Avolites Midi Triggers - Midi Mapping

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 70

  • @sekaraudiojolarpet7232
    @sekaraudiojolarpet7232 2 месяца назад

    Midi controler concting video bro

  • @nico97412
    @nico97412 Год назад

    Hi guy, firstly I would thank you for your videos.
    I would like to know if it is possible to patch buttons like palette or playback with osimidi please?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Hi, thank you for the appreciation.
      Yes you can use osimidi

  • @virgile77860
    @virgile77860 10 месяцев назад

    Hello, Thank you for yours videos!
    Can i use the trigger for "record"button, "1" button "thro" button "wheel" or any button controler of Titan? like with osimidi?
    thank u!

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  10 месяцев назад

      No, You can't use triggers for Record button. But through osimidi you can trigger Record Button too.

  • @lightsprogramming399
    @lightsprogramming399 16 дней назад

    My midi is not working

  • @SimoneGabrieli-b5e
    @SimoneGabrieli-b5e Год назад

    hello, how do I set the LEDs in the midi controller?if I press a physical button of the APC 40 I would like the LED to flash if in use

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Currently there is no option to send midi data from Avolites console to midi.
      There is a way but that will be a long process.

  • @ApexScorpio
    @ApexScorpio Год назад

    could you do a video about the DMX type trigger? How does it work? Could i connect a generic DMX controller to titan moble and use it as a wing?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Yes, I'll do a video.

    • @ApexScorpio
      @ApexScorpio Год назад

      @@shashionlights i already saw a few videos but there isnt many stuff about that, it would be awsome to have a video showing how to properly config it

  • @GR4H4M.mp3
    @GR4H4M.mp3 Год назад

    Been trying to use a Launchpad MK3 Pro on an Avolites Tiger Touch 2 V11.1 through a MIDI connection without any success. I can't find anyone who has gotten it to work but it seems like it should be possible. Any advice?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      As my knowledge USB midi doesn’t support before Titan 12 Version

    • @GR4H4M.mp3
      @GR4H4M.mp3 Год назад

      @@shashionlights True but it has both usb midi and 1/8th inch midi ins/outs. I see a spike in the trigger when I plug it in but then it doesn’t work.

  • @cuentista3808
    @cuentista3808 Год назад

    would you please do midi trigger for mini pearl 1024a kosmo? 🥺

  • @inhhanh9320
    @inhhanh9320 Год назад

    Hello. can this my easypad.12 connect to avotite. can you help me with the connection instructions

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      easy pad 12 is a midi controller right?
      you can use it as a midi controller for avolites. I'm Showing the exact steps to follow in this video. So you can try.

    • @inhhanh9320
      @inhhanh9320 Год назад

      @@shashionlights I followed you. and it still doesn't work

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Tell me how you connected? And how you added your triggers?

    • @inhhanh9320
      @inhhanh9320 Год назад

      thank you

    • @inhhanh9320
      @inhhanh9320 Год назад

      @@shashionlights Is there any way I can send you pictures or videos. I don't know how to describe it

  • @KoAkkarapat
    @KoAkkarapat Год назад

    Hi, If I buy "Editor AvoKey" to use with "Titan PC Suite (Titan Go)", can it use the USB-MIDI feature for doing Midi Triggers?
    I only want to use it on my home computer.
    thank you

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Hi, For Titan PC Suite, USB midi works on T2 and higher only.

    • @KoAkkarapat
      @KoAkkarapat Год назад

      @@shashionlights Thanks for the very helpful answer. I'm very new to Avolites.
      I would like to know if I plug the "Editor AvoKey" directly into my computer without plugging in a T1 or T2 will I be able to run Titan PC Suite (Titan Go)?
      If the program can be used How will the program know if we are using T1 or T2 or other?
      (At the time, I probably connected USB-MIDI through the USB port on my computer.) Because I wanted to use it for educational purposes. not actually used on stage
      I thank you
      Your useful information from FC

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      Yes you can use Titan PC suite with a editor key. And also you can output one universe through Artnet.
      Only if you connect a T2 the PC suite will unlock the options that can be used with T2. And if it is T1 it will unlock only accordingly.
      If you want to try USB midi then you have to buy a T2.

    • @KoAkkarapat
      @KoAkkarapat Год назад

      @@shashionlights thank you very much

  • @jonmanzo3396
    @jonmanzo3396 11 месяцев назад

    i can use in avo editor key this midi...thanks

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  11 месяцев назад

      No dear. Midi mapping will only work above T2

  • @pixelrender722
    @pixelrender722 Год назад

    Hey Man, will USB midi (akai MPK mini) work on titan simulator v11.4?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад +1

      USB midi works only after version 12 as to my knowledge.

    • @pixelrender722
      @pixelrender722 Год назад

      @@shashionlights yes, Nothing happens when using the sliders. I used 11.4 because its the only version that can run without avokey. Maybe I should invest in one and try it again. Thanks for the info.
      God bless you

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад +1

      Yes brother. If possible invest for a T2. That supports midi as well as if you need later timecode.

  • @VideoLoops-2023
    @VideoLoops-2023 Год назад

    hello! which type of titan can support midi directly?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      All other consoles and devices other than Titan one, T1.

    • @VideoLoops-2023
      @VideoLoops-2023 Год назад

      @@shashionlights thank you very much. i appreciate

    • @VideoLoops-2023
      @VideoLoops-2023 Год назад

      @@shashionlights one more thing please

    • @VideoLoops-2023
      @VideoLoops-2023 Год назад

      @@shashionlights is it the dongle i have to change to connect directly?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      What is the dongle that you have?

  • @hermansukarno
    @hermansukarno 2 года назад

    is there any other tool that must be installed between the Akai APC and the laptop?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  2 года назад

      That depends on the avolites device you are using.

  • @ZebraRecordsOfficial
    @ZebraRecordsOfficial 2 года назад

    Hello! If i use Titan One USB dongle, can I use a midi controller connected to the laptop? Thank you and congrats for your work and videos!

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  2 года назад +2

      Thank you for the compliment.
      No titan one doesn't support direct midi device. But there's a third part software caled osimidi. Youncan control titan through midi controller using that software. www.osimidi.com/t1

    • @ZebraRecordsOfficial
      @ZebraRecordsOfficial 2 года назад

      @@shashionlights thank you so much for your answer! I am new to Avolites. I managed to patch the fixtures etc, do you have any tutorial or know any, for doing foreward settings in creating shows, adding preset movements for moving fixtures etc? Thank you! ❤️

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  2 года назад +1

      It's My pleasure. Yes you can check my Avolites playlist. ruclips.net/p/PLY8456xAttIxDkpQWLVRKC7kY3G_XYfn8
      If you have any questions, contact me. wish you all the best.

  • @julianseva4572
    @julianseva4572 Год назад

    Hello!! One question... If I use a midi controller, can I use it as if it had more faders? (Simpler, If the console has 15 faders and the midi controller has 8 in total I can use 23 faders?)

    • @julianseva4572
      @julianseva4572 Год назад

      The same for pads (faders console + example, 12 pads)

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад +1

      Yes you can. There are different ways that you can use the midi faders. Map it to Hardware keys or map it to different cues, or map it to virtual faders.

  • @reneeshummi6694
    @reneeshummi6694 Год назад

    Can u show me how to connect midi to quartz light mixer

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад +1

      You want to use midi triggers?

    • @stijnkoornstra
      @stijnkoornstra 27 дней назад

      Me too! I’m trying to trigger a cue list “GO” fuction from Qlab. My Quartz doesn’t seem to register the incoming command. Neither the musical midi, nor the MSC type messages.

  • @mubarishoonigan5393
    @mubarishoonigan5393 2 года назад


  • @techbuddy5648
    @techbuddy5648 Год назад

    Hi have you try to control the parameter jog wheel thru midi controller?

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад

      you mean attribute wheels?

    • @djhardrnb
      @djhardrnb Год назад

      Hi Sashi, I have the same question as Tech Buddy, and yes I think what he meant was those 3 attribute wheels. Thanks in advance.

    • @shashionlights
      @shashionlights  Год назад +1

      No my friend. You can’t trigger the Attribute wheels through midi. These is a software called osimidi. Through that you can use a midi controller to map many options in avolites.

  • @ApexScorpio
    @ApexScorpio Год назад

    are you using T2?

  • @lightsprogramming399
    @lightsprogramming399 16 дней назад

    Can you assist me

  • @mihaipopovici8728
    @mihaipopovici8728 2 года назад

    Hi Shashi i m new in avolites and i can t patch fixtures in lines 3 and up.Can u help me?