Bosco and a local Salesian martyr from the Communist time (I live in Central Europe, former Czechoslovakia). I had the intention to make them 3rd class relics and since then I've been considering them to be that.
Father Martins! Please bring the Relic of St. Jude back to Illinois. We are in need of some healing! Please 🙏
Please Father Martins! Come to the Lake County area in Illinois. We need it 🙏
Please Father or anywhere in Illinois! Or Wisconsin! We will make the drive! Please 🙏
Coffee does NOT make the scripture come alive; the Holy Spirit does.
If we touch Holy Eucharist with a rosary , will it be a Relic ? Pls advise ✌
The Eucharist is not a Relic but is The True and Living presence Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. So, no I don't think that would be the case and as such you should not touch the Eucharistic Host as only the hands of the Priest are anointed to handle the sacred species. 🙏➕
Just to be clear, we are NOT sanctified by "obedience" as in good works, rites, or sacraments. We are sanctified by FAITH in which obedience is a factor.
If you have faith in Christ you are in His grace because you rely upon, adhere to, and trust in Him. The demons have belief and knowledge, but they do not have faith.
Will St Jude be coming to Utah or any surrounding states?
Wait, so, are demons always suppose to leave when a 3rd class relic touches them ?
I don't ask anybody to stop praying for me.
Me too❤💪🙏☘🇮🇪
Who is this interviewer?
Pray for me. I got sick the following day, after going to see the Relic of St. Jude. I Prayed Rosarios , during the line and also went to confession. Before praying in front of the Relic. My Throat had a nasty sore through from the 2nd to the 17th. I know to still press in in Praying thur it still I am confused why I got sick.?
You may have gotten sick in order to increase your faith by prayer. Don't lose hope. Don't see the relic as a superstition. There is healing power if you put your faith in Jesus through Jude. Pray for wisdom and for God's will to become obvious.
Worth seeing. I was moved when it visited my town
Wow, you are really afraid to acknowledge the healing you received. Take a stand. You asked and were open to touching the relic but like many who Jesus healed you won't go back and acknowledge his work. Why don't you ask God to take back your healing if it came by way of St.Jude so you can remain in your protesting church. I feel you avoided a direct question from Father Martins so long it was hurtful. Please know I mean you no ill it was just how you handled yourself.
I'd invite you to listen to my comments in earlier episodes. We have an entire one dedicated to the validity of relics and how I think they are entirely scriptural. I happened to have a friend praying with me at the time too. Father and I like to joke with each other.
@@ryanbetheashow I am really really sorry. Thank you for not being angry with me.
The lack of reverence for such a holy matter does indeed upset me. The spirit of protestantism is not of God. God never intended division in his church...
Put the shirt on someone!
Ryan is quite the dancer, though not particularly graceful. Obviously dodging around direct questions, you are definitely from California.
Not dodging, respecting that most listeners are there to listen to Father and in a spirit of unity not getting into a debate that can't be proven. Had a protestant praying for me at the exact same time and it's a silly debate to try and decide what led to me feeling better. Father and I agree on much and respectfully disagree on much. These are his case files, his stories and his teachings so I don't view it as my place to challenge him. On behalf of Californians thank you for your kind words.
I wish Father Martins would replace Ryan.
The spirit of the protest
No ! They work well together, I love listening to both!❤
@@GemGemMarie2162 I agree with you, we shouldn’t be that way. That’s not having the spirit of love for our neighbor. What if Ryan converts because of this podcast?
@@GizelleJane2012 , Yes, I thought he might be on that path to convert.
Whoa. Your interviewing guest blasphemed when he said he did not know who to attribute the healing of his back to, the arm bone of St Jude or his Protestant friend who was praying for him. That is outright blasphemy and heresy. I will remind you that God does not hear the prayers of Protestants, either. That man is not a Catholic, and if he was actually forced to confess the Catholic faith, he is the kind who would reject it and leave. Come to think, I'm pretty sure you would as well.
It was said jokingly, no need to take it that seriously and judge someone a blasphemer and heretic. It's not too charitable. God does hear the prayers of all of His children, not only Catholics. I know many good and holy Protestants, many of them have a closer relationship with Jesus than many lukewarm Catholics do. They do more with the less that is available to them and I'm praying for them to come to the fullness in the Catholic Church.
It would be good for you to re-assess your anti-protestant prejudices. What you're saying is absolutely not the teaching of the Church. We Catholics should do better. Our responsibility is also for these brothers and sisters and we should abstain from rash judgment. Who has been given much...
@@barborazajacova7633 Extra Ecclesia Nula Salus is one of the 220 defined dogmas of the faith that you must believe in order to be Catholic, and if you reject it, you are in mortal sin, you are outside the Church, and you go below.
What you're spouting is formally condemned heresy that is brand new in the past 50 years of the Church, and you know it, too. Nobody can be that ignorant that they are totally unaware that the true Church's authentic, teaching is that outside the Church there is no salvation. You, yourself, are simply not a Catholic but a member of the condemned modernist heretical sect of Vatican 2.
And don't lie. The interviewer did NOT say what he said as a joke - even Fr. Martin realized that it was deeply scandalous and corrected him, albeit far too mildly.
If anything you’re the one being heretical rn. God is everywhere, thus He listens to everyone. God loves everyone, Catholic or not.
Where does it state in the Bible that God does not hear the prayers of Protestants?