BMW 3 E46 ZKW | Bi-Xenon HID Projector headlight repair kit installation (old version)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 77

  • @Utubeash7
    @Utubeash7 11 лет назад +1

    Those mounting stickers idea is very nice, I loved it. Nothing is easier than having both cut off lines perfectly aligned without the hassle of physically doing it on the car.
    Q5-R, my next buy for sure besides the FX-R 3.0
    Nice video though.

  • @danimal61
    @danimal61 10 лет назад +2

    Hi there. What bulbs you were using in this video? Thanks.

  • @TheBtblanks
    @TheBtblanks 2 года назад +1

    Does the kit include right and left assy?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  2 года назад

      Yes, kit is for two headlights / left and right

  • @christianmorraz9611
    @christianmorraz9611 10 лет назад

    Yes, if you can make a video of the xenon high beam engagement and of its light output on a wall and if possible on the street at night i would greatly appreciate it. This is the only issue holding me back from purchasing this retrofit kit. Thanks in advance!

  • @eborgelin1
    @eborgelin1 9 лет назад +9

    I've just completed my first installation (one headlight) and it is not really as easy as in this snappy video..
    The shrouds does not fit! They really don't and snapping off the holders make it way worse. Can't be glued on as there is no proximity of anything to be glued (I tried using super glue, not helpful).. I reverted back to using the originals as they fit better. Please ship with shrouds that fit these specific projectors!
    The movie has edited out when retracting back the inner assembly with the screwdriver (I assume?) on the adjustment nob upon headlight assembly. Would also be interesting to know how to adjust these back to optimal position..?
    The Xenon electric connector does not fit over the screw assembly on the Q5-R projector and xenon bulbs back-end. The assembly shipped does not look similar to the video (different spring) and the wings are too tight so the electric socket can't fit in well. I managed to get in in place using enough brute force to deform the connector slightly, with a very worrying crack as a result..
    The splitter cable supplied does not have heat protection as in this movie sequence - How do you assure that these cables does not come too close to the xenon build or reflector and get burned and potentially causes a short circuit? The originals are carefully mounted in the lower back end with heat protection - how long will this assembly last without it and cables just tucked in behind the projector? Supposedly it becomes warm enough to melt plastic inside..?
    The package comes with no instructions what so ever, could be useful with something - at least linkage to a web page with the relevant instructions..? The video is not that informative and has no spoken instructions..
    Tomorrow I will put the headlight back in the vehicle, let's hope this becomes struggle free....

    • @Nippelpanzer
      @Nippelpanzer 9 лет назад +2

      +Emil Borgelin Hey, nice to hear I haven' been the only one with that problems... I put them in a half a year ago and had very similar problems to your.
      1. Fixing the shrouds isn't that easy. I needed to file a little bit off the black housing that comes in just befor you put in the glasses at the and so the shroud stayes on the projector lens... now it fits good, not a problem anymore.
      2 Adjusting the new projector, my biggest problem: it is really hard to get the new projectors on a really exactly horizontal level. My line between Bright and dark at the end of the light cone isnt a horizontal line, it goes like a bow now because of the different position of both projectors in their housing that doesnt fit together that good.. ah its hard to discribe, i dont know maybe a fault at installation of me but i have to say this isnt that easy and i fear my car wont make the Vehicle inspection a car needs to do every 2 years here in germany with that kind of "failure''. I will need to fix that before the inspection...
      3. The wingnut that fixes the xenon burner is a wonderful way to fix those inside the projector, for real.. you really just have to cut of the wings before you force this on. The worrying click you heared were the fingers of the xenon burner that broke.. if you cut the wings you can still screw them on but the cable can be connected without a 'click' ;-)
      yes I had some problems with that Kit but actually it saved my ass. You cannot buy the projector as a single part, you need to buy a completely new Bi-Xenon headlight... The BMW workshop around the corner made me an offer: new headlights including installation only... ONLY!! 1500€... that money for shit that breaks after 10 years of using? not my favourite kind of throwing money out of the window.
      Of course this solution isnt the cleanest and easiest and you need to invest some time but at the end of your work you will be able to see the streets again ;)

    • @f10530d
      @f10530d 3 года назад

      @@Nippelpanzer hey 😊 bist du noch aktiv? Wie ist dein Fazit nach 5 Jahren? Habe das kit nun vor mir liegen. Sieht so aus als hätten sie es etwas weiterentwickelt.. kein Aufkleber mehr sondern eine metallschablone zb

    • @Nippelpanzer
      @Nippelpanzer 3 года назад

      @@f10530d Hi, ja bin noch hier. Leider hat es vor nem Jahr bei nem Wildunfall den einen Projektor komplett aus dem Gehäuse gerissen, bis dahin hat aber alles gut gehalten.
      Würde allerdings ehrlich gesagt aus heutiger Sicht nicht mehr zum Kit greifen, wenn ich gute und günstige AL Scheinwerfer finden kann (Damals war das Angebot extrem mager, gab es nur neu).
      Zur Zeit scheint das Angebot wieder etwas besser zu sein.

  • @o0MeinKanalxD0o
    @o0MeinKanalxD0o 7 лет назад +1

    If my light are off and i flash the high beam, does only the h7 go on or will the xenon work as well?

  • @pedroabreu3612
    @pedroabreu3612 2 года назад

    Boa noite o senhor faz em e46 coupe fase 2 ?

  • @isrealperez9069
    @isrealperez9069 Год назад

    If you still have your e46 was equipped with 35 w change them to 55 w you will get a better brightness

    • @King_DTA
      @King_DTA 2 месяца назад +1

      With the stock ballast ?

  • @LuXoR1590
    @LuXoR1590 7 лет назад +1

    Why is white circle inside headlight 0:00 , i have that to, what is that?

    • @LuXoR1590
      @LuXoR1590 7 лет назад

      How to fix that

    • @LuXoR1590
      @LuXoR1590 7 лет назад +1

      But its is inside headlight , after polish it will be the same problem

  • @oidahawi6213
    @oidahawi6213 9 лет назад

    Hi.... your reflectors seems to be smaller than the original one. Are there any negative effect on luminosity compared with not burnt original reflectors?

  • @norbiiiy5510
    @norbiiiy5510 9 лет назад

    hmm one question please, i have installed angel eyes on mine and these seems a little bit bigger will the angel eyes fit there well if i glue them or the difference is to big pls be honest

  • @livefastdieyoung7915
    @livefastdieyoung7915 Год назад

    Is this similar to facelift ?

  • @haroldochagas5749
    @haroldochagas5749 7 лет назад

    in your opinion , what is the best headlight brand ? quality and efficience ?

  • @JoseTr714
    @JoseTr714 10 лет назад

    You need to flash your LCM to accept xenon headlights. I did it with Bmw progman ..

  • @SeanScarbrough
    @SeanScarbrough 3 года назад

    Do they just break the tabs of the shrouds?? How do they stay on??

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад

      Yes you have to break the tabs of. We use JB welt to glue to the shroud onto the projector.

    • @SeanScarbrough
      @SeanScarbrough 3 года назад

      @@Retrofitlab After breaking off the tabs I found the shroud to be lose fitting on the projector. And in Las Vegas heat i've had the strongest epoxy melt. Too sloppy IMHO. Got another set of shrouds and I decided to use a dermel to cut out my own holes for a proper fitment. With marking, tape off, and cleaning, took maybe an hour. Maybe not a task for the average person, but not that hard ether.

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад

      @@SeanScarbrough Thanks for sharing your feedback! We will keep working on a better solution.

  • @JosipM333
    @JosipM333 Год назад +1

    👏👏👏👍👍👍💪💪💪 Bravo and THANKS.

  • @ChiLLaTzE35
    @ChiLLaTzE35 10 лет назад

    which size did you use for the driller to drill? And can the plastik break while drilling the plastic?
    sry 4 ma bad english

  • @lmmm12
    @lmmm12 10 лет назад

    Can you still tilt headlights? I don't want to blind other drivers

  • @nicolaejugarean4552
    @nicolaejugarean4552 Год назад

    Does this kit still keep the oem self leveling sistem?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  Год назад

      Hi There,the original leveling system keeps working because only the projector is replace.

  • @evannusbaum6619
    @evannusbaum6619 3 года назад

    Is it possible to purchase just the outer chrome piece that burns?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад

      Sorry, we only have the kit to replace the complete projector (which is also better than a new ZKW one :-)).

  • @vior3l508
    @vior3l508 3 года назад

    Hi, after I broke the clips from the ornaments, I simply fall off the magnifying glass, what can I do?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад

      Sorry, don't know exactly what clips you mean, but when you are referring to the ones that hold the front, you will probably have to buy a new headlight...

    • @vior3l508
      @vior3l508 3 года назад

      I mean the two clips you break in the video with the patent, the magnifying glass ornament.

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад +1

      @@vior3l508 Thanks, yes (unfortunately) the shroud needs to be fixed to the projector with glue or epoxy. It does not click directly to the projector.

  • @MEmam-mg3cn
    @MEmam-mg3cn 8 лет назад

    Did you do any same project to Mercedes w123 ( headlight or taillight )

  • @johnvigil1741
    @johnvigil1741 7 лет назад

    need clarification on wiring this into a US model e46. It states "The H7 splitter takes 12V directly from the high beam or European vehicles. For US/Canadian vehicles, the original solenoid wiring has to be connected." but from looking at the video I don't think it explains that type of installation. Any feedback on how to wire this to US model e46 would be greatly appreciated

    • @johnvigil1741
      @johnvigil1741 7 лет назад

      Yes and thank you. Can't wait to get my order!!!!

  • @walterc2466
    @walterc2466 8 лет назад

    Hi! I need your support please. I have a similar issue on my car and I have a question regarding replacement of this projector ZKV. Can i just replace it with Bosch model? Or its not compatible? Or will require some changes. Please advise. Thanks!

    • @walterc2466
      @walterc2466 8 лет назад

      Hi, Thank you very much for your reply. I just sent out the email with the pictures.

  • @ottoaryanto7912
    @ottoaryanto7912 Год назад

    Upgrade from 2.5 inch to 3 inch?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  Год назад +1

      The ZKW is already 3". And some 2,5" projectors are better than 3", especially in comparison with the ZKW projectors with holes burned into them :-).

  • @dasnegas
    @dasnegas 8 лет назад

    o que causa esse desgaste no projetor original?

  • @antoniodrift3145
    @antoniodrift3145 Год назад

    No entiendo como se instala el cableado??

  • @Jonez901
    @Jonez901 10 лет назад

    I think I'm going to buy this kit :) But does the halogen high beam still going to work or do u get the high beam on the xenon as well? Or does this kit only fixing the xenon low beam problem? And these reflectors, are they in the same plastic material as the ZKW reflectors?

  • @kusaltirimanne8208
    @kusaltirimanne8208 11 лет назад

    I replace/up grade my e46 Headlights to Bi-xenon, there is a error light appear on the dash. please help me to correct that.

    • @kusaltirimanne8208
      @kusaltirimanne8208 11 лет назад

      ***** Thanks,This is a BMW e46 320d, MFY:2000. I had BOSCH normal headlights. I removed those and Install BOSCH original Bi-xenon Headlights. those has same connection brackets (Headlight: 55w , Driving Light: Xenon, Parking light & Motor controller).
      right now I removed the 32 fuse in the fuse box. then that warning light is gone. But I want to correct this in right way.

    • @Zapiski_Lubitelya
      @Zapiski_Lubitelya 10 лет назад

      Kusal Tirimanne hi. what news? could you remove this error?

  • @bogdanm.482
    @bogdanm.482 7 лет назад

    +Retrofitlab ENGLEZĂ
    At passat b5.5 you have modified the magnifying glass? i need help

    • @bogdanm.482
      @bogdanm.482 7 лет назад

      You have made changes to a passate lighthouse, changing the magnifying glass?

  • @ismailniro
    @ismailniro 5 лет назад +1

    You should of installed another projector in the higher beam also it would of been awesome

  • @jlnortega9
    @jlnortega9 7 лет назад

    donde y en cuanto me pued3n poner proyectores a faros de un bora 2007

  • @nick-design
    @nick-design 6 лет назад

    Can this be fitted into OEM bosch xenon headlight 2004?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  6 лет назад

      Not this specific kit, but we do have replacement options for the Bosch halogen, single and bi-xenon headlights :-). More info here;

    • @nikolaperkovic7053
      @nikolaperkovic7053 6 лет назад

      @@Retrofitlab Actually I have ZKW headlight. I did check it through your guide. Thanks a lot!
      I have silver sticker at the top, everything's matches your description. What should I get now?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  6 лет назад

      Nice! Then you can order the kit here:

  • @nicoaguirre1767
    @nicoaguirre1767 7 лет назад

    Donde se puede comprar esos proyectores

  • @Ghost.uppercut
    @Ghost.uppercut 9 лет назад

    you guys should explain things and use an audio. It can be done and still be fast if the guy is a quick talker.

  • @roc676
    @roc676 3 года назад

    What year is this e46

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  3 года назад +1

      This kit will work with xenon ZKW headlights of the BMW E46 build from 1998 to 2005. Here you can find the kit:

  • @corsaircorsa7481
    @corsaircorsa7481 Год назад

    Is this kit still available?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  Год назад

      Hi , Yes please click this link to see the kit

    • @corsaircorsa7481
      @corsaircorsa7481 Год назад

      @@Retrofitlab The product can be sent to Spain ?

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  Год назад

      @@corsaircorsa7481 Yes, we ship to Spain.

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  Год назад

      @@corsaircorsa7481 Yes, no problem 🙂

  • @christianmorraz9611
    @christianmorraz9611 10 лет назад

    Can you guys post a video of these lights in action, on a street at night. Also a video of the xenon high beam activating and of its light output. I need to see it before I purchase this kit. Thank you.

  • @miguelcordovam
    @miguelcordovam 2 года назад


  • @BlessedMD123
    @BlessedMD123 10 лет назад

    God Bless🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @flippy9133
    @flippy9133 4 года назад +2

    weird my headlights are completely different

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  4 года назад +1

      The E46 headlights are also made by AL instead of ZKW, which look the same on the outside but are completely different on the inside.
      Also there are single xenon versions made by AL. More info here;

  • @olegsilaev133
    @olegsilaev133 4 месяца назад +1

    Zkw schaisse

    • @Retrofitlab
      @Retrofitlab  4 месяца назад

      Correct, luckily there are repair options that are way better than the original ZKW projectors...

  • @nikolaynikos
    @nikolaynikos 11 лет назад


  • @nikolaynikos
    @nikolaynikos 11 лет назад
