here in the Philippines we use lantana as tea, it has a ts of benefits too.. and cows, carabaos , goat does not die even though there is lantana in the field..
I stumbled upon a scientific article on the topic of toxicity: 2011 Lantana Definition: Lantana camara is a shrub containing toxic triterpenes which cause hepatic degeneration in cattle, producing signs of photosensitization, jaundice, rumen stasis, and depression.
Wow! I'm hearing this from many people. It sounds like the research hasn't caught up or... some might not have this Lantana... but either way, it definitely needs to get looked into more. There are so many edible plants that we have stopped eating. Thank you so much John for sharing your childhood experience! 😄
Yeah more research should be carried out on the plant.. By the way I've eaten its fruits even in the United States,. I've even made tea severally from its leaves for drinking. But I would not advice anybody to do the same.
Why are they being sold at the garden stores? This was one of the plants I was going to buy But didn’t yet because I was looking for a large pot! Not anymore! How do I find a list of plants Not to have? Thanks for sharing.
I wish I would’ve known this before buying 50 of them (1 quart size)! My question is, why are the nurseries selling them if they have all these problems with the ecosystem. I bought them because of their color and because it had a big sign saying Deer Resistant 🤷🏻♀️
You cannot overstate how bad this plant is. On the east coast of Australia it is absolutely decimating coastal forests. It is illegal to sell it here. If you drive north from Sydney, the motorway is lined with the stuff for 100's of kms. I have a 10 acre property and the rear 5 acres was impenetrable due to the overgrowth of this weed. 6 feet? I've pulled out indivdual plants with canes near 50 feet long, they grow up trees seeking light. I've just about cleared my place now, but there are a few rugged areas that are hard to reach, and I have to spray them. Oh - and they are resilient too. Round-Up alone won't do it, the stuff gets sick and comes back tougher than before. You need to add a secondary herbicide of a different group to kill it. If you mow it, then the cut canes sprout roots and grow more plants. They are basically the zombies of the plant world. Every time I get out amongst it and pull a few out, whilst it is very satifying, I have rash for several days. Oh and scratches... the stuff is spikey, covered in tiny sharp thorns that will scratch you to pieces, so when pulling it out you need head to toe covering. This plant is absolutely terrible. Do what the nice lady says - avoid this at all costs and buy something else.
And the humming birds love them too.i grow mine in a pot to control them. They dont do as well in the in mich and 30 degree weather almost killed it.sp I brought it in the house.problely better in a pot.same with chives, and some herbs put them on a pot!
Woah, I didn't realise other countries sell Lantana Camera at plant shops. In Australia, these are super invasive. They overgrow on the forest floors and prevent the Koalas from moving from tree to tree. :(
Horribly invasive here in Texas, as well as many other states & countries! I found Lantana Camara in a garden store being sold as “Dallas Lantana” Super tricksy with potential to be ecologically disastrous. Texas has a native Lantana species: Lantana urticoides or Texas Lantana. By labeling the common name as “Dallas Lantana” it tricks folks, ignorant to scientific names, into buying the invasive Lantana plant under the guise of a native plant. Currently, I have yet to find a wild Lantana urticoides, non-hybridized, in 3 years. They’ve got to go.
It behaves well in the tropics - South Asia and South East at least. In fact it is also used medicinal and the berries are eaten. It is also a host plant for some endemic butterflies. I love its stinky gloriousness 😊
Futhermore, there is research into this plant's antitermitic effects as a natural pest control method. In general I get Westerners' aversion to invasive species and the need to control biodiversity to maintain their current ecosystems and agricultural and livestock industries, but it's a bit ironic given the people espousing the dangers of invasive species are non-native themselves. Don't get me wrong native peoples in the tropics also have invasive species to deal with, but the research supporting the identification and negative impacts are almost always driven by the need to protect human industry. I think the problem comes down to dealing with new species in a system lacking biodiversity bound to rigid human-designed boundaries such that adaptation is retarded, and the general lack of understanding how our destructive behaviors and ultimately self-inflicted extinction are completely natural and inline with how systems regulate the flow of biodynamic energy.
Cool. Lantanas are my favorite flowers and the butterflies agree. Let it take over the world! I LOVE it. And it's super medicinal and great for your skin. For several years now mine's stayed in it's pot, just bought a second pot of it too. I love Lantana essential oil - just be sure to always dilute it.
Ok well I'm totally confused... I have one I am assuming is native growing in my yard. It's yellow and pink beautiful and I hear keeps mosquitoes away... I also bought one That is a deep yellow and turns to red.... I have it in a pot because I'm not quite sure where I want it yet.... So are either of these invasive I don't know...🤷♀️ they don't seem to spread where I can see...
Lantana is terribly invasive in Malaysia. But amazingly, it seems a few species of native butterflies are using it as a host plant. Of course, native hosts are preferable, but at least nature is fighting back in a small way
I think the lantana is not nearly as big a problem as your state's snake population. Here in Texas, and I was born and raised and still here 76 years later, there always has been Lantana along the railroad right of ways but the railroad sprays there property every year to kill all vegetation, I have never seen it in our pastures' or near timber because it need a lot of sun. None of out livestock or deer will touch the stuff.
I’m in southern Nevada. I’m planning to take out all my lantanas. I love butterflies but they make a big mess and my dog wants to mess with them. Do you have any suggestions for dog safe colorful desert plants?
You should do a video on Mexican petunia - horribly invasive and yet they are still able to sell it. My neighbors planted on what they deemed the edge of the preserve although it is really in the preserve and it has just taken over and is growing into my side. I warned my mom and sister not to plant in SC and they didn’t listen to me and it has taken over their gardens/yards.
Ah yes the Mexican petunia.... so pretty... and so annoyingly invasive. That is frustrating and disappointing about your neighbor. I have some Mexican petunia in my yard (previous owners and I added to it early on before I understood what it was). But I agree, Hilary, it is on my list of invasives to cover in a video.
I love Lantana. How about if we remove the berries? Would that make it ok? I grow it up north and because it's an annual up here, we rarely get berries. I'm so looking forward to growing it when I move to Florida this fall. As I watched the end of your video, I see you have native varieties. I'll have to go with those. Thanks for the amazing & informative videos.
I know! Invasive isn't regulated in Florida. Some states and countries do have regulations/codes/laws that prevent the sale. That's why it is important to support FNPS and other organizations because they will do things to lobby for laws to help better support our wildlife 😄
@@WildFloridian Aren't some invasives regulated? Like air potato and other really bad ones I've heard you aren't allowed to sell. Maybe it's only the Category 1 invasives...? I don't see the point in going to the trouble of categorizing a plant as an invasive but not doing anything to prevent people buying it and planting it in their yards. It's crazy to me!
I just purchased one Home depot in a pot. I have repotted it with fresh soil already.I will be keeping it out on my front porch. It just had the name Lantana on the lable with the basic care tag,but no other name. I had one 3 yrs. ago and it just died out right before fall. I had no idea this was a demon in disguise.... and it's such a pretty plant. Thanks a mil.for this very important notice. Never again!!!!!
The short answer is - it is a sterile Lantana. Here is a video where I go in more depth on Sterile Lantana. Hope it helps!😄видео.html
@@WildFloridian thank you. I actually watched the video last night right after I had sent you the message. I'm happy to know that it is sterile. I love your videos! 👏
Just got one today from them too. Came home and came to RUclips for care information and this is what I get. I will go back there and speak to the right person about this plant so they can stop selling it to the uninformed .thanks for your comment. I keep mine in a pot.
Lantana varieties include those which are NOT invasive. It is sold in stores in Florida, Arizona and California. I bought a native Lantana at a natural plant sale -- like a lot of "wild" varieties it is delicate to get started. It died. My dogs like the smell but don't eat it at all.
Hi I just brought a potted Lantana. May I ask how does Lantana releases allelopathic chemicals? Is it be air or through soils? I am worried that my other potted plants nearby the Lantana experience poor roots growth and germinating in the long run. Thanks!
I just bought 3 plants 😥 , but the information tag says they are sterile versions and don’t grow more then 12 inches . And they are annuals in uk climate.
Oh... if you are in the UK many issues won't be an issue. Check out this video on sterile lantana. Hope that helps! 😄видео.html
I bought the plant for its mosquito repelling property but learning of its many other negative effects particularly the one that secretes a chemical to inhibit root elongation of other surrounding plants, I wasted no time to return it to the nursery even with the refund forfeited.
Omg! I bought one of the lantana camera for 2.00 at Lowe’s it turned out to me three plants in one pot. It’s super pretty and healthy. I put them in a pot and they are doing great lol... this morning I came out to water and found a berry so I searched and found this video... can I just prune off the berries and spent flower heads or do I just need to throw it out? It has super pretty flowers that are a party mix of color, yellow, pink, orange.. so sad 😞
Now that I look at it again it has berries all over it. I don’t think once all THREE of these plants get large that I will be able to keep up with the berries...
Loving your channel as I am a new butterfly gardener here in Miami. I bought some lantana from a nursery but it’s very woody now. Your stems look so green. Is this normal or is it a sign it’s an invasive lantana? I watched your video and I still don’t think I know what I have. I also got some from Home Depot (purple and white) those are in pots and likely invasive. But the ones from the nursery are in the ground. Those are the woody ones that I’m asking about. Help!!!
Howdy Janicke! So happy you are enjoying my videos 😊 My bet... based on going to Home Depot regularly that you are correct on the purple and white lantana... most like Lantana montevidensis (trailing Lantana). The woody one may be button sage if it has white flowers. Even Lanatana depressa gets some woody growth as it get older. Check out my video on how to identify nataive vs. invasive. I walk through and show the differences. I'm really excited that you are growing (or at least trying 😉) to grow some natives! 😄
Oh nooo, I just bought a lantana camera yesterday, but will return it asap. Thanks for the info. I live in Miami, but can’t find the native lantana. Maybe it shouldn’t be sold in big box stores in Florida.
Maybe I should be alarmed here in coastal UK, well Lantana won't survive here many people would say.. .. oh yes it does, as either a deciduous shrub, or a dieback perennial, but they also self seed here as I've found out in my allotment, and they are capable, I guess, of colonizing large areas, and surviving in the ways I mentioned above. In my local area, no one seems to realise that Lantana will survive in this coastal area so there is no hunger to grow it.. so we are safe, for now. Fortunately were a long way from widespread colonization (it's not currently happening), in UK so I'll continue to enjoy them as herbaceous perennials, or deciduous plants. But I can see the problem for warm, frost free areas around the world. Ps.. I know this might sound silly because it's difficult to control those plants already escaped into the wild, but isn't it possible to just dead head the flowers when they are fading to prevent further spread of plants into the wild, from gardens?
One of the worst plants ever introduced to Australia my property is 55 acres and 90% is been destroyed by this plant in the 18 months I’ve been here I have managed to clear 5 acres so a long way to go
i just identified this plant here, in western Thailand... and my god... i honestly don’t think you can stop this problem though: Certain people like pretty things. Those people will have the desire to reproduce pretty things. Whether it’s gucci bags or flowers, it deosn’t really matter. Here in Thailand, plants that look like some Bhuddist symbol are grown for the market, mostly because they look pretty (subjective), Certainly the masses won’t think about anything further than that. :(
Dang it! Can u buy the invasive one in florida home depo? Dang it! I have one BUSH sized one and one I assume trailing... didnt know that they were different lol so one is HUGE and the other is just taking its time
Yes, you can buy invasive plants at Home Depot and Lowe's. But sometimes they are sterile. Check out this video to know if you have the sterile type.видео.html
omg i just bought them 2 months ago (it died after a few weeks tho only some leaves are still alive) and i didn't know they were this dangerous !! thank god i don't have any pet but still it's toxic so why is it even allowed to sell ???
Most states don't regulate the sell of invasive plants, so it is fair game to sell invasive plants. Some places are selling the sterile varieties, so that is a plus. On the toxicity...a lot of plants in people's yards are toxic. It is more of a question of whether pets, kids, livestock, etc. will try to eat it. Again, it isn't usually regulated so most people don't know that lots of plants that they buy are toxic. Sorry (not sorry? 🤪) your plant died. I hope you find something that brings you a lot of joy to your garden 🌺😄🌸
No deaths from its toxic in humans and out of the children about 10 percent showed symptoms from what ive read. The most toxic part is the fruits not ripe yet so use the leaves for medicinal uses and ripe fruit is ok to eat so if its blue or black good to go green is a no no. I'm just curious if its smokeable like the rest of sages or salvia but that's scary since its toxic id stay away from smoking it. Correct me if wrong
I think by "Sterile", they mean "doesn't produce fruit"? EDIT : from Laidback gardener: "New sterile varieties to look for include ‘Gold Mound’, Hot Blooded™, ‘New Gold’, ‘Alba’, the Patriot™ Series, the Sunburst™ Series, and the Bloomify™ Series"
If we had a responsible government, the importation and sale of nonnative plants and seeds would be banned. We’re senselessly wiping out whole species of native plants because of the pests brought into the country on plants. Anyone who doubts this ought to read Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy (he’d be a great guest for one of these videos).
Love Doug Tallamy! I've been catching interviews on various channels. I love that he is putting research behind the impact of plant choices. I always love how numbers take opinions out of the equation and focus us on the facts. This will help us all make better choices for our wildlife.
Sure make more laws and a billion dollar special panel to study the issue first. Then in the end there will be no effect upon the issue. Another "they oughtta" Biden voter expecting a giant central government to babysit everything.
Might be your soil/land/environment causes lantana to be poisonous, here in Pakistan, people eats it's berries and claims a lot of health benefits of the plants. Even there are a lot of videos on RUclips on its health benefits. Like you I've also heard some people saying it's poisonous, now I've it in my garden and I'm confused to keep it or get rid of it..!!
Yes! I've heard many people from the other side of the world say they eat the berries 😄 It seems it is when they are green is the problem. Once ripe, they may be ok. The leaves have been tested here and are considered toxic. When it comes to the research, most of it comes out of my home state of Florida... since the plant is an issue. I think more research needs to be done, because so many people have this plant all over the world and there is a lot of interest in it for the butterflies and the beauty. I think when it comes to keeping it... if it isn't considered invasive to where you are living and you don't have a native lantana population that it can damage, then it is a personal choice based on your animals and kids... my dogs leave plants alone, so I'm not worried about them eating a toxic plant. Even native plants can be toxic. I hope that helps.
welp, I'll leave it alone then. seems like I didn't pick it up as I really don't want anything that attracts birds and leaves berry stains. also I think this isn't that nice looking for all that issues? there's thousands of other options! so I'd like more about lavender and white flowers
LOL 😆 Yes! There are so many great choices! A fun lavender one that doesn't have berries that you may enjoy is Spiderwort or check out the endangered Beach Mistflower 😄 I got some at the native nursery... so pretty!
I have potted lantana cameras sitting on the garden for years already, but I'd never dare to touch it because they give the itchies on the skin. They are cute they're evil too :'(
LOL! If a turn a phrase is what throws you off the information... but if you want to find the information without all the "here's the thing" a quick google search will get you to the articles from the University of Florida, the think pieces by researchers, and the USDA invasive list. Best wishes.
I am having a philosophical problem with the definition of the words invasive and native. I feel that every species has been enabled to travel this planet earth. If a species can thrive in an environment, maybe that is the way life is meant to exist. My family moved to Florida for a better environment. Does that make me an invasive citizen. Science and academia seem to believe that humans on this planet have responsibility to control what is considered to be a nuisance by some people. Follow the money. I think coconuts and my ancestors were destined to cross the ocean because that was God’s plan. We know how massive change can result by introducing non native species to a particular environment. I guess that diversity is not necessarily a good thing.
I agree, somewhat. If there is an option to buy and use native plants why pick an invasive when there are so many other options! But you are right, you can get into a philosophical debate that we are invasive and cats are invasive etc. This channel is awesome because it shows lots of other options for your garden!
I agree with you Joe, it’s a philosophical debate in which I don’t think their is one perfect answer. If you are a believer like myself just try and use your best judgment based on being a good steward of God’s creation. Even in the church we have lots of disagreements on scripture, surely we are not all going to agree on other aspects in life.
The invasive plants didn’t move here on their own. They were brought here by misguided humans, so their presence is not “the way life is meant to exist.” In their native ecosystems, animals and bugs evolved to eat/control these invasive species, but our native bugs and animals didn’t evolve to be able to eat these invasives.
I think it is great that you share your feelings. I know many people struggle with the invasive definition. For me, I think about what are my goals with my garden. My goal is to help with conservation of the beautiful and diverse wildlife. Diversity is a good thing! And many invasive species don't allow for diversity and create monocultures. At the end of the day, we each make choices in our yards. For historical context, many invasive species made it here from choices people made to make Florida look like Polynesia, which is an amalgamation of what Americans saw during World War II in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. This brought the tiki aesthetic to Florida. We should be proud of where we are from and stop trying to make it look like somewhere else (that's my two cents 😄). Honestly this is good conversation and I know you are not alone in your feelings. Thank you for sharing! 😊
here in the Philippines we use lantana as tea, it has a ts of benefits too.. and cows, carabaos , goat does not die even though there is lantana in the field..
I'm so happy to hear that you aren't seeing the same issues! And making tea 🫖 😄
same in texas! i love the tea!
We use it in the Caribbean also
They can be controlled in a pot.hek they sell them
This is a shame. They are so pretty
The moment u watch this after u already bought one 💀🤣
Oh no! 🤦♀️ I just made another video on sterile lantana... hopefully that helps
Right! I just bought/planted one 3 days ago, I live in North Carolina…. Help Lord! 😂🙏🏼🙏🏼🌸
@@eboneezy Kill it. Do it right now.
@@eboneezy In NC it’s an annual.
No! I already know how bad these plants are, I’m just watching this just to justify my grudge for these in Florida!
Thank you for making this video. I work in conservation and i spen alot of time trying to remove this plant from our natural areas.
So,why does Walmart sell this Plant?
What is being done to take this off the retail market?
I used these flowers as a natural remedies for all pains, thanks for infos
I make tea from this, it definitely is not toxic
Okay I've heard lots of people say this. She doesn't give any proof that the leaves are toxic.
I stumbled upon a scientific article on the topic of toxicity:
Lantana camara is a shrub containing toxic triterpenes which cause hepatic degeneration in cattle, producing signs of photosensitization, jaundice, rumen stasis, and depression.
It's an antibacterial, good blood pressure, has a lot of uses & makes a great tea
lol in the caribbean we know this aint toxic, such a calming tea
Some of us have eaten Lantana Camara ffruits since we were in elementary schools to the present. .
Wow! I'm hearing this from many people. It sounds like the research hasn't caught up or... some might not have this Lantana... but either way, it definitely needs to get looked into more. There are so many edible plants that we have stopped eating. Thank you so much John for sharing your childhood experience! 😄
Yeah more research should be carried out on the plant.. By the way I've eaten its fruits even in the United States,. I've even made tea severally from its leaves for drinking. But I would not advice anybody to do the same.
Wow, just wow!
Why are they being sold at the garden stores? This was one of the plants I was going to buy
But didn’t yet because I was looking for a large pot! Not anymore! How do I find a list of plants
Not to have? Thanks for sharing.
I wish I would’ve known this before buying 50 of them (1 quart size)! My question is, why are the nurseries selling them if they have all these problems with the ecosystem. I bought them because of their color and because it had a big sign saying Deer Resistant 🤷🏻♀️
Seriously. I'm just sitting here pissed in my driveway staring at these plants. The man at the nursery told me they were native. 😡
Wow! I just bought two beautiful orange/pink/purple lantana 7:25 plants plus a flat of white ones. Why are they allowed to be sold?
I love your videos. Very informative and I like how you explained how invasive is bad for the economy and ecosystem
Thank you! 😊 I hope that helps people who are trying to help our tropical ecosystems understand the impact. Hope all is well in your garden!
You cannot overstate how bad this plant is. On the east coast of Australia it is absolutely decimating coastal forests. It is illegal to sell it here. If you drive north from Sydney, the motorway is lined with the stuff for 100's of kms. I have a 10 acre property and the rear 5 acres was impenetrable due to the overgrowth of this weed. 6 feet? I've pulled out indivdual plants with canes near 50 feet long, they grow up trees seeking light. I've just about cleared my place now, but there are a few rugged areas that are hard to reach, and I have to spray them. Oh - and they are resilient too. Round-Up alone won't do it, the stuff gets sick and comes back tougher than before. You need to add a secondary herbicide of a different group to kill it. If you mow it, then the cut canes sprout roots and grow more plants. They are basically the zombies of the plant world. Every time I get out amongst it and pull a few out, whilst it is very satifying, I have rash for several days. Oh and scratches... the stuff is spikey, covered in tiny sharp thorns that will scratch you to pieces, so when pulling it out you need head to toe covering. This plant is absolutely terrible. Do what the nice lady says - avoid this at all costs and buy something else.
Same in Qld, it is a horrible weed! I believe the government brought it in to feed as camel food 🙄 It has invaded just about everywhere.
I just bought two recently and planted them. I guess I will be digging them up and disposing of them lol.
Check out this before you dig them up. This is some more information on sterile lantana. Hope it helps.видео.html
Garden women are awesome!
And the humming birds love them too.i grow mine in a pot to control them. They dont do as well in the in mich and 30 degree weather almost killed it.sp I brought it in the house.problely better in a pot.same with chives, and some herbs put them on a pot!
Woah, I didn't realise other countries sell Lantana Camera at plant shops. In Australia, these are super invasive. They overgrow on the forest floors and prevent the Koalas from moving from tree to tree. :(
Yep... they are really common at the store here. Didn't know the impact to Koalas! Thank you for sharing 😄
Horribly invasive here in Texas, as well as many other states & countries! I found Lantana Camara in a garden store being sold as “Dallas Lantana”
Super tricksy with potential to be ecologically disastrous. Texas has a native Lantana species: Lantana urticoides or Texas Lantana. By labeling the common name as “Dallas Lantana” it tricks folks, ignorant to scientific names, into buying the invasive Lantana plant under the guise of a native plant.
Currently, I have yet to find a wild Lantana urticoides, non-hybridized, in 3 years.
They’ve got to go.
I just bought one in a florists here in the UK! 🤦🏻♀The flowers were so pretty.
Why do they prevent the Koala’s from moving, from touching the leaves?
Omg I just bought some of these…. Why sell them if they are that bad 😱.
Thank you for posting this.
You are welcome! I understand your frustration
It behaves well in the tropics - South Asia and South East at least. In fact it is also used medicinal and the berries are eaten. It is also a host plant for some endemic butterflies. I love its stinky gloriousness 😊
Futhermore, there is research into this plant's antitermitic effects as a natural pest control method.
In general I get Westerners' aversion to invasive species and the need to control biodiversity to maintain their current ecosystems and agricultural and livestock industries, but it's a bit ironic given the people espousing the dangers of invasive species are non-native themselves. Don't get me wrong native peoples in the tropics also have invasive species to deal with, but the research supporting the identification and negative impacts are almost always driven by the need to protect human industry. I think the problem comes down to dealing with new species in a system lacking biodiversity bound to rigid human-designed boundaries such that adaptation is retarded, and the general lack of understanding how our destructive behaviors and ultimately self-inflicted extinction are completely natural and inline with how systems regulate the flow of biodynamic energy.
Cool. Lantanas are my favorite flowers and the butterflies agree. Let it take over the world! I LOVE it. And it's super medicinal and great for your skin. For several years now mine's stayed in it's pot, just bought a second pot of it too. I love Lantana essential oil - just be sure to always dilute it.
omg you have me on a cliffhanger! Looking forward to the next video!!
Who knew gardening had so much suspense!?! 😂
Ok, one of these sprouted in my garden and I thought it was good looking. Now I'm going to chop it down to the roots. G g g goodbye!
I have one nice vine near my apartment in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The fruit smells a bit peppery with a dominant sweety fresh guava smell.
Ok well I'm totally confused... I have one I am assuming is native growing in my yard. It's yellow and pink beautiful and I hear keeps mosquitoes away... I also bought one That is a deep yellow and turns to red.... I have it in a pot because I'm not quite sure where I want it yet.... So are either of these invasive I don't know...🤷♀️ they don't seem to spread where I can see...
Crazy!. Darn Lantana it's beautiful and sucks you in at the nursery or big box stores. Good info look forward to seeing the difference.
Right?!? They are so pretty! Oh and next Sunday, look out for a members video on how to identify sterile Lantana 😉 It will be in a community post
Lantana is terribly invasive in Malaysia. But amazingly, it seems a few species of native butterflies are using it as a host plant. Of course, native hosts are preferable, but at least nature is fighting back in a small way
I think the lantana is not nearly as big a problem as your state's snake population. Here in Texas, and I was born and raised and still here 76 years later, there always has been Lantana along the railroad right of ways but the railroad sprays there property every year to kill all vegetation, I have never seen it in our pastures' or near timber because it need a lot of sun. None of out livestock or deer will touch the stuff.
I think she is exaggerating !
Yeah I have lantana in my yard and it's fine, attracts bees and butterflies and have never had a problem with it. It's a great plant.
It’s a beautiful flower I have it
I’m in southern Nevada. I’m planning to take out all my lantanas. I love butterflies but they make a big mess and my dog wants to mess with them.
Do you have any suggestions for dog safe colorful desert plants?
Hi Bragi! Sorry, I'm not familiar with plants that would do well in Nevada... desert is different from my pineland and swamps 😄
What a great video, how do you know the difference? LOL NVM ill watch next week LOL
My favorite is Dallas Red. I'm in 8a and 8 out of 10 plant always die off in winter. So here it is considered an Annual.
You should do a video on Mexican petunia - horribly invasive and yet they are still able to sell it. My neighbors planted on what they deemed the edge of the preserve although it is really in the preserve and it has just taken over and is growing into my side. I warned my mom and sister not to plant in SC and they didn’t listen to me and it has taken over their gardens/yards.
Ah yes the Mexican petunia.... so pretty... and so annoyingly invasive. That is frustrating and disappointing about your neighbor. I have some Mexican petunia in my yard (previous owners and I added to it early on before I understood what it was). But I agree, Hilary, it is on my list of invasives to cover in a video.
The Proven Winners Machu Morado is a sterile non invasive variety.
I love Lantana. How about if we remove the berries? Would that make it ok? I grow it up north and because it's an annual up here, we rarely get berries. I'm so looking forward to growing it when I move to Florida this fall. As I watched the end of your video, I see you have native varieties. I'll have to go with those. Thanks for the amazing & informative videos.
This is crazy!! Why are they even allowed to sell these if they cause so many problems??
I know! Invasive isn't regulated in Florida. Some states and countries do have regulations/codes/laws that prevent the sale. That's why it is important to support FNPS and other organizations because they will do things to lobby for laws to help better support our wildlife 😄
@@WildFloridian Aren't some invasives regulated? Like air potato and other really bad ones I've heard you aren't allowed to sell. Maybe it's only the Category 1 invasives...? I don't see the point in going to the trouble of categorizing a plant as an invasive but not doing anything to prevent people buying it and planting it in their yards. It's crazy to me!
I just purchased one Home depot in a pot. I have repotted it with fresh soil already.I will be keeping it out on my front porch. It just had the name Lantana on the lable with the basic care tag,but no other name. I had one 3 yrs. ago and it just died out right before fall. I had no idea this was a demon in disguise.... and it's such a pretty plant. Thanks a mil.for this very important notice. Never again!!!!!
oh but the truth is this plant has lots of amazing medicinal benefits
That’s good if it dies off tho.
are the flowers edible??! kind of ate a few, now I'm scared
I don't believe so.
Okay I bought one! Now what??? Do I throw it away or what?? 😭😭😭
I just bought a lantana from Home Depot. It's called Lantana New Gold. I am wondering if that one is invasive.
The short answer is - it is a sterile Lantana. Here is a video where I go in more depth on Sterile Lantana. Hope it helps!😄видео.html
@@WildFloridian thank you. I actually watched the video last night right after I had sent you the message. I'm happy to know that it is sterile. I love your videos! 👏
Just got one today from them too. Came home and came to RUclips for care information and this is what I get. I will go back there and speak to the right person about this plant so they can stop selling it to the uninformed .thanks for your comment. I keep mine in a pot.
Lantana varieties include those which are NOT invasive. It is sold in stores in Florida, Arizona and California. I bought a native Lantana at a natural plant sale -- like a lot of "wild" varieties it is delicate to get started. It died. My dogs like the smell but don't eat it at all.
Varieties like Dallas Red grows 6' tall and there are small reds that you can put as a front plant. Watch out for alarmists.
This same plant is used for medicinal purposes in the Philippines.
Very cool! What do they use it for?
Hi I just brought a potted Lantana. May I ask how does Lantana releases allelopathic chemicals? Is it be air or through soils? I am worried that my other potted plants nearby the Lantana experience poor roots growth and germinating in the long run. Thanks!
It is through the soil
@@WildFloridian Alright, I guess as long as they are separated, shouldn’t be an issues. Thanks for this informative video and advice!
I bought a Lantana Camera. The tag says it was grown in Miami FL. If FL classifies it as invasive, why do they grow it?
Thank you for the important information 💜
We have the same problem with a rambling rose that's invasive in Connecticut.
Hi there! I live in Mexico , just bought one, is it still dangerous for me in Mexico?
Lantana Camara is native to Mexico 😄 If you have pets, that might eat it, then I would pass; but if not, then enjoy one of your native plants 🌱
I just bought 3 plants 😥 , but the information tag says they are sterile versions and don’t grow more then 12 inches . And they are annuals in uk climate.
Oh... if you are in the UK many issues won't be an issue. Check out this video on sterile lantana. Hope that helps! 😄видео.html
I bought the plant for its mosquito repelling property but learning of its many other negative effects particularly the one that secretes a chemical to inhibit root elongation of other surrounding plants, I wasted no time to return it to the nursery even with the refund forfeited.
Are they a problem in zones 5 to 7??
Omg! I bought one of the lantana camera for 2.00 at Lowe’s it turned out to me three plants in one pot. It’s super pretty and healthy. I put them in a pot and they are doing great lol... this morning I came out to water and found a berry so I searched and found this video... can I just prune off the berries and spent flower heads or do I just need to throw it out? It has super pretty flowers that are a party mix of color, yellow, pink, orange.. so sad 😞
Now that I look at it again it has berries all over it. I don’t think once all THREE of these plants get large that I will be able to keep up with the berries...
Loving your channel as I am a new butterfly gardener here in Miami. I bought some lantana from a nursery but it’s very woody now. Your stems look so green. Is this normal or is it a sign it’s an invasive lantana? I watched your video and I still don’t think I know what I have. I also got some from Home Depot (purple and white) those are in pots and likely invasive. But the ones from the nursery are in the ground. Those are the woody ones that I’m asking about. Help!!!
Howdy Janicke! So happy you are enjoying my videos 😊 My bet... based on going to Home Depot regularly that you are correct on the purple and white lantana... most like Lantana montevidensis (trailing Lantana). The woody one may be button sage if it has white flowers. Even Lanatana depressa gets some woody growth as it get older. Check out my video on how to identify nataive vs. invasive. I walk through and show the differences.
I'm really excited that you are growing (or at least trying 😉) to grow some natives! 😄
Here is the link to the video:видео.html
Thank you 😊
You're welcome 😊
Oops just bought 4 of them but for containers on my balcony.... Oh these might be native ????
I’m getting rid.
OMG I just bought one from Home Depot right here in Fla. Why do they sell it??
Are the berries of lantana edible?? The black ones
Oh nooo, I just bought a lantana camera yesterday, but will return it asap. Thanks for the info. I live in Miami, but can’t find the native lantana. Maybe it shouldn’t be sold in big box stores in Florida.
Atta girl. I didn't see this before I commented on your other video about it being invasive. Thanks for being so thorough! Cheers, Howie.
You are so welcome! Cheers!
Maybe I should be alarmed here in coastal UK, well Lantana won't survive here many people would say.. .. oh yes it does, as either a deciduous shrub, or a dieback perennial, but they also self seed here as I've found out in my allotment, and they are capable, I guess, of colonizing large areas, and surviving in the ways I mentioned above. In my local area, no one seems to realise that Lantana will survive in this coastal area so there is no hunger to grow it.. so we are safe, for now. Fortunately were a long way from widespread colonization (it's not currently happening), in UK so I'll continue to enjoy them as herbaceous perennials, or deciduous plants. But I can see the problem for warm, frost free areas around the world. Ps.. I know this might sound silly because it's difficult to control those plants already escaped into the wild, but isn't it possible to just dead head the flowers when they are fading to prevent further spread of plants into the wild, from gardens?
One of the worst plants ever introduced to Australia my property is 55 acres and 90% is been destroyed by this plant in the 18 months I’ve been here I have managed to clear 5 acres so a long way to go
We have it as an annual here in canada
What is the Native Lantana in Ghana and Gambia?
Lantana is not listed as native to ghana or gambia.
Informative video but if you grow it in a pot it doesn't harm your other pllants
That would be correct. Just check and make sure it is the sterile type to limit spread.
i just identified this plant here, in western Thailand... and my god... i honestly don’t think you can stop this problem though: Certain people like pretty things. Those people will have the desire to reproduce pretty things. Whether it’s gucci bags or flowers, it deosn’t really matter. Here in Thailand, plants that look like some Bhuddist symbol are grown for the market, mostly because they look pretty (subjective), Certainly the masses won’t think about anything further than that. :(
In western Thailand! I’m glad to have helped. People do like pretty and easy plants. So that is the challenge. Best wishes
Dang it! Can u buy the invasive one in florida home depo? Dang it! I have one BUSH sized one and one I assume trailing... didnt know that they were different lol so one is HUGE and the other is just taking its time
Yes, you can buy invasive plants at Home Depot and Lowe's. But sometimes they are sterile. Check out this video to know if you have the sterile type.видео.html
Lantanas are good in desert where is hard to grow. Flower
We used to eat this fruits since i was young and am now 50. So why am i healthy uup to now. And we never used to get sick .
people buy these? there are a gazillion near my house
Is lantana a Sage?! No wonder I love it!
It is in the verbena family. 😄
omg i just bought them 2 months ago (it died after a few weeks tho only some leaves are still alive) and i didn't know they were this dangerous !! thank god i don't have any pet but still it's toxic so why is it even allowed to sell ???
Most states don't regulate the sell of invasive plants, so it is fair game to sell invasive plants. Some places are selling the sterile varieties, so that is a plus. On the toxicity...a lot of plants in people's yards are toxic. It is more of a question of whether pets, kids, livestock, etc. will try to eat it. Again, it isn't usually regulated so most people don't know that lots of plants that they buy are toxic. Sorry (not sorry? 🤪) your plant died. I hope you find something that brings you a lot of joy to your garden 🌺😄🌸
@@WildFloridian oh thank you for answering and explaining more !! i really appreciate it
@@tytrackyoong try and buy plants and flowers more native to where you live, to grow.
This plant is not harmful at all at all. It has so many benefits...make research properly
Mabey the south should sell them to the north since they dont do as well. I love this plant,too bad its so invavive
LOL! If you live in the north enjoy growing it ☺️
Thanks for all the warnings but I'm in England and this won't survive our winters.
Thanks for checking out the video 😄 👍 And agree.
Why are they selling it at Lowes in Florida?
No deaths from its toxic in humans and out of the children about 10 percent showed symptoms from what ive read. The most toxic part is the fruits not ripe yet so use the leaves for medicinal uses and ripe fruit is ok to eat so if its blue or black good to go green is a no no. I'm just curious if its smokeable like the rest of sages or salvia but that's scary since its toxic id stay away from smoking it. Correct me if wrong
I'm not familiar with the ability to smoke. But thanks for sharing on the toxicity to humans 😄
Another good video! So informative, you are a natural. Defender of the natural flora and fauna.
Thank you so much! That is too sweet of you 😊
I plant in pots and I am still potting it...
Anyone else touch this plant? I was a the garden store and my lef brushed against it and it felt like a burning sting!
I think by "Sterile", they mean "doesn't produce fruit"?
EDIT : from Laidback gardener: "New sterile varieties to look for include ‘Gold Mound’, Hot Blooded™, ‘New Gold’, ‘Alba’, the Patriot™ Series, the Sunburst™ Series, and the Bloomify™ Series"
You are correct! Sterile doesn't produce fruit. And thank you for sharing the list of sterile plants 😄
If we had a responsible government, the importation and sale of nonnative plants and seeds would be banned. We’re senselessly wiping out whole species of native plants because of the pests brought into the country on plants. Anyone who doubts this ought to read Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy (he’d be a great guest for one of these videos).
Love Doug Tallamy! I've been catching interviews on various channels. I love that he is putting research behind the impact of plant choices. I always love how numbers take opinions out of the equation and focus us on the facts. This will help us all make better choices for our wildlife.
Sure make more laws and a billion dollar special panel to study the issue first. Then in the end there will be no effect upon the issue. Another "they oughtta" Biden voter expecting a giant central government to babysit everything.
@@nyplantings2420 another stupid comment!
Fantastic video very informative,thanks so much I won’t buy lantana
Glad it was helpful!
lantana isnt the caribbean people boil the leaves and even eat the fruit..
Might be your soil/land/environment causes lantana to be poisonous, here in Pakistan, people eats it's berries and claims a lot of health benefits of the plants. Even there are a lot of videos on RUclips on its health benefits.
Like you I've also heard some people saying it's poisonous, now I've it in my garden and I'm confused to keep it or get rid of it..!!
Yes! I've heard many people from the other side of the world say they eat the berries 😄 It seems it is when they are green is the problem. Once ripe, they may be ok. The leaves have been tested here and are considered toxic. When it comes to the research, most of it comes out of my home state of Florida... since the plant is an issue. I think more research needs to be done, because so many people have this plant all over the world and there is a lot of interest in it for the butterflies and the beauty.
I think when it comes to keeping it... if it isn't considered invasive to where you are living and you don't have a native lantana population that it can damage, then it is a personal choice based on your animals and kids... my dogs leave plants alone, so I'm not worried about them eating a toxic plant. Even native plants can be toxic. I hope that helps.
路边很多 我很喜欢玩
That is so cool Landy! I love hearing how on the other side of the world we are with the same plant 🌱
welp, I'll leave it alone then. seems like I didn't pick it up as I really don't want anything that attracts birds and leaves berry stains. also I think this isn't that nice looking for all that issues? there's thousands of other options! so I'd like more about lavender and white flowers
LOL 😆 Yes! There are so many great choices! A fun lavender one that doesn't have berries that you may enjoy is Spiderwort or check out the endangered Beach Mistflower 😄 I got some at the native nursery... so pretty!
I have potted lantana cameras sitting on the garden for years already, but I'd never dare to touch it because they give the itchies on the skin. They are cute they're evil too :'(
The fruits are edible, nothing wrong with the Lantanas
This content is crazy.
Hopefully crazy good Natalia 😳
What’s your source for your claim that Lantana killed 1.5million animals?
No pictures just statements about how it’s decimating forests. All the pictures in your video is small lantanas
Lantana doesn't kill animals in Kenya 😋😋
That's great to hear! 😄
How many “here’s the thing” did she say? When you say that I’m
Sorry .....but not too believable what you say
LOL! If a turn a phrase is what throws you off the information... but if you want to find the information without all the "here's the thing" a quick google search will get you to the articles from the University of Florida, the think pieces by researchers, and the USDA invasive list. Best wishes.
I don't think you know it's also medicinal.
Daffodils are poisonous 2, there is always something
I can't stand the smell, my dog loved it and grazed it to death. Go figure
Oh no! Yes, they definitely can stink.
Are you serious I just bought alot of them today because it's has beautiful 😳
Totally understand 😅 That’s how they got me too
I am having a philosophical problem with the definition of the words invasive and native. I feel that every species has been enabled to travel this planet earth. If a species can thrive in an environment, maybe that is the way life is meant to exist. My family moved to Florida for a better environment. Does that make me an invasive citizen. Science and academia seem to believe that humans on this planet have responsibility to control what is considered to be a nuisance by some people. Follow the money.
I think coconuts and my ancestors were destined to cross the ocean because that was God’s plan.
We know how massive change can result by introducing non native species to a particular environment. I guess that diversity is not necessarily a good thing.
I agree, somewhat. If there is an option to buy and use native plants why pick an invasive when there are so many other options! But you are right, you can get into a philosophical debate that we are invasive and cats are invasive etc. This channel is awesome because it shows lots of other options for your garden!
I agree with you Joe, it’s a philosophical debate in which I don’t think their is one perfect answer. If you are a believer like myself just try and use your best judgment based on being a good steward of God’s creation. Even in the church we have lots of disagreements on scripture, surely we are not all going to agree on other aspects in life.
The invasive plants didn’t move here on their own. They were brought here by misguided humans, so their presence is not “the way life is meant to exist.” In their native ecosystems, animals and bugs evolved to eat/control these invasive species, but our native bugs and animals didn’t evolve to be able to eat these invasives.
As far as I can tell all is fair in love, war and nature. I'm not at ease with the philosophy either.
I think it is great that you share your feelings. I know many people struggle with the invasive definition. For me, I think about what are my goals with my garden. My goal is to help with conservation of the beautiful and diverse wildlife. Diversity is a good thing! And many invasive species don't allow for diversity and create monocultures. At the end of the day, we each make choices in our yards.
For historical context, many invasive species made it here from choices people made to make Florida look like Polynesia, which is an amalgamation of what Americans saw during World War II in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. This brought the tiki aesthetic to Florida. We should be proud of where we are from and stop trying to make it look like somewhere else (that's my two cents 😄).
Honestly this is good conversation and I know you are not alone in your feelings. Thank you for sharing! 😊
This plant is invading INDIA big time.! Forest's and tiger reserves are being taken over by lantana at a record rate.!:(
That is terrible. I hope they can get it under control.
It cures cancer. That’s why it’s a “PROMBLEM”
Whoa?! Can you link your source?